Love Hurts P2

"I forgot how cute he was when he slept."Harumi said quietly observing the Green ninja.She ran her fingers through her hair before her fingers departed his hair and slowly went to his gi.He winced in pain.

'Garmadon must off roughened him up.Poor thing'Harumi thought.She ran her delicate fingers under his gi pulling the fabric up, revealing his built body and abs and muscles.Harumi couldn't help but admire him.

She brought out some bandages and started covering his wounds.Lloyd winced in pain.Harumi felt sorry for the blonde.

"Im sorry Lloyd.It will be worth it when we are together again, and you're the Prince of Ninjago.My Prince" Harumi smiled at the thought of Her & Lloyd together again.

"Ah...Ow...ah R-Rumi?What are you...?" Lloyd asked.Harumi smiled Running her hand through Lloyd's soft locks

"Shhhh my ninja, everything will be okay"Harumi stroked Lloyd's cheek, he couldn't help but melt at the touch.

"Lloyd can I offer you something?" Harumi asked, Lloyd cocked a brow

"Let me guess"Lloyd sat up."You want me to join The Sons of Garmadon.And become the heir to Ninjago?Trust me that never works princess"Lloyd said his voice rather...croaky.

" Here"Harumi handed him a water bottle as he chugged it."I guess you are kinda correct, however I don't want you to think about Ninjago.Think about yourself for once."Harumi said pointing to his heart before gently kissing his nose.

"I don't want to fight or watch you get hurt.If there was a different way I would take it.But there isn't."Harumi said about to walk away.Lloyd grabbed her arm.

"What do you mean other way?"Lloyd asked.What was Harumi's real plan?

"Well my plan wasn't always to ressurect Garmadon.It was to be with you"Harumi said, Lloyd raised a brow still confused."My stupid parents would never let me love anyone other than royalty so I had to...Get rid of them.And I knew if a evil gang were to Bring your father back would get you're interest.So I started an evil gang adopting the name 'The Quiet one' and tricked them into doing whatever I want.And yes Hutchins was in on my plan.I never meant to hurt Jay in the fire!Now you know my back story plan and Lloyd?Look at what I've done just to get to you.All I'm asking is for you to do the same.Night Lloyd"Harumi said leaving

Lloyd pondered in his bed thinking about what Harumi said.He can't be thinking about joining the S.O.G can he?I guess Love doesn't just hurt.It's powerful, very powerful

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