Mission 19: Enter the Corrupted World

"Come on, come on," Ruby whined, tapping her foot impatiently. "How long is it going to be before Jaune enters the Grimm World?!"

"Not long at all, actually," Abe told her. "In fact, he enters their domain in this very episode."

"I'm not sure if I should be happy about that," Yang mused, as the lights slowly began to dim.

"You shouldn't," Ozpin assured her.

The episode began with Jaune standing in front of the brazier that had supplied him with Elixir. An image appeared before him, showing the inside of the top of a tall tower. Stepping into this, the Huntsman found himself back inside the tower that had led him to the Elixir to begin with. He backtracked down the tower, eventually finding himself back in the room he had been teleported to. In front of him was another image, this one displaying the floating platform inscribed with the Staff of Hermes.

"Okay, I warp back there, and then head for the castellan's bedroom," Jaune said determinedly. He stepped into the image, teleporting back to the lonely floating platform. An image of the castellan's bedroom awaited him, so he stepped through, finding himself standing in front of the large mirror that Myrmidon had emerged from.

"There's the mirror," Weiss stated, a small frown upon her face. "Now what does he do?"

"So, within you lies the second key to the Grimm World, huh?" Jaune mused. "Time to fact check that theory." He pulled out the Elixir, presenting it before the mirror. There was a brief shimmer from the blue stone, then the surface of the mirror began to ripple like water. The Huntsman raised an eyebrow. "Guess that answers that question, then." He stepped towards the mirror, and then phased through the reflective glass. When he emerged on the other side, he found himself standing in the castellan's bedroom, but everything had been inverted.

"Whoa, it's like some sort of... mirror dimension!" Nora gasped in awe.

"You don't say," Ren said wryly, smiling at his partner's antics.

Looking around, Jaune noticed the doorway to the outside balcony in this parallel realm was cracked open. He pushed the twin doors open, and looked outside. The sky was a murky red color, and the ground below was all cobblestone, no grass in sight. Instead of a fountain, a single stone pillar rested in the middle of the courtyard, upon which rested a strange object. Leaping off the balcony, the Huntsman approached the pillar, finding the object on display to be a stone carved into a geometric shape, with strange runes on each face of the stone.

"It kind of looks like an oversized dice for Dungeons and Dragons," Sun commented, then noticed that a bunch of people were staring at him in surprise.

"You play D&D?" Blake asked, shocked at this revelation.

"What? It's not just for nerds!" Sun said defensively.

Jaune reached out, and took the stone in both hands. The moment he did so, however, a strange, hooting sound filled his ears. The noise got louder and louder, until suddenly, three, large humanoid Grimm landed around the Huntsman, surrounding him. Each Grimm resembled an ape, but with white plating covering their chests and their skulls exposed. One of the Grimm stood on its hind legs, beating its chest, before roaring at Jaune, showcasing a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"Beringels," Qrow grumbled, having run into quite a few of the vile beasts himself. "Kid's got a fight on his hands."

With a hoot, one of the Beringels pushed forwards off the ground with its fists, charging the Huntsman before swinging at him with its large hand. The Huntsman rolled under the attack, before unsheathing the Harbinger and slicing at the Grimm's chest. A large cut appeared on the Beringel's chest, but only a minimal amount of blood leaked out.

"Man, I forgot how thick your hides are," Jaune grumbled in frustration.

"It's true," Coco sighed, shaking her head. "Our team had the displeasure of running into one of those freaks on a mission. Gianduja, my rotary cannon, had almost no effect on the creep."

"It took all four of us to finally put it down," Velvet shuddered. "I would hate to have to fight three of them. Especially alone!"

Another Beringel came up behind Jaune, attempting to crush him with a downward swing, but he dove away, and fired a round from his shotgun into its face, sending it stumbling back. With a howl of pain, the Grimm tore up the ground, before hurling a large chunk of rock at Jaune, who swatted the projectile aside with Ifrit. The third Beringel lunged for him, attempting to grab the Huntsman, but its hand was knocked aside, before a flaming gauntlet smashed into its stomach.

"Mr. Arc is doing well so far," Ms. Goodwitch nodded. "But I can't help but get an ominous feeling all the same."

"It's probably just anxiety," Cinder said, despite having the same feeling herself.

Jaune swung his fist upwards, sending the Beringel flying backwards with a smoking jaw. Then, ducking under a fist thrown at the back of his head, he spun into a slice with the Harbinger, shifting the sword into scythe form. The curved blade sunk into the Beringel's neck, tearing out a chunk of flesh as the Huntsman ripped his weapon free. The Grimm shrieked as it clapped a hand to its neck, red blood spraying from the wound. Then, with its other hand, it pulled out a mask. It was red, and had a pair of yellow horns jutting out of the temples.

"Um, what is it doing?" Pyrrha asked nervously.

The Beringel affixed the mask to its face, then grunted as its muscles began to bulge and swell. The Grimm's fur turned from black to red, as more spikes grew out of its elbows in shoulder blades. Then the Beringel began to expand, quickly tripling in size and mass. It dropped back down onto its front limbs, and let out a hideous cackle, steaming curling out of its mouth.

"Argh! What?!" Tai demanded, falling out of his seat.

"How did it do that?!" Emerald demanded, quivering in fear.

"It's the mask! It must be another one of Mundus's creations!" Mercury deduced, wide-eyed.

"Well, that's new," Jaune cringed, looking at the transformed Beringel with surprise and fear. The enlarged Grimm thrusted a giant hand forward, sending an orb of red hot fire screaming towards the Huntsman. "Oh, damn!" Jaune leaped away as the fiery sphere whizzed by him, slamming into the ground and tearing up even more of the earth with a large explosion.

"It can throw fire?!" Kali's jaw dropped open.

"Truly only a mind as twisted and spiteful as Mundus could create such a horrific device," Ghira glowered.

Using the distraction provided by the transformed Beringel, one of the smaller Grimm quickly leaped in front of Jaune, then pushed off the ground with its arms to slam its feet into the his chest. The Huntsman coughed as he was sent sailing backwards, landing spread eagle on his back several yards away, his Aura flashing heavily.

"Holy shit!" Yang swore. "Those things hit like a truck!"

Jaune groaned as he pushed himself back onto his feet, before forced to quickly dodge as another chunk of rock sailed straight towards his face. He glared at the Beringel who had thrown the large projectile at him, then was forced to dodge again as a second large stone streaked towards him. The Huntsman ran forwards, bringing the Harbinger up over his head, then leaped into the air, attempting to bring the large blade down onto the Grimm's head. With a hoot, however, the Beringel leaped away, then rushed him, attempting to smash him between its two large hands. Jaune quickly backflipped away, then stabbed the Harbinger forward, watching as it shifted into lance-form. The long, curved blade jammed itself right into the Grimm's mouth, causing it to gurgle, then fall to the floor. The Beringel's body began to deteriorate, blood repeatedly bursting out of its corpse, before it finally crumbled to ash.

"Ick! That is so gross!" Weiss groaned, sticking out her tongue.

"One down, two to go," Adam murmured, watching the fight in interest.

With a howl, the second Beringel charged Jaune, jumping up and swinging both fists down at his head, but he spun aside. Undeterred, the Grimm landed, then shot out a hand, grabbing the Huntsman by the head. Hooting in triumph, the Beringel slammed its prey into the ground, before lifting and throwing Jaune into a wall on the other side of the courtyard. The Huntsman slid to the ground, his Aura flashing, before lifting his head to see the giant, horned Beringel standing over him, a sneer on its face.

"Run, Jaune!" Nora screeched.

Jaune stood and held the Harbinger in front of him as the transformed Beringel thrusted a foot at him. The large blade absorbed the attack, though the force behind it still sent him skidding back several feet. The Huntsman turned his head in time to see the other Grimm leap towards him with a cocked fist, so he threw his own punch with Ifrit, causing their attacks to connect and staggering the beast. Smiling, Jaune quickly sliced the Beringel twice across the chest, before throwing a spinning kick into the side of its head, obliterating some of its skull and sending it smashing against the very wall it had just thrown him against before. This just left the giant, horned Grimm, which immediately lobbed another ball of fire at the Huntsman.

"Look out!" Ruby cried.

Jaune cut through the fiery attack with the Harbinger, then rolled aside as the giant Beringel attempted to smash him with its heavy fist. The large Grimm swiped at him with its other hand, but the Huntsman dodged, then sliced two of the giant beast's fingers off. Shrieking, the Beringel lifted a foot, attempting to stomp on him, but Jaune drove his sword upwards, and stabbed the large blade through the giant appendage. As the howling Grimm fell forwards, the Huntsman simply lobbed the Harbinger at his enemy. The weapon shifted into scythe-form, and sliced cleanly through the Beringel's neck. Jaune backer away as the headless corpse collapsed to the ground, blood and smoke bursting out of the Grimm's flaming body, as it reduced to ash.

"He won!" Blake sighed with relief.

"Not bad, kid," Qrow grinned. "Even I have trouble against Beringels, sometimes."

The scene cut to show Jaune standing in the middle of the dark chapel. He held out the blue stone before the murky puddle, watching as it slowly began to condense and swirl.

"Okay, that's one door to the Grimm World opened," the Huntsman mused. He stepped into the puddle, and slowly sank down into the black depths. When he could see again, he stood on a large stone rock, with a fiery red portal in the center. "And here's the other," he mused.

"Oh, boy, here we go," Pyrrha whispered, worried for the Huntsman.

Finding a pentagonal groove next to the portal, Jaune pulled out the large geometric stone, and place it into the shape. Instantly, the portal became more intense, as a high-pitched whistling sound screamed from within.

"Time to take the fight to the Grimm's home turf," the Huntsman whispered, before he leaped into the portal. The episode ended.

"That's it?!" Ruby demanded. She glared at Abe, puffing out her cheeks. "I thought you said he enters the Grimm World in this episode!"

"He did," Abe shrugged. "I didn't say you'd see what their world looks like. That's for next time."

"Ugh! You love tormenting us like this, don't you!" Yang groaned.


"Massster Mundusss, why don't you make the portalsss to our home plane ssso complicated to unlock?" a King Taijitu asked the King of Grimm.

"Why would I bother?" Mundus shrugged. "We spawn out of pools of pure destruction. To enter one of those would mean death to any human."

"But what if humanity finds a way to protect themselves from that?" a Death Stalker suggested. "Wouldn't it be a good idea to have a backup plan to keep them out?" The King of Grimm pondered this, then sighed.

"Put it on my to-do list," Mundus groaned. "There should be some space between 'Crush Ozma like a bug,' and 'Drop the vacuum off at the thrift store.'"
