Flower Field

A mix off Fluff and a small bit of spicy but mostly fluff.

<Total words:635>

Ninja group chat

Who's going to school?

Not me

Or me

Not me

So none off you are going?

Pretty much

Wait Even you Zane?

I made myself just like a human.
Just so no one knows.

Ugh fine

Lloyd sighed before going to another contact.


Hey Hun are you going to school?

Yes why?

Can I come too your place?
I don't want to walk to school alone.

Yes of course you can come.Have you had breakfast?

No I don't want any

Lies.Get you're butt over here

Love you❤️

I love you more!😘

Lloyd walked to Harumi's house, it was only ten minutes away so he didn't mind.He knocked on the door as Harumi pulled him in.

"You're so warm."She purred clinging to him as Lloyd smiled.

"Here,"Harumi sat him down and gave him toast and bacon.

"Rumi you didn't have too."Lloyd said.

"I know, but I wanted too."She kissed his Cheek.Lloyd finished before Him and harumi started Cuddling.
"Lloyd you know the field we used to go to?"Harumi asked as he nodded."Do you want to go there?"She asked.

"Yeah, but when?"Lloyd asked.

"How about in school?"Harumi asked.

"I don't know rumi."He said


It was lunch time in ninjago city high.He scanned the field for his girlfriend before he felt arms wrap around him.

"Why do you have to be so tall!"She whined playfully making Lloyd giggle.

"Why do you have to be so small and cute."He said booping her nose with his.She led him to the toilets and sat on the sink ledge.Harumi tugged on her boyfriends tie making his face come even closer to hers.

"Please baby, it will be so much fun!Just like when we were kids."She whispered as her legs wrapped around Lloyd's.

"But won't we be skipping?"Lloyd asked.Harumi kissed his Cheek reassuringly.

"Not unless we go now.And beside our lunch is two hours now.Cmon it will be fun."She pleaded gently cupping his cheek.Lloyd melted into her touch.

"Hey love birds can you hurry up!I need a poo!"Morro yelled.

"Hey brother"Harumi giggled.

"Hi morro."Lloyd giggled aswell.

"Yes,yes yes I'm a school popper now hurry up!"He yelled.Lloyd and harumi shuffled out the toilets as they pulled back the broken fence and ran to the flower field.Harumi watched Lloyd be a child and Grinned.He truly was her adorable boyfriend.She tackled Lloyd to the ground and Smirked.

"Mine"He said engulfing her in a hug.Harumi giggled softly as she layed down.Lloyd seized the opportunity to tickle her.After minutes off tickle torture and laughing her head off it was her turn.He ran and ran with his life before his wife caught up to him.Not giving him any mercy, she attacked him with kisses and tickles.After a while Lloyd surrendered before he layed on the grass as Harumi lifted her leg over him so she could sit on him.Lloyd sat up kissing her neck as she buried her head in his soft hair.She took his tie off and tied his hands together.

"Hey!"Lloyd yelled.

"Shhh cutie.Dont ruin my fun."She whispered, smirking before kissing his sweet spot.Lloyd groaned before Harumi started adding licks and bites switching between them.After a while she pulled back viewing her art work.
"So adorable.Youre truly are just a child in a man's body."She Grinned kissing him.Lloyd loved the feeling, so he kissed back.The two enjoyed their make out session before they pulled back.

"I love you rumi."He yawned.

"I love you more Lloyd."She whispered.Lloyd started to fall asleep as Harumi cuddled him and fell asleep ontop off him.
