On The Contrary

This was requested by HakuryuChan8

Its small but I hope it works

"Well I'm thinking about you~"Harumi Smirked.Lloyd growled raising his eyebrow.

"Lloyd we don't have to fight anymore.We can be together."Harumi pleaded.

"You already gave me this offer remember?"


Lloyd was cornered.He backed into a wall holding his master on his arms as he was a small child.Harumi walked closer swaying her hips with a grin.

"I don't have to bring you in to Garmadon yknow.We could leave the city and start a new life.Together."Harumi smiled warmly.

"First you say you hate me.Then you say you want me?IM GETTING MIXED SIGNALS HERE!"Lloyd yelled.Harumi chuckled slightly pinning Lloyd to the wall.Master Wu jumped out off his hands and landed on the ground next to him.

"Oh?Then let me give you a signal that you can't get mixed up~"She giggled suduvtively before leaning Into him.Lloyd stopped her by putting an arm on her shoulder making her come no closer.She growled and moved her grip from his waist to his cheek; stroking it.

"I swear are you never going to let me give my ninja a kiss?"Harumi asked as with a grin.

"I can't.Were on separate sides and you are only doing this to trick me."Lloyd said.

"On the contrary, I'm doing this to make you realise who you truly belong to."She said as she reached his neck and kissed it.

"On the contrary, I'm not yours!"Lloyd yelled ramming his knee into her stomach.He picked up master Wu and ran.

~End off Flashback~

"And my answer is the same!"Lloyd yelled.

"Lloyd this time it's different.I listened to what you said, I left your friends alone and my masters plan was to destroy you're monastary but I stopped him!When you said I can change I believed you.I just need your help.Do you trust me?"Harumi asked holding out her hand.

"I swear if you betray me-"Lloyd took Harumi's hand but harumi kissed him.
