Mission 10: Canyon of Mist

For a solid minute, the theater was entirely silent. Then, Adam quickly sprung into action.

"Stay back!" he hissed, drawing Wilt and brandishing the sword in front of him. "If I'm going to die in this place, then I'm taking as many of you freaks as I can down with me! Come on, you want a piece of me?!"

"Adam, how did you get here?" Blake demanded, surprised to see her former mentor after so long.

"Oh, so you care about my well being now, Blake?" the horned Faunus growled. "You think I'd ever speak to you again after you left me for some filthy humans, like the Schnee?" Blake withered under Adam's glare, which burned like fire beneath his mask.

"Well, I just-"

"Fine, I'll tell you," Adam sighed. "Some rookie members of the White Fang accidentally dropped this new type of Dust we stole from an Atlesian airbase. It tore open a rift through space and time, and then I got pulled into it. Now I'm stuck in this strange movie theater with you, the Schnee, and all the rest of the people you used to replace me and the family you had before them. Well, most of them anyway," he corrected himself, noticing Ghira and Kali. "Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Belladonna."

"Hello, Adam dear," Kali called, though her face looked cautious. "You've grown since last we've met." Adam shuffled on his feet, before his eyes landed on Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald, who began sweating up a storm. They knew fully well that he still hated them for what they had done to his men a few months ago, and if he decided to rat them out to Ozpin, there would be nothing they could do to escape the  teams of Huntsmen sent after them. But instead, Adam sheathed his sword, then folded his arms across his chest.

"Would somebody please explain where I even am alright now?" he demanded.

"I can!" Nora announced excitedly.


"...and then you were like 'Stay in the light, Jaune,' and Jaune was like 'I won't let him die here!' and then Fearless Leader used the Relic of Choice to wish you to safety and then he went home, married Ruby, and started a business!" Nora finished regaling the exploits of Jaune Arc to Adam, who had detached Blush from his hip so he could lean on it at around the fifteen minute mark. Adam turned around, then removed his mask to rub his eyes, before placing his mask back on so he could turn back around to address the audience.

"So, this Jaune Arc, he's the descendant of a Grimm that saved the world, and owns his own office where he's hired to kill Grimm?"

"That's right!" Ruby nodded, smiling. "Right now, he's on some island trying to stop the Grimm from releasing their king."

"I see," Adam grunted. "And you said I'm in this universe, too?"

"You are," Ghira nodded. "You're also a descendant of Ozma, apparently." Gathering her courage, Weiss left her seat, and approached the masked Faunus.

"W-we saw what... was u-under that mask," she stuttered, terrified of saying something to set Adam off. "Is- is true that... y-you have a..." her voice trailed off, taking a step back in fear as he turned to look at her. For a moment, the Faunus regraded Weiss with an expression that froze her to her core. Then, with a sigh, Adam's gloved hands made their way up to his mask.

"See for yourself." Adam removed his mask, and Weiss felt her heart shatter. One healthy blue eye, and one milky bloodshot eye, trapped within the letters "SDC" that had been charred upon his face, looked back at her. The heiress immediately fell on her hands and knees before the Faunus.

"I-I'm sorry!" she cried, tears falling from her eyes as she sucked in a ragged breath. "I'm so, so sorry!" Adam looked down at her in confusion for a couple seconds. Then he affixed his mask back onto his head.

"Whatever," he grunted, making his way up the theater aisles. He pulled open a seat, next to Velvet. "You mind if I sit here?" Velvet shook her head no, so Adam propped Wilt and Blush on the seat next to him, then sat down. "Alright, let's see this Jaune Arc of yours."

"That's it?" Yang asked, surprised. "You've caught up to all the people you hate and want to kill, and all you're going to do is sit and watch television with them?"

"I'm stuck in here until further notice," Adam shrugged. "I may as well find some way to pass the time. And I don't want to kill Blake. I just want to kick her ass for ditching me and making me worry for so long."

"Hey! That's our job!" Kali glowered at him, holding onto her husband's arm.

"Uh, why don't we start the next episode?" Blake suggested, deciding she really didn't want to be the topic of discussion right now.

"Good idea!" Ruby nodded. She looked up at the projector's booth. "Can you start the next episode now, Abe?" she called.

"Just a second!" Abe's voice echoed. The projector was refusing to turn on until conveniently this exact moment, as though it were scripted or something." The lights began to dim. "Well, here we go!"

"Nice fourth-wall break," Adam commented.

The episode began with Jaune walking throughout a forest filled with fog. As he stumbled about with his limited vision, the Huntsman walked face first into a stone tablet that had been erected into the ground.

Mercury, Coco, Qrow, and surprisingly, Adam all burst out laughing.

"This is the Huntsman you spoke so highly of?" the horned Faunus scoffed.

"He's just messing around, that's all!" Nora laughed loudly. Then, in a much more serious tone, she whispered, "Jaune, quit fooling around, you're embarrassing yourself!"

"I don't think he can hear you, Nora," Ren deadpanned.

Rubbing his nose, Jaune shook his head, and studied the tablet. There were words carved into the side he walked into, which the Huntsman read aloud.

"Valley of the Mist. One must choose the right path to enter the lost land. Only those who protect the weak light shall have the power to decipher the right path." Jaune brought a hand to his chin. "Weak light, huh? I don't see any light."

"Hey!" a small, feminine voice spoke up. "Don't worry! I'm here to light your way!" The Huntsman jumped, startled by the unexpected sound.

"Who said that?" he asked, looking back and forth through the fog. "Where are you?"

"Look up here!" the voiced called. "I'm right up here!" Jaune looked upwards. Above him was a tiny female humanoid, with dragonfly wings sprouting out of her back. Her long blonde hair and dress shimmered, giving off a warm, white light.

"Aw!" Velvet cooed, clasping her hands together. "She's so cute!"

"Incredible!" Ms. Goodwitch gasped, adjusting her glasses to study the creature more closely. "A mythical fairy from legend!"

"Ah," Ozpin sighed, remembering some of the many adventures he had been on before the Salem incident. "To be young again."

"Hello there," Jaune smiled, greeting the fairy. "You're to be my guide?" The fairy beamed, doing a curtesy as she fluttered in the air."

"Yep! You can call me Sprite. I've been waiting over 100 years for a noble hero to make his way to this island, and defeat the vile Grimm that dwell within."

"Well, I won't keep you waiting any longer," Jaune told her. "Let's get going."

"So that little fairy is going to lead Jaune through the fog?" Pyrrha asked, before she smiled. "That's very kind of her."

"Well, it would be weird if she didn't," Sun pointed out. "Fairies were always helpful companions in the video games, so I would hope it would be the same in real life."

The scene changed to show Jaune following Sprite through the fog, the fairy hovering a few feet in front of him.

"Watch your step here," she called back to him. "There's a steep ravine that you won't want to fall into."

"Thanks for the warning," the Huntsman nodded, moving to the right and placing a hand on the cliff side in front of him, continuing to move slowly through the mist-filled canyon. "So, what can you tell me about Mundus?" he asked, once he was safely across. The fairy stopped to regard him for a second, a serious expression on her face.

"He's one of the most vile creatures in existence" Sprite told him, as she continued to guide him through the fog. "Two thousand years ago, he found a way to achieve godlike powers, and attempted to conquer and rule over both the humans and the Grimm. If Ozma hadn't have stood up to him, and beat him and his legions back, Mundus might very well have succeeded."

"What about the gods?" Jaune asked, following behind the fairy slowly. "Couldn't they have stopped him?"

"The gods had disappeared by that point," Sprite said, shaking her head. "It was believed they abandoned humanity because of their arrogance and violent tendencies. But I don't believe that for one second. I believe, if Mundus was clever enough to find a way to ascend to godhood himself, then he could easily find a way to destroy others like him."

A sudden chill ran throughout the audience.

"Oh, shit," Yang croaked.

"Mundus killed the gods?!" Tai demanded, wide-eyed.

"Preposterous!" Ozpin stated flatly. "Even if this Mundus could somehow find a way to extend his life, and increase he strength far beyond those of his fellow brethren, there's still no way he could ever stand against the gods!" This determined statement seemed to calm most of the audience down, as Abe held in his laughter from the projector's booth.

"But what if he could?" Ruby whispered to Weiss. "What if Mundus really did find a way to destroy and become a god himself?"

"Then we'd better hope Jaune is as strong as Ozma, or the whole world is doomed," the heiress replied gravely.

"That's a pretty bold claim," Jaune shuddered. "I've yet to see any evidence of a Mundus existing, though."

"Oh, but you have!" Sprite announced. "Think back to your time in the castle. Remember all those statues of the man with the gem in his head?"

"You mean the idols of the god the castellans worshiped? I remember," the Huntsman nodded. Then his eyes widened. "Wait, you don't mean-"

"That's Mundus," the fairy stated. "The people of this island were so amazed and terrified of his power, they elected to worship him."

"Does that mean he truly is a god, then?" Blake asked.

"Of course not," Ozpin shook his head. "Several humans have been worshiped after impressive displays of strength throughout history. It happens more often then you,d think."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're trying to assure yourself as much as you are us," Qrow muttered.

Jaune looked down for a moment, pondering all that he'd heard.

"If Mundus truly does exist, then I don't know if my like my chances for beating him," he murmured. He looked back up. "Does he have any sort of special weaknesses, like a weapon that can still hurt him, or something?" There was no answer. "Sprite?" The Huntsman looked around, but he couldn't see the fairy anywhere. As he began to grow uneasy, a familiar billowing noise reached his ears. Jaune whirled around, and glared. Behind him hovered a Geist, which was brandishing a scythe at the Huntsman. Clutched in one of its hands was Sprite, one of the Grimm's fingers wrapped around her mouth.

"Oh no!" Kali gasped.

"Those miserable beasts!" Ghira growled.

"Let her go!" Jaune growled. The Geist did not comply. More sounds echoed out of the mist, before two more Geists, a trio of Ursa, and four Marionettes led by a Fetish emerged, all glaring at the Huntsman.

"Be careful, Jaune," Pyrrha pleaded. "They've got you outnumbered."

"Okay," Jaune grumbled, as he unsheathed Alastor. "I guess we're doing this the hard way." One of the Marionettes rush forward, slicing at the Huntsman with a crescent-shaped blade. Jaune blocked the attack with his sword, before slicing the puppet in half at the waist. An Ursa followed up with a charge, before swiping at the Huntsman, so Jaune ducked under the Grimm's large claws, before quickly standing and thrusting Alastor into the Ursa's chest over and over. Spinning into a slash, the Huntsman watched as the Grimm's head rolled away, before its body crumbled to ash.

"He's off to a good start," Ren nodded.

"Yeah he is! Kick their heinies, Jaune!" Ruby cheered.

A Geist flew near, slicing at Jaune with its scythe. The Huntsman ducked under the attack, before whipping out Ebony and Ivory, shooting off a second Marionette's arms. As a third Marionette rushed forward, Jaune dodged a dagger slash, then threw a roundhouse kick at its face, watching as his flaming foot knocked the puppet's head clean off. The Geist came back around for another attack, but the Huntsman thrusted one of Ifrit's gauntlets into its face, shattering it. As the Grimm tore apart like paper, a second Ursa fired off its claws at Jaune, who deflected the projectiles by swinging Alastor in a circle. The Huntsman lobbed his sword at the fourth Marionette, smashing its chest, before using Ifrit to strike the Ursa in the chest with two flaming punches. The Grimm dropped down onto all fours, raking the air as it swiped at him, only for Jaune to backflip away, before leaping upwards and driving a flaming foot into its face, sending the Ursa tumbling into the armless Marionette, killing them both.

"Impressive," Tai chuckled, though everybody's attention was fixed on the screen. "This reminds me of initiation once, upon a time."

The Fetish charged forward, swiping at Jaune with its flaming wheels, which were swiftly blocked with Ifrit. The flaming puppet followed up with a jet of fire released from its mouth, so the Huntsman riposted, stepping out of the burst of flaming before thrusting Alastor into the Fetish's face. A quick twist and turn of his blade, and the top half of the puppet's mouth fell away from its body. The third Ursa charged forwards, prepared to mow over Jaune, but the Huntsman dropped onto his back as the Grimm leaped towards him, then brought his sword up in the air. It sliced the Ursa's stomach open as the Grimm sailed over Jaune, killing the beast before it even landed. The other Geist, still keeping an icy grip on Sprite, floated behind the Huntsman, then lobbed its scythe at his back. Jaune turned into a slash with Alastor, deflecting the attack, before whipping out his shotgun. The Huntsman pulled the trigger, and the Grimm burst apart. Sprite began to fall to the ground, but Jaune stretched out a hand and caught her, gently cradling fairy in his hands.

"Sprite!" the Huntsman whispered urgently, lifting her up to eye level. "Are you okay?" The fairy's eyes fluttered.

"Ugh," she groaned, slowing coming to, before smiling at Jaune. "I'm okay." Then her eyes grew impossibly wide. "Look out!" The Huntsman briefly looked behind himself, before rolling to the side, as a large rock whizzed by him.

"What the hell?!" Yang demanded surprised.

Turning around, Jaune regraded the third Geist, who's large mask stared back at him, nestled in the center of a giant boulder. More rocks made up a crude pair of arms and bulky legs.

"A Petra Gigas," Ms. Goodwitch pursed her lips. "That's not good."

"He'll be fine, if he remains on his toes," Qrow stated. "You got this, kid!"

"Stay behind me, Sprite," Jaune told the fairy, as he began to storm towards the Petra Gigas. "This won't take long."

"Be careful, Jaune," Pyrrha whispered.

The Petra Gigas attacked, bringing a stubby arm up and trying to smash it down on Jaune. The Huntsman dived out of the way, before lifting his arms and taunting the beast. The Petra Gigas followed up with a sideways swing from its other arm, but Jaune ducked, then whipped out his grenade launcher as he stood, and fired a shell at the beast's shoulder, causing the arm to fall away. The Geist mask stared at its missing arm for a couple seconds, before lifting a leg and trying to stomp on the Huntsman. Jaune brought up his arms, and caught the stone appendage as it descended upon him. The Huntsman grunted as he struggled against the Petra Gigas.

"You're going down!" Jaune growled, before twisting his arms, Ifrit blazing as the gauntlets enhanced his strength. The Petra Gigas's leg crumbled apart, causing the Geist's stone body to fall into a lopsided kneel. "Gotcha!" Jaune chuckled, drawing Alastor. He quickly used one of the discarded rocks as a platform to leap towards the Petra Gigas, before slicing his sword right through the Geist's mask, which promptly shattered like glass. A moment later, the Petra Gigas collapsed into a pile lifeless boulders.

Teams RWBY and _NPR started to cheer, but were interrupted by the sound of clapping. Surprised, they turned around to see Adam Taurus standing, slowly applauding.

"Adam?" Blake asked in surprise.

"You were right," the horned Faunus conceded, looking at Nora. "The man really is a talented swordsman."

"Oh, um, thank you, I guess?" Nora fumbled, surprised to be given praise by the man who had served as the main antagonist of the entirety of last season.

"Well done, Huntsman," Sprite praised, smiling. "You've successfully defeated a horde of Grimm and maneuvered through the mist." She turned and pointed at a stone wall, several feet behind them. "There's your destination."

"Alright!" Jaune smiled. "That wasn't such a chore. Thank you, Sprite!" The fairy curtsied.

"My work here is done," she announced, beginning to flutter into the sky. "So I must return to my home plane. May we meet again, Huntsman!"

"Hook me up if you're ever in Vale!" Jaune called up to her. Then he headed into the stone walls. The Huntsman found himself standing in a large rectangular courtyard, with a few trees and pillars lining the walkway to a large iron door. "I must need to head through there," Jaune guessed. "But how do I get through?" Immediately after he asked this, the ground began to rumble, before a pair of Death Stalkers burst out of the ground.

"There's more of those crawling around here?!" Weiss shrieked. "I thought Tyrian was the only one!"

Jaune smirked as he looked the two Scorpion Grimm in their eyes.

"Boys, I just got done fighting a bigger version of you," he smirked. "The guy was even on fire! You really think you can take me?" One of the Death Stalker's rushed forward, jabbing at Huntsman with its tail. Alastor was drawn, and swiftly deflected the stinger, before Jaune hopped onto the Grimm' back, driving his sword deep into its back. With a quick twist of the blade, the Death Stalker collapsed, crumbling to ash a moment later. Putting Alastor away, the Huntsman bobbed and weaved, dodging a pair of claw swipes from the second Scorpion Grimm, before driving one of Ifrit's gauntlets into its face. A small explosion rocked the Death Stalker, destroying its head and sending the Grimm flying backwards. As soon as the second Death Stalker stopped disintegrating, the iron door slid open, revealing a much smaller, wooden door behind it. "And that's that!" Jaune smirked, heading for the wooden door. The episode ended.

"Well, that wasn't too bad," Adam admitted, back in his seat. "I can see why you people enjoy watching it, at the very least."

"So, would you be up for watching more, then?" Ruby asked. The horned Faunus pondered this for a moment.

"Why not?" he finally shrugged. "I'm stuck in here, and this is more entertaining than losing my life to an angry mob."

"Oh, thank the gods," Ghira sighed in relief. "We were able to deal with Adam without needless bloodshed."

"Too bad the entirety of the White Fang couldn't be like that," Kali shook her head.
