
Art isn't mine

"LLOYD WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME!" Harumi whined.Lloyd chuckled softly.

"Its your surprise honeymoon present Darling, relax it will be alright."Lloyd said laughing.

"You know I hate surprises."Harumi said.Lloyd held her hand and kissed it.

"Its alright darling.Trust me."Lloyd said reassuringly.

"Can I guess?" Harumi asked clearly annoyed.It only made Lloyd giggle.

"Alright I'll give you a hint, You moaned at me when I couldn't covince master wu   to take us here on the bounty.When we were 7."Lloyd smiled.Harumi gasped

" Wait did you take us to....Paris?"Harumi asked clutching Lloyd's hand.

"Wait you wanted to go to Paris?" Lloyd asked.Harumi excitement faided making Lloyd laugh.

"Yes we're going to Paris."Lloyd said as Harumi squealed.

~~Time skip~~
Lloyd and Harumi just ate there dinner and walked outside to see the sunset.

"Its beautiful"Harumi said admiring the colours of the sky.Lloyd wrapped his arms around her kissing her cheek.

"You're more beautiful, my love" Harumi's eyes rolled playfully at the blondes comment

"I'm lucky that you're Mine Lloyd"Harumi whispered cuddling Lloyd's chest.

"Im thankfull you could put up with me"Lloyd whispered before picking her up.

"AHH! LLOYD!PUT ME DOWN!"Harumi screamed.Lloyd carried her until they got into their car.

~~Time skip~~
Lloyd and Harumi cuddled in bed as Lloyd was about to fall asleep before Harumi said something.

"Lloyde can you cuddle me.I want more cuddles."Lloyd smiled at Harumi before giving her a warm embrace.

"Night Rumi"Lloyd whispered.His hot breathe tickled Harumi's ear.

"Night Lloyd"Harumi whispered.
