Lead Characters

As all the lead character of Unexpected Love are introduced, I am giving out their picture reference. This is solely my imagination. You are free to take up your favorite images.

Richard Anderson.

He is drop dead handsome, athletic and a player. He loves sports, fancy cars and enjoys hanging out in clubs. He is young and ambitious. More of outgoing and friendlier than his big bro. He is 26 years old and is very close to his brother. He started working with Viktor after he completed his studies that is when he was 21

Jia Davis

She is a fun-loving, bubbly, easy going 23 years old girl. She loves to go on adventures with her friends. You cannot help, but love her. She considers her friends as family and Due to one past experience, Love is not something she is looking for, but it does come her way unexpectedly.

Viktor Anderson

Mr. silent is very serious and a man of few words. He likes to be with himself and loathes fake drama and over the top emotions. He is a no nonsense guy, who had an unpleasant past. He is 28 years old, and he started his company when he was 22 years of age after resigning from army. One failed mission and his life and face is ruined.

This is his face before accident. Imagine scars running on his right side of face.

Hope you like them
