Mission 9: New Strength

"Alright, who's ready for the next episode of Grimm May Cry?" Abe asked, as the audience returned to the theater.

"I am!" Ruby grinned, carrying a bucket of popcorn in her arms, to share with her sister. "It'll be much more enjoyable now that Jaune isn't cramped up in some dirty old castle."

"I'm excited too!" Pyrrha agreed. "Although, I can't help but wonder what Trish has been up to all this time."

"This series has proven to be quite entertaining," Ghira admitted. "I'm intrigued to learn the story behind this island, and the truth about Mundus."

"As am I," Ozpin stated. "I must admit, though, I'm quite skeptical as to whether Mundus truly is King of the Grimm in this." Abe shrugged.

"That's fine. We've still got a ways to go before the end, so the full story is still unraveling." He began to make his way back towards the projector's booth. "In any case, let's start this thing back up." The audience settled back down into their seats as the lights began to dim. Abe switched the projector back on, commencing the start of Act 2.

The episode began with a Jaune making his way across the drawbridge, out of the castle and towards an elaborate walkway, with several magnificent pillars and an obelisk resting in the center. As soon as the Huntsman set foot off the drawbridge, however, the drawbridge rose up behind him, preventing him from returning to the castle.

"It looks like Jaune's stuck out here now," Weiss commented.

"Is that a bad thing?" Nora asked.

"It is if there's still some things he needs to collect in the castle," Blake pointed out.

Jaune turned around, looking at the raised drawbridge in mild surprise.

"Okay, so how do I get back in there?" he wondered. It was then the Huntsman noticed as elaborate circular carving on the platform he stood upon. Words were inscribed around an indent. "The Wheel of Destiny shall guide you back to the land of the beginning." Jaune brought a hand to his chin, in thought. "I'm guessing that must be a key, of some kind."

"The creators of this castle could never make anything simple, could they?" Coco sighed.

"They had to have been under the influence of Grimm," Velvet stated. "Anyone with even a shred of sanity would never design a castle like this."

Turning around, Jaune began to make his way through the walkway, until he approached the obelisk where it rested among the center of the intricate pillars, all of which were in various states of degrade. On the obelisk were some words, engraved in silver, which Jaune read aloud.

"Destiny awaits, somewhere deep in the coliseum." The Huntsman's mouth curved into a smirk. "Guess I know where I'm heading next."

"Well, at the very least, the island gives hints as to where everything is," Kali suggested.

"Kid would be completely lost, otherwise," Qrow nodded.

Making his way past the obelisk, Jaune walked under a stone archway and into a large dome, within which was a large spiral staircase. The Huntsman clambered down the steps, eventually arriving at a heavy wooden door. Pushing his way through, Jaune found himself looking at a wide, open valley, surrounded by jagged cliffs and filled with stone structures. A large wall was directly in front of him, and a large, circular building was off to his right.

"That must be the coliseum," he realized.

"Sweet!" Ruby cheered. "He's already at his destination. Come on, Jaune, keeping moving forward!"

"Wait a minute," Tai muttered. "This seems too easy. There has to be some sort of catch."

Jaune made his way down a few stone steps that rested in front of the door. But as soon as he set foot on the ground, a fearsome roar filled the air.

"I've heard that roar before!" Yang realized.

"As have I," Coco added, grinning. "This'll be a treat."

Jaune watched as a trio of Ursa charged towards him, their snouts dripping rancid spit and red eyes burning with hunger. Coming to a stop in front of the Huntsman, one of the Grimm stood up onto its hind legs and roared sat him, while the other two remained on their legs, growling and snarling. Jaune drew Alastor as the standing Ursa lunged forwards, snapping at the Huntsman with its fang filled maw. Bringing his sword up in front of him, the Huntsman blocked the attack as the Grimm's teeth clamped down around the blade instead. Immediately afterwords, Jaune was forced to roll away as a second Ursa leaped towards him, its large claws raking the air.

"Ursa," Sun noted. "Those things are more dangerous then say, Beowolves or Creeps, but they're still pretty low on a threat meter."

"Especially for a Huntsman on par with Mr. Arc," Ms. Goodwitch agreed.

Jaune turned to the side as the first Ursa swiped at him, then used Alastor to deflect a second strike, before spinning into a slash, cutting the Grimm across the chest. With a growl, the Ursa leaped back, before it stood back on its hind legs, its eyes flashing with malevolent intent.

"What's it doing?" Velvet asked nervously.

The Ursa's growls began to resemble laughter, as it held one of its paws in front. Suddenly, the Grimm's long, jagged claws burst from its front leg in a blast of smoke, flying through the air like throwing knives. Jaune was so surprised, he barely felt the first appendage graze his cheek, causing his Aura to briefly flash. He was much quicker to block the second two, preventing them from sinking into his chest.

"What the heck?!" Emerald jumped. "Ursa can't do that!"

"Well, apparently, that one can!" Mercury cringed.

"Mundus must've modified those Ursa," Cinder realized.

"He's reminding me of Dr. Merlot more and more every episode," Ozpin grimaced.

Jaune grunted as he dodged a follow up attack from the third Ursa, before wincing in pain as the second came up from behind, sinking its teeth into his shoulder. Wrenching his body away from the Grimm, the Huntsman pulled Ivory from its holster, firing a few rounds into the Ursa's chest, to no avail.

"Dang, you guys are tough," he panted. Hearing the first Ursa coming up behind, Jaune prepared to turn. "But I've defeated beasts like you before!" Whirling around, the Huntsman swung Alastor upwards, severing the Ursa's paw as it swiped at him. The Grimm brought its other paw forwards, trying again, but it, too was hacked off. Jaune quickly leapt atop the collapsed Grimm, and drove his sword through its back. With a final roar, the Ursa went limp, and crumbled to ash.

"One down, two to go," Qrow grunted.

The second Ursa stood up on its hind legs, lifting a paw towards Jaune. The Huntsman rushed forward, then sprung into a dive as the Grimm's claws were fired forwards. Rolling under the jagged projectiles, Jaune quickly stood, and with one swift swing, sliced the Ursa in half. The instant both pieces of the Grimm collapsed, the third Ursa rammed its plated head into the Huntsman's chest, sending him tumbling to the ground. Jaune quickly rolled away, as the Grimm slammed its paws into the ground, rending the earth beneath. Putting some distance between himself and the Grimm, Jaune got onto his feet, before taunting the Ursa.

"Come on, you were so close! Look at me, a big sack of flesh, just waiting to be devoured!" The Ursa growled, then rushed forward, leaping into the air. Jaune closed his eyes, bracing his sword on his shoulder.

"Here it comes," Pyrrha whispered, excited.

Jaune's eyes snapped open, as the Ursa closed in on him. He brought Alastor off his shoulders, swinging the sword downwards. The Ursa's body collapsed lifeless at the Huntsman's feet, while its head bounced on the ground, rolling away from him.

"Yeah!" Ruby cheered.

"He beat them!" Coco whooped.

"An impressive display," Ghira smiled. Then his expression grew more serious. "But the nature of those Grimm concern me."

Jaune panted as he slung Alastor onto his back. He took a moment to brush the dirt from his trench coat, and wiping his sweaty brow.

"Geists that wield weapons, Lancers that can thrive indoors, and now Ursa with projectile claws?! This Mundus is proving to be quite a nuisance!" Recovering from his battle, the Huntsman made his way towards the coliseum. There was a covered walkway that was carved into the outer wall, which wrapped around and led to two doors. Each door was barred by a glowing shield. One shield shined with red light, and the other with blue. A third door was built into the side of the coliseum, and depicted two knights, each with their arms outstretched, as if they were holding something. Below the Knights was an inscription, which Jaune read aloud. "The shields that glow with light and a pair of lances shall lead to the battleground." The Huntsman sighed. "They can't make anything easy for me, can they?"

"Of course not," Cinder scoffed. "That would be too easy."

"Yeah, and then we wouldn't get to watch you!" Nora huffed.

Turning away from the coliseum, Jaune noticed a large door situated in the back wall of the valley. Two large alcoves were carved in next to the door, in one of which a large fire crackled loudly. Words were etched into the door. The Huntsman approached, and read them.

"A pair of flames that dwell with strength will open the path." Rubbing his chin, Jaune approached the empty alcove, which had words carved beneath it. "I only accept flames that dwell with strengths." The Huntsman studied the alcove for a moment, his hands on his hips. "So where am I supposed to find some of this special fire?" he wondered. He turned away from the door, then spotted an open gate off to his left. "That's a start," he realized.

"Great, more odd jobs," Weiss sighed. "Although, I suppose it is a welcome change from just action, violence, and gore from last season."

"This does make for better storytelling," Blake agreed.

Jaune made his way through the gateway, arriving in a small, walled courtyard. There was a walkway on the side walls surrounding him. A ladder off to his side gave the Huntsman access to the walkway, which placed him next to a staircase leading upwards, into a hallway built above the gate. Walking up this, Jaune stepped onto a red circle in the ground, in front of an opening in the hallway. This caused a series of circular platforms to appear in the middle of the air, rising and falling in the air, which made a spiraling platform up to a small shrine suspended in the air.

"Strange," Ren observed. "You don't think that could be caused by Gravity Dust, do you?"

"I don't see any crystals, so I don't think so," Ms. Goodwitch shook her head.

"Just like in Atlas," Jaune chuckled, flexing his fingers. He quickly leapt onto the first platform, then as the second platform lowered itself, leapt onto it next. He continued this pattern up the makeshift staircase, eventually arriving at the very top, where the floating shrine awaited. Resting in the middle shrine, laying upon a raised pillar, was a pair of gauntlets. Fire billowed from the wrist guards, which were designed to resemble the snarling faces of horned dragons.

"Those... are the sickest gauntlets I have ever seen," Yang drooled, wanting those for herself.

"They are impressive," Kali nodded. "But what are they doing at the top of this strange puzzle?"

"I don't know why, but these gauntlets are giving me an uneasy feeling," Pyrrha said, her face twisted in concern.

As Jaune studied the gauntlets, an inscription on the pedestal caught his attention. Leaning down, Jaune read the writing aloud.

"My name is Ifrit. The fool who awakens me shall pay dearly with the fires of hell." Immediately after he finished reading this, the gauntlets burst into flames, and rose into the air.

"Uh-oh!" Velvet squeaked.

"Ah! It's like Alastor all over again!" Ruby cried.

The gauntlets continued to rise into the air, until a blast of flame erupted between them. Then the two hand guards flew through the air, fire crackling behind them as they erratically weaved around. Finally, the two gauntlets returned to the shrine, causing an explosion, before forcing themselves onto Jaune's hands. The Huntsman grinned in pain as flames crackled around his arms.

"Be strong, Mr. Arc," Ozpin whispered. "Overcome this as you did Alastor!"

Continuing to grunt in pain, Jaune rose into the air, curling his arms around his chest as he tucked his legs back. Then, with a cry, he spread out all four of his limbs, causing a blast of fire to erupt from him. The Huntsman descended back onto the ground, smoke curling from his neck and arms, as he held his gauntlet-clad hands in front of him. A smirk appeared on his face.

"Well, Alastor, I guess Ifrit's coming along for the trip," Jaune chuckled. Then he leapt from the shrine, falling towards the floor. Punching with Ifrit, Jaune found himself kneeling in the middle of a large, burning crater.

"I have got to get my hands on those gauntlets!" Yang gasped.

"Yang?" Ruby asked, concerned.

"They are pretty cool," Tai nodded.

Jaune made his way out of the courtyard, back into the small valley. As he emerged from the gateway, storm clouds gathered above him, and thunder rumbled overhead.

"Okay... what's going on?" Qrow asked cautiously.

Jaune looked up, and watched as bolts of lightning leapt throughout the clouds, before a huge collection of electricity congregated in the sky. The ball of lightning made its way to the wall of the coliseum, before it landed, and vanished to showcase a large, four-legged winged Grimm with the body and tail of a lion, and the talons and head of a falcon.

"A Griffon!" Blake gasped. "But I've never known one to summon a storm before."

"It must be another of Mundus's lackeys," Nora realized.

The Griffon's four red eyes glimmered with anticipation as it spied the Huntsman.

"You!" the Grimm called, electricity crackling around its body. "Are you the human, the descendant of Ozma that challenges the darkness Mundus?"

"He talks, too," Pyrrha frowned. "Be careful, Jaune."

Jaune grinned as he brought up his arms, leaping about in a brief warmup.

"Flock off, feather-face! Or you can stick around, and find out the hard way!" he taunted.

"That was a good one," Mercury smirked.

The Griffon immediately took to the skies, passing over Jaune and releasing several orbs of lightning from its body. The Huntsman dashed away as the orbs reached the ground, bursting into large blasts of electricity. As the large Grimm flew back around, Jaune whipped out Ebony and Ivory, and fired at the Grimm over and over. However, as the bullets approached the Griffon, they suddenly slowed, then disintegrated.

"What the-" Coco spluttered.

"Fool!" The Griffon scoffed, as it began to lower itself towards the ground. "Your simple bullets are no match for my electrical barrier!" The Grimm opened its beak, causing electricity to crackle within, before two bolts of lightning burst from its mouth to either side of Jaune, quickly slamming shut like a pair of scissors. The Huntsman leaped over the attack, just in time to see the Griffon swooping towards him. The Grimm's front legs slammed into Jaune, sending him flying across the arena.

"Jaune!" Ruby called out in worry.

"This guy's tough!" Yang cringed.

Jaune quickly leapt up onto his feet, watching as the Griffon remained in front of him, keeping itself up in the air with its wings.

"So, do you have a name, or what?" the Huntsman asked.

"My name is Griffith," the Grimm told him. "Humble servant of Lord Mundus and Master of Lightning! Now have at you!" Griffith opened its mouth, releasing another pincer attack. Jaune jumped over it again, then quickly rolled away as Griffith dived at him, watching as the Grimm's talons raked the ground.

"I'm not doing so hot," the Huntsman muttered. "Ebony and Ivory are useless against him, and I know my shotgun can't reach him up there either. What else do I have?"

"Don't worry, Fearless Leader!" Nora called. "I'm sure you'll think of something!"

Jaune felt around his trench coat, before feeling something familiar. Reaching inside, he pulled out the grenade launcher he had found only recently. "Oh, yeah," he nodded, smiling. "This'll work."

"I almost forgot he found that!" Emerald stated in surprise.

"Well, he does have it, so put it to good use, Jaune!" Pyrrha called to him.

Jaune took aim with his artillery weapon, watching Griffith circle through the air. Then, as the winged Grimm swooped down for another pass, the Huntsman fired the grenade launcher, sending a combustive round into its chest. The projectile exploded, sending fire and feathers fluttering down to the ground.

"Argh!" Griffith grunted, shaking its avian head. "Not bad," the Grimm conceded. "Utilizing all the weapons at your disposal, clever. However!" Jaune fired another grenade, which tagged Griffith's wing, but did nothing to knock him from the sky. "If you're going to pepper me with bullets from below, I'll just bring the fight to you!" Electricity crackled around the Grimm's claws, as it descended towards Jaune Arc. The Huntsman dived away as Griffith landed, causing a large blast of lightning around him. "Come on!" the Grimm growled.

"Isn't landing on the ground actually giving Jaune an advantage, though?" Weiss asked.

"Not necessarily," Qrow shook his head. "Griffith's body is still largely feline in nature. He'd be dangerous even without the wings."

Jaune drew Alastor as Griffith slowly circled him, the Grimm's long, barbed tail flicking in the air. Finally, with a flap of the wings, Griffith lunged towards the Huntsman, swiping at him with both of its taloned paws. Jaune quickly blocked the attacks with his sword, and sliced at the Grimm's neck, but another flap of the wings brought the beast several feet away from the sword. Griffith dropped down, and unleashed another pincer attack from its mouth.

"Ha!" Jaune laughed. "Big mistake!" He quickly leapt over the conjoining bolts of lightning, and dashed forwards, Alastor out in front, crackling with electricity. The large blade plunged into the Grimm's shoulder, the sound of flesh and muscle being ripped reaching the Huntsman's ears. To his alarm, however, Griffith only chuckled.

"Nice try," the Grimm crooned. "But my body has been modified to produce and discharge electricity. That sword of yours is useless against me!" Griffith leaped backwards, wrenching Alastor from Jaune's grip. The Grimm sat up on its hind legs, firing a horizontal bolt of lightning from its front paws. This caught the Huntsman on the chest, causing him to cry out in pain as electricity coursed through him.

"Oh no!" Ruby whimpered, clutching her cape tightly.

"Come on, there has to be some way to hurt him!" Coco stated.

"Well, there's no point in dragging this out any longer," Griffith sighed. "Farewell, Spawn of Ozma." The Grimm's barbed tail crackled with electricity, before a row of vertical lightning traveled through the sky, towards the dazed Huntsman. Snapping out of it, Jaune twisted his body sideways, weaving through the electrical net. A second later, he was forced to step forward, as a second row of lightning followed up. The Huntsman turned to face Griffith, who was charging towards him, beak open, ready to bite. "This is the end!" the Grimm growled.

"Stay back!" Jaune demanded, swinging his fist at the oncoming head of his attacker. A small explosion rocked Griffith's face, causing the Grimm to stumble and fall, skidding across the ground.

"What's this?" Griffith asked, standing back up shakily. The Grimm turned to look at the Huntsman, who was holding his hands up in front of him, Ifrit crackling with fire.

"So that's what these babies can do," he smirked. "I was dying to know, but I was hoping it'd be under less dangerous circumstances. But oh well. Bring it on!"

"Get him, kid!" Qrow catcalled.

Griffith pounced forwards, talons raking downwards, but Jaune leapt up to meet him, driving a flaming foot into the Grimm's face, knocking it back. The Huntsman charged forwards, then leapt up and drove both of his flaming gauntlets into the top of Griffith's head, causing a small explosion.

"That settles it!" Yang declared. "Rubes, when you and I have time, we've got to try and replicate Ifrit!"

"It would be my pleasure," Ruby smiled, cracking her knuckles.

Jaune grabbed Alastor, and tore it out of Griffith's shoulder, causing the Grimm to hiss in pain.

"You'll pay for that, Huntsman!" Griffith growled. The Grimm brought up its front paws, sending another horizontal bolt of lightning at the Huntsman, only for Jaune to slide under that. Dodging a downward swipe from Griffith as he neared the Grimm, the Huntsman planted his feet firmly into the ground.

"And now, let's try an uppercut!" Jaune announced, leaping up and smashing Ifrit into Griffith's chin. A pillar of fire left the Huntsman and blasted upwards, launching Grimm into the air.

"Alright!" Mercury threw a fist into the air. "Now that's a punch!"

"Yeah, it is!" Tai smirked, folding his arms. "This show keeps taking me back to when I was training to be a Huntsman."

Griffith groaned as he fell backwards, but a flap of his wings righted him. The Grimm grumbled his displeasure as he stared down at Jaune, who glared back up at the Grimm.

"You're good," Griffith admitted. "But I'm not done with you yet. We'll meet again!" The Grimm took to the skies, flying away, eventually disappearing behind the coliseum. Jaune watched Griffith escape, then shook his head.

"I'll be looking forward to that, Griffith." The Huntsman shook his head. "Now let's see. Where am I going?" Jaune made his way back to the giant doors between the two alcoves, and approached the empty chamber. "So you only want flames with strength, huh?" he mused. "Will this do?" The Huntsman brought back a fist, and thrusted it at the alcove. Immediately, a fire roared to life inside, and the doors slowly swung open. "Guess so," Jaune smirked, as he headed into the gate.

"Oh, great! So now Griffith is going to be chasing Jaune throughout the island?" Nora realized. "What is it with this show and reoccurring enemies?!"

"I kind of like it," Sun admitted. "You can see how much Jaune improves by how long it takes him to beat them each time."

Jaune found himself in the middle of a misty garden, full of small trees and lush ferns. As he made his way through his calm, quiet environment, he spied a stone cylinder resting near the end of the garden. A small red door rested in the middle of the cylinder. As the Huntsman approached the door, however, a strange clacking noise met his ears.

"Oh, now what?" Emerald demanded.

Jaune turned to look behind him, and emerging from the mist were four Marionettes,  all with their blades at the ready. But it was the creature behind them that caught the Huntsman's attention. It was similar to the puppets, but with a darker body, and a reptilian head. It carried two wheels in its hands, with little spikes lining the outside. These immediately burst into flame, as the new enemy lifted its arms and spun its wrists around and around, creating wheels of fire, before lifting its head and spewing out a stream or red hot flame.

"What is that?" Velvet asked nervously.

"That is a stronger version of a Marionette, imbued with Fire Dust," Abe called from the projector's booth. "It's called a Fetish."

"Fetish?" Mrs. Goodwitch asked distastefully.

"The voodoo doll, not the other thing," Abe clarified.

"Alright, let's get this done!" Jaune grinned, cracking his knuckles as Ifrit blazed to life. One of the Marionettes lobbed a throwing knife at the Huntsman, but Jaune brought his arm up, deflecting the attack with one of his gauntlets. As a second Marionette rushed forwards, the Huntsman thrusted a fist into its chest, and with a burst of fire, the puppet was sent flying away in pieces. A second Marionette approached, but Jaune leaped into the air, then drove his boot into the puppet's head, obliterating it. As he landed, the Huntsman whipped out his grenade launcher and fired another round, blowing the other two Marionettes to bits. He followed up with another shot, hitting the Fetish in the chest.

"Well, that was fast," Qrow smirked.

"A little too fast," Cinder pointed out.

As the smoke cleared, Jaune barely had time to dodge as the Fetish suddenly burst from its cover, slicing at him with its flaming wheels. Backing up, the Huntsman threw a fist into the flaming puppet's head. It stumbled backwards, but moved forwards again just as fast.

"I guess Ifrit's not the best weapon to use against you," Jaune assessed. He watched as the Fetish twirled it's wrist, before throwing a flaming wheel at the Huntsman. He cartwheeled out of the way, then watched as the puppet beckoned towards itself with its empty hand. Immediately, the wheel reversed its spinning, and zoomed right towards the Huntsman's back.

"It's a yoyo?" Ghira grunted in surprise.

"Look out, Jaune!" Kali called.

Jaune dived out of the way of the wheel, watching as it returned to the Fetish, who stepped right in front of him. The puppet lifted its head, and exhaled a large stream of fire, which the Huntsman blocked with Ifrit, though his Aura still flashed.

"Well, you're definitely stronger than the other Marionettes," Jaune commented, dodging a snap from the Fetish's beak. "But you've left yourself wide open!" Grabbing Alastor, the Huntsman slashed at the puppet's chest, which was blocked by the flaming wheels. It had left its neck unguarded, however, and with one swing of his sword, Jaune severed the Fetish's head from its shoulders.

"Well done," Ozpin praised. "Mr. Arc has quite a future in store for him, if he continues his training."

Jaune made his way back to the stone cylinder, heading through the doorway and down a flight of stairs into a short tunnel, which emerged into what appeared to be a storage shed. A wooden door awaited him there, so the Huntsman opened it and headed through. Outside, he headed down another flight of stairs and into a walled graveyard. Making his way past the tombstones, Jaune eventually found himself standing in front of a large stone door. Depictions of Grimm hunting humans and ancient runes were engraved on the door.

"Foreboding," the Huntsman commented. "But I know that means there's also something important behind that door." He approached it, and as soon as he touched it, the door slowly swung open. "I must press onwards," Jaune said determinedly. The episode ended.

"Well, Jaune's outside the castle now, and he's got a new enemy, too," Ruby summarized. "All in all, I'm excited to see what happens next!" she finished with a smile.

"Me too!" Nora agreed. She turned in her seat to look at the projector's booth. "When can we start the next episode?" Abe chuckled.

"Right now if you want," he told her. "I'll just set up the next reel of film, and-" Just then, a purple portal appeared at the front of the theater. "Wait, what's going on?" Abe asked in confusion. "Usually, the author would introduce someone at the beginning of a chapter. Who could that be?" The portal widened, and out stepped a familiar Faunus, who looked out and around the theater, noticing several former friends and future enemies, all of whom were just as surprised to see him.

"Uh-oh," Adam Taurus winced.
