Dress to kill

Viktor Anderson

"Bruce, please drop Ms Davis at her home"
I told Bruce after Jia said she was leaving. She was upset, even disappointed with me. I didn't acknowledge her when I came in. She was looking breathtakingly beautiful and gave a brighting smile as I entered, it enlightened me. She was my ray of hope, my ray of sunshine. She had filled my dull dark life with light, but I can't act on my impulse, there are people around. She gave me one murderous look and left. I pretended as if I was not looking, just like I had been pretending this whole time.

I wanted to kill Rashid for his antics, he was trying his best to make me react with making Jia go on a date with that Xavier. I know he  thinks there is something between Jia and me.

As soon as Jia and Bruce left, I got up and made my way out.
Jia was waiting by the gate and I went to the parking area. I asked Bruce to go home, and he looked at me with suspicion.

I will tell him later about all this, I can trust him with all my secrets,
Bruce opened the passenger door for Jia, I was driving the car, but she didn't notice. She sat in and kept looking at the cityscape from the window as the car moved. Some jazz music was playing which she stopped getting irritated. I cleared my throat twice or thrice to get her attention, but she was too busy sulking and was about to cry at any moment.

It disheartened me, we have not even started with our relationship, and I was making her cry. She messed up her hair and smuggled her lipstick. God, how do I handle this?
Just then, a tear rolled down her cheek. I took hold of her hand that were fidgeting with her skirt.

"How dare you touch me?" She turned and yelled at me, yanking her hand away from my grip. I was astonished by her reaction, but she too was shocked looking at me. I again took hold of her hand and this time she let it be.

"I don't touch what's not mine, and I don't let anyone touch what's mine." I told her.

"I...I thought it's B Bruce..." She was so embarrassed and kept looking at me. I so wanted to take her in my arms and sooth her.

"Are you in a hurry to get back home?" I asked her. Maybe an ice-cream will change her mood.

"No, I mean, it's not like anyone is waiting for me..." I nodded, looking at her once. I need to know more about her. She switched the music on and that made me chuckle. We went to Arcade pier that was near the shore. I stopped her when she was about to go out.

I cupped her face with one hand and wiped her face with a wet tissue, removing all the smudged makeup, not that I mind going out with her in such conditions, but I just wanted her to feel better.

"Your tears are too precious, don't shed them on trivial matters. They should be shown at very few occasions, only then they are valued." I said, running my finger through her hair to make them tidy. I can't see her in tears.

"You feeling better?" I asked her, to which she nodded in reply.

"Ok, let's have an ice-cream." I took her hand in mine as we walked towards the bench after having an ice cream. Her hands were soft and warm.

"Why are you so quiet? I hardly heard you speak the whole day and am sure that's not your nature." I asked her.

"I am... confused.. Um you didn't...I mean, after what happened on Friday at the office...I thought we....I don't know what to think...what to expect...out of ...our....our situation...and after ignoring me at the party, we are here... together... " She stuttered, but I know what she wants to say.

"I understand. Even I am in the same dilemma. We like each other, but we hardly know each other, and I want you to know everything about my past before we take this further. Is that ok with you?" We sat there looking at each other and soft salty breeze making our surrounding pleasant. I want her to know what she was getting into.

"I guess" she shrugged.

"So, will you go out with me tomorrow?" I asked her, feeling a bit nervous.

"Yes..." She nodded her head like a little kid. She is so adorable.

I cupped her face and caressed those cheeks lovingly. She closed her eyes and leaned into my touch. I want to kiss her so bad, but placed a long kiss on her forehead instead.
I was starting at her lips, when I saw her untouched ice cream melting.

"It's melting." I whispered.

"My heart" it made me blush, actually. I didn't know I was having an effect on her. Our closeness was affecting her. I smiled, biting my lower lips to control my blush.

"Ice cream, your ice cream is melting." I told her.

Soon after we reached her place where she was fumbling with keys to open the door. I went closer and opened the lock for her.
She turned around to face me.

"It it g..gets stuck at times." She stuttered, leaning on the adjacent wall. I went closer and placed both my palms on the wall, trapping her in my arms.

"I figured." I kept looking deep in her eyes.
"I will pick you up at 7 in the morning" I informed her, and she looked baffled.

"We have office." She furrowed her brows.

"Don't worry, we are on an official visit."

"Jia?" both our head snapped at her friend standing at the door.

"Miss Maxwell" I greeted her, getting away from Jia and standing in front of her  friend with both his hand in his pockets.

"Mr. Anderson" she too greeted me and looked at both of us with amusement as a small smile played on her lips

"I will take your leave ladies, sleep well." I turned and left from there.


Jia Davis

"What was that?" Stacy asked as soon as I was inside the house. I went straight to my room, but she followed me.

"What was what?"

"What was happening outside the door? You and your boss...what...and...look at you. You..."

I was blushing and beaming, showing her all my teeth.

"Are wasted." She concluded with scorching her nose. I squealed with excitement, grabbing her shoulders and twirling us round and round.

"I am going on a date with him tomorrow." I yelled.

"Ya got it. Chill. Are you going to be like this with him always?"

"Like what"

"Like some crazy fan girl who is totally whipped around him"


"Listen to me, I know you are happy and excited but don't show it to him, act cool or else it goes up in these guys heads. Let him be under your spell. Not the other way around."


"Dress to kill tomorrow, show him what Jia is" She said with determination.

