Bungee Jumping

Jia Davis

"Bungee jumping?" Viktor inquired as I informed him about our next adventure trip.

His friends/family went after fudging a bit more on their new acquired information that is our relationship. Why was it so shocking for people to digest about us.

It was difficult for you to digest too, remember? A voice said inside me.

"Yes this Saturday." I replied. I want him to come so that I could introduce him to my family.

"Um, are you sure?" I huffed and went near him.

"Are you scared, Mr. Anderson?" I asked, pulling him by his tie.

"I have done more dangerous stunts than this sunshine. And I am just concerned about you." He took back the tie from my hand and tugged it inside his vest. Oh! always so neat.

"I am not scared, I too have done dangerous stunts than this." I scoffed.

"Okay, if you say" he shrugged.

"So will you join?" It was difficult to believe he agreed. He is not used to being among people.

"Anything for you sunshine" he reassured, going back to his first love (his laptop)

"Yayyyyyy" I squealed and went to my desk.

"Can I invite someone?" I messaged in my group.

"Someone, huh?" Came Mike's instant reply.

"Someone special?" Snappy being Snappy.

"Someone very special" I typed.

"If he is that special, then we have to meet him. Bring him along." Snappy commented. I know they will have 'The Talk' with Viktor.

There we were, standing on the threshold of the Halley bridge, watching Mike and Jovita being strapped together for their jump. They were the first one to go, Snappy and Aarti are the next. Me, Viktor, Stacy, and Jake are watching them from the viewing spot high above the ground with busting river below us. It looked liked they were doing the jump of death.

I had been so excited to come and experience this sport, but now I am freaking out. My nerves are trembling. I snuggled more into my jacket, blaming it on the cold wind blowing around. The sun was set on the horizon giving out a golden glow. I glimpsed the rest of my friend's faces to find any trace of fear or hesitance, but it's not there. Oh! God, what I have put myself into. I will kill Snappy for selecting such stupidly dangerous stunts each time. Ugh! Why am I so scared? I chanted my mantra. 'Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.'

"Are you scared, sunshine?" I looked at Viktor as he asked me. He was wearing a simple white long sleeve t-shirt that were rolled up to his elbow and blue jeans looking dashing. Everyone was shocked to see him with me, but they recovered soon. They expected Richard. We still have to have the proper conversation.

"No...not when you are with me." I trust him with my life. He leaned in and pecked my lips. We heard Jovita's shrieks and Mike's shouts. I hope they come up safe.

I took a deep breath and pepped myself. Lots of people do this, right? They don't die. No they don't, accidents happen but what was the percentage, hardly 1 percent for sure...

"You guys are next" Stacy brought me out of my reverie. Ok, I can do it. I took hold of Viktor's warm hand, feeling secure right away.
We went forward and guys started strapping us. We had got into our safety harnesses while waiting for our turn. They asked us to sit on the platform. The instructor started putting our legs together and wrapping a thick towel around the lower legs and ankles. Then he fastened the towel really tightly with some sort of harness, which was later connected to the end of my bungy rope. A zillion thoughts were racing my head as soft wind played around. Our instructor tried to engage us in a pleasant conversation. We walked towards the edge of the ledge and I gazed down the mighty river that seemed miles away. I am usually not scared of heights, but jumping off the edge is another thing. I looked at Viktor and then took a deep breath and took the plunge when the instructor went Three — Two- One — Bungy!!! as that was your cue. A shriek left my throat, but Viktor embraced me tightly. After a few bounces, we were stable, I opened my eyes to see the world upside down. Oh! god, that was some experience. We kissed being suspended down the bridge. Crazy right?

Soon the  bridge crew lowered our bungy rope, and we saw a yellow raft approaching towards us and asked to grab the pole they were holding out while we were still tied to the rope upside down. They then removed the harnesses once we were lying in the raft.

I saw excited Jovita and Aarti on the edge of the river waiting for us. I went towards them and we group hugged. Stacy too came and joined us, we were acting like school kids jumping and laughing. Mike and Snappy came to join in. Viktor and Jake stood afar and watched us with amusement. I was so elated to had done the sport. We separated and went towards our respective spouses, walking to the resort we were staying tonight. It was a small cottage that we had booked for the night, staff arranged our dinner in the gazebo near the river. It was surreal.

Snappy cleared his throat, given Mike a side glance. I knew what this was, everyone at the table stopped eating, turning their focus on the upcoming conversation.

"Mr. Anderson" he greeted.

Here it goes...


Hey guys, we are almost at the end of the story, with just 3 more chapters pending. So please vote, like and comment about your thoughts on the storyline.

I hope you find Jia and Viktor cute together, cause I do.
