More Crystalised

"Lloyd"The Overlord started."You've grown.Im willing to help you.Harumi has kept the ninja alive for you.She cares-"

"Where are you going with this?!"Lloyd yelled.

"As I was saying, Harumi still cares for you.And your power, the power of Destruction.I could help you control it.Your mission as the Green Ninja is to keep peace.There will be peace in the dark."He ranted.Harumi walked in and smiled before untieing him.

"I'll let you have some time"The overlord said and left.

"Lloyd, Are you okay?"Harumi asked.

"I don't want this.When I'm in my oni form I feel myself loosing control.It's taking over.The only reason I'm still here is you.I missed you everyday and now you're back.But you're still evil."Lloyd said.He broke out off the vengstone chains and stood up.
"If you want, you can come with me.We'll escape together I-"Lloyd started before he was cut off with a kiss.It was a quick one but it felt like a long one.

"I don't want to do this anymore.I just want to be with you.And Remember when you were in shintaro?You felt someone kiss you?It was me.Now Cmon!"Harumi Yelled

(That's a story for a different day😉)

Lloyd and Harumi started running through prime evils eyes.Until Garmadon stopped them.



"Yes it's me lovebirds relax.Cmon let's go"

I'm sorry its so short my phone is going crazy.
