M-24: Long Time, No Schnee

M-24: Long Time, No Schnee

"Hey, Weiss, would you know anything about this Solis company Adam and company have been talking about?" Ruby asked the heiress, as the audience settled in for the next episode. Weiss shook her head.

"I've never heard of it before, and I know almost every business that exists up in Atlas," she shook her head, the lights above them dimming. "It's probably just a fictional company designed for the show. I'm sure we'll see that soon enough."

The episode began with Adam and Blade Wolf arriving in front of a large metal gate surrounding a large facility. The bull Faunus approached, tapping his foot impatiently, before stretching out an arm and slamming his fist on the large door repeatedly.

"Come ON!" he groaned. "What the hell is taking so long?!"

The scene changed to show Adam pounding on the door from the footage of a security camera, which was displayed upon a monitor inside a security booth on the other side of the gate. Next to the monitor was an open box of pizza, which a familiar blonde monkey Faunus was helping himself to, his face buried in a comic book.

"Sun?" Blake asked, her eyes wide.

"What is that fool doing?!" Ghira growled, his hands curling into fists. "His inattentiveness is delaying Adam!"

"Sorry..." Sun looked down in embarrassment, as Kali gave her husband a look.

"Man, that Hilda is one hot momma..." Sun whispered, his tail flicking in excitement, completely absorbed in his comic book. Fortunately, he was snapped out of fantasy land as a large Beowolf head suddenly popped up in front of the window to his booth, barking angrily at the monkey Faunus. "GAH!" The comic went flying, as Sun tumbled out of his chair, though he quickly stood back up, and stared at the Grimm in shock. "Oh my gods..." he gasped, "Adam, is that you?!"

"Is it just me, or has Sun become more of an idiot in this?" Yang asked, laughing lightly.

"Yang!" Tai scolded. "What have Qrow and I told you several times, now?" The blonde girl immediately paled, then looked down sheepishly.

"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all," she sighed mournfully. "Sorry, Sun..."

The creak of metal filled the air, before the large metal gate was slowly pulled open by Adam, his uncovered brand crackling with fire. The bull Faunus forced his way into the facility, then stormed over to the security booth, shaking his head in frustration. He leaned down into the window to look at Sun, the flames across his face sputtering out to be replaced with thick black smoke.

"Where is she?" Adam demanded, his teeth bared. The monkey Faunus gulped, then fumbled around his pockets, searching for his Scroll.

"I'll... I'll let her know you've arrived!" Sun gulped.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"That won't be necessary, honey!" a melodious voice called out, causing both Faunus to turn and look in the direction it came from. Sauntering towards them, dressed in a grimy lab coat but nonetheless a beautiful being with her braided ivory hair and teenage figure, was Weiss Schnee. "Well met, Mr. Taurus!"

"Oh, that's right! I had nearly neglected to remember that Weiss Schnee and Sun Wukong were mated in this universe," Penny smiled brightly.

"S-Sister?!" Winter gasped, her mouth agape.

"She's beautiful..." Qrow whispered, impressed by the heiress's youthful appearance.

"Wait a second!" Ms. Goodwitch spluttered, confused. "The last time we saw Adam and Weiss on screen together, Mr. Taurus was trying to kill her! What changed between the two of them?"

"Weiss," Adam nodded respectfully. "You're looking well." Weiss smiled at him, then turned her attention towards Blade Wolf, who was sitting next to the bull Faunus, watching her warily.

"Aww! Who's your little friend?" she cooed, stopping down in front of the mechanized Grimm. Blade Wolf looked at her cautiously.

"It's a long story," Adam mumbled, watching as Weiss extended an arm out towards the mechanized Grimm.

"Shake!" she commanded. Blade Wolf sniffed her hand in confusion. "Shaaake?" Reluctantly, Blade Wolf lifted one of his front paws, letting it come to rest on Weiss's palm, who shook it excitedly. "Good boy!" she cheered, petting the mechanized Grimm between the ears. Blade Wolf looked away bashfully.

"Well, that was something," Mercury commented, surprised by the events that had just transpired.

"She just pet a Beowolf like it was a domesticated dog!" Emerald spluttered, choking on her own breath.

"To think I'd see a day Humanity and Grimm would get along with each other," Ozpin whispered, looking down at his feet. "Could peace truly exist between ourselves and those soulless creatures?"

Weiss giggled as she finished scratching Blade Wolf's head, then looked up at Adam, her face more somber.

"I guess we don't really have time to catch up," she sighed.

"Sorry," the bull Faunus shook his head. "Not really."

"It's okay." Standing up, Weiss turned around, then gestured to Adam and Blade Wolf. "Follow me." The bull Faunus and mechanized Grimm began to follow after her. Adam cleared his throat, preparing to ask something.

"So, exactly what kind of-"

"You'll see," Weiss assured, turning her head to smile back at him. She stopped in front of a giant hanger, causing the bull Faunus and Blade Wolf to fall in line behind her. The three watched as the hangar's large doors opened, as a truck wheeled out what looked to be a huge, highly advanced Bullhead connected to a pair of enormous rockets, and began to transport it towards the runway.

"Holy cow..." Coco whistled, folding her arms across her chest.

"That thing looks REALLY expensive!" Velvet squeaked.

"Haven't you learned anything about our family?" Whitley asked, shaking his head. "Money is no object for us."

"Thanks to some... less than savory practices," Willow added wearily.

"Whoa..." Adam breathed, looking at the machine in amazement. He turned towards Weiss. "YOU built that?!"

"Yep!" the woman nodded, her eyes filled with pride. "It uses a hybrid LACE/ramjet engine I designed. Sun helped draw the blueprints." She watched as the bull Faunus, as well as Blade Wolf, continued to stand there, marveling at her creation. Finally, she clapped her hands together, grabbing their attention. "Well? Are you in a hurry or not?" Weiss demanded. Her tone had Adam and the mechanized Grimm scrambling towards the machine in an instant.

"Say what you will about Weiss, she sure is good at getting people to listen to her!" Nora grinned, amused by the petite heiress's ability to order both humans AND Grimm alike around.

"She's got a strong will, and an unwavering spirit," Ren nodded. "Good attributes for anyone to have."

"But what happened between Adam and Weiss?!" Pyrrha demanded, confused. "Why are the two of them getting along all of a sudden?"

The scene changed to show Adam and Blade Wolf sitting in the cockpit of the flying machine, both strapped in tightly to their seats. Weiss and Sun's heads were watching the two passengers from a monitor, which the bull Faunus was looking at, a small smile on his face.

"Thanks again for helping us, Weiss," Adam smiled. Weiss laughed, waving a hand in dismissal.

"It's the least I can do, after all you've done to help me!" she smiled. "Now, let's get you to Vacuo." She and the monkey Faunus began to tap away on some controls in front of them.

"The flight plan is already set," Sun announced. "You're good to go. Please switch off all cell phones and portable gaming devices, and remember this is a no-smoking flight."

"Roger that," the bull Faunus nodded. "Ready for countdown."

"No time for that!" Weiss interjected. "Ignition!" With a rumble, the flying machine began to rush down the runway, rapidly increasing in speed. With a roar of its engines, it lifted off the ground and soared upwards, quickly disappearing into the wild blue yonder.

From the window of the control room, Weiss and Sun watched as the machine carrying Adam and Blade Wolf vanished into the clouds. The monkey Faunus approached his significant other, his tail curling around her waist as he put a hand on her shoulder.

"He's come a long way these past four years, hasn't he?" Sun asked.

"He has," Weiss nodded, her respect for Adam evident on her face. "You know, Blake once told me the story of a boy who lost his way, and strayed into darkness and spite." She placed her hand over her lover's, as she smiled warmly. "But it's just like Jaune predicted, all those years ago. He'll see the light of day, once more." The episode ended.

"Alright!" Ruby cheered. "All Adam has to do is make it Vacuo, and he'll save the day for sure!"

"I'm sure it will be a bit more complicated than that, but I agree with you, all the same," Weiss nodded.

"Indeed," Adam smiled. "Although I can't help but feel like there's a deeper story between Weiss and I, from what we've just seen." He looked back at Abe. "Are we ever going to learn what transpired between us?"

"There is," Abe nodded. "Maybe some day I'll show you that story. Maybe some day..."
