Bonus Mission 6

Bonus Mission 6

"So, Abe, when can we see what happened after the incident in Argus?" Ruby asked excitedly.

"Soon," their host assured her. "But to be honest, I'm having a little trouble finding the next film reel. I'm looking as hard as I can, of course, but it'll take a while."

"We could help you look, if you'd like," Pyrrha suggested.

"No, that's alright. I've actually got something for you guys to watch in the meantime. I've wanted to show it for a while, now, but didn't really have an ideal chance." This intrigued the audience to no end.

"What is it about?" Yang asked curiously, as Abe headed back into the projector booth.

"It's sort of like a glimpse into the future," he admitted. "Like you'd get to see what happened in this world after the events in the show."

"That... sounds... AWESOME!" Nora cheered. "We'll get to see the future?!"

"Essentially," Abe nodded. "There shouldn't be any spoilers in this. What do you say?"

"I think we're all in agreement for watching," Ozpin commented drily, as everyone else murmured their agreements.

"Fair enough." The lights dimmed, and the audience settled in to watch a glimpse into the future.

The episode began with an old man laying on the wooden floor of a small house. Behind him, a timid mother and her two young children, a boy and a girl, cowered against a wall, looks of fear evident on their faces. The man was laying in a small puddle of blood, and his face was contorted in agony. His right hand was tightly clutched around his left shoulder, where a festering wound was slowly seeping more of the viscous red fluid.

"That poor man!" Penny cried, a look of pity on her face.

"What happened to him?" Weiss demanded.

As the man continued to writhe in pain, the sound of footsteps approached. Two combat boots came into view, as well as a familiar pair of blue jeans.

"Oh thank the gods," Velvet sighed in relief.

"Looks like Vomit Boy's here to save the day," Coco grinned.

As the person continued to move forward, a tattered scarlet cloak was seen draping down their back. The elderly man managed to lift his head, spying the lower half of a white breastplate, decorated with an emblem of a red rose with two golden arcs situated in the flower's center.

"Forget about me," the old man wheezed. "Save the others..."

"No," a feminine voice stated determinedly. "I won't let anybody else die." The figure knelt down, revealing the face of a beautiful young woman with long, flowing blonde hair, and deep grayish-blue eyes.

And just like that, the audience was captivated.

"Th-that's not J-Jaune," Ruby stuttered, her heart pounding heavily in her chest.

"She's beautiful..." Qrow whispered.

"Oh my gods, am I going to be an auntie?!" Yang squealed, covering her mouth as she rocked in her seat.

The blonde-haired woman placed her hands over the man's wound, concentrating on transferring her Aura into gaping tear. Immediately, the wound began to slowly close. At that moment, however, the sound of guns clicking could be heard.

"Get down!" the woman cried. Screaming, the mother wrapped her arms around her children and dropped, throwing all three of them to the ground. The girl quickly laid down next to the old man, before a series of bullet holes tore apart the walls.

"Yikes!" Emerald flinched. "What's going on?"

"I don't know," Mercury grimaced. "Probably nothing good, though."

For several seconds, the torrential gunfire continued, completely destroying the house's walls. Then, as suddenly as it started, the attack stopped. For a moment, All was silent. Then, a voice was heard.

"Give it up, bitch!" the voice snarled. "The old man's stumbled upon Wave business transactions. His life is forfeit! Your's will be, too, unless you walk away right now!"

"Like I'd ever do that!" the girl shot back. "You mafia jerks are all the same. You use honeyed words, but your mouths are laced with venom!"

"Oh, we've got hero in there!" the voice gasped mockingly. "Have it your way. We'll just smoke you out!"

"Don't you dare!" Tai snarled, his eyes alight with fire. "Hell hath no fury like a vengeful grandfather!"

"That goes for me, too!" Qrow added, gripping his flask so hard it began to creak.

"We're all going to die!" the mother wailed, clutching her children to her chest tightly. The old man closed his eyes in resignation, but the blonde woman didn't look to concerned.

"Don't worry, I've got an ace up my sleeve," she assured the other occupants in the house. Reaching for her Scroll, she held it up to her mouth, pressing a contact button. "You're on," she whispered.

The scene changed to show a group of six men standing outside the bullet-riddled house, in the middle of a desolate town underneath the dark night sky. Five were wearing sacks over their heads, and carrying machine guns, while the sixth was a bald deer Faunus, a pair of antlers covering his temples. He had a pistol holstered on his belt, and was currently shoving a wad of cloth into an uncorked bottle of alcohol.

"Think you're so clever, don't you, you little whore?" the deer Faunus sneered, before striking a match. "Well, we'll show you. Nobody stands against the Wave, and lives to tell about it!" He brought the match over to the end of the rag sticking out of the bottle. At that moment, though, a strong gust of wind snuffed out out the match, kicking up dust covering the ground as well. Surprised, all six men turned around, then spotted a seventh person.

This new interloper was perched atop a nearby abandoned house, illuminated by Remnant's broken moon, which was rising in the sky behind him. His lower body was clad in a pair of combat trousers, and his feet leather boots. His upper body was more armored, consisting of a plated cuirass covering his chest, and spaulders adorning each of his shoulders. His head was unprotected, allowing his red hair to blow in the soft night breeze. His upper face, though, was concealed by a familiar white mask, a large crack covering the left side of the porcelain disguise. Clutched in his left hand was the sheath for a katana, the sword still resting in its scabbard.

"I never would've thought Adam would go for armor," Coco hummed curiously.

"I don't think that's Adam," Velvet interjected. "That man doesn't have bull horns."

"But then who else could it be?" Winter demanded.

The gunmen watched as the newcomer dropped to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dirt as he landed. As he lifted his head to stare at them behind his cracked mask, they caught a brief glimpse of a black bovine tail, tipped with a tuft of red fur, flick in the air behind him.

"It can't be..." Kali gasped in surprise.

"I think it is!" Ms. Goodwitch breathed in awe.

"F-Ferdinand?" Cinder choked, amazed and stunned by her child's handsome adult form.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Look what we got here, another child thinks he can play hero!" the deer Faunus sneered. He pointed his gun at the newcomer. "You better piss off, pal, before I put a bullet through your..." the man's threat died in his throat as the interloper suddenly was right on top of him. The pommel of the katana slammed into his head, and the deer Faunus was sent spiraling to the ground as Ferdinand Taurus stood menacingly over him.

"Give them hell," Adam chuckled.

One of the gunmen lifted his arms, aiming his weapon at Ferdinand, but to his surprise, the bull Faunus was spinning towards him. The tip of the katana sheath smashed into his nose, breaking it instantly. With a howl, the man dropped his firearm, clutching at his face, giving Ferdinand an opportunity to sweep his legs out from under him, sending him sprawling. A second gunman pointed his gun at the bull Faunus, who turned to face him. Ferdinand gripped the handle of his weapon, and quickly drew it. There was a flash of white, and then a large gust of wind kicked up more dust off the ground, before the gunman's rifle snapped in half.

"What the-" the bull Faunus quickly rushed forward, using his sheathed sword to catch the assailant by his neck, throwing him to the ground, a well-placed stomp making sure that's where the man would stay.

"It appears his sword has been infused with Wind Dust," Ironwood noticed. "An interesting combination."

A third gunman managed to get his rifle up in time, and fired off a few shots, but a quick flick of Ferdinand's wrist, and his sword was out of its scabbard and spinning in front of him, deflecting the bullets. The bull Faunus rushed forward, bringing back his katana, revealing its icy white blade in more detail. Using its pommel, he shoved the nozzle of the rifle aside, before using his sheath as a club, striking his attacker across the face. The gunman stumbled, allowing Ferdinand to drive his boot into his chest, sending him tumbling backwards. As the fourth and fifth gunmen approached, cocking their rifles, the bull Faunus stabbed his blade into the ground, enveloping all three men in a large cloud of dust.

"Now I see why Ferdinand chose Wind Dust for his sword," Ghira chuckled. "It can create gusts of air sharp enough to snap weaponry in half, and makeshift smoke bombs."

The two gunmen became uneasy, as they scanned their obscured surroundings for any sign of their quarry. Suddenly, with a yelp, one of the men jumped in surprise as Ferdinand appeared right in front of him. The bull Faunus quickly jerked his sword upwards, tearing the gunman's firearm out of his hands. Quickly thrusting his arms behind the man's neck, Ferdinand sheathed his katana, then used the katana to drag the man into a head-butt. The fifth gunman quickly turned in the two men's direction, but his quarry was faster. The bull Faunus drew his sword, allowing the other gunman to drop, before spinning his body and hurling his sword, the blade kicking up a mini dust devil as it spun through the air. It caught the other gunman in the waist, the hilt slamming into his groin. The man doubled over, giving Ferdinand ample time to rush forwards and drive his knee into the side of his assailant's head. As the gunman fell over, the bull Faunus kneeled, holding out his scabbard, which flashed with purple light. This caused the katana, which had fallen to the ground, to rise up into the air, and fly back to its owner. Ferdinand caught his sword by the handle, then calmly returned it back into its sheath, as the dust cloud dispersed around him.

"Awesome!" Yang cheered, throwing a fist into the air. "Ferdinand totally kicks ass!"

"Wait, it's not over yet!" Ruby pointed at the screen. "Look!"

The revving of engines caused Ferdinand to lift his masked head. Standing up, he sighed deeply out his nose as a trio of motorcycles came into view, each sporting a rider armed with an automatic pistol. The bull Faunus drew his katana as one of the cyclists opened fire, quickly deflecting the spray of bullets. Holstering his pistol, the motorcycle rider pulled out a heavy club, then sped his vehicle up, rushing towards his quarry. At this, Ferdinand smirked. The bull Faunus spun around as the cyclist drew near, dragging his sword across the ground into an upward swing, sending an arc of dust into the air.

"What was the point of that, exactly?" Ms. Goodwitch asked, confused.

"I think I might have an idea~" Cinder crooned, excited.

Ferdinand braced his katana on his shoulder, before his hair, mask markings, and shoulder pauldrons all lit up with a bright red light. Instantly, the cloud of dust condensed and solicited into glass, turning into a curved ramp. The motorcycle rider screamed as his vehicle drove up the half-circle, before gravity took effect and dumped both motorcycle and cyclist to the ground. As his opponent and the motorized vehicle landed, the bull Faunus spun into a slice, cutting the glass ramp in half, causing the structure to topple over onto the motorcyclist, pinning him to the ground.

"Wow!" Ruby gasped in awe. "Is that his Semblance?!"

"It is," Cinder nodded proudly. "And he inherited it from me."

The other two motor cyclists began to circle the bull Faunus, firing at him from all sides. To their surprise, however, Ferdinand was much faster than they anticipated, easily able to keep his eye on both and deflect their attacks. The bull Faunus kicked up a foot, throwing up another small cloud of sand, before sheathing his sword and holding out his hands. The dust shifted and shaped itself, before hardening into a glass javelin, which he took in hand and hurled at one of his assailants. The javelin smashed into a motorcycle's front tire, jamming into the spokes and causing the wheel to jam. This caused the motorcycle to flip, throwing both itself and its rider to the ground. The cyclist tumbled to a halt, then lay flat on his chest, unmoving. Ferdinand's mouth parted into a rueful grin, as he turned around in time to see the last motorcycle descending upon him.

"Look out!" Blake cried, clamping her hands onto her armrests.

Ferdinand calmly swept his sword across the ground in front of him, causing another large cloud of dust to rise, which hardened into a wall of glass. The motorcycle slammed into the barrier the bull Faunus had created, then toppled over, its rider dazed and confused. Once again, Ferdinand sliced his glass creation apart, trapping his opponent underneath a heavy structure.

"Ha! What a legend!" Qrow cackled.

"Now it's over!" Sun grinned.

At that moment, someone tackled Ferdinand from behind, causing both of them to tumble to the ground. As he rolled across the dusty street, the bull Faunus dropped his sword. Shaking his head, he stood in time to see the deer Faunus from earlier getting back up onto his feet, sneering at him.

"Oh, I guess it's still going," Penny hummed, not really in disappointment, though.

"Come on, kid!" Tai called to the screen. "This guy's got nothing on you!"

"Okay, you're stronger than I thought," the deer Faunus grumbled, reaching behind his back to pull out a large knife. "But let's see how you fare without that little toy of yours!" With a growl, he rushed forward, plunging his blade towards Ferdinand's chest. The bull Faunus calmly deflected the stab with his empty scabbard, before using it to strike his attacker across the arm and face. "Argh!" the deer Faunus groaned, clutching his jaw, before spitting on the ground. "I'll gut you yet!" he roared, slicing at Ferdinand's stomach. The bull Faunus was faster, however, quickly spinning behind his assailant, and thrusting his foot into the small of his attacker's back. The deer Faunus stumbled forward, and then was sent sprawling as Ferdinand hurled his scabbard into the back of his head.

"Jeez, this kid's good!" Coco whistled.

"And that samurai armor gives him a regal flair," Velvet admitted. "Whoever ends up with him will be a lucky girl indeed..."

"You little shit!" the deer Faunus howled, pushing himself off his stomach and back onto his feet. "Hold still, and LET ME KILL YOU!" He quickly shifted his grip on his knife so that the blade was pointed downwards, and charged towards Ferdinand a second time. The bull Faunus calmly held his ground, and then, at the last second, stepped backwards, moving in a way that all the dust that had collected on his body leapt off his clothes. This hardened into a perfect replica of Ferdinand, which trapped the deer Faunus's blade in a statue of thick glass.

"Huh." Cinder blinked. "I never would've thought of that."

"Looks like your son has figured out some new uses for your Semblance, Cinder," Emerald pointed out, impressed.

"Hey, I took my father's fighting style, and expanded upon it," Mercury pointed out. "It's natural for students to add onto their instructor's teachings."

The deer Faunus tried in vain to dislodge his knife from the glass statue, before giving up, and pushing past it to charge at the bull Faunus a third time.

"YOU STUPID BRAT!" he bellowed, throwing his fist at his quarry's masked face. Ferdinand brought up an arm, blocking the attack with his elbow, before driving his palm into the deer Faunus's face. As the man recoiled from the attack, the bull Faunus followed up with a knee to his assailant's ribs, before dropping into a sweep kick, flooring his opponent. The deer Faunus pushed himself back up onto his feet, but Ferdinand was faster, snatching up a handful of dirt as he quickly stood, hardening the earth into a glass gauntlet that covered his entire fist. This he brought up into his assailant's chin, sending him sailing backwards, over the glass replica of the bull Faunus and through the air, until he landed on his back in front of the house he and his goons had previously shot up.

"That was quite a punch," Whitley winced.

"I wouldn't be surprised if that last attack killed that man," Willow added, grimacing at that thought.

Slowly but surely, the deer Faunus got back up, as his pale green Aura convulsed around his body, then shattered. Still, he looked around at all of his men, who were also making their way onto their feet, and grunted as he pulled out a switchblade, and took a step towards Ferdinand, who had retrieved his scabbard. The bull Faunus held his sheath aloft, and once more, his sword rose off the ground, and flew back into his free hand.

"You think you're so tough, don't you?" the deer Faunus demanded, as he glared at the masked man who had single handedly bested him and his lackeys. "You only accomplished what you have so far because you caught us off guard! Now that we're all together, though, you're in for a world of hurt!" He took another step forward, but froze as a blur of white rushed past his body. Asterion calmly sheathed his katana. The moment he finished doing so, the blade of the switchblade snapped in half, and clattered uselessly to the ground. A second later, both of the deer Faunus's antlers broke off from their base, falling away from his head. All of the other gunmen took a step backward in fear.

"I barely even saw that!" Blake gasped, wide-eyed. "Just how skilled is Ferdinand with a sword?!"

"I-I... y-you j-j-just..." the deer Faunus stuttered fearfully. Ferdinand stared at him in bemusement for a couple seconds, then thrusted his arms out. A cloud of black smoke burst forth from the bull Faunus, enveloping his form in darkness for a few moments. When his veil subsided, where Ferdinand had once stood was a menacing beast. Its bulky body was inky black, and its shaggy hair was fiery red. Bony spikes grew out of the creature's shoulders, and chitinous plating covered its chest and knees. A pair of ivory hooves served as the beast's feet, and curving claws adorned each of its fingers. A pair of yellow lights glared behind the creature's mask, which obscured the upper half of its face. The beast's mouth curled into a smile, revealing a mouth lined with sharp teeth.

"I was wondering whether Ferdinand would have a Grimm form, considering his father is unable to turn into one himself," Weiss hummed, interested.

"No! Stay away from me!" the deer Faunus screamed. He looked around him, attempting to find a suitable escape route, but there was nowhere to run. So instead, he fell on his hands and knees in front of the beast before him, trembling. "Please don't kill me!" he begged, looking up at the creature with wide eyes.

"Begone." That one word sent chills down the deer Faunus's spine. He quickly stood, then took off running as fast as his legs could carry him. Seeing their leader bolt, the other gunmen did the same, crying out in fear and panic as they scrambled to get away. The beast watched them retreat, then shook its head, quickly reverting back into Ferdinand, who smiled in amusement. "Cowards..." And that is where the vision from the future ended.

The theater was quiet for a few moments. Then...

"Just is you know, my son is going to totally kick all of your children's asses!" Adam called to everyone else in the audience.

"Yes, I second that!" Cinder agreed.

"No way!" Yang shot back. "My child could annihilate everyone else's kids all by themselves!"

"In your dreams, all of you!" Ruby shouted. As the students of Beacon, Cinder, and Adam continued their argument, Ozpin smiled and shook his head.

"I rather enjoyed that," he admitted. He managed to catch Abe's attention, who was coming back from the snack hall. "You wouldn't mind showing us another glimpse of the future sometime, would you?"

"Of course not. I'd be happy to," Abe said happily. Then he held up a reel of film. "And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming."

Huntsman Profile:

Name: Ferdinand Taurus

Age: 20

Weapon: Breeze

Semblance: Scorching Caress
