
Mention of blood.Warning

"So now what?"Mr E asked.Harumi opened the book and layed it on the table.

"Now we need the blood of the innocent.And I know just the purest person to take it from."Harumi smirked.

"Lloyd?Oh yeah and how did you let us in this is his house?"Killow asked as The followed Harumi up the stairs.

"He doesn't know.I asked him can I stay round tonight and he said yes."Harumi answered.

"But why did he say yes?"Ultra Violet said as they paused outside of Lloyd's room.

"I told him my parents have been stressing me out.Now shut up."Harumi said as She opened Lloyd's door.Lloyd was asleep his back turned to them.Harumi sat on his bed As UV handed her a needle.Harumi moved His shirt and plunged the needle into his shoulder.She pulled out filled with blood as She gently kissed where she stabbed.

They all left as Lloyd woke up.He got out of bed paniced, in a daze.He turned around as He locked eyes with Harumi.She tilted her head, her hair following her Movement.

"Lloyd why are you awake?"Harumi asked a slight change of tone in her voice.

"I just woke up." He slurred before passing out.Harumi caught him and Smirked."Poor Lloyd, It doesn't matter soon you'll be mine"Harumi whispered and took him downstairs.

Time skip
Lloyd looked around seeing Harumi sitting infont of him.She stoked his cheek, as he melted into it.

"Lloyd what gave you seen?" Harumi asked locking eyes with the blonde.

"Ive seen you bring some friends round, steal my blood.Look Rumi you're my best friend!You have to tell me what's going on."Lloyd begged.

"Nothing to concern you, Darling~"She giggled gripping his hair and smashed her lips onto his Lloyd kissed back as they both pulled apart.Harumi didn't want to but she has something to do.

"Start saying the ritual"Harumi said to her gang.Lloyd quirked an eye brow.

"Oh yeah.Look Greenie were making a deal with the Overlord, and in return we get wishes."Harumi said.

"So what's more important than our friendship?What do you want SOOOOO badly that you're willing to betray me for."Lloyd snarled.Harumi smiled and lifted his chin.

"Your Love~"Harumi whispered suductivley as a blush invaded Lloyd's cheeks.Harumi giggled as they all started chanting.

