
Lloyd sat in a cage in His room on the bounty, he was sooo hungry.He could hear the mutters of Ultra Violet and Harumi.They both walked into the room.Lloyd looked away.

"So why are we pushing the Revenge of Lord Garmadon to next week."Violet growled.

"It takes six days to get to the Temple and one day to check everything."Harumi said holding an apple.A growl could be heard from the silent Ninja.Harumi motioned UV to go, and she did.Harumi held the apple infront of Lloyd for him to take it.He did as Harumi turned around.Lloyd threw the apple at Harumi.

"Oh so you WANT to starve!" Harumi snapped.

"Wouldnt Be the first time, since I gave you all MY Food!" Lloyd snapped back.

"Why are you so cranky?Love,"Harumi smirked.

"Don't call me that!" Lloyd said.Harumi opened the cage and snuggled her head in Lloyd's hair,earning a push from the Green Ninja.

"You were always annoyed when you didn't have enough sleep"Harumi chuckled.Lloyd scoffed.

"Did you come in here to be annoying or do you want something"Lloyd snapped Harumi smiled and picked up the apple and dusted it on her sleeve before holding it out in front of Lloyd.

"Cmon Just take it.I don't like seeing you like this"Harumi said.Lloyd looked away from the apple.Harumi sighed.

"Please"Harumi begged the ninja.Lloyd sighed in defeat and took the apple.Harumi happily watched him eat.

"Why you so nice?" Lloyd snarled.Harumi tilted her head, her hair following the movement.

"Maybe I'm happy when you're Happy, my kinderet spirit" Harumi smirks connecting their lips.After a few seconds she pulled back.Lloyd was blushing.

"Cute"Harumi said before falling asleep in his arms.
