Mission 1: One Crazy Party

As the children from Remnant got comfortable, Abe grabbed the remote control for his DVD player. The title screen, which was solid black save for the title "Grimm May Cry 3: Jaune's Awakening" with the options 'Play All' or 'Episode Select' appeared on his large TV. Abe chose episode select, which brought up the first four episodes. Abe selected Episode 1: A Crazy Party, and pushed play. The screen faded to dark.

"Hey, quick question for you, Abe," Yang states, causing Abe to pause the show. "Why did you put the third one in first? Shouldn't you start at the beginning?"

"Fair point," Abe nodded. "But in truth, this story actually takes place before Grimm May Cry 1."

"Oh, so it's a prequel sequel!" Nora said.

"Right. Now, let's start this thing, shall we?" Abe hit the play button.

For a couple moments, the screen was dark and quiet. Then, a voice spoke from the darkness.

"Have you heard the stories? The stories of the legendary heroes?" Ruby's voice, albeit sounding a little older, came out of the darkness.

"Is that... me?" Ruby whispered.

"Sounds like it," Weiss confirmed.

"When I was younger, my mother and father told me many legends. Tales of evil monsters, beautiful maidens, and noble swordsmen. I loved those stories so much, I wanted to be a hero myself."

Team RWBY smiled. It may be deemed childish, but it's an admirable trait to want to protect and serve the innocent.

"But then came the Fall of Beacon."

And just like that, the happy mood was killed.

"The WHAT?!" Nora demanded. The movie paused again.

"The Fall of Beacon," Abe clarified. "During the Vytal Festival, a group of conspirators and White Fang extremists produced enough negativity to cause a massive hoard of Grimm to invade the city of Vale. Despite you and your friends' best efforts, Beacon was destroyed and Headmaster Ozpin, along with several students, were killed during the fighting." Everyone looked shocked and disgusted. Then Pyrrha spoke.

"I will be among the dead, won't I?" she asked. Abe looked at her. From her phrasing the the students' expressions, he knew that they figured that he was basing this story in the future, meaning that the events described were likely to happen in their own world. With a heavy heart, Abe nodded.

"I'm afraid you will be. And you are dead in my story as well, albeit you die differently in mine."

"Tell me, do I die on my feet?" At this, Abe smiled sadly.

"In this reality, you die in Jaune's arms, having fought side-by-side with him, until your last breath." Team RWBY looked aghast. Pyrrha, however, smiled and nodded, relaxing her body.

"Then I suppose that's all I can ask for," she smiled. She nodded for Abe to continue. Abe played the video again.

"I lost a lot of friends in that battle," Ruby's voice said sadly. "I admit, I gave up on my dream. I didn't believe heroes could exist, for how could anyone hope to save the entire world?"

Ruby looked despondent. She knew her dream was unrealistic in her heart, but it was a whole lot sadder listening to herself fall into despair. Yang put a hand on her sister's shoulder.

"There, there, sis," she comforted Ruby. "This is about Jaune, remember. I bet you, he'll be the hero you were searching for." As if on cue, the Ruby on the DVD spoke again.

"But life has a way of accomplishing the impossible. Heroes can and do exist in Remnant. How do I know this? Well..." Suddenly, the scene changed. The television now displayed a stormy sky, gallons of rain pouring out of the clouds. The top of a tall tower was seen, in the center of which were two humanoid figures, currently locked in a sword-fight. "I met a hero, face-to-face."

The camera closed in on the two swordsman. The darkness cast by the clouds above them covered their faces and most of their bodies. The only thing that could be made out was their swords. One wielded a heavy Claymore, while the other swung a red katana. As lightning flashed above them, the man with the Claymore's chest was illuminated, revealing the Arc family crest.

"Hey, it's Jaune-Jaune!" Nora realized. She threw her hands up in the air and cheered. "Take him down, fearless leader!"

"Whoa, never thought Vomit Boy would pack such a large blade," Yang whistled. Then she grinned cheekily. "He'd have to be packing quite the set of muscles to be swinging that thing around, huh, Pyrrha?" Pyrrha blushed. Watching the Jaune on the screen expertly stab and slash at his opponent, using techniques she had taught him before, made her feel warm and fuzzy for some reason. Blake, however, looked nervous. She knew of only one person who used a red katana in battle, and she had hoped to avoid seeing him again for a long while.

"Of course, every hero has his enemies," Ruby's narration continued. "For though the ideal of making the world a better place was shared between both of them, the Hunter of Vale and Champion of the White Fang fought like bitter rivals." The two swordsman continued to fight, swinging their swords so fast that they created a temporary bubble free of falling rain around them for a couple seconds. Thunder rumbled above them as they locked blades, allowing the rain to continue falling freely around then. Lightning flashed again, this time exposing the man with the katana's head. His face was still mostly obscured, though for a brief instant, a pair of black horns could be seen adorning his head.

"No," Blake whispered, her cat ears flattening under her bow.

"Whoa, did you see that?!" Ruby gushed. "They stopped the rain from hitting the ground!"

"The skill you'd have to have," Ren murmured, a small smile on his face. "I believe that this version of Jaune has far surpassed all of us in strength."

"You said it," Weiss agreed. "If only he was like that in ourreality."

"It was though the two found some sick pleasure in this deadly game they played," Ruby commented, as Jaune and his opponent continued to trade blows and parry each other's slices. Finally, the other swordsman countered one of Jaune's thrusts, and with a quick flick of his blade, tore the Claymore from Jaune's hands.

"Uh oh," Yang groaned. "That's not good."

"I have faith!" Pyrrha announced. "Jaune's a tactical warrior, he'll figure something out!"

"Pyrrha's right! Our Fearless Leader can still win this!" Nora added.

"But in the end..." Ruby's voice trailed off, as the Claymore landed on the ground next to Jaune's feet, before it transitioned to his chest, which was promptly run through by the red katana. Lightning flashed, as Jaune's face was finally revealed. His blue eyes were wide, and his mouth was open, his teeth clenched in pain.

The audience froze. They had not expected to see Jaune get stabbed so easily.

"Or not," Ruby said in a small voice.

The other swordsman kicked Jaune off his blade, causing the Hunter to fall on his back, where he lay still. His opponent sheathed his blade, then turned and stomped down, picking something up off the ground. He placed his hand on his face, then turned back around to face Jaune. Another flash of lightning revealed the face of Adam Taurus, his upper face covered by a white mask. He walked past his vanquished opponent, stopping to pick up Jaune's Claymore. As Taurus walked away, Jaune's arm began to move. The Hunter attempted to get up, only for Adam to turn back around, plunging the Claymore straight towards the screen. The sound of flesh and metal being pierced echoed as the screen faded to black.

"...Only one came out on top," Ruby's ominous narration finished.

For a few moments, all was silent in Abe's living room. Then...

"What the hell?!" Yang demanded.

"That's it?!" Ruby whined.

"What kind of Jaune Arc story is that?! We're not even two minutes in and you just kill him off!" Pyrrha shouted. Ren put his head in his hand. He had seen this trope done before, and had expected his friends to catch on to it as well. So instead he watched his teammates all glare at Abe, who was trying his hardest not to burst out laughing.

"You really think I'd go through all the effort to put this story on a DVD and not even have thirty minutes worth of material on it?" he snickered. "Relax, we haven't even got started yet!"

"But how can we continue from that?" Nora questioned. "We just watched our Fearless Leader get stabbed through the chest twice! I'm pretty sure the scientific term for that is 'dead!'"

"Oh, he'll be fine!" Abe waved his hand. "Now be quiet! The show is starting again."

The screen opened to reveal the interior of a spacious building. The room was mostly  empty, save for a couple of couches sitting underneath a staircase; a pool table, with a sword hanging on the wall next to it; a jukebox near the entrance with a guitar leaning against it; and a desk near the back wall. On top of the desk was a box of pizza with a few slices still inside, a sticky note listing a bunch of phone numbers, a pair of handguns, and couple of pictures in their frames. The first showed a group photo of Team JNPR, with Jaune, Ren, and Pyrrha awkwardly smiling as a grinning Nora pulled them into a group hug. The second depicted Ruby and Jaune at a park. The two were visibly older, Jaune looking to be in his early twenties, while Ruby looked about nineteen. Jaune was smiling, and had his arm wrapped around Ruby's shoulder, while the Huntress grinned, a light blush on her face. A Scroll lay next to the pictures, currently ringing.

"Hey, looks like Vomit Boy has himself a business," Yang commented. "I wonder what he does in this reality."

"Where is he, anyway?" Weiss mused.

A door near the couches opened, and out stepped Jaune Arc, currently smoothing his hair down from the shower he just had, water dripping off his arms. He was bare-chested, with a pair of jeans on his legs and combat boots on his feet. Hearing his Scroll ring, he walked over to desk, and picked up the communication device.

"Sorry, not open for business yet," he told the person on the other end, his voice a bit deeper. Setting his Scroll back down, Jaune picked up a fallen chair that lay behind his desk and sat down, helping himself to a slice of pizza. "I haven't even picked a name for this place yet, and I'm already getting calls," Jaune mused, resting his legs on his desk.

"Man, time has been kind to Fearless Leader!" Nora grinned. "Look at those muscles!"

"A six-pack at twenty-one?" Blake questioned, guessing his age. "He must've been training diligently for the last few years."

"And from the looks of things, you're in a relationship with him, Ruby," Pyrrha smiled, causing Ruby to blush. Pyrrha was honestly happy for Jaune. If she couldn't be with him, at least Ruby would be there to keep him company.

Outside Jaune's building, a man in a black suit, with grey hair and a mustache, approached the front entrance. Jaune looked up as the man stepped inside.

"You a customer, too?" Jaune asked. "Otherwise, the bathroom is in the back."

"Would you be Jaune Arc, the Hunter of Vale?" the mustached man asked, a slight British accent in his voice.

"That's what they call me," Jaune nodded. "Who wants to know?" The man bowed.

"The Champion of the White Fang would like to meet with you. I have come to deliver an invitation. Please, accept it." Suddenly, the mustached man grabbed Jaune's desk, and flipped it upwards, sending it and the Hunter falling backwards. Pushing his feet off the desk, Jaune backflipped back onto his feet, swiping one his handguns, a white-colored pistol with the word Ivory unscripted on the barrel, off the floor. He aimed the gun upwards, but his hostile guest had already disappeared.

"That wasn't very nice of that guy!" Ruby frowned. Her teammates agreed, glaring at the screen.

"Invitation, huh?" Jaune scoffed as he stood back up, slipping the gun into his pants. Looking at his other hand, he was pleased to find the piece of pizza was still with him. He brought the pizza up to his mouth, preparing to resume his dinner, when suddenly, a group of Grimm materialized all around him. Each had a black humanoid body, with ribs and skulls covering their torso and head, respectively. Each also carried a large scythe as well. They were Apathy. Jaune tensed up, but one of the Grimm let out a shriek, and he felt his muscles relax. Four razor sharp blades quickly buried themselves into Jaune, one through his chest, another through his back, a third in his right arm, and a fourth in his left leg.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Yang roared, her eyes flashing bright red.

"Seriously, what kind of twisted world is this?!" Weiss shouted, shocked and angry at the scene before her. Abe snorted, and watched as seven heads turned in his direction.

"Is this some sick joke?!" Pyrrha demanded him, her face pure anger. "Showing us our beloved friend dying gruesome deaths over and over?"

"Who said he was dead?" Abe shrugged, pointing back towards the screen. Everyone looked back, though some stalled to give their entertainer the stink eye.

The fingers clutching the half-eaten piece of pizza unclenched, allowing the morsel of food to fall to the floor. An instant later, that same hand curled into a fist, and slammed right into the nearest Grimm's face, shattering its head into a million pieces. The headless body collapsed to the floor, disintegrating a moment later.

Abe couldn't help but laugh as he watched six jaws all drop simultaneously. Ren, however, was nodding his head, beginning to piece things together.

"I... how did..." Yang stuttered.

"All those blade's, and he just-" Ruby began, was caught off.

"That's impossible!" Weiss screeched. "Jaune should be dead! Aura or not, that many sharp objects piercing you at once would kill even the best Huntsman instantly! There's no way he could've survived!"

"Unless..." Everyone turned to look at Ren. "Unless this isn't just Aura at work here." He shot a knowing smile at Abe. "Would I be correct in assuming this is Jaune's Semblance?" Abe nodded.

"You guess correctly, Ren. In your world, Jaune's Semblance is Aura Amplification. This allows him increase the strength of his own Aura, as well as other people's Aura. It also gives him the ability to heighten the power of his friend's Semblances, as well. In other words, Jaune basically has a healing factor."

Jaune casually walked out of the middle of the astonished Grimm, dragging one of Apathy with him as it feebly attempted to pull its scythe out of his back. It managed to accomplish this only when Jaune stopped and threw a backwards kick at the creature, sending it crashing into the other two Apathy, knocking them to the ground. Stepping in front of his jukebox, Jaune pried the scythe blade buried in his chest out, the wound closing so fast it was as though he had never been stabbed to begin with. As the Apathy recovered, they moved for Jaune,only for the Hunter to throw the scythe blade towards the ceiling, bringing a spinning fan down on top of them. The fan's blades eviscerated the Grimm's heads, killing them instantly. More Apathy appeared, all wielding scythes. Jaune didn't even bother turning around, instead pointing a finger up into the air.

"This party's getting crazy! Jaune announced. "Let's rock!" He brought his finger down on the jukebox's song select button. Nothing happened. Jaune tried again, and then pressed the button over and over, only to be denied again. Jaune turned back to look at the Apathy, who were all staring at him quizzically. Jaune smiled in embarrassment, before turning back to his jukebox and smashing his fist down on it, caving the top of it in. It got the desired affect, though, as heavy metal music began to blast from the speaker system he had installed in the building.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Apathy rushed forward, and were utterly demolished. Jaune's muscular arms were more than capable of cracking their skulls with Aura enhanced punches, while his legs crushed knees and swept enemies to the ground. He even managed to put the scythe blades that were stilled lodged in his limbs to good use-hacking off arms, slicing torsos, and slitting throats-at least until they got stuck in the bodies of a couple Grimm and were pulled out when they fell lifeless to the ground.

Jaune didn't have any time to admire his handiwork however, as another wave of Apathy arrived to replace the first. Another shriek echoed throughout the room, and Jaune's entire body felt tired again. Luckily, firearms don't require as much energy to use. An Apathy rushed forward, scythe raised overhead, only to find the barrel of Ivory jammed into its mouth. One gunshot later, and the Grimm disintegrated. Another rushed forward, but this time Jaune tripped it up, sending it crashing to the floor. Glancing at the ground, Jaune spotted Ivory's jet-black sister handgun, Ebony, laying in the middle of the Apathy hoard. With a grin, Jaune leapt onto the Grimm he had just knocked over and pushed off the ground, riding it like a skateboard into the hoard of monsters. Grabbing Ebony off the ground, Jaune turned into a whirlwind of gunfire, bullets tearing through any Grimm with close proximity to him.

Jaune's joyride came to an abrupt end when he and his makeshift skateboard smashed into the pool table on the opposite side of the room, launching all the billiards into the air. Not even missing a beat, Jaune took aim at the cue ball and shot  it, causing it to quickly slam into all the other billiards, sending them smashing into any Apathy unlucky enough to survive their prey's earlier hijinks, quickly putting an end to their miserable existence. As his last few uninvited guests surged forward, Jaune grabbed his Claymore off the wall and quickly sliced the pool table in half, lobbing each end at his remaining enemies, crushing them. Only when Jaune was sure all the Grimm were absolutely safe did he relax his body. Noticing his box of pizza on the ground, Jaune approached it, famished from his unexpected battle. As he reached for his meal, however, a foot smashed down on it, revealing one last Apathy sneering at him, as it brandished its scythe. With a sigh, Jaune raised Ebony and shot the Apathy in between the eyes. As it disintegrated, Jaune looked around his building. It was trashed, but there was nothing money couldn't replace, which he would be rolling in, once he finally set up shop.

"So that was the welcoming committee? I can already tell, this is going to be one hell of a party!" Jaune grinned, before the scene froze. A series of bullet holes tore through the screen, bringing the episode to an end.

For a minute or two, the audience was quiet, stunned and amazed by the spectacle they had just beheld. Then, Nora broke the silence.

"That... was... AWESOME!" She screeched in excitement.

"Did you guys see that?!" Ruby yelled excitedly. "Jaune attacked, and the Grimm were all like 'Wha?' and Jaune was all like 'This party's crazy' and..."

"That almost brought tears to my eyes!" Yang smiled. "Even Uncle Qrow nevered pulled something like that off before!"

"That was better than any fight scene from Ninja's of Love," Blake gasped, trying not to drool from Jaune's impressive display. Weiss was at a loss for words. Was this really the same dunderhead from their world.

"An impressive display," Ren acknowledged. "Any thoughts, Pyrrha?" He turned to look at the redhead, who was beaming with pride.

"I always knew he had it in him," she smiled. "This Jaune has gone above and beyond anything I could've possibly taught him." Her attention was caught by Nora and Ruby, who were groveling at Abe's feet.

"Please show us another episode!" Ruby begged.

"Yeah! I want to watch Fearless Leader lay the beatdown on more Grimm, and this time, with that giant sword of his!" Nora added. Abe laughed.

"What kind of host would I be if I didn't comply?" he chuckled. "I'll put on the next episode. "But first," he decided, standing up, "I feel like some popcorn."
