
Jia Davis

"Anything for you"

Did he actually say that, OMG!

"Ya, anything to keep your job or else it will come upon me, as I selected you." He said getting serious.

Oh! Can a person die of guilt, I hope I do. Like right now.

"Sorry to let you down, Mr. Anderson." I said with my head held low.

"No, I didn't say that to make you feel guilty, but it's very difficult to impress bro. An essential thing, he has a breathing disorder and requires a pump to breathe if he gets overexcited, so please keep note of that. I hope I can trust you." He said with full concern. These brothers are tight.

He went to his desk and called someone.

"Sofia, can you please come in."?

Soon a girl in her early twenties came in. she was beautiful with her long blond straight hair and hazel eyes. She was wearing a knee-length figure hugging beige skirt with a brown shirt.

"Yes Richard" she said, giving him a smile. It was a friend smile, nothing sensual, but it still bothered me. Are these two close as they are on first name bases, are they dating or engaged?

"Sofia this is Ms Davis, bro's PA and Ms Davis this is my secretary, Sofia." Richie introduced us (yes, I will continue calling him Richie)

"Hi Sofia" I said, extending my hand.

"Hello Ms Davis" she took my hand giving a beautiful smile.

"Please call me Jia"

"Ok Jia."

"Sofia help her with Viktor's schedule and all the details please, you know how bro wants everything perfect" Richard told her

"Ok, come Jia, let's go to my desk." Sofia opened the cabin door for us to go out.

"Ok" I followed her and turned back after reaching the door, "thank you, Mr. Anderson." He nodded and started working.

Sofia took me to her desk, and we went through the schedule and my work. It was basically the same with what I did at my previous office. Preparing his perfect coffee and placing it on perfect place... Making presentations, proofreading of documents, coordinating with clients, arranging his meetings etc. etc. Just all that had to be done at perfect time and at perfect place as he had said.

Soon it was lunch break, and we went to the cafeteria. She led me to a table where 2 girls and a guy were already sitting, I knew of the girl with blob hair, she was the receptionist. Sofia introduced us, receptionist's name was Clara, other girl with wavy black hair was Ellen, she was in marketing department and guy who was quite handsome, was Lee, he was in finance department.

"So you are PA to Hitler!" Ellen asked.

Ya, Hitler suits him. I laughed at their chosen name.

"Yes" I said

"Ah! That's agonizing. All the best to you, may your soul rest in peace." Lee commented laughing.

"Don't you all scare her, and he is not that bad." Sofia reasoned.

"Well, I am already scared. I had my dose of yelling. I messed up with his coffee. I said.

"That was quick. And Sofi we know you will never find him bad." Clara said, hugging Sofia's shoulder. Which made Sofia blush.

OMG! This is something new here. Are they together? Can we swap our bosses?

"Shut up Clara, you know he is not interested, in fact, he is not interested in any girls. So, I have moved on." Sofia said in sad tone.

I am getting shocker on shocker, he is not interested in girls, does he swing the other way!!

"Oow! Is it?" I asked mischievously.

"Hey don't get your brains worked up, he is as straight as handsome he is, just due to some past incidents, he stays away from girls." Sofia clarified.

"Well I would like to differ, what about Bruce?" Lee said, raising his brows

"Who is Bruce?" I asked, curiosity talking over me.

"You have not met Bruce yet? He is Mr. Anderson's Driver, friend, bodyguard etc. Etc. Basically, they are always together" Clara explained.

"Shut up, they are just friends." Sofia said, defending Mr. Anderson.

This is fun, lunchtime with full on gossip and colleagues you get along with.

We finished our lunch, and it was my time to face the Hitler. I sighed. I better get used to him and his temper if I want to continue with this job.
