Mission 2: Judge of Death

As Abe set up the next episode, the audience talked amongst themselves.

"I wonder what the new weapon Abe mentioned is going to be," Yang rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

"Ooh, ooh!" Ruby fidgeted in her seat. "Maybe it will be a flail that doubles as a grappling hook!"

"How about a maul that lets out combustive blasts when it hits something?" Nora grinned. "Then Jaune and I can be the hammer twins!"

"Perhaps a lance that doubles as a rocket launcher?" Ren suggested. Meanwhile, the adults were discussing a more serious matter.

"I don't like it," Ms. Goodwitch whispered. "The absence of Salem in this world makes me feel like Mundus is much more powerful than we give him credit for." She turned to Ozpin, who shook his head.

"While this... Trish woman is convinced that Mundus is King of the Grimm, I can assure you that he was only a man. I've met several people over the years-most of them obviously insane-who claimed to have power over Grimm, but they were nothing more than frauds."

"I don't know, Oz," Qrow grunted. "Every legend out there has to start from something. Maybe this Mundus really is King of the Grimm in this world."

"Who can say?" Ghira shrugged. "But Trish believes it. And this Jaune fellow seems to be taking it pretty seriously. That's got to mean something." Just then, the projector turned back on.

"Quiet!" Kali put a finger to her lips. "It's starting!"

The episode began with Jaune Arc stepping into a long, curving hallway. Pillars lined several of the walls around him, with grand paintings rested in between. There was a door directly in front of him, so he opened it and poked his head inside. There was yet another study in this room, although this one curiously had a smaller copy of the handsome man in the central room of the tower, clutching a stone book in his hands. Jaune shrugged as he closed the door, and began to make his way down the long hallway. About halfway through, he spied a pair of double doors off to his left. He went to open them, but they were locked. As he prepared to back up and kick and the doors, suddenly, he put a hand to his heart.

"What's this overwhelming sensation?" Jaune whispered. Turning away from the door, Jaune walked to the end of the hallway, up a small flight of stairs, and into a narrow corridor. Another door stood before him, but it was what was to his right that caught his attention. On the right side of the corridor, underneath a small skylight, was a sculpture of a robed and hooded woman. Her face was contorted in agony, and her hands clutched at her chest, where a large sword with a winged hilt was embedded.

"That's a creepy statue," Velvet shuddered.

"I know, right?" Sun cringed. "Who in their right mind would craft such a thing?"

"Well, it fits with the creepy atmosphere," Mercury admitted. Then he shook his head. "I still don't like it, though."

Jaune stepped closer to the statue to examine it. As soon as he was under the skylight, however, strange whispering noises began to echo from the sword.

"Wait! Is that sword... alive?!" Tai demanded.

"I think... it might be!" Cinder gulped.

Jaune's eyes widened in surprise as a soft, masculine voice echoed from the sword.

"I am Alastor," the sword greeted the Huntsman. "The weak shall give their heart and swear their eternal loyalty to me." Immediately after it finished speaking, the sculpture of the writhing woman faded away, leaving behind a wall with the inscription of a cloaked skeleton with six arms in its place.

"What the..." Yang began.

The sword crackled with electricity, then wrenched itself out of the wall. It spun through the air, heading towards Jaune. The Huntsman brought up his Aura, but it was no good. Jaune's Aura flashed, and he gasped in pain as the blade forced itself through his Aura and impaled him through his sternum and out his back, throwing him to the ground as it pinned him to the floor.

"JAUNE!" Pyrrha, Nora, Ruby, and Coco all screamed.

"Mr. Arc!" Ozpin dropped his cane, his eyes wide as he stared at the screen in horror.

"Is... is he dead?" Kali asked, both hands over her mouth, her ears flat on her head.

"Damn," Qrow grunted, a rare fearful expression on his face. "That's quite a sword to cut through someone's Aura like that."

The scene panned around Jaune's body, as he lay still on the floor. Then, his fingers began to twitch. His eyes opened with a brief flash of electricity, and then, with a grunt, the Huntsman began to pull himself upwards, his body sliding up the sword.

"EWW!" Weiss shrieked, clenching her hands. "That is so nasty!"

"Stop it, Jaune!" Pyrrha begged, pale with horror and disgust. "You'll only make your injury worse!"

"Ah! I can't watch!" Emerald covered her eyes.

Blood ran down the length of the sword, as Jaune's face contorted in pain. His body slid further up the blade, until he was stopped by the sword's hilt. Jaune sighed, then closed his eyes.

"Oh, gods," Blake gasped, turning green. "Please don't tell me he's going to do it!"

"Stop it, Jaune!" Ren demanded. "You're going to-"

There was a sickening crunch as Jaune pulled himself off the sword, a spray of blood erupting from his back. The Huntsman stumbled forwards, stretching out a hand as though to catch himself on the wall. But instead, he turned backwards and grabbed the sword by its hilt. Electricity crackled around the blade and his body, as Jaune slowly pried the sword out of the ground and held it aloft over his head. A bolt of lightning struck down from above, shattering the skylight above him as it connected with Jaune's sword, surrounding him in an electrical shroud. Then Jaune began to spin in place, swinging the sword in large arcs in front of his body and around his head. The skylight fell in several large shards around the Huntsman as he completed his circle, before tossing the blade up in the air in front of him. As it fell back down to the ground, Jaune kicked the sword by the hilt, causing it to spin back up in the air, before he grabbed it and hung it on his back, the blade crackling with electricity.

"Wait a minute..." Ruby narrowed her eyes. "Abe said that Jaune gets a new weapon in this..." Her eyes shot open. "That's his new weapon? The sword that tried to kill him?!"

"Alright!" Nora cheered, her shock from earlier replaced with excitement. "Now Jaune and I can be the thunder twins!"

"As gruesome as that earlier scene was, I will admit, a lightning sword is pretty sick weapon," Sun grinned.

Jaune looked at the six-armed skeleton that was etched into the wall, noticing that two of its hands seemed to be clutching something, though there was nothing in them.

"Hmm," Jaune scratched his head. "I'm guessing you must be a door of some kind. But where is your key?" He shrugged his shoulders, then headed for the door next to him. Opening it, Jaune found himself in a large, two floor library. The first thing he noticed was a wall on his far left, past a long row of stone bookshelves that wrapped around the room. It had a massive hole in it, which a tree was growing out of. Approaching, he peeked his head past the roots, where he could see a smaller room on the other side of the wall. "I wonder how you get in there," Jaune said thoughtfully. Turning around, the Huntsman spotted a staircase that led up to the second floor of the library.

"I would kill to have a library like that in my house," Blake admitted. "I don't think I'd ever leave."

"That's my daughter," Ghira chuckled, wrapping an arm around Kali as she cooed. "Our little bookworm."

Jaune made his way up the stairs. As he reached the top, he spied a desk in front of him. A double-barreled shotgun rested upon the desktop, next to an open book.

"Score!" Jaune grinned. He quickly made his way over to the desk, and took the firearm for himself. Satisfied, the Huntsman turned to leave, when something from the book caught his eye. "What's this?" Jaune murmured. Picking up the book, he discovered it was in fact a book of records about the castle. Intrigued, Jaune began to read it to himself. "It happened on a hot, humid night. The columns twisted and the statue of a god disappeared. We quickly sealed the cathedral in hope that someone righteous with a strong heart would come to save us." Jaune closed the record book, a concerned frown on his face. He placed the book back on the desk, and turned around. Behind him was a large painting of a forest. In the middle of the forest stood a large robed creature with a skull for a face, a scythe draped over its shoulder. One of its hands protruded out of the painting, where a small key dangled from a chain in between its fingers.

"I certainly hope the dolt doesn't fall for that trick a second time," Weiss put a hand to her head.

"I don't think he would, but what other choice does he have?" Pyrrha asked. "He needs that key."

Cautiously, Jaune approached the painting, pulling Ivory from its holster. He aimed the handgun at the skull of the figure while he reached out to take the key. With his eyes  narrowed, Jaune's fingers curled around the key, and pulled it out of the withered hand. Nothing happened. That didn't stop the Huntsman from shooting glances over his shoulder and keeping his pistol at the ready the entirety of the time that he walked back down the stairs, made his way across the room, and exited the library.

"I know there's something in that painting," Jaune muttered. Shaking his head, the Huntsman retraced his steps down the hallway, finding the door that had previously denied him entry. Using the key he had received from the painting, Jaune unlocked the door, then made his way through. He found himself standing outside, in a circular plaza. A large fountain stood in the center, and off to his right was a large lion statue facing the fountain. Near the statue was a staircase that led up to a wrap around balcony. As Jaune stepped towards the fountain, there was a rattling sound, as a collection of Marionettes dropped down from the balcony to attack. Jaune smirked.

"So, you've come to play, huh?" he chuckled. "I'll warn you, I got my hands on some new toys!"

"Indeed he has," Ren nodded. "It'll be interesting to see him in action now."

One of the Marionettes pulled out a pair of daggers, and charged Jaune, only to be blown to bits by his shotgun. Another Marionette raised its own firearm, taking a shot at the Huntsman. Jaune dived out of the way, then fired off another round, the projectiles tearing the puppet apart at the waist. As the Marionette collapsed, a third rushed towards the Huntsman, slicing at him with with its crescent blades. Jaune parried the attack with the butt of his shotgun, before shoving the barrel into the Marionette's face and pulling the trigger, obliterating its head. However, more puppets were rapidly approaching.

"Alright, Alastor," Jaune announced, grabbing the large sword hanging from his back. "You rammed yourself through my chest, so you'd better make yourself useful now."

"Yeah!" Nora nodded. "Atone for your past misdeeds, Alastor!"

"Nora, it's a sword," Blake reminded her. "It's not sentient."

"But didn't the sword talk earlier?" Cinder pointed out.

A Marionette stabbed at Jaune, who blocked with Alastor, before hacking off the top part of the puppet's body with his new, large blade. Another puppet approached from behind, but the Huntsman spun around, and a trio of quick cuts sliced off both of the Marionette's arms and his head. As a pair of puppets began to move for him, Jaune brought his arms back.

"Go get 'em!" he snarled, throwing Alastor like a boomerang, spinning through the air as electricity crackled around it. It slammed into the Marionettes full force, smashing their bodies to splinters. It continued to hover in midair as Jaune pulled out his shotgun, blowing a hole through an oncoming Marionette's chest.

"Wait! Is that sword hovering in midair?" demanded Mercury.

"That's awesome!" Sun whooped. "I guess Alastor does have some handy powers after all."

Yet another Marionette charged at Jaune, leaping on him from behind and wrapping its legs around his neck. Jaune stretched out his arm, and Alastor immediately flew back towards him, driving itself into the puppet's face. Jaune grabbed the sword by the handle, using it to launch the Marionette away from him and into one of its allies, smashing both to bits. A final Marionette lifted its arm, preparing to fire at Jaune with a shotgun, but Jaune rushed forward, and thrusted his arm out. Both he and Alastor crackled with electricity, as they blasted forward, the blade of the sword smashing into the chest of the puppet, frying it and causing its limbs to fall off. Jaune watched as the torso of the Marionette crumbled to ash, then looked over Alastor in his hands.

"You're forgiven," he told the sword.

"Aw!" smiled Yang. "He treats his weapons like their his friends, just like my little sis!"

"Yaaang!" Ruby whined.

Jaune slid Alastor onto his back, putting the blade away. Then he turned towards the staircase.

"Well, up we go," he shrugged. He made his way up the staircase, and found himself standing next to a door with the insignia of a lion. Jaune tried the handle, but it was locked. Then he noticed an inscription on the door. "Only those who the lion has chosen can set me free." The Huntsman quickly ran back down the stairs, finding the lion statue in front of him. "You must be the lion," he realized. He reached out to touch the lion, only to help in pain as the statue flashed, stinging his hand. A purple barrier appeared in front of the statue, preventing him from approaching. "I guess I'll have to find a way to remove that barrier," Jaune sighed.

"This place sure seems to like making Jaune play errand boy," Qrow grunted.

"Yeah, what gives?!" Coco demanded. "He's a badass Huntsman, not some protagonist of a cheesy zombie knockoff game!" Abe cringed from inside the projector booth.

"Moving on, then." Jaune made his way up to the balcony again, following it around until he reached a set of doors. Pulling pulling them open, he headed inside. The Huntsman found himself standing inside another curving hallway, lined with more paintings. He followed it around until he reached a dead end, where a strange statue, resembling a headless muscular man pulling on a pair of chains, stood in front of him. A short slab of stone with a small orifice stood in front of the statue. Underneath the orifice was an inscription, which Jaune read aloud. "This is where the guiding souls gather."

"I'm getting a weird feeling about this castle," Velvet said nervously. "Nobody in their right mind would design a castle like this."

"Unless they've been influenced by evil spirits," Kali realized.

"If Mundus truly is King of the Grimm, it would make sense that he would have that kind of power," Ghira stated.

As Jaune made his way back away from the statue, he noticed an alcove off to his left. He turned to find himself looking at a large golden altar in front of him, with a small sculpture of a muscular man reclining upon a dais. Along the edge of the altar was more writing.

"A god stands before thee. To open the path, use thy strength to drive it back," Jaune read. The Huntsman grinned. "You got it!" He drew Alastor and struck the altar with his blade, pushing it back a few inches. Noticing this, Jaune attacked with Alastor a few more times, until it was pushed up against the wall. Beneath the alter was a trapdoor. "Let's see what we have here." The Huntsman dropped down the trapdoor, slashing down in a small room with a large tree growing within it. Examining his surroundings, Jaune spotted something on the back wall. It was another inscription of a six-armed skeleton, with a long rod ending with a sun-like design jutting out from it. "You must be what that other skeleton guy should be holding!"

"Oh, yeah!" Emerald recalled. "I guess he'll have to claim that rod before he can move onward."

Jaune took the rod in hand, pulling it out of the wall. After he did this, a small doorway opened up behind him. The Huntsman made his way out of the cramped quarters, finding himself back in the library.

"I guess I won't have to walk so far now," Jaune chuckled. He went to exit the library, but as he approached the door, a sound caused him to stop. It sounded like wind blowing, but that was impossible in an enclosed room. Eyes flashing in realization, Jaune backed up, and looked up at the second floor. The painting of the forest was billowing black smoke, as the skeletal figure faded from existence. Slowly, a Geist emerged from the painting, its singular yellow eye fixated on Jaune. A large scythe appeared in its hands as it floated down towards the Huntsman. Hearing more wind blowing behind him, Jaune turned his head to see two more Geists appear behind him, each armed with a pair of large scissors. "I knew there was something off about that painting!" Jaune groaned, drawing Alastor.

"You know, I think you might've been on to something when you said something was strange about this castle, Bun," Coco told Velvet. "I've never known a Geist to use weaponry before."

"Neither have I," Tai put a hand to his chin. "Maybe Mundus taught them how to use weapons."

"I would have to disagree," Ozpin stated flatly. "A simple man like this Mundus fellow would be torn asunder the very moment he approached a Grimm."

"What do you know, you're a Grimm in this," Qrow cracked, just loud enough for the Headmaster to hear. This caused Ozpin to pause for a moment.

"Perhaps. But I still have my doubts."

One of the Geists flew towards Jaune, opening up its scissors to try and snap them shut on his neck. Jaune, in turn, brought up Alastor and intercepted the attack with his sword, preventing the scissors from closing. He twisted his blade, forcing the Geist away. Another Geist approached, this time thrusting its scissors forward like a spear. Jaune blocked the stab with the flat of his sword, before rolling away and slicing at the Geist's torso. His sword phased through the creature's incorporeal body. The Geist turned into a swing with its scissors, which Jaune ducked under, before it opened the conjoined blades and jammed them downwards. Jaune backflipped away as the scissors slammed shut, then leaped into the air, bringing Alastor over his head. He sliced the sword downwards, smashing the Geist's mask to bits. The Grimm's headless body writhed and tore apart, blowing away like shreds of paper.

"One down, two to go," Jaune mused, right before he was hit upside the head by a book. "Ow! What the-" An instant later, he was slashed across the back by the Geist's scythe, causing his Aura to flash.

"Come on, Vomit Boy!" Yang called. "Don't let those Grimm disappear on you! Bust 'em up!"

Jaune growled as he spun into a stab, forcing the scythe-wielding Geist to back away. Just then, another book came flying at him, which the Huntsman sliced apart with Alastor.

"Where do those keep coming from?!" he demanded. Then he spotted it. On the wall far to his left, the Geist had possessed the bookshelf, and was launching them at the Huntsman. Jaune blocked a few more literary projectiles, before lifting Alastor and throwing the sword like a javelin. Electricity crackled around the sword as it flew quick and true, jamming into the Geist's face. There was a hiss as black smoke billowed out of the bookshelf, right before the Grimm's mask shattered. Jaune chuckled, pleased with his handiwork, right before a pair of scissors jabbed into his gut. His Aura flashed briefly.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me!" Jaune groaned. The third Geist was upon him, holding its scythe in one hand, and holding the other pair of scissors in its other. The scissors it threw at Jaune, which opened and caught the Huntsman by the neck, pinning him to a bookshelf.

"Uh-oh!" Ruby squeaked.

"Don't panic, Jaune!" Pyrrha told him, clearly panicking herself. "Whatever you do, don't panic!"

The Geist slowly hovered towards Jaune, its eye glowing with malicious intent. It raised its scythe over its head. The Huntsman breathed in deeply as it approached, stretching out his arm. A spark of electricity leaped from his fingers, before a spinning sound was heard. Alastor spun through the air, phasing through the Geist's body as it returned to the Huntsman's hand. Jaune quickly blocked the downwards swinging scythe with his blade, before using the sword to slice the scissors in two, allowing to escape. The Geist floated backwards, throwing its scythe at the Huntsman, who knocked it away with Alastor. He quickly pulled out his shotgun, aiming it at the Geist's face.

"Game over," Jaune smirked, before he pulled the trigger. The Geist's mask shattered, and the Grimm fell away in shreds.

"Nicely done!" Ghira applauded. "Jaune Arc continues to impress me."

"And me," Kali smiled. "And since he exists in our world as well..." she purred, looking down at Blake, "...I wouldn't say no to some blonde grand-babies." Blake, who heard this, groaned.


Jaune slung Alastor over his back, then headed out of the library. As he opened the door, he pulled out the "sun rod" and examined it.

"Let's get you back to your rightful owner," Jaune cracked. He stepped through the doorway, but stopped when he felt something squish under his boot. Looking down, he saw several dozen small white scorpion-like creatures skittering away from him.

"Ugh!" Cinder retched. "What are those things?!"

"They look like baby Death Stalkers," Sun grimaced. "I've seen quite a few of them during my time in Vacuo."

"If those are the babies, then where's dad?" Mercury muttered.

Jaune watched as the tiny Grimm slipped under the wall where the six-armed skeleton was etched.

"Something isn't right on this island," he said. "Geists using weapons, and now baby Death Stalkers fleeing from potential prey?" The Huntsman shook his head. "Mundus must be more powerful than I first thought." He approached the skeletal carving, and inserted the rod into its hands. Instantly, the wall slid away, revealing a room behind it. "I need to get to the bottom of this," Jaune stated determinedly. The episode ended.

"Even Mr. Arc believes Mundus is behind all this," Ms. Goodwitch pointed out. "Perhaps we should take him more seriously."

"Until I see this Mundus-who is likely long dead, at this point-forgive me if I remain skeptical," Ozpin sighed.

"But what if Mundus really is King of the Grimm?" Nora asked. "What will Jaune do if he runs into him."

"I guess we'll just have to watch and find out," Pyrrha shrugged.
