
Jia Davis

"Where is your Richie?" Stacy asked me with  hands on her hips.



Mike and Snappy asked simultaneously. I rolled my eyes. These two seriously. They both were looking at me with prying eyes.

Rest of my gang that is Jovita she is Mike's wife and Aarti too looked at me with questions.

"Not mine, don't get you brains worked up." I said, glaring at Stacy. She shrugged and joined Jake.

We were waiting for him since last 30 minutes. I had sent him all the details with location of this resort where we had registered for snorkeling. He had assured me that he will be here on time.

Did he ditch me?

Did he stood me up?

Just then the heat in the room increased as he walked in the resort as if he owned the place, looking hot! hot! hot! in plain Black T-shirt, denim and Black jacket. He was coming towards us in the waiting area. I beamed at looked at Stacy, lifting my chin up to show her I win.

He came to us and apologized for coming late.

"Hey everyone, sorry for being late, I got a flat tire on the way here so..."

"It's ok, Richard, let me introduce you to my friends."

"This is Mike and his wife Jovita,"

"That's Snappy and his...umm Aarti'"

"And Stacy and his fiancé Jake."

After all the introduction and handshakes, we were taken for training at indoor pool.

"Tell your boss we are here for a water sport, not for Mr. World pageant." Snappy told me getting irritated. I followed his vision and saw Richie shirtless getting ready to enter the pool. I had to literally fan myself.

"Shut your mouth" snappy snapped at me, as I was gawking at my boss's brother.

"Why don't you look into matters that concerns you." I nodded towards Aarti who was getting instructed by two hot trainers

"What the fcuk!" He went towards them.

Snappy is in love with Aarti from the day he saw her at business College. He was the one who forced me and Stacy to make friendship with her. Apparently, she is too sweet not to be friends with.

College was long done, but he still had not asked her out. ONCE, can you believe that? I feel Aarti know it but ignores it.

We had our 30 minutes of training and I had an admirer for myself too. I looked at my trainer, who was staring at me from his thick glasses.

"Hey, thanks for the training, umm." 

"I… Ian" he stuttered.

"Ian" I said and kissed his cheeks, soon red blush crept up on his cheeks. That was so much fun. Jovita saw what I did and we both busted out laughing.

We were taken near a small island named Jolly bay, by a speed boat. The atmosphere was at its best. Calm and serene.

When we took the plunge in water wearing those funny mask, a whole new mesmerizing world came to life. It was just speechless.
The waters surrounding Jolly Bay was clear enough for a perfect underwater view. The currents were stable near the shoreline and didn't mix the underlying sand with the water, allowing a magnificent view.

The marine life was well-preserved and abundant. The shoreline was filled with large hoards of corals including blue, red and sponge, that house a wide variety of some of the most unique fishes I had ever seen. We were surrounded by millions of small colorful fishes. It was just magical. The whole canvas was splashed with unimaginable colors. It gave me feel or Ariel the mermaid. How I wish I was a mermaid and lived here without a worry of paying bills and going to office to face Mr. Snobbish.

What do mermaids eat? Raw fish or algae?
EWW! Facing Mr. Viktor Anderson is much better.

After that trip, the whole week went by like a click of fingers. It was Saturday again, and we were going with Richie, wherever he is taking us. He just asked us to wear something flashy, maybe we are going to some party.

I, Stacy and Jake were sitting in his car with me sitting on the passenger seat, Blush! Blush.and the rest were following us in Snappy's car.
When the car came to halt, I glanced outside to check where we were. I am not sure my friends will be happy being here

"No ways" Stacy said coming out of the car.
