M-14: A Justice Rage, for All to Feel

"I hope Adam saves those poor kids!" Ruby said worriedly, as the audience waited for the next episode to begin.

"I wouldn't worry, Rubes," Yang said reassuringly. "There hasn't been anyone in this facility who could stand against Adam so far. He'll save the kidnapped children. I'm sure of it."

"But what if that wolf Faunus- I mean, Crimson, is still in the facility?" Blake asked worriedly. "He might prove troublesome."

"From what we've heard, it sounds like he and the other guy left," Weiss pointed out, as the lights began to dim. "Still, it would be smart for Adam to be on his guard."

The episode began with Adam fighting a trio of soldiers, though the battle was blatantly one-sided. The bull Faunus blocked an overhead swing from a sword with Wilt, before shoving the blade away, cutting his assailant across the face. He swiftly pivoted into a stab, driving his sword through the middle of the soldier's chest. Adam spun away, ripping Wilt out of his assailant, who collapsed to the floor, blood spraying from his wound. A second soldier leaped into the fray, attempting to plunge his blade into the Faunus's stomach, but to his surprise, Blush was suddenly knocking his weapon aside. Adam shoved his sheath forward, firing off a trio of bullets with its built-in rifle, aiming for the man's waist. The first shot instantly shattered the soldier's Aura, allowing the other two bullets to tear through his body. With a cry, he fell backwards, a pair of bloodstains splattered on the wall behind him. The third soldier sliced at the Faunus with his sword, then raised his riot shield to block the counterattack he knew would come.

"Too late," Adam sneered, swinging Wilt upwards, forcing the man's arm into the air. As the large shield rose in front the soldier, the bull Faunus used it as a platform to roll on, quickly maneuvering behind his opponent. With a smirk, Adam quickly struck the man twice across the back, breaking his Aura, before driving Wilt down through the soldier's shoulder, nearly cutting him in half. The Faunus tore his sword out of his victim, watching as the soldier dropped to the ground in a spray of gore.

"Yuck!" Nora cringed, turning green. "That's so nasty!"

"Nora, are you feeling okay?" Pyrrha asked her teammate, concerned.

"She's still not accustomed to the sight of blood," Ren informed the Invincible Girl gently. "Neither of us are, because Grimm don't bleed." He then frowned at a sudden realization. "For Adam to behave so casually towards gore tells me he's seen more violence than anybody should."

"You have no idea," the bull Faunus nodded.

As Adam returned his sword back to its sheath, his intercom crackled to life.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Bad news, Adam," Ilia reported, her voice thick with worry. "We can't find George."

"What?!" the bull Faunus demanded.

"Maybe the coordinates you sent us were wrong?" she suggested.

"Impossible," Blade Wolf interjected. "I merged the GPS location of our entry into the sewers with all my movement data. Adam's coordinates were 100% precise."

"This is bad..." the chameleon Faunus whispered.

"You think the Atlas Titans got to him first?" Adam asked darkly.

"They better not have!" Kali hissed, her eyes on fire and her ears flat against her head. "If they touched a single hair on that boy's head, I'll force-feed them their own hands!"

"There's the overprotective tigress from Blake's baby years," Ghira chuckled.

"I certainly hope they didn't," Ilia said hurriedly. "I'll have Clover's men do a sweep of the area, just to be safe."

"Thanks," Adam told her. "I'll continue to look for the other kids." Seeing a metal door in front of him, the bull Faunus pushed it open, and continued forward. Inside, he found himself in a large hanger, full of metal boxcars and oil drums. A few Bullheads and Hammerheads were spaced throughout the large room, but it was eerily void of any guards or mechanics. "Something's not right," Adam grunted. "It's too quiet." Cautiously, he took a step forward. Immediately, he was thrown backwards as a pair of oil drums exploded in front of him.

"Whoa!" Emerald jumped. "What happened?!"

"There's got to be something in the room with Adam!" Cinder realized. "Oil drums don't just spontaneously combust!"

"But where are they?" Mercury grumbled.

Climbing back up onto his feet, Adam shook his head, snapping out of his dazed bewilderment. A second later, he was forced to dive forwards, as a large orb of energy was fired at him from above. More began to rain down on him, so the bull Faunus maneuvered his way in between a pair of metal boxcars, shielding himself from the overhead attacks. Adam lifted his head, spying a large blotch of black amongst the steel ceiling, and then his mouth curled into a smile.

"I haven't seen one of those things in a while," he chuckled, as his attacker dropped down from the ceiling in front of him. Standing before the bull Faunus was a large, four-legged robot, its torso downwards like that of a large spider, while it had a more humanoid upper body. Two long arms extended from the robot's main body, each ending in a cannon nozzle. Two more cannons adorned the robot's shoulders, as its faceless head locked onto Adam, a red light glowing from a visor between its plating.

"An SDC Security Spider Droid?" Willow started in surprise. "Where did the Atlas Titans learn to build one of those things?!"

"Knowing our father, he probably sold them the blueprints," Whitley pointed out.

"Heh, just like on that train a while back," Adam smirked. "I remember that like it was yesterday..." he then pointed at Blake angrily. "Because you ditched me, you little scaredy-cat!" The cat Faunus cringed, her ears flattening against her head.

"Would it help I said sorry?" she asked weakly.

"Adam! What's going on?!" Sienna's voice demanded.

"Security Spider," Adam grunted, dodging a stomp from one of the robot's large front legs. "Gotta call you back!" The Security Spider let out a metallic groan as it took a step forward, thrusting one of its arm cannons forward, firing off an orb of energy. There was a loud bang as the bull Faunus drew his sword, firing off Blush as he did so, quickly slicing the projectile in half. The orb fizzled out of existence on either side of him. By that point however, the Security Spider had scuttled closer to him, shoving a leg into a kick. Adam braced Wilt in front of him, blocking the attack, though he was still sent skidding backwards. As the large robot continued to advance in him, the bull Faunus grit his teeth. Then, as it pointed its other arm cannon at him, Adam rushed forward, and slammed his sword into the cannon's nozzle. This caused the projectile to fire upwards into the ceiling, giving the Faunus a moment to slice the Security Spider twice across the torso. Besides scuffing its paint job, however, his attack didn't appear to do any damage. A second later, it lifted up a leg, tossing the bull Faunus away.

"The durability of that robot's exterior is formidable," Penny commented, a small frown on her face.

"It was designed to withstand military-grade explosives," Winter stated. "My father wanted to be sure his Dust shipments would be safe from White Fang raids."

"A robot of such size and strength seems a bit excessive," Ironwood commented. Then, in a voice barely audible, he added, "Gods know that pompous prick makes enough money already."

There was an electrical hum as the Security Spider's shoulder cannons lit up, before firing off a pair of energy bolts. Adam slid under the attacks, then stood and fired off a trio of shots into the robot's head. The first two bullets ricocheted off its thick metal plating, but the third slammed into its visor, causing it to flinch.

"Ha! Guess you're not quite as durable as on your upper body," the bull Faunus realized. The Security Spider didn't respond. Instead, all of its cannons shifted and extended, locking together in front of the robot, before a large light began to glow from the front of the cannons' conjoined nozzles. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that function," Adam grimaced in frustration. It was all he could do to shove his sword in front of him before a large beam of white energy smashed into him, enveloping the screen in white with the sound of an explosion.

"Holy shit!" Coco spluttered.

"Can a Security Spider really do that?" Velvet asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

"They can," Adam nodded simply. "That little maneuver almost killed Blake and I a couple months ago."

When the bright light subsided, Adam was doubled over, panting for breath as his Aura rippled over his body. Both of the boxcars on either side of him had been reduced to mere shreds of burning metal. To his pleasure, however, the Security Spider has been thrown away in the explosion, as was currently partially embedded into a wall, large dents covering its humanoid torso and frontal legs. A flash of light emanated from the robot's visor, and then its legs sank into the wall, pulling into a standing position. The bull Faunus sighed as he stood back up.

"You ready for round two?" he asked the Security Spider. In response, the robot began to scuttle along the large wall, firing at him with its cannons once again, raining down several orbs of energy.

"Gods, that machine is relentless," Ghira grimaced, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Did you and Adam actually manage to destroy the Security Spider?" Kali asked her daughter nervously.

"Adam was able to," Blake nodded. "It took a Moonslice, however. And it didn't have as much room to maneuver around, unlike this one."

As small explosions covered the ground around him, Adam leaped into the air, briefly running across the wall himself to avoid the flames and shrapnels flying through the air. Dropping to the ground, the bull Faunus rolled onto his feet, watching as the Security Spider continued to crawl along the wall, aiming its shoulder cannons at him, preparing to fire off another pair of bolts. Adam quickly tapped his intercom's second button with his ring finger, causing his hard light swords to appear over the robot, before thrusting downwards forcefully. The blades sank an inch into the thick metal plating, then shattered, but they weren't enough to stop the Security Spider from firing off its energy bolts. The bull Faunus groaned as he dove away, narrowly avoiding the explosion that rocked the wall behind him.

"Damn it," he swore. "I can't risk wasting my Royal Release while that robot is still clambering around. I need that thing stationary!" A small smirk suddenly formed on his face. "And I think I have just the thing to make that happen."

"What is he planning?" Ms. Goodwitch wondered, intrigued.

"I'm not entirely sure," Ozpin mused. "Mr. Taurus seems confident, though, so he's convinced his plan will work."

Adam took a deep breath, and then burst into a run. The Security Spider thrusted its arm cannons forwards, letting loose a barrage of energy bolts, but the bull Faunus simply weaved through the attacks, slicing apart the few he couldn't dodge with Wilt. As he closed in on the robot, he sheathed his sword, then stopped cold, right in front of it.

"You want me? Here I am!" Adam challenged the robot. With a metallic whine, the Security Spider shifted, then detached from the wall, pushing off in an attempt to land on top of the bull Faunus. But at the last second, he spun away, allowing the robot to smash harmlessly into the ground instead. The sound of gunfire filled the air as Adam quickly drew Wilt, his other hand pulling Blush's trigger. With the extra force from his sheath's rifle, the bull Faunus struck one of the Security Spider's legs, severing it from the main body. The robot groaned, shuddering as it became off balance, before falling into an angled position, immobilized.

"Ha!" Tai laughed. "That was actually pretty clever!"

"Not bad, kid," Qrow smirked. "Now finish the job!"

Adam stepped in front of the Security Spider, sheathing his sword as he came into its artificial site. Rumbling, the robot shifted its arm and shoulder cannons, charging up another powerful beam of energy. The bull Faunus, however, simply scoffed, one hand going down for the hilt of his sword as his hair lit up. One simple draw of his blade, and a wave of red energy burst forwards, tearing through the Security Spider, which short-circuited and exploded. Adam calmly turned his back to the fiery remains of the robot, sheathing his sword as rose petals fluttered to the ground around him.

"He did it!" Ruby cheered. "He completely destroyed that robot!"

"And he looked like a badass while doing so!" Yang added, grinning widely.

"Not bad," Weiss admitted, happy to see Adam win, but a little disappointed that her father was wasting millions of Lien to build robots that could be reduced to pieces with just a sword. And a wave of pure destructive energy, but still.

As Adam walked away from the remains of the Security Spider, his intercom buzzed.

"Adam!" Clover's voice announced excitedly. "I figured out who that third person was! You know, the guy in the suit? Steven Sleet, as in Atlasian Councilman Steven Sleet. There's talk about him replacing Ironwood as Atlas's president in the election next year. And get this: about six months ago, the grand jury investigated his ties to a certain private-"

"Military company, the Atlas Titans, one of the biggest in existence," the bull Faunus finished. "Yeah, I think I can put the pieces together there."

"THE biggest, even after you take into account all the mercenary groups that came into existence after the fall of Beacon," the Specialist clarified. "I guess that answers the question of who's financially supporting them, though..."

"An Atlasian Councilman and PMC in bed together," Adam grunted. "Should make for some interesting headlines."

"Headlines?" Clover scoffed. "Adam, this is a mercenary organization and a government official we're talking about here. There won't be any headlines. Even with the Atlas Council's support, no major media outlet would investigate allegations like these. It'd be a financial and political suicide."

"Seriously?" Coco demanded, disgusted. "Adam finally has the evidence to bust these guys, and nobody's going to help him just because they might lose some cash?"

"Atlas is far from a utopian society," Velvet sighed. "Avarice is one of their biggest sins. That's why my mom left my father, and moved to Vale."

"So we just, what? Sit back while they keep carving up kids?" Adam demanded, his breath becoming ragged. "Stand aside while they build an army of cyborgs?! You heard them: We shut down one lab, they build another. They're planning something big, Clover, and we can't just wait for it to happen. We need to hit them first, and hit them hard, where it counts!"

"No," Clover stated flatly. "Adam? No. I know what you're thinking, and just... no. Mantle is in the Kingdom of Atlas, and Atlas has these little things called laws."

"Mmhmm," the bull Faunus hummed, not exactly listening to the Specialist as he looked through his Scroll. "And according to this news article, law enforcement in Mantle was privatized and farmed out to..."

"The Atlas Titans! Yes! So what?!" Clover exploded. "There are still laws! And this is their HEADQUARTERS we're talking about! You'd be heading right into the heart of a raging shit-storm!"

"Those creeps even own Mantle's law enforcement?" Mercury spluttered, confused by the very concept.

"You can't privatize a city's police!" Emerald stated heatedly. "The entire purpose of the law is to serve and protect the public, not the government! Nothing about that is even remotely legal!"

"With enough money, though, even the most self-righteous law man will bend his knee," Cinder whispered quietly.

"I didn't say it would be easy," Adam pointed out. "We'll figure it out after the kids are safe."

"For the love of..." Clover sounded like he wanted to continue the argument, but the Specialist thought better of it. "Clover out."

The scene changed to show Adam approaching a metal door, which was guarded by a pair of Titan soldiers. The two guards raised their firearms, pointing them at the bull Faunus, but to their surprise, he was suddenly right in front of them. Two quick swings from Wilt, and the soldiers collapsed, their rifles in pieces and bleeding profusely from the chests. Adam stepped through the door, finding himself in a large dark room. Several large glass cylinders lined the back wall, filled with a strange glowing blue liquid, similar to the containers that stored the children's brains. The bull Faunus quickly took a picture of this.

"Pietro? What do you make of this?" he asked.

"Ah, those appear to be artificial blood cryopreservers," the Atlasian Scientist commented. "They must have already begun preparatory freezing."

"What do you mean?"

"That device is filled with synthetic blood plasma," Pietro explained. "It can slow the metabolism of a harvested organ, circulating this plasma to sustain oxygen levels. You can preserve an arm, a brain- any body part, really, for several hours."

"What could be possibly be freezing?" Adam demanded warily.

"I could not say. Perhaps they plan to sell off the organs of the children they were instructed to dispose of?"

"Unbelievable," the bull Faunus grumbled, disgusted.

"You had best hurry, Adam," the Atlasian Scientist urged him.

"I hope those poor kids are okay!" Ruby whimpered fearfully.

"Surely Abe wouldn't make us watch a bunch of children get murdered," Penny suggested worriedly, but she didn't sound too sure.

Adam quickly made his way past the criopreservation tubes, towards a pair of double doors on the other end of the room. Pushing them open, the bull Faunus took a step forward, then stopped in surprise. Before him was a wide glass windows, and behind it were dozens of children, both boys and girls, all of various ages and colors. All had horns, tails, extra ears, or an otherwise extra animal trait, signifying they were Faunus.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"What the hell?" Adam grunted, confused. As he stood there in bewilderment, his confusion turned into horrified alarm as suddenly, a thick white gas began to filter into the room. Seeing this, all the children began to move about in a panic, their eyes filled with horror and fright. "Oh, shit!"

"What's happening to them?!" Kali demanded, her eyes alight with fury.

"Gas poisoning!" Ghira snarled, shaking with rage. "That practice was used by a couple of particularly cruel human generals during the Great War! Now the Atlas Titans are following in their footsteps!"

Adam ran up to the window, watching as the children on the other side pressed their faces and hands up against the glass. The bull Faunus smashed his fists together, deploying Thorns, then brought back an armored fist, preparing to smash the window open.

"Stop right there!" a voice ordered. Growling, Adam turned around, and found himself staring at George, who was down on his knees, an arm wrapped around his neck. Behind him stood a diminutive woman with graying hair, pressing a pistol up against the raccoon Faunus's head.

"George?!" the bull Faunus grunted in surprise.

"H-Hi, Adam," George stammered nervously.

"Just when we thought things couldn't get any worse," Sun groaned.

"Cordovin, I presume?" Adam spat, staring at the woman's eyes. She smiled and nodded, then looked towards the window.

"Have you ever heard of chloroform?" Cordovin asked smugly. "It's a potent anesthetic in smaller doses. But breathe too much of it..." she indicted towards the window, where already some of the Faunus children were beginning to collapse. "That's one nap none of the poor tykes will wake from." Enraged, the bull Faunus turned around, preparing to smash the glass a second time. "You so much as crack that glass and I'll blow the boy's brains out!" the mad scientist warned the bull Faunus. "Surrender! Or decide: the needs of the many or the needs of the few?"

"Ren, tell me what happens!" Nora whispered. "I don't think I can bare to watch this!"

"It'll be okay, Nora," Ren assured her. "I'm sure Adam has a plan of some kind."

"I certainly hope so, because I can't see any way out of this situation that doesn't end with a child's death!" Pyrrha admitted, her hands clutched in front of her.

"Adam, forget about me," George managed to gasp out, as Cordovin's arm tightened around his neck.

"Quiet, you little monster!" she berated the raccoon Faunus. She then turned her attention back to Adam. "Surrender!" Cordovin's smile became even nastier than it was already. "I won't ask again!" The bull Faunus wasn't listening to her, however. He removed the cloth covering his eyes, so he could meet George's more easily.

"George, are you sure?" he asked gently. The raccoon Faunus nodded.

"I'm ready." Despite his present circumstances, the boy managed to force a smile. "My life was a piece of junk, anyway." He looked back towards Cordovin. "But, if I can guarantee this hag goes to Hell..." With a morbid chuckle, Adam unsheathed his sword, as his brand began to smoke, and then ignited with flames.

"That's all I needed to hear..."

"Welp, Cordovin's dead," Mercury shrugged.

"Too bad, so sad," Emerald said carelessly.

"She went up against Adam, what did she honestly expect?" Cinder demanded.

Cordovin's confidence quickly devolved into surprise, and then horror as Adam began to calmly stride towards her.

"What are you doing?!" she demanded, shoving her gun right up against George's temple. "Did you not hear me? I'll kill him! I SWEAR I'LL KILL HIM!" At that moment, however the raccoon Faunus took his chance to tear his neck out of the woman's vice-like grip, quickly falling to floor.

"DO IT!" he screamed. With a snarl, Cordovin stepped on George's back, pointing her firearm at the back of his head. But only then did she notice the shadow the bull Faunus now cast upon her. Too late did she lift her widened eyes in time to see a demon with a flaming face sneering at her, his sword descending through the air at an alarming rate. Cordovin opened her mouth and screamed, just as Wilt connected with top of her head, and quickly tore through the rest of her. Adam smiled grimly, satisfied as he watched the woman's fall away on either side of his sword. The episode ended.

"Man, that got intense," Tai shuddered, glad the episode was finally over.

"At least Adam saved all those poor kids," Ruby sighed in relief.

"You know, I think I could use a couple minutes' break," Blake announced, as she got out of her seat. "I can only handle so much morbid violence at one time."

"You think watching it's bad?" Abe chuckled, making his way out of the booth to get a refill on snacks. "Try writing it."
