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Lloyd pinned Harumi to the tree with his hand over her mouth.She tried to kick him but it missed as Lloyd sat down and pulled Harumi into his lap still covering her mouth.After her escape attempts had failed she surrendered and layed back into his grip puring into his neck.Lloyd blushed slightly before they continued through prime evils eye.

"Where are we going?"Harumi chirped.Lloyd stayed silent, still walking.
"Dont ignore me, Lloyde woyde."She giggled as Lloyd sighed.

"Dont call me that."Lloyd said and continued to walk.

"Ugh you're no fun!So where are we going?"Harumi asked.

"Here."Lloyd said.His voice low as he was clearly annoyed.Harumi gulped as she looked over into the abyss.A huge gust off wind blew through them before the bounty came.

"Lloyd, we can still be together.I love you, just join the Crystal King and be with me!"Harumi Yelled.Lloyd picked here up bridal style as she yelped.He jumped on the bounty before zooming off.


"Rumi!Just let me check if you're okay!"Lloyd begged.

"Im fine greenie.Didnt know you cared for me that much."She snickered.

"Fine, Here."He said handing her some food.She started eating quickly."Slow down Rumi."He chuckled.Haruni finished and licked her lips.

"Thanks Lloyd."She smiled at him and Lloyd smiled back.

Lloyd walked out off the Room leaving harumi alone.She looked around his room and opened his chest of draws.She gasped at what he had.

The photo off my parents.He kept it.Why would he keep this?

"For you."Nya said behind her.Harumi turned around, tears in her eyes.

"He kept it, just incase you weren't dead.He cares for you so much that he's held out hope for years.He said if you ever came back he would let you stay with us.I didnt agree but he's the leader.Maybe you should start caring for him as much as he does you."Nya said.

"I do!I want him and I to be together.But he's just so Stubborn.The Crystal King gave him a chance to join us and be with me but he wouldn't.Maybe its my fault aswell but atleast I'm trying!"Harumi Yelled.

"Yeah.Being evil and working for someone who has gave Lloyd nightmares.The same person who wants to destroy Ninjago."She said.

"Thats Not true!He said Ninjago would be at peace!"Harumi Yelled.

"For some one who uses lies alot, you sure are unable to see when other people are lying."Nya said before she left.Harumi bit her lip before looking at another photo.It was off her and Lloyd.


Harumi walked outside off the bounty and peered over the edge.Lloyd followed behind her and stood next to her.Neither said a word for a while as they enjoyed each others silence before Lloyd chirped up.

"My father told me that this was dead man's squall."He said before lightning flickered across the clouds.Harumi looked at him before asking,

"Do you...Remember much about your father?Before he left you as a child?When he was...bad?"

"No not really.I was too young.What about your parents?"Lloyd asked.

"Some times in my dreams...there right next to me.Its like there still here.But then I...I wake up."She said her face visably saddened.She felt someone put a hand on her shoulder as she looked and was met with a warm smile.

"You're not alone rumi."Lloyd said before she smiled and hugged him.It was a quick one but enough to make Lloyd's heart skip a beat.

"Either are you.I know it must be difficult to think that they are trying to bring your father back.I can't imagine what must be going through you're head.Whatever happens, I'll be here"She whispered leaning Into him.

I'll be here

I'll be here

I'll be here

~End of flash back~

That phrase repeated itself in her mind. She cared for Lloyd, she wanted to be there for him.She loved him!Everything is going to change!I will be with Lloyd and be good!

Harumi marched down the corridor feeling empowered by her vow.She heard Lloyd singing in a room as she opened the door.

"RUMI!NOCK PLEASE!"Lloyd yelled clutching his towel.
Luckily his bottom half was covered, however his top half wasn't.Lloyd looked like Kai's gi as Harumi could stop staring at Lloyd's perfect body.Even to the point it got a little creepy.Harumi shook her head getting out off the trance.Her confidence replaced with embarrassment.

"Been Working out?"Harumi asked.

"OUT!"Lloyd yelled.Harumi giggled and closed the door.


Lloyd walked into his room as Harumi smiled at him, hugging his pillow that was squished between her chest and legs.Lloyd raised an eye brow

"What are you doing?"He asked.

"Waiting for you to go to bed."She answered.

"And why are you?"He asked

"I just wanted to hug something that reminds me off you, love"Harumi giggled

"Okay?Uhm can you move over."Lloyd said.Harumi nodded and gave him room.Lloyd yawned before he felt a pair off arms wrap around him and her put her head in his neck cutely making Lloyd blush.

"Im sorry For everything I've done Lloyd.I never wanted to hurt you.I hated you because it was easier than loving you.Im sorry I wasn't there for you I'm sorry!I'm s-sorry."Harumi sobbed slightly.

"Hey, it's okay.I forgive you.Night Rumi."He said turning away.Harumi smiled before she had an idea that made her grin evily.
She put her legs on each side off the boys waist, trapping him.Lloyd looked up at her and realised what she was feeling.He tried to push her off but Harumi held his hand and kissed it before licking it and pinned it to the wall.Lloyd used his other hand but it was pinned aswell.Harumi smirked as she swooped in connecting their lips in a long kiss.Lloyd tried to fight it but couldn't.He was trapped by her strawberry taste and soft lips.Lloyd kissed back, satisfying her enough to realese his arms.She pulled back licking her lips.

"Seriously."Lloyd said.

"You forgot to say I love you.And yes.You never let me kiss you so our first kiss is going to be special."Harumi whispered as she rested ontop off him.

"Night Lloyde, love you"Harumi said kissing his chest making him chuckle.

"Love you too Rumi."
