It's All About Adam

"...So then I just sheathed Wilt, and the Arma Gigas fell in half, transforming into rose petals," Adam finished telling his story to Teams RWBY and _NPR, as well as Coco, Velvet, and Sun.

"Interesting," Coco commented, a hand on her chin. "I never would've thought the White Fang would have initiation tests into the higher castes."

"What would you have to do to become High Leader?" Sun asked. Adam shrugged.

"I don't know, I've never really been interested in reaching that position," the bull Faunus admitted. "All Sienna Khan does is lounge around in her courtroom, listening to the petty squabbles between the commanders of our various cells across Remnant." He gestured towards Wilt and Blush, which lay propped up against the wall near the soda machine. "Me? I've always felt like my calling was out in the field."

"So do you guys just burn down Dust Shops and kill SDC employees, or is there more to your organization?" Weiss asked, wincing immediately afterwards at how harsh that had sounded. Adam regarded her for a moment, then smirked.

"Actually, there is. Few people know about this, but the White Fang is responsible for the low percentage of Grimm attacks on settlements outside the major cities or Kingdom Capitals. After all, we really don't care about wealth or status. We just want to bring about true equality for the Faunus." Then, he paused, and tapped a finger to his mask, which concealed his horrid brand. "Of course, some of us have more... personal reasons for our dislike of the Schnee family." Weiss looked down guiltily.

"You know, before I watched Season 1 of Abe's show through its entirety, I would've sworn you were a vile monster," Nora blurted out, cowering away as Adam turned to look at her.

"Nora!" Ren hissed.

"But!" Nora said, holding up a finger, trembling slightly. "Now, having seen a bit more of your other characteristics, both onscreen and in person, I've gotta say, you're actually a pretty cool guy!" The bull Faunus tilted his head, and she swore his cheeks had a pinkish tinge to them. Apparently, she wasn't the only one.

"Oh, ho!" Yang laughed. "Is someone feeling bashful?"

"Tch." Adam scoffed. "Whatever. You think your words can rile me up? Think again. I've been ridiculed far worse than you could ever compare to." The bull Faunus turned and strode away, moving for the bathrooms. Ruby watched him leave worriedly.

"We didn't hurt his feelings, did he?" she asked Blake nervously. The cat Faunus shook her head, smiling.

"No. On the contrary, Adam is a glutton for praise, though he'd never admit it. He's probably going in there to kick himself for showing that side of himself. Her bow twitched as her second set of ears picked up his voice echoing from the bathroom.

"Stupid!" Blake heard Adam berate himself. Her smile was now a grin.

"Just as I thought."


As Cinder made her way over to the snack bar, Ozpin pulled Qrow aside, to a corner where he and Ms. Goodwitch were waiting.

"So, what did she tell you?" the Headmaster asked the Huntsman.

"Everything," Qrow grunted. "A plan to destroy Beacon, a plan to flood Vale with Grimm, even an idea to rig the Vytal Festival."

"Gods," Ms. Goodwitch whispered, taking off her glasses. "It would appear Salem has been more active than we realized." Then she thought of something. "But why did Ms. Fall even come clean to begin with? I'd imagine betraying the Queen of Grimm would result in a... less than favorable departure from this world."

"Surprisingly, it was because of this series," Qrow continued. "She said Salem admitted there were some Grimm down in their pools that she could never hope to control." The Huntsman's face was grave as he looked at Ozpin and Glynda's wide eyes. "Oz, I don't to believe it either, but is it possible that Mundus, or at least a Grimm close to his level of power, could actually exist?" The Headmaster of Beacon lowered his head at this question.

"I want to say no, Qrow, but the truth of the matter is, nobody has seen what lies beyond the Grimm pools and lives to tell about it." Ozpin looked up sadly. "That is, after all, how Summer disappeared."

"Yeah," Qrow growled, reaching for his flask. "I remember every single day. It was my own damn luck that killed her." The Huntsman stormed off, guzzling his alcohol. Ms. Goodwitch looked at Ozpin with a serious expression on her face.

"If there are, in fact, godlike Grimm in our reality, Ozpin, then what exactly can any of us do to stop them?"

"Nothing," the Headmaster stated flatly. "Remnant would be doomed. After all, Grimm only exist to spread violence and destruction." His brown eyes were dark with a cold acceptance. "They'd crush us just for some kind of amusement."


"Hey boss, where are you going?" an Ursa called to Mundus, who was putting a trench coat and fedora over his giant marble-covered body.

"I've got some business to attend to on Remnant, and then Asmodeus, Belphagor, Mammon and I are meeting up for our weekly poker game," he announced to his legions, who were all watching him. "After all, we Kings of Grimm have to play friendly with each other. Provided Asmodeus doesn't cheat, again."

"But you'll miss the next season of that show!" a Beowolf pointed out. Mundus waved a hand as he began to disappear into smoke.

"Just put my scrying portal on record!" he called over his shoulder, as he teleported away.


Abe kissed his wife on the cheek, then made his way back into the theater. He leapt up onto the stage just in time to see the audience trailing back into the theater as well, making their way back to their seats.

"Well, I trust everyone has taken care of business?" he asked, once he had gotten everyone's attention.

"We're all set!" Ruby called cheerfully. Abe nodded.

"Great!" He checked his watch. "The new audience members should be arriving any second now, anyway." As if on cue, another purple portal opened up in front of the screen.

"Who's it going to be this time?" Blake wondered.

"Friend Ruby!" a ginger haired girl immediately shot out of the portal, slamming into the Red Reaper with a bear hug. Ruby coughed, falling limp in the girl's arms.

"Penny!" Pyrrha smiled. "It's so good to see you again!"

"Indeed, these are most sensational circumstances!" the cybernetic Huntress beamed, dropping Ruby to place her hands behind her back formally.

"Did you come here by yourself?" Ren asked curiously. At that moment, another figure made their way out of the portal.

"Ozpin!" a black haired man in a white uniform called out as he stepped into the theater. "Ozpin, we need to talk! Why exactly is there a portal in the middle of your student's dormitories, and for the love of the gods, do not-" it was at that moment he noticed Adam Taurus. "You!" the man roared, quickly drawing a pair of large handguns.

"Ironwood!" Adam snarled, Wilt instantly out in front of him.

"Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Abe shouted, panicking. "No violence in the theater please!" General Ironwood and Adam weren't listening, however. The two launched themselves towards each other, and turned into a blur of destruction as they slowly tumbled out of the audience chamber and into the lounge room. "Well, I suppose that's technically out of the theater," Abe sighed.

"Weiss!" a third voice rang out, as a white haired woman stepped out of the portal, storming towards the heiress.

"Winter?!" Weiss gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"At the moment, trying to find out why a wormhole to another dimension has been opened up in your dormitory!" Winter Schnee snapped, causing Weiss to shrink into her seat. "I trusted you with that Dust, Weiss! So what happened?"

"Hey, lay off her Ice Queen!" Qrow called from his row of the theater. His serious glare was quickly replaced by a smirk. "Nothing lasts long in a room both of my nieces are in."

"Hey!" Yang whined.

"Qrow?" the elder Schnee sister did a double take. "What are you doing in here?"

"Watching TV."

"Please tell me you're joking," Winter sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Actually, he speaks the truth, Ms. Schnee," Ozpin called cheerfully.

"Yes, judging by the accommodations of this indoor environment, it is feasible to deduce that this is some sort of theater," Penny nodded, pulling Ruby up off the floor.

"I see," Winter blinked, looking around the room. "Where is General Ironwood? He came in here before me."

"Currently, Ironwood is being strangled by his own tie while simultaneously attempting to shove Adam's mask into his skull," Ms. Goodwitch reported, making her way back into the theater.

"Adam Taurus is here?!" Winter demanded. She moved to enter the lounge room and back up her superior, but was stopped by a hand clamping down on her wrist.

"Winter, no!" Weiss pleaded, pulling her sister back. "It's okay! He's welcome here!" The elder Schnee sibling looked at her younger sister with disturbed shock.

"Weiss, this man is responsible for the deaths of dozens of civilians in both Atlas and Vale! Why are you defending him?!"

"Well, we have been trapped in here with him for quite some time now," Cinder spoke up. "We've learned quite a lot about him these past couple of hours."

"He has done some horrible things, there's no denying that," Tai nodded. "But he's done some really good things, as well."

"Yeah! He helped our Fearless Leader save Vale from the power of a god!" Nora interjected excitedly. Winter's mouth dropped open.

"Nora, that was in the TV show," Ren reminded her. The elder Schnee sister's eye began to twitch.

"What exactly has been going on in here?" she asked, trying not to lose her composure.


"Sensational! Jaune Arc must be a very powerful individual indeed, to challenge an entity as powerful as Mundus and prevail!" Penny smiled, sitting next to Ruby.

"Yeah, he's pretty badass," Sun grinned, lounging back in his seat, the tip of his tail flicking absentmindedly.

"So is Adam, but it was harder to root for him because he was the villain," Yang admitted.

"So what do you say, Winter?" Qrow asked the Specialist. "You're trapped in here with us until Bart figures out a way to open up a portal for us to get out, so why not relax and watch this series with us?"

"I suppose my curiosity has been piqued," Winter sighed, moving to sit down next to Cinder. "And if I'm trapped in here until further notice, it would at least help pass the time." At that moment, Adam and Ironwood emerged from the lounge room. The Faunus was bleeding out of his nose, and the General had a nasty bruise under his right eye.

"Ah, James, your back," Ozpin greeted him merrily. "Shall we fill you in on what's going on?"

"No need," Ironwood shook his head, holding up a hand. He gestured towards Adam. "That one was kind enough to fill me in on this place and what had happened during our... disagreement." He dropped down on the seat next to Ms. Goodwitch. "So, this is the beginning of the new season?"

"That's right," Abe nodded. "And this time, there's a change in main characters. Jaune Arc will being taking a break for this story."

"So who is this season about, then?" Pyrrha asked. Abe smiled, and pointed. Everyone turned to look at who he was pointing at, and their eyes widened.

"Me?" Adam asked, surprised.

"That's right. This one is all about you," Abe told him. "I think you'll find it refreshing to be painted in a heroic light for once." He leaped down off the stage, making his way towards the projector's booth. "Trust me, it won't be as bad as you think. Oh, and as always: Warning: this footage contains scenes of explicit violence and gore." Abe entered the projector's booth, and the audience prepared to witness the events of White Fang Rising: Revengeance.
