Intermission 3

Well, we've certainly come a long way, haven't we? Another finale, another story completed. Of course, this certainly isn't the end of Grimm May Cry. Not by a long shot. However, although I know this story is quite popular amongst my readers, I'm only 15 chapters away from maxing this story out, and I also would like to take a break from this series for a while.

As I've announced in my conversation board, Grimm May Cry will be going on hiatus for a while. In return, I'll be uploading a new story: RWBY: Retold, a retelling of the main canon with new characters and character replacements. Like I've said, if there are questions about the rewrite you may have, don't be afraid to ask me. I know some of you wish to see the return of Jaune Arc, but in my opinion, I think he works better to fulfill a different role than the one he does in canon, so he won't be appearing until Volume 4, which is the last volume I'm planning on rewriting up to this point. And don't worry, he'll be returning to Grimm May Cry in the next season, whenever that comes around. Probably as a new book.

In any case, thanks for reading this series, especially since you didn't have to. I'll be back in a week or two to upload the first chapter of RWBY: Retold, Volume 1. In the meantime, enjoy this intermission.

-Farmer Abe


Looking down on the cars on the highway,

The stream of tail lights.

Everybody's advancing together,

To so willingly sacrifice rights.

When people accept they're cogs in the system,

Give up free will conform,

Individual pieces of dust swirl together,

Become a full storm...

Looking down on the burgeoning city,

The skyscrapers rise.

Even men with the greatest intentions,

Start believing their own lies.

We can borrow from the future,

But eventually someone's got to pay,

And the only way out of the cycle,

Is to strike out and pave your own way!



(I couldn't think of anything to put in for filler during the instrumental, so here's a picture of Adam looking cool.)

Fanart by Ateliae



We all fight, our own fights,

Will you fuel the desire to win?

Always struggling with the truth,

Of the life that might have been...

But no matter how jagged your path is,

You always come back to the road.

When the dust of battle settles,

