Yandere P2

Since yall wanted yandere first here it it.Enjoy!Total words:335

The door creaked open as Harumi's lips were curled into a grin.Lloyd slowly backed away as Harumi started walking to Lloyd.He backed up and tripped down onto his bed as Harumi layed ontop of him wiping some blonde hair away.

"Lloyd"Harumi whispered Cuddling Lloyd, wiping some tears."Why did you run?Don't you love me?"She whispered cupping his cheek.

"W-Who...E-Else...D-Did..Y-You...K-Kill...?"Lloyd choked, his breath finally catching up to him.

"You don't need to worry, just come here" Harumi whispered pulling Lloyd into her grip.He rested Enjoying his old girlfriends cuddles.She rubbed his back and After a while Harumi's movement slowed and eventually stopped.She was asleep.Lloyd had to option's.

A:Run away and continue this chase.


B:Stay with Harumi

He chose option A.He pulled away quickly and started Running.He heard her scream but didn't Turn back.He kept running before something sharp cut his ankle.Lloyd yelled in pain as Harumi grabbed his gi.

"Im sorry that hurt but, you need to learn you can NEVER Escape from me.You can never escape from my love!" Harumi said

"Loving you was a mistake!"Lloyd yelled back.Harumi held Lloyd's chin.

"Was it?"Harumi asked."Deep down Lloyd, after everything Ive done you still love me."Harumi smirked.


Lloyd held Harumi's waist as He held her arms In the correct form.

"Try it now"He whispered in her ear and moved a strand of hair out of her face.Harumi giggled.

"I don't see why we can't Just make out!Or cuddle!"Harumi Yelled as Lloyd smiled.

"Incase any threats come to attack us when I'm not there to help you."Lloyd said.

End of the Flashback

Harumi held Lloyd's chin and guided his face towards hers And Kissed Him.Lloyd kept squirming for breath but Harumi got the better of him.He passed out due to air.

"Such a shame this happend.I wanted him for a bit longer."Harumi whispered.
