Mission 23: Pyrrha's Guide

As the lights dimmed once more, the audience became confused.

"Wait, the show is still going?" Yang asked in confusion.

"That can't be right," Weiss shook her head. "Jaune has already defeated Mundus!"

"Well, I guess he still has to escape from the Grimm World," Blake pointed out.

"Yeah," Ruby nodded, as everyone sat back down in their seats. "It would be kind of weird to end it with Jaune standing in the middle of an empty throne room."

The episode began with Jaune standing over the body of Trish, his head bowed in mourning. Suddenly, the entire room began to rumble, as large cracks appeared on the walls, and large pieces of debris fell from the ceiling. This caused the Huntsman to raise his head in surprise and confusion.

"Wait, what's going on?!" Jaune demanded, looking wildly around the room. "An earthquake? No, that can't be right!" A large piece of marble rock smashed into the ground behind. "Damn!" he yelped, leaping away. "Did killing Mundus trigger some kind of chain reaction?!" The Huntsman's eyes widened as the implications of that possibility began to sink in. "I've got to get out of here, before this entire place comes crashing down!" he stated, running away as fast as he could, despite his injuries.

"Man, even when he's dead, Mundus is still causing trouble!" Nora grumbled.

"I guess the death of the Grimm World's King causes their dimension to grow unstable," Ren grimaced.

"Get out of there, Jaune!" Pyrrha called to the screen.

Jaune headed for the large doors leading out of the throne room, blood leaking from his wounds, which had not begun to heal yet. As he began to head through the colossal doorway, his head turned briefly to look at the body lying behind him.

"Trish," the Huntsman murmured sadly.

"Poor Jaune," Velvet sniffled. Coco put a hand on her shoulder.

"I know, Bun. All of us feel bad for him."

Making his way out of the throne room, Jaune found himself back in the room with giant heart. Seeing the stone doorway out to his left, he took a running leap from the platform he was standing on, groaning as he tumbled to the ground in front of it. Then he stood, and entered into the central chamber of the living cave. The white patch of flesh stood before him, so the Huntsman began to make his way over to it. But suddenly, a fierce growl met his ears. Jaune turned around to see an Ice Ursa standing on its hind legs behind him, frost billowing from its fanged muzzle.

"What?! Are you telling me that Jaune has to fight his way out of this place?!" Emerald demanded.

"That's preposterous!" Cinder stated angrily. "Mundus is dead, so none of his henchmen have to follow his orders anymore. Plus, if they stall Jaune, they'll be killed when the Grimm World collapses as well!"

"Something tells me they don't care," Mercury cringed.

"Oh, give me a break!" Jaune groaned, as the Ice Ursa rushed towards him. The Dust-infused Grimm leapt into the air, slamming its paws into the ground and causing a large ring of ice spikes to burst up and around it. Diving away from this, the Huntsman rolled to his feet, Ifrit blazing to life, then lunged forward, driving both of his fiery fists into the Ice Ursa's head. There was a sickening crack as the Grimm's mask was destroyed, shoving shards of bone deep into its head. With a groan, the Ice Ursa collapsed, allowing Jaune to move along unhindered.

"That was quick," Qrow grunted.

"Indeed," Ms. Goodwitch nodded. "Mr. Arc's skill is impressive, especially considering just how injured he really is."

Using Alastor, Jaune hacked his way through the white tissue into the next room, where he had defeated the Horror. Here, two Beringels crouched in front of him, quickly leaping up onto their hind legs to beat their chests and hoot at him. One of the Grimm immediately charged forwards, swinging at the Huntsman's head with a giant fist. Ducking under this, Jaune stood and swung his sword into the Beringel's neck, slicing off the Grimm's head. The other Beringel raced forward, leaping over its collapsing comrade to kick at the Huntsman, but Jaune rolled away, then quickly sliced the Grimm across the chest, before stabbing it through the heart. With a gurgle, the Beringel fell backwards, already decomposing. Shaking his head, the Huntsman quickly made his way back to the main entrance of the Grimm World, where the pillar of red light awaited him. He stepped into the lights and found himself back in the chamber with the portal to the Grimm World. A pillar of black energy twisted and churned in front of him. Stepping into this, Jaune found himself back in the chapel, where the shaking and rumbling continued.

"Wait, what?" Coco choked. "He escaped from the Grimm World! So why is the island itself acting like it could come crashing down at any moment?"

"Maybe being connected to the Grimm World means the island grows unstable along with it," Velvet suggested, her ears drooping in worry.

A few Marionettes stood between Jaune and the chapel's exit, but the Grimm were swiftly cut down by Alastor. The Huntsman made his way back into the long hallway leading towards the main entrance. A pair of Ursa growled and snarled, racing up the stairs to attack him. As one of the Grimm leapt into the air, Jaune rolled under it, then stood and spun into a slice, bisecting the beast. The other Ursa stood and fired off its claws, but the Huntsman twirled Alastor in front of him, blocking the projectiles. Pulling out his shotgun, Jaune lunged forward, shoving the barrel of his firearm into the Grimm's mouth. He pulled the trigger, and the Ursa's head exploded.

"Well, that's one way to do it," Tai laughed nervously.

"It would appear Mr. Arc gets more brutal when he is in a rush," Ozpin noticed.

Rushing down the hallway, Jaune burst through the doorway to the workshop-like room, finding himself standing in front of the Bullhead. But as he turned to run to the door on his left, suddenly, the intensity of the quakes became much more severe, causing the the room to literally tear apart. The Huntsman stumbled, then cried out in alarm as the floor beneath him suddenly gave way.

"Oh no!" Kali gasped, covering her mouth.

"Damn it, no!" Ghira swore, watching the screen with wide eyes.

Jaune tumbled downwards until he splashed down in the middle of the giant, dark room where he had battled the Lancers. As he struggled to stand, a large chunk of rock fell down in front of the door that led out to the sewers, trapping him inside the chamber.

"Well, that isn't good," Adam frowned.

"He's trapped!" Sun shouted, hands flying to his head, tail going rigid. "How is he supposed to escape now?!"

As Jaune looked wildly about the room, attempting to find a way out, a bright flash of light from behind him caught his attention. Turning around, the Huntsman's eyes widened in fear and disbelief.

Behind him was a giant white circle, in the middle of which ancient runes were rapidly flashing. The symbols became a blur, to the point that they looked more like a blob more than anything else. Then, a horrible roar filled the air. Two giant white hands appeared out of the center of the circle, ripping apart empty space to create a portal between dimensions. The top half of a giant humanoid figure emerged from the portal, landing on its hands in front of Jaune. His long black hair was now stark white, and writhing like fire, but it was no mistaking who it was. Looming over the Huntsman, his beautiful body disfigured by several cracks and bleeding profusely, but still very much alive, was Mundus.

"MUNDUS?!" Ruby screamed, terrified to see the King of Grimm.

"That's impossible!" Weiss shouted, cowering in her seat. "Jaune killed him!"

"Apparently, nobody told him that!" Yang pointed at the screen, shaking in fear.

Mundus growled as he lowered his head to stare into Jaune's eyes, his cracked black gemstone reflecting the Huntsman's image.

"The gate has been opened!" the King of Grimm announced. "Jaune Arc! You're not getting away. This is where you will die!"

"I'm not going anywhere!" Jaune growled. He spread his arms wide, gesturing to the room around them. "Besides, there's no place to go! Look around!" The Huntsman thrusted a hand forward, pointing at Mundus. "This will be your burial ground as well!"

"Oh gods, they're going to kill each other!" Blake gasped in realization.

"No! Jaune can't die! Not after all he's been through!" Pyrrha wailed.

Mundus lifted one of his giant hands, then swung it downwards, attempting to crush the Huntsman. Jaune rolled out of the way, allowing the large fist to smash down onto the ground instead. This caused the snowy white skin on the King of Grimm's hand to crack and crumble, before falling away, revealing inky black flesh beneath. The Huntsman's face contorted in disgust as Mundus's actual form was revealed. The King of Grimm had jagged claws growing out of his fingers, and a giant, red eyeball stared at Jaune from the back of his hand.

"EWW!" Coco, Velvet, and Nora all retched in unison.

"Oh, that is nasty," Mercury grimaced, folding his arms across his chest.

"I take it back! I want Mundus to be beautiful again!" Emerald groaned, turning green.

Mundus growled, pushing himself up until his head brushed against the ceiling of the room he and Jaune were in. His cracked gemstone lit up, then fired off a green laser, which swept across the room. The Huntsman dived away, then stood up, pulling out his rocket launcher. He fired a round right into the King of Grimm's face, the resulting explosion causing more of Mundus's white covering to fall away, revealing his face. The King of Grimm's head was pitch black, with blazing yellow eyes and a mouth pulled back into a permanent sneer, filled with razor sharp teeth. His black gemstone rested in the middle of a ring of red veins in the middle of his forehead. The lower half of his mouth had no flesh, so his jawbone was exposed for all to see.

"Man, you are really ugly," Jaune grimaced, looking upon Mundus with disgust. The King of Grimm snarled, then swiped at the Huntsman, attempting to grab him. Dodging this, Jaune charged towards Mundus's chest, rapidly hacking and slicing at the giant crack centered in his marble body. As the white skin fell away, screams and cries filled the Huntsman's ears. Jaune froze in horror as he looked upon Mundus's body. The King of Grimm's chest was like a void, filled with white lights that twinkled like stars. Hands and faces emerged from this expanse of space, grabbing desperately at Jaune as they wailed in agony.

"What... the... hell?" Ren murmured, disturbed by what he was seeing.

"What is that?" Ms. Goodwitch demanded, horrified. "What living nightmare is that... that... thing Mundus has for a chest?!"

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Mundus chuckled, relishing in the Huntsman's horror. "Those are all of the souls that I've claimed, trapped within a dimension of my own design! Your own voice will join their chorus of eternal sorrow, Huntsman, after I'm finished with you!"

"Oh gods," Cinder whispered, her mind suddenly filled with a horrible realization. Salem was a powerful being, who could control Grimm as strong as Wyverns or Ishmael, but the pale witch had admitted that there were some fiends down in the Grimm Pools that she couldn't come close to matching in power. If Mundus was an example of one of said abominations, then was sticking with Salem, who wanted to destroy the men and women trained to combat Grimm, really the smartest decision?

"Well," Ozpin commented, gripping his cane tightly, "I believe we have just witnessed the epitome of evil."

"I was wrong," Jaune breathed, looking up at Mundus, eyes blazing with fury. "You're not a monster, you're a damn maniac!" The Huntsman lifted his grenade launcher, firing another round towards the King of Grimm's face, but Mundus simply raised his other arm, allowing the incendiary shell to slam into his marble covered appendage instead. As his false white skin fell away, Mundus swept his hand out in front of him, slapping the Huntsman across his entire body. With a cry of pain, Jaune was sent flying backwards, smashing into the stone wall behind him, falling to floor along with several chunks of rock.

"Holy shit!" Qrow swore. "I forgot just how powerful Mundus is even without his magic!"

Jaune groaned as he lifted his head off the ground, coughing up blood. One of his eyes was now blackened and his nose was bleeding out of both nostrils. However, he was still alert enough to notice a flash of light emanating from the King of Grimm's forehead. The Huntsman weakly managed to roll out of the way, avoiding the large beam of energy released from Mundus's gemstone. Standing to his feet, Jaune stretched out a hand, summoning Alastor back to him, but just as it leapt into his hands, his body went rigid. The Huntsman doubled over, wheezing and gasping for breath, as he put his other hand to his chest.

"What's wrong with him?" Kali demanded, concerned.

"Broken ribs, at least," Ghira grimaced. "I wouldn't be surprised if one of his lungs was damaged, as well."

Mundus laughed, crawling towards Jaune, his eyes alight with malicious intent.

"Hahahahaha! What is the matter?" the King of Grimm sneered, mocking the Huntsman. "Here, your powers are weak, HUMAN!" Jaune lifted his head to look at Mundus, as he continued to gasp for breath. But as he stood there, hunched over, knowing fully well the King of Grimm could kill him at any time, he heard a voice. All of the sound filling his ears died down, as the melodious words of someone familiar filled him with a strange warmth.

"Jaune..." the voice said to him. "You'll be okay... You can do it..."

"Wha-?" the Huntsman stuttered, recognizing the speaker. "P... Pyrrha?"

"Me?" Pyrrha gasped, surprised to hear her voice on the screen.

A flash of yellow light erupted from the portal behind Mundus, causing him to turn his head to look back in confusion. A bolt of lightning raced past the King of Grimm's head, slamming into the ground beside Jaune. Emerging from it was a familiar red haired woman, who thrusted her arms out towards the Huntsman.

"Jaune! Use my power!" Trish called to him, sending a wave of lightning into Jaune's body.

"It's Trish!" Ruby cried, her face filled with relief.

"But how?" Blake demanded. "I thought Mundus killed her!"

"Just like Jaune killed Mundus?" Yang smirked, causing the cat Faunus to tilt her head, considering that factor.

"Trish?!" Jaune gaped in surprise, then lifted his arms to watch as her lightning surged around his body. His hands tightened into fists, as his mouth curled into a smirk. "Right!" he grinned, nodding.

"You stupid bitch!" Mundus growled, glaring at Trish. "I knew I should've blasted you again, just for good measure!" One of his clawed hands shot out faster than she could react, grabbing her by the chest, pinning her arms to her sides. "I'll squeeze you to a bloody pulp!" The King of Grimm's fingers tightened around her body, causing her to cry out.

"Hey!" Jaune shouted, pointing Alastor at Mundus. "Put her down, Mundus! This is between you and me!"

"Very well, I've still got another hand," the King of Grimm mused. "I'll crush both of you!" His other hand darted towards Jaune, attempting to grab him, but the Huntsman spun out of the way. "Hold still, damn you!" Mundus swore. He swung his hand downwards, attempting to smash his prey under his palm, but Jaune darted out of the way a second time. As the King of Grimm's hand smashed into the water-covered floor, the Huntsman leaped towards the appendage, Alastor raised overhead. An instant later, he drove his sword down into the giant eyeball resting on the back of Mundus's hand. "AIEEE!" the King of Grimm shrieked, pulling back his arm as a literal river of blood ran down to his elbow.

"Ouch," Qrow chuckled as the audience around him cringed. Yes, it was disgusting, but it was so satisfying to watch the King of Grimm writhe in pain for a change.

"You little pest!" Mundus snarled, his gemstone lighting up to unleash a third beam of energy at Jaune. The Huntsman stood his ground, then at the last second, used his sword to block and redirect the attack right back at its owner, setting fire to the left side of his face. As the King of Grimm clapped his open hand to his head, screaming in pain, Jaune threw Alastor towards Trish. The sword sliced into the fingers wrapped around her, causing them to open in reflexive pain, dropping her to the ground. "Argh! No! How can this be happening?!" Mundus demanded, dropping onto his hands, his face smoldering. "How could I lose to a mere human?!" As Jaune took a step forward, drawing Ebony and Ivory, his appearance briefly flashed. Mundus's eyes widened. "Ozma?" he grunted.

"Finish him off!" Ruby shouted, pointing at the screen.

"DO IT!" the rest of the audience cried.

"It looks like we have a winner," Trish smiled, as Jaune twirled his twin handguns, before pointing them right at Mundus's face.

"Jackpot!" he smiled, pulling the triggers. A flash of lightning exploded around the Huntsman as two Fire Dust-infused bullets, crackling with electricity, spiraled around each other, before they slammed straight into the black gemstone in the King of Grimm's forehead. There was the sound of glass shattering, before Mundus was hurled backwards, a geyser of blood erupting from his face.

"DAMN MORTALS!!!" he screamed, as the portal behind him began to pull him back into the Grimm World. Before he was completely through, however, he managed to stop himself long enough to point at Jaune with a clawed hand. "Jaune Arc!" the King of Grimm howled. "I will return! And I will RULE THIS WORLD!" In response, the Huntsman lifted a hand to wave at him.

"Goodbye!" Jaune smirked, giving his enemy a salute. "And when you do come back, give my regards to my son, would ya?" With a final shriek of outrage, Mundus was pulled entirely through the portal, which collapsed in on itself and vanished in a brilliant flash of light an instant later. The King of Grimm had finally been vanquished.

"He did it!" Nora cheered.

"All right, Jaune!" Sun whooped. "You showed that bastard who's boss!"

"Well done, Jaune Arc," Ozpin praised, a broad smile on his face. "You have far exceeded my expectations of you."

With Mundus gone, Jaune turned to face Trish, who ran into his arms.

"Trish!" the Huntsman laughed in relief, embracing the woman fondly.

"Jaune!" Trish sobbed, removing her arms from around his neck, holding them to her face. "Jaune, I..." Tears began to run down her cheeks, as she looked up at the Huntsman guiltily. "I..."

"Trish..." Jaune smiled, his hands on her shoulders. "Grimm never cry." He gently wiped away her tears with his finger. "These tears, tears are a gift only humans have." As the ceiling began to collapse around them, Trish shook her head in despair.

"We're too late!" she gasped in realization, as chunks of rock fell around them. The Huntsman shook his head, smirking.

"No, Trish, it's never too late."

"But then how are they supposed to escape?" Weiss demanded.

At that a large portion of the ceiling gave away, causing the old Bullhead from the floor above to splash down onto the ground behind Jaune and Trish. As Trish blinked in surprise, the Huntsman whirled around, then smirked.

"There's your answer, I presume," Ren chuckled. Weiss put her head in her hands.

"Why am I not surprised by this?"

"And we humans never give up!" Jaune announced boldly, taking a Trish by the hand, leading her over to the Bullhead. He turned back to look at her. "Are you ready?" The woman smiled, then nodded.


The scene cut to show Jaune and Trish inside the Bullhead, as the Huntsman turned the old flying machine on. He placed his hands on the steering mechanism, then pushed down on the button for the Dust Cannons on the wings. Several fiery bullets leapt from the Bullhead, blowing a large hole in the wall, revealing a cave behind it.

"Let's rock!" the Huntsman grinned.

The Bullhead flew into the cave, the roar of its engine filling the empty darkness. With graceful skill, Jaune bobbed and weaved the flying machine through a collection of stalagmites, stalactites, and pillars of rock, utilizing the Dust Cannons to blow away what he couldn't maneuver around. As they continued to fly forwards, a light became visible from a hole in the far wall in front of them. The Bullhead flew straight and true, rapidly approaching the glimmering light, before being enveloped in a warm brightness.

"Oh, please, let them have made it!" Ruby pleaded, crossing her fingers. Adam cupped one side of his mouth so he could whisper to Velvet without alerting her.

"Does she do that often?" he questioned her. The rabbit Faunus smiled, and nodded.

"That's Ruby for you!" she told him.

The scene changed to show Mallet Island, slowly crumbling into the sea as the shone down upon it. There was a moment of silence, before an explosion rocked the side of the island, the old Bullhead soaring out of it into the open sky an instant later.

"Yeehaw!" Jaune whooped, doing a barrel roll as he flew off into the blue yonder. "Yeah!"

"They made it!" Nora cheered.

"Way to go, Vomit Boy!" Yang cheered.

"Not bad," Cinder shrugged, though in her mind she was squealing like a schoolgirl.

As the Bullhead continued to soar away, Mallet Island exploded in a fiery blast of purple energy. But the flying machine's occupants were focused on other matters.

"The sky..." Trish breathed, a smile on her face as she looked up into the heavens. "So clear! So blue!" Jaune smirked as he turned his head to look back at her.

"The sky is fair, and it will always be over everyone's head, no different," he told her.

"Like the sky, I feel like my heart is becoming clear," Trish whispered, putting a hand over her heart. The Huntsman held up a finger, catching her attention.

"Let's not forget, though, the Grimm World's evil is still alive," he reminded the woman. "They will someday return." Trish leaned forwards to put a hand on his shoulder.

"There's no need to worry, right?" She raised an eyebrow at him. "'Cuz the world has the Legendary Dark Knight Jaune Arc... and his sidekick!" Jaune chuckled as he flew the Bullhead off into the sunrise.

The scene changed to show the streets of Vale at nighttime, where Jaune's shop was situated. As his business came into view, a Scroll began to ring.

"Grimm Never Cry," Trish spoke, as the neon lights of his shop came onscreen. "How can we help you?"

"He changed the name of his shop?" Blake asked, surprised.

"Guess the events on Mallet Island inspired him when he was fixing it back up," Coco shrugged.

"Okay, great," Trish's voice spoke. "Where's the place? ... We'll be right there!" The Scroll was turned off. "This one has the password," she stated. "Sounds heavy."

"Okay!" Jaune's voice was heard now. "Let's get over there within 10 minutes and don't let one of those suckers live." The doors to his shop swung open. Trish had the Harbinger sheathed on her back, while the Huntsman was equipped with Alastor and Ifrit, Ebony and Ivory in his hands. The red haired woman smirked as she held up a hand.

"Five minutes!" she told Jaune determinedly, causing him to laugh.

"More than enough." The screen faded to black, as the credits began to roll.

"Wow, that was even better than the first season!" Nora sighed, glad that everything ended nicely.

"Yeah, this was a good one," Qrow grinned, holding his flask up in toast to the end of the series. Then he turned his head to look at Cinder. "You and I need to have a little talk," he told her.

"Yes, I agree," the woman nodded. "There are some important things to discuss."

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it," Abe smiled, emerging from the ejector's booth. "Now, would I be correct in assuming another intermission is in order?"

"I could use one," Ghira nodded. "It was a good story, though. I'd definitely like to view more of this series."

"As would I," Kali purred. "Watching the exploits of that dashing young man takes me back to when Ghira and I were younger."

"I loved it!" Sun laughed. "Better than any action movie I've ever seen! Now where's the bathroom again?" The audience began to mill out of the theater. However, Adam Taurus remained in his seat, staring at the screen intently. Abe noticed this.

"Coming, Adam?" he asked.

"I'll catch up," the Faunus mumbled. Shrugging, Abe left the theater. He was off to the snack bar, to pick up some more sweets for the projector booth, and to catch up with his wife.


"Well, even though the boss lost, I guess it was a pretty good show," a Beringel admitted, as the horde of Grimm filed out of Mundus's throne room.

"I know, right? Those fight scenes are freaking AMAZING!" a Death Stalker clicked its mandibles together excitedly.

"Who's up for the flesh of the innocent?" a Beowolf asked. "I hear some idiot campers are hiking through the woods next to our lair." Laughing and talking amongst themselves, the Grimm left the King of Grimm to his thoughts.

"Jaune Arc," Mundus smirked. "What a guy! I'd love the chance to face off against our reality's version of him, someday." He chuckled. "Of course, it wouldn't be much of a- huh?" The King of Grimm stopped his musings as he noticed the floor of his throne room. Popcorn kernels were everywhere, and muddy tracks dirtied his beautiful marble floor. "Hey, you pigs!" Mundus shouted after his henchmen. "Get back here and clean up your mess!" There was no response. "Gone already," the King of Grimm sighed, lounging back in his throne, bracing his head on a hand. "I've got to hire a maid."


Adam Taurus sat alone in the theater, his mask removed from his face. As the Faunus silently contemplated all he had seen, he listened as the credits music took a dramatic shift from disco rock to an orchestra. A woman's voice came on, singing about the seeds she planted growing up strong through the hardships of their life. The woman's tone, along with the mental images she described, caused Adam to remember a life before the White Fang, before the Dust Mines. A peaceful life, with a beautiful red-haired woman. A red-haired woman with ivory horns, who would sing him to sleep in her lap. Adam felt a tear escape his eye, before a hand rested upon his shoulder. The Faunus turned his head to see Ruby Rose smiling sadly at him.

"You've lost your mother too, haven't you?" she asked. Adam nodded soberly. "That wound never fully heals, does it?"

"No, it doesn't," the Faunus muttered. "So how do you stay so happy all the time?"

"Simple: I still have friends and family that look after and love me," Ruby told him. "Don't you?"

"I did once, but then they left me," Adam grunted. "I've been alone ever since." Ruby started to pull him to his feet. "What are you doing?"

"Come on, come join us in the lounge room. There's snacks and drinks, and I'm certain some people will want to talk to you."

"You really think your friends will want to hang out with a terrorist and murderer?" Adam asked her. Ruby looked at his burnt face, and gave him a small smile.

"You don't have to be lonely anymore," she said assuringly. Then she led him out of the darkened theater, into the warm, inviting lounge room.

End of Grimm May Cry
