Mission 11: Revenge

The audience grew quiet again as Abe prepared to continue Jaune's story. He highlighted the next episode, entitled "Revenge," and pushed play.

The episode started with Watts coughing up blood, as he continued to writhe on the ground. He attempted to lift his head, but did not have the strength.

"Where am I?" he rasped. "It's dark. I can't see anything."

"You're dying." Ruby knelt down beside him. "Adam Taurus stabbed you."

"Wow. That was blunt," Mercury commented.

"Way to calm a poor soul in his dying moments, Ruby," Blake teased. Ruby's cheeks grew red.

"Sh-Shut up!" She spluttered.

"I know that voice..." Watts eyes blinked in confusion. "What is going on? Have we met before?"

"You kidnapped my mother," Ruby told him, a small glare on her face. "Or have you forgotten?"

"Your... mother?" Suddenly, Watts gasped. "That's right! I did that wicked need!" His voice cracked, and he began to weep softly. "Oh, my poor child, I'm so sorry for what I've done!"

"Wait, what?" Coco did a double take. "He's... sorry?"

"I can honestly say I didn't see that coming," Velvet admitted, her ears twitching in surprise.

"It was all Adam's doing," Watts continued, his tears running down his cheeks to the floor. "He came to me one day, demanding my help in locating Ozma's Tower. He said he'd kill me if I didn't!" Ruby's stern gaze softened. "Kidnapping Ms. Goodwitch was just one of the orders given to me by him. He promised if I complied, I'd walk away with my life." He laughed humorlessly. "As you can see, my trust in him was in vain."

"I guess you could say he was full of bull!" Yang said. The audience groaned.

"Why do you do this to us?" Abe demanded.

Ruby closed her eyes. When she opened them again, any hostility within them was gone.

"I'm sorry," she told the dying man. "You didn't deserve this." She started to stand up, but Watts grabbed her arm.

"Wait," he whispered. "You must stop him. In order to put an end to all of this, you must kill Adam Taurus. If he gets his hands on the Relic of Choice, the entire human race will suffer for it. Please..." his voice was growing quieter, "you have to kill him. Stop... Adam... Tau-rus..." Watts's hand fell limp. Ruby sadly shook her head, as she closed Watts eyes.

"I will," she whispered. "Don't worry, Watts. Mother, I'm coming. I will save you..." Her eyes hardened. "And I will kill the man who caused all this."

"Damn, didn't know you could be so intense, squirt," Qrow grunted. Glynda leaned to Ozpin.

"Do you think Watts is telling the truth?" she asked him.

"Well, I don't," Cinder stated. "Men like him seem to only care about taking others down with him."

"So you think Watts is just trying to get revenge on Adam?" Emerald asked.

"It would fit Watts's personality," Ozpin nodded.

The scene changed to show Jaune walking through another dimly lit hallway. A rusty door awaited him, which he pushed open carefully. On the other side, he found himself on a small balcony overlooking a large chasm. In front of the platform on which he stood was a long monorail leading off the distant yonder, with a large square tile resting atop the track.

"Guess that's my next destination," Jaune said to himself, cautiously stepping off the balcony and onto the monorail platform. As soon as he was situated, the large square tile rumbled, and began to run across the tracks set out for it. Jaune stood in the center of this makeshift vehicle, arms folded in front of him. As his eyes grew accustomed to the dark, he noticed another monorail track above where he was, leading off to a different section of this underground chasm. "Something's going to drop down on me from up there," he grimaced.

"Cool, monorail fight!" Nora cheered.

"Jaune's got that in the bag!" Ruby added.

Jaune waited on edge for the Grimm or White Fang grunts to appear on the other track, but nothing happened. That still didn't keep him from glaring at the other transportation track until it finally curved to the left and disappeared into darkness.

"Well, that's an unexpected blessing," Jaune sighed in relief.

"Aww!" Ruby, Yang, and Nora groaned in disappointment.

"I will admit, I was somewhat exciting to see how Jaune handled himself in close quarters like that," Weiss said, a little disappointment in her voice.

"It is a shame," Pyrrha sighed. Though secretly she was happy that Jaune didn't have to fight the entirety of the tome. It had to be so exhausting.

Eventually, the monorail slowed to a halt, in front of a small staircase that led up to a large set of double doors. Jaune stepped off the moving platform, and made his way up the stairs.

"Now he has to fight," Ren announced. The audience turned towards him.

"How do you know?" Tai asked. Ren pointed at the set of double doors.

"He's right," Mercury agreed. "Look at those large doors." Everybody did so. "Now, think of every video game you've ever played. This practically screams boss fight."

Jaune entered the double doors, and found himself standing on a large grated floor. Lava bubbled underneath.

"Oh, he is totally fighting somebody," Coco nodded.

As he made his way across the room, his attention was taught by an orb resting on a pedestal, on top of a large patch of stone floor. Head tilting, Jaune made his way over to it. He reached a hand out, preparing to pick the orb up.

"Ozma..." a voice echoed. Surprised, Jaune looked up. "Ozma!" the voice grew louder, as several pieces of stone fell from the ceiling. Jaune brought up his fist, smashing a rock that was hurtling down towards him. Then he turned in time to watch a behemoth of a man drop down in front of him.

"RARGH!" the giant roared at him. He was easily ten feet tall, with a porcelain white face, his eyes glowing red with rage. Or eye, as his left eye was just an empty socket. The giant leered at Jaune, his wild black hair and beard blowing in the hot breeze or the room, his unbelievably muscular arms and legs bulging with tension.

"Oh, great. Hazel Rainart," groaned Qrow. "I hate that guy."

"Who's Hazel Rainart?" asked Blake curiously.

"He was an old associate of mine," Ozpin explained. "His sister died in the line of duty, and he blamed me for it. Now he tries to kill me at every opportunity."

"Oh, you poor thing!" Jaune groaned at Hazel. "Didn't your mother ever teach you how to use a door?" Hazel growled, drool dripping out of his mouth.

"That odor, I know it!" he snarled. Jaune looked down at chest, before lifting one of his arms to smell himself.

"Give me a break," he groaned, before looking back at the monstrous Grimm man. "Tell you what, next time I'll try to wear some cologne, okay?"

"It's the stench of cowardice. The odor of that accursed Ozma!" Hazel growled. He spread out his bulging arms. "I will annihilate every last blood relation of Ozma!" Then with a snarl, he swung at Jaune, who ducked and rolled behind the brute.

"Hahaha!" Jaune laughed, watching as Hazel turned to roar at him again. "A son cleaning up his father's mess, huh?" He spun around, whipping out Ebony and Ivory in the process. "Where have I heard this story before?"

"Be careful, Jaune," Glynda whispered. "Rainart is a dangerous man!"

"Don't worry, Ms. Goodwitch," Ruby smiled. "Jaune will pull through. I know he will!"

Ebony and Ivory fired over and over, Dust-infused bullets slamming into Hazel's chest and torso, but the giant didn't even flinch. Jaune sighed as the large brute brought his fists up over his head, attempting to smash the Huntsman. Jaune quickly slid underneath Hazel's legs, maneuvering behind the giant just as his fists smashed into the ground. The Huntsman drew his Claymore, and slashed Hazel across the back, to no effect. An instant later, Jaune was forced to back away from a backhand swing thrown his way.

"What gives?!" Nora demanded. "It's like Jaune can't even hurt that guy!"

"He can, Mr. Rainart just doesn't feel it," Ozpin spoke up.

"What do you mean?" asked Weiss.

"Hazel's Semblance is Numbing Agent," Qrow explained. "Jaune could literally shove his sword through Hazel's chest, and Hazel still would feel nothing."

"But that means that he's still taking damage, right?" Velvet questioned. Tai nodded.

"His Semblance is Numbing Agent, not Invulnerability. If you pierced him through the chest, he'd still have a hole in his chest. He just won't feel it."

"Come on, big guy!" Jaune taunted, ducking and weaving under every punch thrown his way. "I thought you said you were going to annihilate me!" Hazel roared, and attempted to grab Jaune, but the Huntsman ducked under the attack, and slashed at both of the giant's legs. With a gasp, Hazel pitched forward, right into an upward slash from Jaune's Claymore, cutting him across the chest.

"That's the way, Vomit Boy!" Yang cheered.

"Yes! Target your enemies weak points! Use their own strengths against them!" Pyrrha called to him.

Hazel growled as he slammed a fist into the heavy grating beneath him. He reached into his pants satchel and pulled out a pair of red Dust Crystals.

"What's he doing with those?" Velvet asked timidly.

"I will KILL YOU!" Hazel bellowed, jamming the Dust crystals into his arms. His veins lit up as fire began to crackle around his hands. With a primal roar, he dropped on all fours and charged at Jaune, spittle flying from his mouth.

"That's not good!" Mercury grimaced.

"Look out, Fearless Leader!" Nora shouted.

Jaune rolled out of the way, but Hazel simply stood up, and spun into a flaming punch, which the Huntsman just barely managed to dodge. The giant followed up with a second, then thrusted his hand forward, a ball of fire leaving his palm. Jaune destroyed the flaming orb with his Claymore, then looked up in time to see Hazel charging towards him, his flaming fist raised over his head.

"Crush Ozma!" Hazel growled, throwing his fist downwards. Jaune barely had time to dive away, before Hazel's fist slammed into the ground, a small explosion erupting from the impact.

"That was a close one!" Weiss gasped.

Quickly thinking, Jaune rushed towards Hazel and dropkicked him in the face. His combat boots smashed the giant's nose, and knocked him on his back. As Hazel attempted to stand again, Jaune's Claymore swung across his face, cutting him on the cheek.

"ARGH!" Hazel roared in frustration. He ripped out his fire Dust crystals, then reached into his satchel and pulled out a pair of lightning Dust crystals instead. He growled in fury as he jammed them into his arms, his muscles contorting as an electric shock surged through him. "OZMA!" Hazel bellowed, before thrusting his hands forward, bolts of lightning leaving them. Jaune rolled under these, but Hazel had already closed in on him, and began rapidly throwing punches at the Huntsman, the lightning Dust increasing his speed. Jaune's Aura repeatedly flashed, as the giant landed hit after hit.

"Oh no!" Ruby cried.

"Get out of there, Jaune!" Coco called to him.

"Hazel's destroying him," Emerald winced. Ren took a deep breath to steady his nerves.

"Jaune can still win," he told himself. "All he had to do is keep his composure, and he can overcome this onslaught."

Jaune grimaced, doing his best to dodge the attacks he could, and roll with the punches he couldn't. Finally, Hazel lifted both hands over his head.

"DIE!" he demanded Jaune, bringing his fists down, lightning crackling around them. Jaune saw his chance and took it, bringing up his sword to block the heavy attack. Electricity coursed through his body, but as he predicted, some of it was transferred back to Hazel, who grimaced as his muscles locked up. Eventually, the Dust crystals couldn't withstand the pressure exerted on them, and shattered. Both Huntsman and giant alike fell limp at each other's feet, Jaune's Aura briefly flaring as his body recuperated.

"That was a risky gambit," Blake frowned. "If those Dust crystals hadn't have short circuited, Jaune and Hazel would've both been killed."

"But it worked," Ozpin stated. "Which surprises me even more."

"Well, at least Jaune didn't have to use his Grimm form, this time." Ruby pointed out.

Suddenly, Hazel stood up, and shoved Jaune away. Then with a feral growl, he charged at the Huntsman, cocking back his large fist. Panicking, Jaune brought his Claymore over his head and lobbed it at the giant, the blade hissing as it spun through the air. Hazel's fist smashed a Jaune into the ground just as Jaune's sword sliced through Hazel's head, obliterating his other eye.

The audience all winced and cringed at that display.

"Damn, that's gotta hurt," Qrow groaned.

"I hope I never lose an eye," Cinder retched, not noticing Abe shift uncomfortably.

"RAAAH!" Hazel howled, clutching his face in pain. When he lowered his hands, a nasty cut was in place of his eye socket. The odious one whose heart pumps the blood of Sparda. Though my sight is gone, I remember your scent." He pointed at Jaune's general vicinity. "I shall hunt you down for eternity if I must. Until I rid this earth of your foul smell!" Then with a final roar, Hazel leaped away, using his fists to punch grooves into the walls so he could climb them, until he disappeared out the ceiling. Only when he was sure Hazel was gone did Jaune get back onto his feet, clutching his ribs. His Aura flared again.

"Why do I have to do the heat for my ancestor?" he groaned, shaking his head at the hole in the ceiling. "Come on man, cut me some slack." The episode ended.

"Oh, great," Blake groaned. "Now he has Adam andHazel to deal with." She looked towards their host. "When does that whole development get resolved?" Abe shrugged.

"Hazel is in the next episode, if that's what you're asking. I could put the episode on if you guys want."


"Yes," the audience told him in unison.
