Mission 17: Parted Memento

"Alright, it's time to finally uncover the mystery behind the Staff of Hermes!" Nora cheered, as everyone settled back down into their seats. The lights began to dim.

"Oh, boy! Here we go!" Ruby giggled giddily.

The episode began with Jaune outside the chapel, standing at the edge of the broken bridge. The platform bearing the symbol of the Staff of Hermes hovered still above the waters of Remnant, facing the Huntsman. Without a word, Jaune shifted into his Grimm form, a pair of wings unfurling from his back a second later. He took a running jump, then calmly flew himself over to the floating platform. When he landed on it, he pulled out the staff of Hermes, then held it up in front of its insignia. A bright light lit up from the staff.

"Huh, I wonder what that's going to do?" Pyrrha questioned.

Jaune watched as a pair of images appeared in the sky. One of the images depicted the castellan's bedroom, where he had first run into Myrmidon. The second depicted a dark study, with bookshelves and a cluttered desk.

"Curious," the Huntsman mused.

"Whoa, its like paintings in the sky!" Sun whistled. "But why did they show up?"

"Maybe they're some sort of teleportation device," Blake suggested.

"That's the castellan's bedroom," Jaune recalled, looking at the second image. Then he looked towards the first. "I don't recall seeing any room like that, however." Cautiously, he approached the image of the study, stretching out a clawed hand, which phased right through. The Huntsman retracted his hand, looking at it for a moment, then stepped into the image, finding himself inside the study.

"It appears as though Ms. Belladonna was correct," Ozpin noted.

"Good guess, Blake!" Yang smiled.

Jaune's wings retracted back into his body as he approached the desk, his curiosity peaked by a book laying on the desk of the study. He picked it up, then began to read. "'Evil' is the darkness as well as the shadows. It exists everywhere. Be forewarned, where there is light, there is darkness. In darkness, no shadow can exist." The Huntsman tilted his head, then continued to read. "'Evil' is a reflection of man, thus 'Evil' lurks inside the mirror. One with Grimm qualities may bring the blue stone 'Elixir' and stand before the mirror." Jaune closed the book, bringing a clawed hand to his chin. "I remember Alastor mentioning a blue stone. And I'm guessing that mirror they're talking about is the one in the castellan's bedroom." His mouth curled into a sharp-toothed grin. "I know what I need, and where to take it. Now I just need to find this Elixir."

"Clever, very clever," Qrow smirked. "This castle had everything Jaune needs to enter the Grimm World spread out around it. It's just the simple matter of finding everything."

"It would actually be rather easy, if it weren't for all the Grimm roaming the halls," Cinder pointed out.

Spying an open doorway at the end of the study, Jaune made his way through it and up a spiral staircase leading up a tower. When he finally reached the top, he watched as an image appeared in front of him, showcasing the inside of a coliseum, similar to where he had fought Griffith for the last time. He stepped into the image, and found himself standing in the center of the ancient arena. A pair of large wooden doors stood across from him, so the Huntsman made his way towards them. As he stretched out a hand to push the, open, however, growling caught his attention. Jaune turned around, and then snarled himself as he saw what was behind him.

Perched atop the back wall of the coliseum was an Ursa, but it was very different to the beasts he had fought earlier. Its black fur now had a white streak running down each side of its body, and its shoulders had icy spikes growing out of them. The Grimm bared its teeth, releasing a blast of fog from its mouth. A second Ursa stood opposite the first, growling as it regarded the Huntsman with its red eyes. Both of the Ursa stood up on their hind legs, showing off the claws on their front paws, both of which were encased in ice.

"Jeez, what's up with all the Ice-infused enemies?!" Jaune demanded, before the two Ursa leapt down to attack him.

"Yeah, first that blob, and now Ursa? Does Mundus just have a soft spot for Ice Dust or something?" Mercury frowned.

Jaune rolled away as the two Ursa landed, swiping at him with their frozen claws. He immediately returned the attack, swinging his sword down onto the nearest Grimm's back. But to the Huntsman's shock, his sword bounced right off the Ursa's back.

"What the-" Jaune was forced to dodge as the Grimm spun into a slice with his claws, before the second Ursa stood and fired off its icy claws, which she deflected with Alastor. "Their hides are as hard as rock!" He groaned. Then he watched in surprise as the first Ursa charged forward, then leaped into the air. It slammed its front paws into the ground, causing a ring of icy spikes to erupt from the ground, catching the Huntsman in the chest. With a gasp, he was thrown backwards, Aura flashing.

"Whoa! I was not expecting that!" Emerald spluttered, eyes wide.

"Damn, the closer Jaune gets to Mundus, the stronger the Grimm become!" Tai grimaced.

Jaune leapt back up onto his feet, a fiery cape trailing down his back as Ifrit ignited.

"All right, if I can't hack my way through, I'll just melt you to puddles," he sneered. He baited one of the Ice Ursa into charging him, then blocked its claw swipe with one of  Ifrit's gauntlets, before driving the other into its face. The Grimm stumbled backwards, stunned, allowing the Huntsman to land two punches to its chest. A quick roundhouse kick sent the Grimm collapsing smoldering the the floor, where it disintegrated into frost. The other Ursa roared at him, then stood on its hind legs, and suddenly, encased itself in a cone of ice.

"What is it doing?" Velvet asked, concerned.

Jaune stopped, watching the Ice Ursa to see what it was up to. Then, his red eyes widened as the Grimm's conic encasing began to vibrate.

"Oh hell!" The Huntsman held his arms in front of his face as the cone exploded, causing his Aura to flash as it pushed him backwards several feet, frosty residue covering his arms and chest.

"Just how strong are these Grimm?!" Coco demanded.

Jaune removed his arms from his face, his teeth bared as he watched the Ice Ursa aim its paws at him, firing off another volley of its ice-encased claws. Using Ifrit, the Huntsman blocked the frozen projectiles, causing them to shatter like glass. The Grimm charged forwards, leaping into the air. This time, however, Jaune was prepared, backflipping out of the way as the Grimm landed, avoiding the ice spikes as they burst from the ground. As he descended, the Huntsman thrusted a hand forward, hurling a fireball into the Ice Ursa's snout, causing it to reel back in pain.

"You creeps sure like to do area-of-effect attacks!" Jaune assessed before he smirked. "Plot twist: I can do that too!" To prove his point, the Huntsman charged forwards, leaping into the air before slamming a flaming fist into the ground. An explosion blasted out around the Huntsman, sending tongues of fire through the air and ripping the Ice Ursa to pieces. "Well, that's over and done," Jaune grinned, stepping out of the large crater he had smashed and heading for the double doors once again.

"I just noticed Jaune's been in his Grimm form this entire time," Kali realized. "Why hasn't he shifted back into his human form yet?"

"Well, he is much stronger in that form," Ghira reminded his wife. "He's probably remaining a Grimm in case he runs into that foul creature who attacked him in the chapel."

Jaune made his way through the double doors, and found himself standing in a long hallway. He made his way down it, and discovered a side passage to his left. Following this, he came upon a large door with an orifice in the middle of it. Words were inscribed over the doorway, which he read aloud.

"Show the gem with the moonlight." His mouth contorted into a frown. "I guess that means you're locked," he sighed. Turning around, he made his way back into the hallway, and followed it down to a right turn, where a door awaited him. Opening this, he found himself inside another hallway, leading to a large room with a display of a giant T-Rex skeleton standing in the middle of it.

"Wow!" Nora's eyes lit up. "This castle has a Tyrannosaurus skeleton inside it? That is so cool!"

"Intriguing, for sure," Ren put a hand to his chin. "But this is the only dinosaur display we've seen in the entire castle. There has to be reason for this."

In the middle of the hallway was a large, circular trapdoor, suggesting something was supposed to rise out of it. To the right of the hatch was a crank, and to the left was a tablet of stone, with words carved into it. Jaune approached the tablet, and read it aloud.

"The confronter of the path, Pluto's dragon. Prove yourself with your sword and the dragon will fall in its own flame." Immediately after he read these words, the jaw of the T. Rex opened. Slowly, the dinosaur skeleton lifted its head and let out a terrifying roar.

"It's alive!" Ruby squeaked, hiding herself behind Yang.

"It's Mundus! He's got to be the one reanimating the skeleton!" Weiss declared.

The T. Rex lowered its head, opening its mouth. Flames flickered from within, before a fiery orb leapt from the dinosaur's skull and down the hallway. Jaune pressed himself against the tablet, narrowing avoiding the flaming projectile.

"Whoa! That was close!" the Huntsman gasped.

"And it can breathe fire?!" Yang demanded. "That's just not fair!"

Jaune shot a quick glance at the T. Rex, then thought of something.

"Hey, this tablet mentions a dragon, and now a fire breathing T. Rex? I think I've found my dragon! Now I just have to kill it with its own attack." The Huntsman stepped back into the hallway, leaping over another fireball. Then, he drew Alastor, and took a batter's position. "Okay, just like with Tyrian," he told himself. Jaune waited for the T. Rex to unleash a third fireball, then struck it with the flat of his sword, sending it back into its owner's face. With a roar, the T. Rex blasted apart, clattering to pieces all throughout the display room. After this had happened, the Huntsman felt the ground shifting beneath him. He stepped forward and turned around, watching as a large mirror rose out of the trapdoor, reflecting a large beam of light that had appeared from the top of the ceiling. It was facing towards the way he had came. Wordlessly, Jaune approached the crank, and began to turn it, watching as the beam of light slowly spun, until it was now flowing through the room the T. Rex skeleton was now laying pieces in. He observed as the light bounced off a couple mirrors spread throughout said room, until it hit a bizarre contraption near the ceiling. The light collected, producing a bulb at the bottom of the device, which dropped to the ground as a small sphere.

"I do believe Mr. Arc has found his gem with the moonlight," Ozpin smiled.

Jaune stepped into the large room, stepping over the bones of the T. Rex, before stooping to pick up the orb. He held it up to his face, grinning.

"Well, this has been a fairly short jaunt," the Huntsman smiled.

The scene cut to show Jaune standing outside the door with the orifice in the center of it, which he inserted the moonlight gem into. With a quiet groan, the door rose up, giving him access into the next room. He stepped inside, finding himself standing in between a pair of staircases, which curved upwards towards a platform, upon which a throne rested.

"This must've been where the castellans held court," he guessed.

"Very observant," Ms. Goodwitch praised. "But why has his journey led him here?"

Jaune turned back around to study the rest of the room, noticing a stage at the front of the room, in front of a large glass window. In front of the window stood an armored figure with a cape. The humanoid turned to face Jaune, revealing the masked face of Myrmidon.

"Myrmidon!" Pyrrha whispered harshly.

"This is it," Cinder stated, eyeing the screen with anxiety. "The final duel of swordsmen. If we're going to learn the truth about the Grimm Knight, it will happen here."

Jaune smirked, his visor mask sliding up his face, allowing him to regard the Myrmidon with his red eyes alone.

"A man with guts and honor," he smiled, looking at the Grimm Knight with a small amount of respect. "I like that." Then the Huntsman shook his head. "But it's a shame you serve Mundus." The Myrmidon drew its sword, pointing it at the Huntsman, then held it aloft in front of itself, before driving its weapon blade first into the ground. The Grimm Knight placed its hands to its head, grunting as it slowly increased in size.

"What's it doing?" Emerald asked nervously.

"Powering up," Mercury realized. "Myrmidon's going to go all out against Jaune!"

Myrmidon slowly stood back up, now standing around eight or nine feet tall, holding its helmet in one hand. This it dropped unceremoniously to the ground, before taking its weeping mask in one hand, pulling it away from its face, before pulling its sword from the ground.

The audience went quiet, caught off guard.

"Well, at least it isn't me," Adam said, smiling slightly.

Jaune's eyes widened for a second, before he shook his head sadly.

"So it's you," he sighed, drawing Alastor. He got into a set stance, watching as his opponent did the same. The Huntsman tightened his jaw as he locked eyes with the twisted, pale face of Qrow Branwen.

"Uncle Qrow?" Ruby asked quietly, shocked and dismayed at this revelation. "Wh-why are you working with Mundus?"

"I don't think I am, kiddo," Qrow told her. "At least, not willingly."

There was a moment's pause, and then both Jaune and Qrow charged each other, their swords connecting in the center of the room. Immediately, both swordsman spun into a slice, then began to move back and forth across the courtroom, sparks flying as the clash of blades reverberated off the walls. A flash of lightning illuminated the room, casting giant shadows of the Huntsman and Grimm Knight on the floor.

"Now that I know who the Myrmidon is, I suddenly am a bit hesitant to root for Jaune," Yang admitted quietly.

"It's wrong," Tai nodded. "My former brother-in-law and son-in-law shouldn't be fighting each other!"

Finally, Jaune managed to lock Qrow's sword in place with his own, bringing the two men to a standstill. As they grunted and strained against each other, the Huntsman attempted to meet his in-law's eyes.

"Come on, Qrow," he snarled, straining under the older man's heightened strength. "This isn't you! What would Ruby say if she saw us fighting like this?"

"Knock it off!" Ruby demanded, pointing at the screen. Her cheeks puffed up. "Poop! They're not listening to me!"

"It was worth a try," Sun shrugged.

With a flash from his glowing, yellow eyes, Qrow ripped his sword free from Jaune's deadlock, then disappeared in a puff of smoke. He reappeared standing atop the stage, where he brought back a hand, which crackled with blue fire. The Grimm Knight thrust his hand forward, and the flames leapt from his palm, speeding towards the Huntsman. Jaune sliced at the projectile with his sword, causing it to split in two, harmlessly passing by him, before slamming into the staircase behind him, where it exploded. The Huntsman then burst forwards, plunging his sword at Qrow's chest. The Grimm Knight knocked Alastor aside, then grabbed Jaune by the hair, shoving the Huntsman's face down into his armored knee.

"Oof!" Nora winced. "That looks like it hurt!"

Qrow lifted Jaune back up, then drove his boot the Huntsman's chest. With a cry, Jaune was sent flying backwards, Aura rippling across his torso. He slammed into one of the staircases, then rolled to the ground. Quickly standing, Jaune thrusted a hand forward, releasing a fireball of his own at the Grimm Knight. Qrow blocked the projectile with his large sword, but was caught off guard by a flying kick from the Huntsman, which smashed against his face. Jaune followed with a punch to the Grimm Knight's gut, followed by a roundhouse kick that sent Qrow sprawling.

"Please, Qrow!" he pleaded. "I don't want to fight you! Free yourself!" The Grimm Knight shook his head, then disappeared in another blast of smoke. He reappeared standing in front of the castellan's throne at the top of the staircase, and with a snap of his fingers, several spectral swords surrounded him.

"Wait! What the hell?!" Tai demanded. He turned to look at Qrow. "That's not your Semblance!"

"I wish it was," the drunk Huntsman sighed. "I'd take it over my rotten luck anyway."

Qrow's spectral swords shot Jaune like javelins, who rolled under them. To his surprise, however, the swords stopped before they jammed into the wall, behind him, then swung backwards and streaked towards him a second time. Instead of rolling again, the Huntsman spun into a slice with Alastor, knocking the blades away, though he was still cut across the arms as the other swords tore past him. Jaune watched as the swords rose into the air, hovering around him, before all simultaneously stabbing downwards. The Huntsman dived away, then pulled out his grenade launcher, firing it at Qrow, hitting the Grimm Knight on the chest and enveloping him in an explosion. Jaune watched as Qrow leapt off the castellan's perch, rushing down to him, sword raised overhead. At the last second, he rolled away, allowing the Grimm Knight to smash his sword into the ground, hard enough to leave a crater.

"Tell me when it's over!" Ruby whimpered, hiding her head under her hood. "I can't bare to watch my uncle and husband fight!"

Jaune attempted to strike Qrow on the back with Alastor, but to his surprise, the spectral swords had appeared around Qrow's body, forming a spinning shield. The Grimm Knight spun into a slash, catching the Huntsman across the chest, causing his Aura to heavily flash as he was sent tumbling backwards. Jaune rolled back up onto his feet in time to see Qrow rushing towards him, the Grimm Knight's large blade aimed at his heart. With a flick of Alastor, the Huntsman knocked the attack away, before flipping over Qrow, setting the Grimm Knight on fire with Ifrit.

"I'm sorry, Qrow!" Jaune frowned, watching his in-law writhe in pain. "You've left me no choice!" All of Qrow's spectral swords flickered, before disappearing. Still, the Grimm Knight managed to lift his sword, despite the flames crackling around his body, and charged Jaune. The Huntsman closed his eyes and sliced upwards with Alastor. A loud cry of pain meeting his ears. Qrow stumbled backwards, blood and smoke billowing from a gash on his chest. Slowly, his armor cracked and crumbled around his body, before a large blast of dark energy released around the Grimm Knight.

"I think it's over, Rubes," Yang told her sister, eyes brimming with tears.

When the foul essence finally disappeared, Qrow collapsed, his clothes tattered and torn. The gash on his chest still remained, as it splattered blood across the ground.

"Qrow!" Jaune gasped, reverting back to his human form. He ran over and placing his hands on his in-law's wound. "Hang on, I've got you!" He used his Semblance to slowly replenish the older Huntsman's Aura. Qrow coughed and wheezed, weakly raising his head to look at Jaune.

"What... what are you doing here, kid?" he groaned.

"He's still alive!" Ruby gasped in relief. "Thank the gods!"

"I'm here to kill Mundus," Jaune told Qrow determinedly. "I will not let his evil go unpunished." The older Huntsman shook his head.

"Forget about it, kid," he coughed. "You won't stand a chance." Jaune looked at him in concern.

"What do you mean?"

"Jaune, I've had the displeasure of meeting Mundus face-to-face," Qrow grunted. "I don't know what it takes to qualify as a god, but he's definitely got enough power to be one." The older Huntsman's eyes were broken. "I couldn't even land a hit."

"What?" Ms. Goodwitch gasped.

"Not even one hit?!" Tai's jaw dropped open.

"That's impossible, it's got to be!" Cinder demanded. Qrow was one of the strongest Huntsman she had ever seen. For him to be so easily defeated by Mundus, that could only mean the King of Grimm was invincible.

"He offered me a choice between death or submission," Qrow continued. "I was never going to bow to a Grimm, but Mundus promised me that after I died, he'd make sure to go after everyone I loved." The older Huntsman's voice cracked. "Yang, my wife, and my... my daughter..."

"You don't have a daughter, Qrow," Jaune reminded the Huntsman. Qrow looked him in the eyes, and he immediately understood.

Ruby felt a sudden jolt in her stomach, and looked around the room. Nobody else seemed to have figured it out yet at first, but then she saw Qrow frozen, flask halfway to his mouth. Tai had completely shut off, drool oozing from his mouth. Then she noticed Adam smirking at her.

Well, she thought, it would explain a few things.

"Don't do it, kid," the older Huntsman begged Jaune. "Mundus will destroy you, or worse, turn you into a puppet, like me." The younger Huntsman smiled at his in-law.

"Sorry, Qrow, but I gave an Arc's word that I would face the King of Grimm. I can't turn back now." At this, Qrow began to laugh.

"You're definitely Jonathan's son," he wheezed. "I can't stop you from facing Mundus, but I can at least help you." He pointed to his sword, which had been tossed into a dark corner of the room. "Take my sword with you," he commanded. "It was gift from a Ozma. Here's hoping it'll serve you better than it did me."

"Thank you, Qrow," Jaune nodded. He slowly helped his in-law to his feet. "Now go home to your wife," he ordered the older Huntsman. "Something tells me you need her more than anything, right now." Qrow didn't say anything, but his tired eyes gained a little brightness at the mentioning of his wife. He took a step forward, then another, before breaking into a run, and throwing himself out the window. Jaune watched in silence, before a single black feather fluttered into the room, causing him to smile.

The scene changed to show yet another statue of Mundus, this one seated on a gigantic marble throne. A figure was seen kneeling before him.

"Mundus," Qrow seethed, spiteful towards the King of Grimm for an entirely new reason now.

"You better watch out!" Nora yelled at him. "Jaune's coming for you, and when he shows up, he's going to wipe that smirk off your face!"

"Myrmidon has been defeated," a harsh voice emanating from the statue growled. "You know what you must do. Now go!" The figure lifted her head, revealing her face.

"Yes, Master Mundus," Trish sneered. The episode ended.

The audience was silent, shocked at this revelation. Then, Pyrrha spoke.

"Oh, you have GOT to be fu-"


"Could you really turn a human into a Grimm like that, Master?" the Nevermore asked as she fluttered about Mundus's head.

"Probably," the King of Grimm shrugged. "I've never tried before, though."

"Well, there is that silver-eyed reaper running around down here, killing your legions," a Beringel pointed out. "Couldn't you use her as a test subject?"

"I could," Mundus agreed, then he smiled. "But, she is killing the Grimm I'm sending to Salem. And, though I 'hate' to admit it, watching that pale hag struggle really makes my day."
