
~~Harumi pov~~
WHY IS THIS SO ANNOYING!HOW CAN YOU LOVE YOUR ENEMY!I want him but I can't...Great back to square one with no one.

"Quiet one.The Emperor wants to see you."Killow said knocking me out of my thoughts.I gulped as I started walking to the roof.We captured Lloyd but he's probably gonna kill me for something else.

"My Emperor?" I asked bowing.He looked out his back turned to me.

"Remember when you said that to reach my full potential I need to destroy my son?"Garmadon asked finally turning to me.

"Yes?"I muttered.I hate this so much.

"Well what if we gave HIM his full potential.Turn him to the dark side.Unlock his power.Unleash his Oni side."Garmadon said with a smirk.Two evil warlords?And one my crush?

"What are you getting at?"I asked again.This guy gets more evil every day.

"I want you to seduce my son, again.Make him fall in love with you."Garmadon said.

"What if I love him"I said.I tried to say it in my head but it came out my mouth.I better get ready before he beats me.

"All the more easier"Garmadon said sitting on his throne.He's okay with it?

~~Lloyd's cell~~
I slip into Lloyd's cell and close the door as he watches.I smile at him.

"Hey Lloyde"I said getting a chair to sit in front of him.His now brown eyes met my blue ones as he narrowed them.

" Don't call me that"He spat in a harsh manner."What do you want anyway!?"Lloyd snapped.He's in a mood.

"You actually.I just want to go on a date with you."I said as he scoffed.I see he doesn't like my proposal.

"Why in Ninjago would I do that!?"He snapped.

"To restart an old flame, and to get you out of chains for a couple hours."I said holding his chin.He nodded as I released him as we started walking to a room.It was set with a candle lit dinner.

" What?Not gonna push my chair out for me?"I taunted with a smirk.

" You asked me on a date!"Lloyd replied

" So?"I asked.

"Fine" He said pulling out my chair.

"What a gentleman~"I giggled as we started eating, well I did.

"It's not poisoned"I said.

"Im not hungry"Lloyd said, pushing the plate away.


I looked at Lloyd and raised a brow.He sighed before picking up the fork and eating making me smile in satisfaction.
After he finished the bite he pushed the plate away.I walked behind him and started massaging his shoulders.

"Ahh Rumi!Mmmhm"Lloyd said in amusmant.

"Want me to continue?"I whispered in his ear.Her nodded repeatedly.In a cute needy way.

" Then eat"I said as he started eating.I continued.

~~Time skip~~
"Thanks for letting me do that Lloyd."I said.He smiled rubbing his neck.

"Tha-That's alright Rumi"He said.Maybe he's starting to like me again.

"Can you sleep with me?It get's cold in My room?"Lloyd asked.

"Sure you can stay in my room."I said as we went to my room
