Mission 9: Faded Memories

"Alright, looks like I need to switch disks," Abe mused, fiddling with his DVD player. "Let me just insert the next collection of episodes, and we can continue this tale."

"I'm excited," Pyrrha admitted. "I can't wait to see what Jaune does next!"

"Me too," Weiss agreed. "He may be a dork, but he makes for a compelling protagonist." Just then, there was some thumping from downstairs. "What was that?" she demanded. Abe looked up.

"I don't know. I'll go check." he handed the DVD case to Ruby, who was standing close. "Take over for me, will you?" Ruby nodded.

"On it." Abe walked downstairs, grabbing his baseball bat along the way. Ruby inserted the next DVD into the player. Everyone turned to the stairway as Abe came back upstairs.

"More people have shown up," he told them. "Recognize anyone?" Ruby and Yang gasped.

"Dad?!" They squealed in unison. Taiyang Xiao Long ran forward, scooping both his daughters into a hug.

"Hey girls," he greeted them, then looked them up and down. "Are you okay?" Ruby nodded.

"We're fine. We've just been watching some TV." Tai looked intrigued.

"What kind of TV?" he asked.

"It's about one of our friends," Yang explained. Then she realized something. "Wait, didn't you say people? As in, more than one?" she asked Abe. It was at that moment that more people appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Cinder? Mercury? Emerald?" Blake asked, mildly surprised. "What're you all doing here?" Tai chuckled as he scratched the back of his head.

"I may have recruited them to help me rescue you guys," he admitted.

"Yes, and I see now that our services were completely required," Cinder stated flatly, rolling her eyes. "Oh, the danger that lurks in this place: too much television!"

"This was a complete waste of time," Emerald agreed. Mercury shrugged.

"Well, we're here now." He walked over to the couch, and sat down next to Qrow. "You said you were watching TV?"

"Yeah, and its about our Fearless Leader, and it's totally AWESOME!" Nora practically bellowed. Pyrrha turned to Abe.

"Can we start the next episode, please?" Abe nodded.

"Sure." He picked up his remote, and selected the next episode, "Faded Memories." Cinder looked bored, but she joined Mercury on the couch, Emerald following suit, as the episode began to play.

The episode started with Ruby standing at the bottom of Ozma's Tower, Crescent Rose in its scythe form. She was looking back and forth, scanning for any sign of Grimm.

"Just you wait, Watts," she whispered. "When I make it back up there, I'm coming for you and mother! I don't care who I have to go through to save her!"

"Mother?" Tai said aloud. He turned to Ruby. "Summer is still alive in this world?" Ruby's slightly somber expression confirmed his disbelief for him. "I guess that's a no, then," he sighed.

"Yes, instead you're married to Ms. Goodwitch," Weiss informed him. Tai's mouth dropped open.

"Are you serious?" he asked, wide eyed. Glynda nodded.

"It's true," she told him. "I was just as surprised as you are."

At that moment, the body of the Monstra smashed into the ground right in front of the Huntress. With a comical shriek of fright, she backed up a good twenty feet, staring at the corpse in surprise. A second later, the Whale Grimm began to slowly melt into a black ooze.

"Whoa!" Mercury jumped. "Where did that thing come from?!"

"Oh yeah, that's right!" Nora remembered. "I were so excited to see you guys I forgot that Jaune killed the Monstra last episode." Cinder began to laugh at the ginger's claims.

"Don't be ridiculous," she scoffed. "It would take a fleet of airships to even remotely wound one of those beasts, and you're telling me that bumbling blonde killed one single-handedly? What a joke!" Nora scowled at the woman's mockery.

"Can I break her legs, Ren?" she asked. Ren put a hand on her shoulder.

"Patience is a virtue, Nora," he told her.

As the Whale Grimm melted away, Ruby's eyes grew impossibly wide. In the center of the black sludge, covered head to toe in blood, was Jaune Arc, grinning widely. His Claymore was slung over his shoulder.

"Hey Ruby," he waved at her.

With that, Cinder's laugh caught in her throat, causing her to cough and gasp as she stared at the screen in disbelief. Nora turned to smirk at her smugly.

"No way," Emerald whispered. She looked at the audience in bewilderment. "How did Jaune pull off something like that?! He couldn't fight that thing with just a sword!"

"Maybe not from the outside, sure," Pyrrha conceded. "But the inside is a different story." Tai's mouth dropped open.

"Wait, you mean-"

"Yep. Old Moby Dick snapped the boy up in one gulp," Qrow told him, then took a sip from his flask.

"Yeah, but then Jaune just found a way to maneuver around its body from within," Coco explained.

"He managed to find his way into one of its arteries, and severed it from the main heart," Blake finished. Velvet retched, shaking her hands in disgust.

"Yuck! It was so nasty!" she shuttered.

"Jaune?! What in the name of Remnant were you doing in there?!" Ruby demanded. The Huntsman shrugged, shaking blood off his clothes.

"Well, I couldn't very well leave this thing for the folks of Vale to deal with, could I?" he suggested. Then he whipped out Ebony. "Behind you, by the way." He fired off a single shot, shattering the skull of an Apathy that had attempted to ambush the Huntress. Ruby quickly spun into a slice with Crescent Rose, decapitating a second.

"Thanks, Jaune!" she called over her shoulder. More Apathy appeared, clutching their scythes as they rushed forward. Ruby twirled her own and rushed to meet them, but to her surprise, Jaune zoomed past her at an alarming speed and stabbed his sword through one of the oncoming Grimm, watching with a smirk as it disintegrated.

Mercury chuckled.

"That's Jaune? We, he's gotten much better at fighting, I see. I'm digging the new sword, as well."

Jaune and Ruby quickly stood back to back, hacking and slashing at Apathy as the Grimm circled them.

"So, I wasn't aware you were in Vale until you literally dropped in," Jaune stated casually, simultaneously bisecting a charging Apathy. "Were you planning on swinging by, or was this purely a business trip?"

"Well, I showed up here primarily to save my stepmother," Ruby answered, driving the blade of Crescent Rose through the jaw of another Grimm. "But I was planning on stopping by to say hello afterwards." She chuckled, hooking the leg of a third Apathy, launching it into the as Jaune spun into a slice with his sword, cutting the Grimm in half. "To be honest, I should've known you'd be on the scene as well." Jaune snickered, turning Ruby over to face him. She braced Crescent Rose on his shoulder and fired a round into a lunging Apathy's forehead.

"Well, Rubes, as much as I'd love to stick around and chat, I owe Adam a rematch. When this is all over, why don't you and I go back to my shop? I've got something for you." Ruby smiled.

"Sounds like a plan. But take a shower first. That blood makes a terrible cologne." Jaune laughed.

"It's a date then." Jaune looked for an opening, then sprinted towards the tower as fast as he could. He flew through the room where he fought the Beowulf, and finally found himself back in the central chamber, only now, a spiral staircase sloping downwards was visible in the middle of the floor. "Welp, time to pay a visit to the basement," Jaune mused, as he began to descend into the darkness.

"So Ruby's in a relationship with him, huh?" Tai murmured, his face hardening. "Interesting."

"What did you say?" Yang asked. Her father shook his head.


As Jaune descended into the staircase, it gradually became darker and darker, until finally he couldn't see his own two feet in front of him.

"Dang," his voice groaned. "I wish Ozma invested some of his power into lighting this place." His exploration slowed to a crawl as he slowly felt for each step with his feet, before moving forwards. It was slow going, but eventually, his eyes began to spy a light up ahead. "Oh, thank the gods," Jaune sighed in relief. He began to speed up, finally making his way to the bottom of the staircase. He reached the bottom, and stepped into a large underground cavern. It was lit with torches, and a quiet lake churned nearby. A large sunken building was off to his left. "That must've happened when the Ishmael crashed to the ground," the Huntsman reasoned. He spotted the open doorway. "Looks like I'll have to go through it in order to proceed." He walked through the open doorway, and to his surprise found himself inside a large theater. A wooden stage stood facing him at the other end of the building.

"That's weird, I didn't know there was a theater this close to Beacon," Pyrrha mused. Weiss shook her head.

"There isn't," she informed them. "That building would've been crushed under the Monstra anyway. And look at how old the stonework is. More likely, that theater sunk into the ground when an earthquake or similar natural disaster ravaged the city of Vale, a couple hundred years ago."

"A most excellent observation, Ms. Schnee," Ozpin praised.

As Jaune made his way through the rows of chairs, a heavy breeze began to blow through the theater. Jaune shivered as he pulled his trench coat tighter over his body, to protect his bare chest from the cold winds.

"Holy six pack," Coco drooled, staring at his abs with lustful eyes. Emerald rubbed her chin.

"Fighting Grimm without his armor? This Jaune is more confident than I thought."

"Hey, that's right!" Nora realized. "Where's Jaune breastplate? That's like his signature look!"

"Didn't it get destroyed during his fight with Adam?" Qrow wondered aloud.

"Adam?!" Cinder's eyes widened. "Where's- I mean, who is Adam?" She exhaled deeply. That was a close one.

"He's the leader of the White Fang, or something," Yang explained.

"Just a high ranking officer, actually," Blake corrected her teammate.

Jaune watched as the theater room grew darker, before finally, a small cyclone appeared on the stage. The black wind died away to reveal a person. It was a woman with porcelain white skin, with a beautiful face and long flowing black hair. Her mouth was covered in red lipstick, and there was more red makeup made to look like tears underneath her eyes. She wore a long black dress that looked to be made of leaves, but nothing covered her snowy chest, save for her hair, several small strands covering her voluptuous breasts. Her red eyes flashed as she smirked at the approaching Huntsman.

"Who or what is that?!" Velvet whispered nervously.

"I don't know, but damn, if that isn't one of the hottest chicks I've ever seen," Qrow whistled. Glynda scowled at the Huntsman.

"Honestly, Qrow, is that all you can think about? She is obviously a Grimm!" Then, very carefully, she leaned over to Ozpin. "That's not her, is it?" she asked worriedly.

"No," Ozpin said. "But Jaune is still in a lot of danger, just you watch."

"Welcome, sir," the porcelain maiden called to Jaune, her voice low and seductive, but a powerful Aura was packed within it. "Is this your first time here?" Jaune chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, it is," he told her. He watched as she descended the stage and began to walk towards him. "You'll be nice to me, won't you?" The woman's lips curled into a smile as she stopped just in front of him.

"Of course I will," she chuckled. "I'll treat you so nicely..." one of her hands brushed against Jaune's chin, "...that you'll never want to leave." The Huntsman grinned as his hands went down to his belt.

"Don't even think about it, Jaune!" Pyrrha scolded, her face flushing red.

"Yeah, you can do so much better than her!" Nora added.

"A guy and a Grimm, huh?" Coco wondered aloud. "Sounds like something out of one of Blake's novels."


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Jaune instead hiked up his pair of jeans, and drew his Claymore. The porcelain maiden disappeared in a gust of wind. She popped back up on the stage, blowing a kiss that crackled with fire.

"Then come on, Sugar."

"Wait a minute..." Qrow murmured. Wind and fire powers? That sounded a lot like-

"Look out, Vomit Boy!" Yang called.

The woman launched several flaming orbs at Jaune, who just barely managed to roll out of their way. He charged forward, attempting to slash the woman, but she disappeared again, teleporting behind him in a gust of air. She spun her body in a circle, and several gusts of razor sharp air whirled around her, forcing the Huntsman back.

"So, I don't think I got your name?" Jaune tried. The woman smirked.

"You can call me Nevan," she purred. "But most people know me as the Fall Maiden."

"Ooh! From the fairy tales!" Ruby squealed. She smiled at Abe. "You really did your research on our world!" The adults however, were not as excited. They had preferred that their secret war remain, well, a secret. Cinder was caught off guard. This was the Fall Maiden? Then what happened to her plans?! Emerald noticed her distraught expression.

"Cinder?" The raven haired woman waved her hand.

"It's nothing, Emerald."

"Fall Maiden, huh?" Jaune muttered. He quickly dove out of the way of a large blast of air that left the palm of Nevan's hand. "No offense, but aren't the Maiden Powers supposed to pass on to a successor when the previous Maiden dies?" He fired several bullets at Nevan, who blocked them with a wall of wind.

"Usually, that would be the case, but alas, poor little Amber died in despair. And the only worthy candidates for the Maiden's Powers perished along with her. The Fall of Beacon, remember?" Jaune grimaced.


Ozpin sighed. Teams RWBY and _NPR had been kind enough to fill him in on what had happened during one of the previous episode setups, but it still boded poorly to hear how his school was so brutally destroyed. Cinder was aghast. All her plotting and planning, and she died while enacting upon her plans?!

"Fall of Beacon?" Tai asked.

"We'll explain later," Weiss assured him.

"In any case, the Soul of Fall had nowhere to go. Eventually, its fear and dejection was corrupted by the influence of Grimm, and so it gave birth to me!" Nevan spread her arms, looking up towards the ceiling. "The most beautiful and powerful Grim in all of Sanus!" At that moment, Jaune appeared behind her. He leaped up into the air, Claymore raised overhead.

"Most arrogant Grimm in all of Sanus as well!" He sliced his sword downwards, but she was already gone. Nevan reappeared behind the Huntsman, waving a finger.

"Such bad manners," she scolded, though her voice was full of teasing. "You need to be taught a lesson!" She snapped her fingers, and a bolt of lighting cake down from above and struck Jaune. He fell to the ground, electricity surging through his body. His Aura flashed heavily.

"Jaune!" Pyrrha and Velvet cried in horror.

"Come on!" Yang groaned. "How's Jaune supposed to beat that bitch?!"

"Language, Ms. Xiao Long/young lady!" Tai and Ms. Goodwitch scolded simultaneously.

Nevan smirked as she cupped Jaune's chin with her hand. He struggled, but she was too strong.

"Shh," Nevan shushed him soothingly. "Don't resist. It'll all be over soon." She leaned down towards him, an eerie light emanating from her mouth as she pulled Jaune's face towards her own. But suddenly, a strange black aura surrounded Jaune.

"I knew it!" Ren hissed.

"No," Weiss whispered. "That actually happened to him?!"

Surprised, Nevan backed away, as the black aura grew in size. There was an explosion of dark energy, forcing the porcelain maiden to avert her eyes. She looked back towards Jaune, and gasped.

"It can't be!" She whispered. Standing there was the same monstrous Jaune from before. Black skin, sharp teeth and claws, plated chest with the familiar Arc symbol. His white hair flowed backwards as he looked at one of his hands.

"So I have become a Grimm," he whispered. For a moment, he looked disheartened, but then, he sneered. "I don't like this new body of mine. I don't want to be a black hearted beast." He clenched his fist. "But I will admit, this body is like the biggest dose of adrenaline I've ever experienced. So I might as well put this twisted form to good use." He aimed his Claymore at Nevan. "Let's see how you fair against one of your own kind!" he bellowed, red eyes flaring, before a white mask with red markings folded downwards in front of his face, like a knight's visor.

"Whoa!" Tai called out in surprise. "What the heck?!"

"What has he become?" Cinder whispered, wide-eyed.

"That's Jaune?" Emerald gasped. "He's a monster!"

"Sadly, that's not the first we've seen him like that," Pyrrha frowned. "We saw him briefly transform into this after his first fight with Adam."

"Don't get cocky, boy!" Nevan warned him, blasting another gust of wind Jaune's direction. The Huntsman rolled out of the way, then ran for her. "That's right, boy," she laughed, "come to me!" She lobbed several more orbs of fire at him, but to her great surprise, Jaune cut through the flaming projectiles with his sword. "What?" Nevan was forced to back up as Jaune's Claymore plunged for her chest, but even as she moved out of reach, the Huntsman simply drew Ebony and fired over and over, forcing her to teleport away.

"Way to go, Fearless Leader! Now you've got her on the run!" Nora cheered.

"Say what you will about Grimm Jaune, but he's faring much better against Nevan than he was before," Mercury commented.

"But how?" Glynda spluttered. "A Grimm is nothing but a mindless killing machine! So how is Jaune keeping up with this corrupted maiden."

"Because he still has a soul," Abe spoke up. Everyone turned towards him. "Jaune's physical body may be that of a terrible beast, but his soul is too noble and determined to give into darkness."

"So your saying that the reason Jaune is still in control of himself is because he's a good person?" Pyrrha asked. Then she smiled. "I like that. I'm not a fan of his monstrous form, but I feel a little better knowing he's still the same man that we all care about beneath that dark exterior."

"Is that all you've got, lady?" Jaune asked. "Your Maiden Powers seem pretty weak. Are you telling me that's the best a sorceress can do?!" Nevan seethed as a Jaune flashed her a grin full of gleaming, sharp teeth. She blasted another, larger orb of fire at the Huntsman, but he struck the projectile with the flat of his blade, sending it back at her. It exploded upon contact with her.

"Play ball!" Qrow called out. That got a few laughs.

"You little punk!" Nevan shrieked, smoke curling off her body. "Just die already!" She snapped her fingers. Electricity crackled overhead.

"Move, Jaune!" Ruby shouted at him.

Jaune smirked as he tossed his sword at Nevan, the lightning strike attracted to his metal blade rather than his fleshy body. As the electricity discharged, Nevan was blinded.

"My eyes!" She howled, unable to see a Jaune charging in front of her. The sword landed at her feet. Jaune kicked his weapon upwards, cutting her vertically across the chest. Then, his clawed hand snatched the Claymore by the handle, and he gave her a matching horizontal slash was well.

"Whoa! That's one hell of a combo," Yang whistled.

"Keep it up, Jaune!" Mercury grinned. "You've got her on the ropes!"

"You can do it!" Emerald added. "Don't stop now!" She was conflicted. She knew Jaune was likely their enemy, even in this reality, but it was nice to see the blonde buffoon succeed at something.

Jaune savagely drove his foot into the center of Nevan's chest. With a scream of pain, the Grimm Maiden was thrown backwards, blood erupting from her injuries. She flew through the air onto the stage, slamming into the back wall. She began to plummet towards the ground, but Jaune was already there, back in his human form, and he caught her, supporting her back with one arm. Nevan was stunned at his actions, but she smiled sweetly nonetheless.

"My, you're sweet," she cooed. Then she grabbed his neck, hissing as she brought her head up to his. Jaune simply pulled out Ivory, and shot her in the waist. She fell limply, gasping from the death blow.

"You'd think so, wouldn't you?" Jaune commented, blowing the smoke off his pistol, before returning it to its holster.

"Damn," Coco whispered. "That was savage."

"I never thought I'd see the day Jaune would pull a stunt like that," Blake said wide-eyed.

Despite her mortal injuries, Nevan smiled again, and this time, it was genuine.

"All right," she sighed. "I'll help you." She lifted up her legs, allowing Jaune to scoop her up into his arms. "Ozma was a handsome devil," she stated fondly, then stroked Jaune's muscular chest. "But you're no slouch yourself."

"What a chad! He just killed the woman, and she's still falling for him!" Tai cackled. Mercury laughed as well, as did Qrow.

"I don't believe it," Cinder whispered in astonishment. "He defeated the Fall Maiden!" Then she smiled. "Well done, Jaune Arc. My respect for you just went up tenfold."

Jaune watched as Nevan closed her eyes and went limp. Her body began to crackle with electricity, before she was enveloped in a bright flash. When the light subsided, Jaune found himself holding an electric guitar in her place.

"Did he..." Ozpin began, eyes wide.

"...turn the Fall Maiden..." Glynda interjected, her voice shaky.

"...into a guitar?!" Tai finished in shock.

"Oh, this'll be good," Qrow grinned.

Jaune brought the guitar up, and smirked. Then he slammed his fingers down on the strings. The guitar screamed out a chord, as Jaune pointed a hand in the air.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"WELCOME Y'ALL!" he shouted. Then he began to play the guitar violently and hard, a field of electricity surrounding him as he spun and leapt around the stage. Halfway through his power solo, he revealed the guitar's second form: a long, sharp scythe that he twirled, displaying his proficiency with a variety of weapons once again. He was also screaming out the following lyrics:

The flinch in your eyes, calls your bluff!

Feel free to die when you've had enough!

A useless cause is breaking your back!

Your life will end when you attack!

Make your move, make your stand!

Make the win, ha! Like you can!

See the war, see me rule!

See the mirror, you'll see a fool!

Finally his song was over. Jaune slid across the stage, strumming a final ear-piercing note, before stretching out her arms.

"Yeah, ha ha!" he cackled in delight. Then he threw a peace sign out to his imaginary audience. "Goodnight, Vale!" The screen faded to black as Jaune fell backwards.

The adults (minus Qrow) and Weiss uncovered their ears, shell-shocked at the behavior that had just seen Jaune perfom. Everyone else was too lost in euphoric bliss to realize the episode was over. All except Yang, who turned to Abe with a grin.

"That has to be my favorite ending to anything ever," she laughed.
