
Harumi pov

"The greatest villain is the one you never knew was there in the first place.You said that"Lloyd said walking to the stone

" Oh yes I'm the criminal master mind.How could I have done this?Do you realise how silly you're sounding?I-I love you."I said turning Lloyd to face me before leaning into him trying to kiss him.

"Stay back."Lloyd ordered pushing me away.

He knew I was the Quiet one.There's no point of lying.

"Lloyd please.I don't want to hurt you."I said as a bang echoed through the cave.

The S.O.G are here.

I pulled Lloyd into a kiss before the S.O.G came in.

"Lloyd I-I feel the same way.And of course you can join the S.O.G."I said running my fingers through his hair.

"Go with it.It's the only way you'll escape."I whispered into his ear before kissing his cheek.He handed me the mask.

" Cmon Rumi.Let's go."Lloyd said.

On the bounty
"Rumi.Why are you protecting me?"Lloyd asked sitting on his bed.

"I guess I'm not ready to lose you"I said before smirking."And you're already mine.Plus you love me"I said sitting in his lap immediately falling asleep in his arms.

"Maybe I should join her."
