The past

Jia Davis

"So, are you ready for this life with me?"
He asked me. I mean, what do I say. He was looking at me, expecting an answer. Though I knew parts about what he told me, it still ached my heart to hear him say that out to me. He had endured so much, and he was now in front of me as the most successful person, waiting for acceptance.

I am so overwhelmed with his way of looking at life, always helping people in need. He leads a simple life, no fancy cars and no over the top parties. His car was even an old model of Tesla, nor he wore exceptionally expensive clothing and I bet he doesn't owe a private jet like other billionaires... Ya he sure has fetish for some Indonesians coffee.

I never wanted a luxurious and flamboyant life for myself, just wanted someone to love me like crazy. I wished I was there with him when he needed someone the most in his life. And if I felt that, then there is no question of not being with him now. I would accept any kind of life if he is with me. I had taken my decision even before he started telling me anything, but I won't tell him that now.

"You told me everything about yourself, then it's my duty to tell you everything about me too." I answered.

"It's not needed..." He tried to stop me.

"I want to" he nodded.

"My father died when I was 12, and then it was just mom and me. I was my dad's little princess, he pampered me a lot, he was a fisherman, once he went out in the sea, and he never came back. I miss him a lot. After him, my mom was more concerned about finding a man for herself, rather than taking care of me. Finally, she found someone who was ready to take her as his wife, and she left with him. Luckily, I was 18 by then, so I was on my own. I am not much close to both of them."

"After that I had my friends as my family, they still are very precious to me. In last year of high school I met him... Freddie... Fredrick Torres. We connected instantly, within a month we were in exclusive steady relationship. He was almost staying at my place. Mom was never bothered as she was hardly there. Everything was perfect, like a dream. Too good to be true, but then thing started falling apart. He started being possessive to the point that he didn't allow me to talk to Snappy and Mike. It was suffocating for me. Our relationship had turned toxic and abusive. I... I " I had tears in my eyes remembering that time. He wiped my tears and gave an understanding smile.

"I never let him cross the he thought I was sleeping with someone else. Once Snappy saw him slapping me hard and that was the end of everything. He and Mike thrashed him. He was hospitalized for a day. I don't know why I endured his behavior...maybe I was in need of love desperately." God, you should have looked at Snappy and Mike, they were furious and ready to kill.

"After that, I never went in any relationship. I was unable to trust anyone. I thought love was a waste of time. You give so much of yourself in it, and it goes waste" I chuckled. This whole time he was holding my hand and would gently squeeze them whenever I got weak.

"Do you trust me?" He asked. How I cannot.

"Of course I do, you won't even get bothered If I go out with someone. I teased him.

"What makes you say that." He frowned.

"When Dr. Rashid tried to make me date Xavier, you were cool with it." I shrugged.

He glared at me and squinted his eyes. I know he was angry because his scars turned a bit red. It always happens when he is angry or frustrated.

"So, are you ready for this life with me? I repeated his lines to lighten the mood.

"I think I do" he said, tuning towards me.

'I am quite clumsy and lazy," I warn him.

"I will manage" he assured.

"Mind it, I can't cook" I said, grinning.

"I can" he concluded.

"I can be at times moody and rude and..." I teased him furthermore.

"Ok forget it." He rolled his eyes and got up to leave.

"No... I was just kidding." I stood up too, holding back his hand. We were facing each other, and he cupped my face.

"I like as you are, Jia." He said softly. I think I need to tell him.

"There is one more thing I need to tell you." I was nervous and was biting my lips.

"Um humm" he probed me to say it.

"I may have had a crush on Richard.".
