
Jia and Viktor 👆
Fire and Ice

Viktor Anderson.

"Thank god you are safe, you scared the shit out of me" he said. I was unable to see who that guy was due to the darkness, but they both looked close... This did give an ache to my heart.

Just then two girls came in view, they rushed towards Jia and started inquiring her.

"Jia, are you ok? One of them asked softly.

"Jia, why did you move away from us." Other one asked in stern voice.

Jia started slapping that guy's chest, sobbing.
"This idiot left my hand, and then I didn't know where I was going."

"I thought you were beside me, but When you started shrieking like a banshee, we knew you were lost. We were following your shrieks here, but you stopped." She started slapping him again, and he tried best to dodge her. Both the girls gave a look to each other.

"I was shrieking like a banshee!!!! Look Aarti what he is saying." Well, I would agree on that part. When I looked at the guy again, I recognized him. He was Mr. Parker's son. Flashes of last time I saw him came in my mind. How Jia had hugged him even then.

"I found Mr. Anderson, and he helped me. I don't need you, ok." I felt my heart swell at her mentioning my name, but that very instance all eyes were on me.

"Mr. Anderson, finally I get to meet you. I am Stacy Maxwell." One of the girls who had talked to Jia in stern voice, came forward and extended her hand towards me.

"Aarti Sharma" next one introduced herself.

"Thank you for helping Jia." Mr. Parker next shook my hand.

"Why don't you join us, we have a little campfire down there?" Stacy said.

"Ya that would be fun, Jia will behave at least in front of you." That got him a slap on his head by Jia.

"Umm… No… Actually I am…" How can I join them, they seem to be a close group of friends. How do I even fit in!

"Please Sir…" Jia request in a small voice" she wants me to be there?

I cleared my throat, "Ok"

I took my big torch, and we moved towards the campsite. I flashed the light on the path and walked behind Jia aware that she was scared.

We reached their campsite and I noticed Mike and Jovita there. They came and hugged Jia.

'Did you scared the poor animals away, sweetie? Your shrieks definitely scared us." Mike teased her.

"Shut up Miky" Jia pushed him, which made all the other laugh.

"Are you ok" Jovita asked, Jia nodded to her.

"Viktor, oh my god, is that you? What a pleasant surprise." Mike noticed me and came forward for a hug

"Hey Mike, how are you doing?"

"Great, where did you guys meet" Mike asked his friends.

"You know him?" Mr. Parker asked.

"Ya, he worked at the glass factory with dad, way back before he turned all hot shot businessman. How did you guys meet him? He is very rare to be seen, you know." Mike said.

"I work for him." Jia announced.

"OMG, I can't believe, how do you handle her" Mike turned towards me and asked.

"Shut up Miky"

"Ok enough, don't you all harass my baby. Only I can do that." Mr. Parker pulled Jia's cheeks.

She huffed and sat on a rock near the campfire.

"Every there will be a special musical session by our very own Jake and my love can you please serve us some food." Mike informed.

Soon the guy named Jake started strumming the strings and a beautiful note came to life. Jovita passed packed sandwiches to us all.

I saw Jia, who was still sulking, sitting on the same rock, she even refused her sandwich. Soon the couples started dancing, I went and sat next to Jia. I offered her my sandwich, which she accepted. We sat there in silence, looking at the couples.

I felt her shivering a bit, is she still scared? Because it's not that cold out here.

"Are you still scared" I asked, and she nodded, biting her lips

I went close and rubbed her back.
"It's ok, you are safe now." She scooted closer to him and rested her head on my arm. I didn't dare look at her.

After some time, I heard soft snores. Oh, she slept in my arms. I was thinking whether to taker her inside or call her friends.

"Oh she slept?" Stacy stood in front of me.

"Umm yaa"

"Stephen" she called out Parker guy, he came and stood beside Stacy.

"Look at my baby, I will carry her inside." He carried her bridal style and disappeared inside a tent. I kept staring at that tent .

What is taking him so long?

"Jia and Stephen are very close." Stacy spoke. I snapped my head at her...I never asked.

"But" she pointed at front where Stephen came and sat beside that girl named Aarti and gave a peck on her lips, "he is engaged to the love of his life." Ohh, I thought....

Stacy went and sat beside the guy who was playing guitar. All three couples were getting cosy, and it was my clue to go back to my lonely alone life.
