M-06: Back in Action

"I wonder what will happen now that the White Fang and Atlas military are working together," Ruby wondered, a hand upon their chin.

"One thing's for certain, the Titans are in for a world of hurt," Yang grinned. "Adam's probably one of the best swordsmen in this show."

"Let's just hope he doesn't run into that bear Faunus," Weiss grimaced, as the lights dimmed. "Don't forget that Adam was soundly defeated by him last time."

The episode opened with a black screen, as digital letters appeared out of the darkness, one after another, just like in the first episode.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The darkness faded to show a Bullhead flying over the waters of Lake Matsu. The camera panned to show the cockpit of the flying machine, where Adam Taurus was seated. The bull Faunus's attire had gone through some renovations. His black blazer was now a leather tunic-jacket, with a zipper covering his left breast pocket. Two more zippers adorned his shoulders. Black gloves covered his hands. A pair of crisscrossing belts looped around his pants, one holding Wilt and Blush at his hip, and the other an ornamental drape bearing the rose and thorns insignia associated with him. The biggest change, however, was his face. Instead of wearing a White Fang mask or allowing his brand to show, he concealed his eyes behind a black cloth, like a blindfold.

Coco whistled, eyeing the bull Faunus hungrily.

"I'm digging the new outfit," she admitted. "Adam totally rocks the military look."

"But should he really be flying a Bullhead with that cloth wrapped around his face?" Velvet asked nervously.

"No need for alarm," Penny smiled reassuringly. "The fabric he uses to conceal his face appears to be made of georgette, which is translucent in design. It would mainly function to shield his eyes from bright lights."

"That, and that Bullhead is on autopilot," Winter pointed out.

"How are you liking that new suit, Adam?" Sienna's voice crackled from the Bullhead's radio.

"Well, it fits comfortably enough," the bull Faunus admitted. "Still not sure how I feel about it dulling my body's pain receptors, though."

"Wait, so that suit will keep him from feeling pain?" Nora asked. "Why would that be a bad thing?"

"We feel pain for a reason, Nora," Ren pointed out.

"True, but I can understand why the military would design pain inhibitors," Ironwood admitted. "It's easier to stay calm and fearless when you don't feel the stab in your chest or the bullet in your ribs."

"We figured it would make you a little bolder in battle," Sienna admitted. "Relax! It's not like it's hooked up into your spinal column, right?" When Adam didn't respond, the tiger Faunus laughed nervously. "Uh... so, how's the view up there?" she asked, attempting to change the subject. "It must be nice, to fly like a bird!"

"More like a bird strapped to a remote-controlled rocket, but whatever," the bull Faunus mumbled.

"You'll get there in one piece, Adam. Just relax and enjoy the scenery," Sienna purred.

"Right," Adam mumbled.

"Adam, can you hear me?" a new voice asked.

"Father!" Penny smiled.

"Father?" Sun asked.

"Oh, forgive me. That man speaking over the radio is my father, Pietro Polendina," Penny explained. "He's a renowned scientist in the Kingdom of Atlas, having helped create several of the technological advancements in our world today."

"Dr. Polendina," Adam greeted, nodding his head.

"Oh, now, call me Pietro," the scientist chuckled. "My proper title makes me sound like snob." He cleared his throat. "Now, remember Adam, that suit will null your sense of pain, until you run out of Aura. If your fighting, and start to feel any aches or stings, it would be in your best interest to disengage your enemies, and head for a safe haven."

"Got it."

"Also, try to keep it from growing damp or moist," Pietro added. "It gets a bit twitchy. I understand that's probably a big request, since, well, you know..." the scientist trailed off uncomfortably.

"I can't promise I'll return the suit to you stainless, but I don't make it a habit to cover myself in blood," Adam assured the scientist.

"Oh, and while you're at it, could you maybe bring me a few of their left hands?" Pietro asked. There was a pause.


"Um... what?" Emerald asked, unnerved.

"You don't think he means..." Mercury whispered, wide eyed.

"Sorry! That's not what I meant," Pietro apologized. "All Atlas soldiers are equipped with data logs, typically stored on their armor's left wrist. Those are important for my work. In face, I've been given clearance to equip you with new weaponry in exchange for them."

"Ah, so that's why you gifted me with those gauntlets," Adam realized.

"Correct! Think of them as a sort of down payment," the scientist explained.

"Right." Adam looked up, and sighed. "I can see the shore up ahead."

"Three mikes out and closing," Ilia voice reported. "No activity at the Kuchinashi air base. Looks like we don't need to worry about interceptors."

"Great, then we've got time for a quick briefing," Clover's voice announced. Adam visibly deflated.

"I feel that," Qrow nodded. "Never did like going over a plan of attack. Never survives contact with the enemy anyway."

"Still, it's not bad to get a general idea of what to do," Tai pointed out.

"Come on, Clover," Adam groaned. "I already know what I need to do. I don't need a reminder every five minutes." The Specialist laughed.

"Sienna's says you said the same thing in Mistral. Look, just humor me, buddy. Objectives, of course, are enter Kuchinashi, neutralize the terrorists, and restore the rightful government, or what's left of it anyway. The mayor and most of his cabinet has been killed, and a military junta's been established. The terrorists brain-jacked all the high-ranking officers, and their men scattered the rank-and-file. The few leaders who survived have no way of openly opposing the now regime. That's why they called us. Now, take a good look at that picture in your file." Sighing, Adam picked up a tan file that had been resting on his lap, studying a picture of a bearded man in black trench coat.

"Kuro Sasayaku," Sienna stated. "Leader of the occupation forces. An extremist, linked to both the Wind Path massacre just after the Fall of Beacon, and last year's terror spree across Mistral's smaller settlements."

"What a nice guy," Cinder commented sarcastically.

"And I thought the White Fang was bad," Weiss shook her head.

"And you'll never guess his arms suppliers," Sienna continued her instruction. "None other than the Atlas Titans."

"The ones who killed Cedar Matthews," Adam growled.

"If we don't stop them here, they could destabilize the entire Kingdom of Mistral." Clover growled. "But our more immediate problem... is Azure Fade." Adam grimaced as he looked at the picture next to Sasayaku's. The scarred bear Faunus who had bested him on the Argus Limited smirked back at him. "I believe you've met."

"We've had the pleasure of making acquaintances with each other," the bull Faunus grunted. "I'm better equipped than I was last time. He won't be an issue."

"He might not even be in-country," Clover informer him. "But keep an eye out just in-" Sienna could be heard wincing, and the Specialist's voice faltered for a moment. "Oh... um, sorry..."

"Ready for insertion," Adam grunted, changing the subject.

"Okay, since this has been brought up several times now, I have to know, is there really an SDC brand across your face?" Winter demanded Adam. The bull Faunus's hand slid up to his mask, pulling the porcelain disguise off. Winter swallowed, then looked guiltily away from the milky eye that glared back at her.

"There's your answer," he grunted, affixing his mask back across his face.

The scene changed to show the Bullhead slowly lowering towards the ground, above a Mistralian forest. The hatch doors opened, and out Adam leaped, landing in a roll up onto his feet. He watched as the flying machine quickly rose back up into the air, then soared away into the blue yonder.

"I take it you had a safe landing, Adam?" Sienna asked. "Head for Kuchinashi. You should be able to see the city's front entrance after you get clear of the forest."

"Got it," the bull Faunus nodded, beginning his trek.

The scene cut to show Adam weaving his way through several small shrubs and large trees, muttering irritably. When the gate post to Kuchinashi came into a view, though, he let out a sigh of relief. Brushing off dead leaves and brambles, the bull Faunus emerged from the forest, preparing to enter the city.

"There he is!"

"Kill him!" Adam whirled around as three men in Atlasian armor burst out of the forest, two armed with swords, and the other an automatic rifle.

"Damn!" Ghira swore. "Where did they come from?!"

"I don't know!" Kali shook her head, startled. "They must've been lying in ambush!"

"Adam! What's going on?!" Sienna's voice demanded.

"Titan soldiers," Adam growled. "Give me a minute." One of the soldiers rushed towards the bull Faunus, thrusting his sword forward. Adam's hand flew down to Wilt's handle, drawing the sword and knocking his enemy's aside. The bull Faunus followed up with a flip into a downward attack that shattered the soldier's Aura, then continued to slice downwards, tearing through the man's shoulder and down into his chest. Adam ripped his sword out and spun away, a spray of blood erupting out of the soldier as he slowly fell to the ground.

"All that from one attack?!" Ms. Goodwitch gasped.

"Unfortunately, most soldiers don't have a high amount of Aura, like Huntsmen do," Ironwood sighed.

A burst of gunfire filled the empty silence as another Titan soldier shot at Adam, who blocked the attack with Wilt. He grabbed Blush from his hip and aimed it upwards, firing off two shots. The first bullet hit the soldier's chest, shattering his Aura, before the second slammed into his forehead with a spray of blood, throwing him backwards. The bull Faunus slammed his sword back into its scabbard, and as the third Titan soldier charged towards him, pivoted his feet while pulling the trigger on Blush. As Wilt shot out of its sheath, Adam kept a hold of its handle, unleashing one brutal attack that sliced through both his attacker's Aura and neck. The soldier's head rolled off into the bushes, while his body shuddered, then collapsed.

"Holy shit!" Yang swore.

"My gods!" Tai yelped.

"Heh," Qrow chuckled nervously. "There's the Adam we hear so much about."

Adam scoffed as twirled his sword, cleaning it of blood, before returning it back into its sheath. He reaffixed Blush onto his belt before slowly making his way up the path into Kuchinashi.

The scene changed to show Adam walking through the streets of Kuchinashi, which were eerily quiet. The bull Faunus looked back and forth, searching for somebody, anybody, but there was no one to be found.

"Where is everyone?" he mused.

"Evacuated," Clover guessed. "Mistral has been evacuating refugees from Kuchinashi to the Kingdom capital and Atlas when they first learned Sasayaku was coming. They hoped it would make him lose interest."

"A valiant attempt, but now the city is basically his," Ilia pointed out. At that moment, screams erupted from around the corner of the city block Adam was currently patrolling.

"Evidently, not as evacuated as we first thought!" he growled, rushing forward.

"That didn't sound good!" Ruby whimpered, fearing the worst.

"Hurry, Adam," Blake urged the bull Faunus.

The scene cut to show a group of men, women, and children, human and Faunus alike, all bound in bolas and huddled in a circle. Cries and sobs echoed from amongst them as they looked in horror upon a trio of bodies laying on the street in front of them, their throats cut. A small group of Titan soldiers surrounded them.

"You gotta be pretty stupid to try and remain here," one of the soldiers sneered, his index finger twitching on the trigger of his rifle.

"Looks to me like a group of spies," a second smirked, a riot shield strapped across his left arm.

"I... we were just-" a human man spoke up, before falling silent as a third soldier turned to look at him, lounging on a nearby bench as he polished his weapon.

"Well, we can't let 'em give away our position," a fourth chuckled, pointing his blade at the group.

"What? No! We aren't spies!" a dark-haired woman with a pair of husky ears atop her head pleaded.

"Are they seriously considering killing a group of civilians?!" Weiss demanded, disgusted.

"Unfortunately, it seems that the human consciousness can overlook morality for the machinations of avarice and capitalism," Penny frowned, saddened.

"Sorry lady, not taking any chances," the first gunman snickered, lining the sights of his rifle up with her forehead. "Say your prayers, all of you!" he sneered, eyes narrowed with determination. Then they grew impossibly wide, before a black figure landed in front of him, a bright red sword slamming into his head a moment later. The soldier's Aura shattered instantly, as the blade sunk into his face. A quick jerk wrenched the sword out, as the gunman fell to the ground.

"Ooh, hoo, hoo!" Mercury winced, chuckling. "Brutal!"

"After watching two seasons of Jaune hacking his way through countless Grimm, it feels strange to watch Adam do the same to people," Emerald commented, cringing at the display.

"That's because humans don't crumble to dust or melt away like Grimm after you kill them," Adam reminded everyone. "Even though they can be worse in some ways."

Adam turned away from the carnage, brandishing his sword out in front of him. Instantly, two Titan soldiers were upon him, swords raised overhead. The bull Faunus blocked an overhead swing, before clubbing his attacker in the face with his pommel. He turned into a parry, shoving aside a stab, before following up with an upwards strike, then kicking the soldier away. As the first soldier came up from behind, Adam twisted Wilt's handle in his hand, reversing his grip on his sword, before thrusting it behind him. A scream escaped his attacker's lips as the red blade sunk through his waist and out his lower back. The bull Faunus pulled his sword free, allowing the man to drop to the pavement, before ducking under an attack swung at his head from behind. He quickly spun into another slice, ripping open the other soldier's neck. With a gurgle, the man dropped his weaponry, clutching at his neck, and collapsed. An instant later, the remaining aggressor charged over his body, slamming into the Faunus with his riot shield. Adam held his sword out in front of him, absorbing the blow, but was still shoved back several feet. The soldier followed up with an overhead slash from his sword, which Adam spun away from. He quickly lunged forward, delivering two downward cuts upon the Titan agent, but they were blocked by the heavy wall of metal in front of him. The soldier laughed as he swung his sword sideways, knocking away Adam's.

"Sorry, pal, but Atlasian metal is much more durable than the flimsy sheets you Mistralian call shields!" he sneered, stabbing at the Faunus. Adam simply scoffed as a flick of his blade knocked the sword away, before Wilt clicked into its sheath. The soldier watched in confusion as the bull Faunus's hair lit up, before he quickly unsheathed his sword. Before he knew it, his Aura was broken, his left arm shattered, and his shield was crumbling into rose petals, as the remnants of a wave of red energy fizzled away. The soldier brought up his sword, preparing to attack, but one savage swing from Adam drove Wilt halfway through the man's torso. The Faunus watched as the soldier went limp, then ripped out his sword and swept the man's feet out from under him, sending him crashing to the ground. Then he turned towards the group of civilians, and began to cut their binds.

"Ha! Now that's a hero!" Coco laughed.

"Yes," Velvet grinned, blushing as she realized she was sitting right next to the man they were admiring. "He's like Jaune, only going about it in a different way."

"Oh, thank you!" an elderly lady sobbed as Adam freed her hands. "I thought they were going to kill us all!"

"I'll free every last one of you," Adam promised. "Just hold on." As he moved towards the next captive, however, a loud hiss filled the air. Startled, the Faunus turned his head to watch as a large creature landed on the street behind him. Screams began to erupt from the civilians. "What the hell?!" he grunted.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The monstrosity that stood before him was a Grimm, specifically a Creep. It was at least twice as tall as the bull Faunus, but the most concerning part wasn't the beast's size. It was the large metal plating in place of the Grimm's mask, and the two mounted machine guns protruding from its shoulders.

"What the hell is that thing?!" Nora screamed, terrified.

"It... looks like a cybernetic Grimm!" Ren swallowed, unnerved.

"Surely that couldn't be one of Atlas's creations, could it?" Ironwood whispered. His Kingdom had already done some very questionable activities in this show already, but weaponizing Grimm was going past a point of no return.

The Creep hissed again as it looked over Adam, pawing the ground with its clawed foot. Groaning, the bull Faunus handed his sword to blonde haired man with a scaly pair of hands.

"Free the others," he instructed the Faunus. "I'll deal with this creature."

"But what about you?" a small boy asked worriedly. Adam stepped towards the beast, and thrusted his arms down. Instantly, black metal extended from his wrists, enclosing his hands in a pair of open-fingered spiked gauntlets.

"I'll be fine."

"All right!" Yang grinned. "Adam's about to punch a bitch!"

"Language, young lady!" Tai scolded.

With a snarl, the Creep charged Adam, lifting one of its legs and then stomping down upon the bull Faunus, who rolled out of the way. Adam stood back up onto his feet, in time to leap over a tail swipe thrown at him, the Grimm's snakelike appendage tipped in a thick orb of bladed metal. The bull Faunus backed away from the Creep, baiting it in. Instead, the Grimm lowered its body, opening fire on Adam with its shoulder guns. Adam stumbled backwards as the bullets slammed into his chest, Aura rippling across his body.

"What a terrible machination!" Penny cried. "Who would ever want to create such a being!"

"I can think of a couple of people," Qrow grimaced, Dr. Merlot and Salem being the major culprits.

Shrieking in triumph, the Creep rushed forward, opening its beak-like mouth as it attempted to ram Adam. Thinking quickly, Adam brought up his arms, intercepting the attack. For a few brief moments, Adam and the large Grimm struggled, attempting to push the other back. Then, with a grunt, Adam shoved the Creep's head downwards, before smashing his fist into the side of its head, rocking the large beast. He followed up with a second, then brought up a foot, kicking the Grimm in the jaw. The Creep hissed in outrage, then leapt backwards, firing off its machine guns a second time.

"Hey! Catch!" Adam craned his head in time to see the scaly handed Faunus lob Wilt in the air like a frisbee. Smirking, the bull Faunus caught his sword in hand, then deflected the bullets with his blade.

"Thanks! Now get out of here!" Adam ordered the civilians. He broke into a sprint, quickly closing in on the Grimm. With two quick slashes, he severed the Creep's leg tendons, causing it to fall down towards the ground. One upwards swing, and the Grimm's head was sliced in half at the jaw. The Creep collapsed, its body climbing to dust, as its metallic face smoked and sputtered, broken. "Glad that's over," the Faunus wheezed, exhausted. "But still, I can't help but feel unnerved. If the Titans have found a way to weaponize Grimm, then that makes them even more dangerous than I first thought." The episode ended.

"Crap just hit the fan," Qrow grunted.

"I'm suddenly starting to feel scared," Ruby announced shakily. "This is playing out like Jaune's adventures, but a bit too realistic for my tastes." The audience mumbled themselves, discussing all they had seen. One bull Faunus, on the other hand...

"Weaponized Grimm? Mistral plagued by extremists?" Adam grunted, then smirked. "This story is proving to be very interesting."
