Mission 15: The Gatecrasher

"Watch out, Watts! Jaune is coming for you!" Ruby stated, as Abe selected the next episode, entitled "The Gatecrasher." Weiss turned to look at their gracious host.

"How much longer do we have to wait until Jaune fights him, anyway?" Abe shrugged.

"Not too long," he assured her. "But it won't be in this episode." He pressed play.

The episode began with Ruby slowly rappelling her way up the side of Ozma's Tower. Her breathing was labored, and sweat could be seen on her forehead. As she continued her tiresome climb upwards, she chuckled to herself.

"It's a tough trek," she admitted. "But it sure beats having to traverse the entirety of the tower." The Huntress momentarily stopped her climb. "Poor Jaune," she shook her head. "He should've tagged along for the ride."

"Little does she know, Jaune's already halfway up the tower," Nora grinned.

The scene then changed to show Jaune, who was making his way towards a door in the far wall of the room his wild motorcycle ride had gotten him last episode. As he stretched out a hand to push the door open, he heard something land on the ground behind him. The Huntsman inhaled deeply, then turned around to find himself glaring at another person in the room. It was a tall, foreboding man with bleach white hair and snowy white skin, with black veins under his eyes. He was dressed in all black, complete with a heavy overcoat. The man coldly regraded Jaune with glowing red eyes, a longsword pointed the Huntsman's chest.

Ozpin set down his coffee mug, and knit his fingers together. The man in the show bared an uncanny resemblance to her, and that was more than enough proof for a Ozpin that this was a dangerous adversary.

"And you are?" Jaune asked. The man in black sneered.

"I am here to kill you," he whispered coolly. "It is the wish of my master." Jaune's eyes narrowed.

"You're not White Fang," the Huntsman assessed. Then he noticed it: a small metal pin on the man's overcoat, with an embroidery of the letter "W" in the center. "Of course," Jaune realized. "You must be one Watts's goons."

"Figures the jerk would have some thugs off his own to boss around," Tai grumbled. "Guess he must've been saving them for when the Ward was broken."

"Indeed," the man nodded. "And now, you die!" With sudden speed, the man rushed forward, his sword thrusting towards Jaune's chest. It was all Jaune could do to roll out of the way, coming up into a kneeling position to thrust one of his feet forward, firing off a shot from Talaria. Unfortunately, the man simply intercepted the projectile with his blade, causing it to ricochet harmlessly into a wall. Then the man flipped into a downwards slash, which Jaune blocked with his Claymore. The Huntsman followed up with an overhead swing, but to his surprise, his sword stopped short of the man's chest, blocked by a strange white light.

"Whoa, What?" Coco demanded. "Where did that come from?"

"Could it be a Semblance?" Blake wondered.

"No," Velvet shook her head, a nervous frown on her face. "That's hard light if I've ever seen it before, and I have."

"That isn't good," Qrow grimaced. "Unless the kid can find the generator, that gu'ys got a virtual impenetrable shield on him."

The man smiled as he smacked Jaune's sword to the side, before swinging his sword upwards, cutting the Huntsman across the chest. His Jaune's flared heavily.

"All that from a single attack?" Glynda asked in surprise.

"He must still be recovering from his fight with Adam," Pyrrha groaned.

"Not to mention, he exploded a motorcycle on himself last episode," Mercury reminded everyone.

"That was smart," Emerald deadpanned.

"Give it up, Huntsman. You can't possibly hope to stand against a Fallen like me!" the man boasted, spinning into another slice with his sword. Jaune blocked the attack, then swung his sword down on the man's head, only for the hard light shield to deflect him again.

"Damn it! What's it going to take to land a blow on you?!" Jaune demanded. Just then, a second pale man stood up behind him, slashing the Huntsman across the back. "Argh!" Jaune grit his teeth in pain, then his eyes widened as his Aura flickered, then shattered.

"Already?!" Ruby demanded in shock.

"Keep calm, Jaune," Ren whispered quietly. "Don't lose control of your emotions, or your defeat is guaranteed."

Jaune whirled around, swinging his sword at his ambusher, but his sword was blocked yet again by a hard light shield.

"Figures," the Huntsman grumbled. He dived away, attempting to get some distance between his two attackers. One of the men chuckled, pointing his sword at Jaune. Instantly, a bolt of lightning shot out from the blade, and slammed into the Huntsman's chest. Jaune cried out as electricity coursed throughout his body.

"JAUNE!" Nora and Pyrrha screamed in horror.

"This is ridiculous!" Cinder exclaimed in fury. "How is Jaune supposed to hurt these guys?!"

Jaune groaned as he dropped to his knees, smoke curling off his arm and back. Still, he managed to weakly reach behind him and pull out Ebony, firing off a few bullets that bounced harmlessly off the pale men's chest. Finally, one of the men scoffed, and with a scoff, dashed forward and shoved his sword into Jaune's chest.

"Pathetic," the man spat, a malicious grin on his face.

"No way!" Yang crossed her arms. "I refuse to believe Jaune loses to these two creeps after all he's gone through!"

"It's as I said before, a mere human like you has no hope of defeating a Fallen like us!" The first man shook his head in amusement. Jaune coughed as the second assailant shoved his sword deeper in the Huntsman's chest.

"Fallen?" he asked, his voice weak. The second man smiled, grabbing Jaune by the hair and forcing him to stare into the man's red eyes.

"That's right," he hissed. "We are so much stronger than any pathetic human or Faunus."

"Arthur Watts helped create us," the first man explained. "By injecting himself and us with the essence from Grimm pools, we have achieved a form of strength far beyond your wildest dreams. We have become the very Grimm you swore to destroy." Jaune's eyes widened.

"What?!" Coco gasped.

"They became... Grimm?" Emerald asked in shock. Ozpin winced. This was now hitting extremely close to home for him.

"You... willingly turned yourselves... into Grimm?!" Jaune demanded, his breathing beginning to speed up. For just an instant, his eyes flashed red, but this went unnoticed by his two assailants.

"Indeed we have," the first Fallen chuckled. "But I believe we've talked long enough." He nodded to his partner. "Kill him."

"With pleasure," the second Fallen nodded. He ripped his sword out of Jaune's chest, causing the Huntsman to gasp, blood pouring out of his injury. Jaune's attacker stood, raising his sword over his head. "Say goodnight!"

"This would be a good time for a miracle!" Pyrrha said frantically, clutching her hands together.

The Fallen swung his sword downwards... only to find it blocked by the arm guard of Ember Cilica.

"What?" he grunted in surprise, before Jaune shoved his sword away. The Huntsman slowly stood, smoke billowing out of his stab wound. The Fallen fell back in surprise.

"People like you make me sick," Jaune growled, his eyes beginning to turn red. "Throwing away your very humanity for power. Its morality like yours that led to the Fall of Beacon!" He lifted his head to scowl at the two Fallen, his hair fading to white as his skin rapidly turned black. "Unforgivable!"

"What is this?!" the first Fallen demanded.

"Oh, they are so dead," Weiss shook her head. The rest of the audience was too in awe of the scene before them to comment.

"You say you've become the very thing I swore to destroy?" Jaune asked, as his chest plates protruded out of his chest, the black Arc family crest noticeable on them. He pointed his Claymore at the two Fallen. "If you're willing to become Grimm for power, then you'd better be ready to die like them!" His visor mask slid down in front of his face.

"But... isn't Jaune a Grimm as well?" Velvet asked timidly.

"A minor detail," Nora waved her hand. "Break their legs, Fearless Leader!"

One of the Fallen rushed forward, attempting to strike Jaune, but the Huntsman swatted the sword away with his own. He stretched out a hand and grabbed the Fallen by the face, shattering the hard light shield as it attempted to block his hand. He spun towards the nearby wall, smashing the back of the man's head into solid rock. He released his attacker's face, allowing him to slump to the ground.

"Incredible," Ozpin whispered in amazement. "He broke the through the hard light!"

"That's impossible!" the second Fallen gasped. "You shouldn't be able to touch us!" He took a step backwards as a Jaune advanced at him, the Huntsman's mouth pulled into a sharp-toothed grin. The first Fallen stood and rushed Jaune, slicing his sword across his back. The Huntsman barely flinched as he brought a hand back, driving Ember Cilica into the man's face, before he spun into a roundhouse kick, Talaria smashing into his attacker's head. The Fallen fell crashing to the ground. Jaune turned back towards the second aggressor, smoke curling off his sliced open back as his body sewed itself back together. "Stay back!" the Fallen demanded, pointing his sword at Jaune. The Huntsman quickly drew his Claymore and lobbed it at the corrupted humanoid. Jaune ducked as another bolt of lightning leapt from the Fallen's longsword, the electricity sailing harmlessly over his head. An instant later, the Huntsman's Claymore plunged through the Fallen's torso, a geyser of blood splashing out of the corrupted humanoid's back.

Most of the audience gasped or winced at the sight of gore and violence.

"Man, I wasn't expecting that," Qrow grimaced.

"But that shouldn't have happened!" Blake stated firmly. "Even if Jaune's able to force his way through their hard light barrier, shouldn't their Aura protect them?"

"Holy shit!" the first Fallen swore, his red eyes wide at the sight of his associate's violent demise. He looked at Jaune in horror. "Why didn't his Aura stop that?!" Jaune chuckled darkly at his demand, turning to look at him.

"Grimm don't have Aura," he reminded the Fallen. "You rejected your humanity for power, and in doing so, gave up your soul. The only thing protecting you now is that hard light projector." He shook hid head ruefully, holding up his clawed hands. "Which is worthless in the face of this wretched form of mine." He began to slowly stride towards the Fallen. The pale man swallowed, before tightening grip on his sword, and sprinting forward.

"Die, MONSTER!" the Fallen roared.

"Jaune's not a monster!" Nora scolded the Fallen. "He's more human than you two freaks could ever hope to be!"

"Not very poetic, but well said, nonetheless," Ren nodded.

Jaune easily pushed the blade aside with his forearm, before grabbing the man by his wrist, pulling him into a punch. Ember Cilica discharged a moment later, the shotgun blasting a gaping hole in the man's chest.

"Man, Jaune is a total beast in that form," Yang whispered, a bead of sweat rolling down her face.

"It's kind of hot, in a ominous sort of way," Pyrrha admitted. Then her hands clapped over her mouth, as she realized she said that out loud. Fortunately, everyone's attention was still on the screen.

"A waste of life," Jaune growled, dropping the Fallen to the ground. He reverted back into his human form, and retrieved his sword from the body of the other Fallen. "I know they were basically Grimm, but I still wish it hadn't come to this," the Huntsman lamented, as he exited the room.

"That was a complete personality switch," Emerald raised an eyebrow.

"Perhaps transforming into a Grimm brings out a more negative behavior in Mr. Arc," Glynda suggested.

Jaune made his way down a long hallway, meeting a set of double doors, which he pushed through. Inside, he found himself standing in front of a large cylindric stone wall, with an open doorway in front of him.

"An elevator?" Jaune mused. Then he grinned. "How about that. Things are finally going my way!" He stepped into the elevator, only to notice the platform was failing to rise. "Aw, what gives?" The Huntsman demanded. He stepped out of the elevator, and back inside again. Nothing happened. "Must be stuck," Jaune realized.

"So how will he fix it?" Yang wondered.

"I'm sure he'll figure out something," Ren smiled. "He has before now."

Jaune exited the elevator again, and began to circle the large stone cylinder in which it was contained. On the backside of the elevator, he discovered a trapdoor.

"Now we're getting somewhere," he smirked, throwing open the wooden entrance. He climbed down the stone ladder into the dark depths, quickly fading into the inky blackness. "Sheesh, Ozma, you create a giant tower that can rise out of the ground, but you can't even install proper lighting?" his voice complained.

"Yeah, that is kind of weird," Ruby agreed.

Finally, Jaune reached the bottom.

"It just occurred to me that my Scroll has a flashlight modification," Jaune said to himself. There were a couple of seconds of silence as he fumbled around in his pockets, searching for his communication device. Finally, the Huntsman whipped out his Scroll, and switched on a beam of pure light, illuminating the room... as well as the several Arachne that had built a nest within in.

"Ack!" Weiss coughed, attempting to kill the scream that escape her lips. "There's more of those things?!"

"I guess it makes sense there'd be more than two of those creeps in the tower," Mercury said with a shudder. "But gods, those things freak me out."

Three of the spider-like Grimm turned their masked faces towards Jaune and hissed, before leaping from their wall, in an attempt to dog pile him. The Huntsman clicked his tongue.

"That would've worked earlier," he admitted, then stretched out his hand. "Quicksilver!" The world turned dull and gray, and the Arachne froze in place in midair. "Not so threatening now, you oversized insects!" Jaune scoffed, stepping in between them. He grabbed the hilt of his Claymore, then spun into a flurry of brutal slashes and strikes. Time resumed, and the three Spider Grimm fell to the ground in pieces.

"Well, those Arachne are certainly less frightening when time is frozen," Ozpin chuckled.

"I still wouldn't want to fight them," Ms. Goodwitch shook her head.

A fourth Arachne landed behind Jaune, and reared up on its back legs to attack, but the Huntsman's heavy sword fell upon it, splitting the Grimm in two.

"Time to take things up a notch," Jaune mused, sheathing his blade and deploying Ember Cilica. Another Arachne leaped towards him, only to receive a snap kick to the head from Talaria, propelled upwards by a fired shot. Jaune continued his attack with the shotgun gauntlets, striking it several times with explosive punches, before a final roundhouse kick tossed the Grimm into a wall, splattering like a fly on a windshield upon impact.

"Yeah, haha!" Qrow laughed.

 "Jaune's smashing them to bits!" Velvet squealed in excitement, shaking Coco.

"Keep it up, Fearless Leader!" cheered Nora.

Yet another Arachne pointed its abdomen at Jaune, firing sticky webbing at him, but Jaune rolled out of the way, then stretched one of his hands forward. A small chamber in Ember Cilica popped out, launching a tiny missile at the Spider Grimm, blowing it to pieces. Finally, one last Arachne dropped down in front of him, raising its legs to attack. Jaune blocked the punches with his shotgun gauntlets, discharging Ember Cilica and blowing the Grimm's legs off. The Arachne fell to the ground, its head obliterated by an axe kick from Talaria an instant later.

"Jaune Arc wins again," Cinder announced with a smirk.

"Now to figure why the elevator's not working." Jaune held up his Scroll, looking around the room. Thick webs jammed up the gears that helped lift the elevator up into the air. "Bingo." Jaune unsheathed his Claymore, the restrictive strands fell away from mechanism. With a nod, Jaune's sword returned to resting against his back, while he clambered back up the stone ladder and back to the elevator. He stepped onto the platform, folding his arms with a triumphant smirk, as the elevator carried him upwards towards his target.

"Watts is getting ever closer," Ren whispered.

"Let's hope Jaune can defeat him," Blake added.

The scene changed to show Watts standing atop the Tower of Ozma, watching as the small pool of blood and water began to churn and boil.

"Great, looks like Watts's plan is coming to fruition," Qrow muttered,

"He plucks the threads that make us dance, finger and toe," Watts recited, stretching his arms over the pool. 'We surrender, enjoy to the lowest of the foul and rank. We submerge through darkness, rancid filth, hour by hour we move downward, ever closer to hell. In a slow, steady, gait." At that moment, the tower shifted upwards even more, revealing a large bell with ancient inscription beneath the altar. The bell swung back and forth, beginning to ominously ring. "Now, let the world resonate," Watts continued his mad preaching. "Sloth, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Lust, Wrath, and Pride! A bell of chaos that tolls human desires. After two thousand long years, the one sealed gate to the power of gods will open. Destruction! Carnage of Despair!" Several Teryx began to swarm around the tower, as a brilliant beam of red light shot down from an illuminated sky. Watts began to rise up into the air. "Let your instincts drive you. Entrap this world in fear! As the power of gods strikes terror and humility into the hearts of mankind. And I, will become the order to rule this wasteland, engulf with pandemonium. The ultimate power that Ozma once imprisoned... will be MINE!" Watts burst into peals of hysteric laughter as he continued his ascension, until he was lost in the clouds. The episode ended.

"Don't underestimate Jaune Arc," Weiss said sternly. "He's right behind you."

"Come on, Abe! Put on the next episode. Please!" Ruby begged, on her knees, hands clasped in front of her. Abe put a hand to his chin.

"Hmm, I don't know. The violence factor is going to only go up from here on out. I don't know if Taiyang would appreciate me giving you nightmares."

"You're right, I wouldn't," Taiyang shook his head. "Sorry Rubes, as your father, I'm going to have to-" Taiyang was cut off as Yang slapped him upside the head with a pillow, knocking him out cold. Abe doubled over, attempting to keep his stomach from bursting from the sheer force of his laughter.

"Please?" Ruby asked again. Abe recovered, wiped the tears from his eyes, and smiled.

"No problem."
