
A very old oneshot with a bit off a twist.
Set in season 9.Characters involved Lloyd, Harumi, Garmadon Total words are 1069

Harumi was about to run out of the monastary door before Lloyd grabbed her hand.

"Rumi I know what your doing and it won't work."Lloyd whispered pulling her hand making Harumi fall.He caught her and pulled her into his chest close.

"Lloyd your father has tortured me.And why would you care?I betrayed you remember?Now let me go!"Harumi snapped pushing herself away from Lloyd.She already missed the feeling of her being in his arms.

"Because I have learned that going for revenge only leads to more destruction.Ive lost you once already and I'm not taking another Risk.Go to bed,"Lloyd said.Harumi stood there almost convinced."Please"He muttered in a pleading tone.Harumi sighed before walking to her room.Lloyd followed Harumi making sure she went to her room and entered.He saw her already asleep as he tucked her in and kissed her fore head.He left before turning right down the monostary hallway to his room.

He flapped the Duvet over himself and starred into the Dark night sky that was lit with Stars, unable to sleep.


Harumi opened her eyes and kicked the Duvet off her and ran out her room.Lloyd heard the noise and knew What Harumi was trying to do.He waited for her to run to the Armoury as he ran down the corridor.Harumi grabbed a Jade Katana Lloyd had kept since his Fight with Chen and grabbed a couple of Shurikins.Harumi walked to the Door before being intercepted by Lloyd as He jumped down with his mask up and Sword in his left hand.Harumi sighed sharply showing her annoyance.

"Since you're so Stubborn and won't take my advice, I'll let you go IF you let me go with you.Afterall he is my father too and I want revenge.If you do this alone you might die.And I'm not taking that chance."Lloyd said.

"Aww how cute~You care about me~Lloyde, Baby, Darling I'll be fine~Now let me go!"Harumi pleaded as Lloyd crossed his arms.He wasn't moving.

Harumi smirked taking Lloyd mask off and trapping his Lips in a kiss.Lloyd was shocked but quickly melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Harumi's waist.Harumi started Fiddiling with strands of Lloyd's golden, soft locks and stroked his cheek as she Licked his bottom lip before pulling back.Before Lloyd could react Harumi pulled out a cloth and covered his mouth.Lloyd immediately Felt dizzy.Lloyd went Unconscious and fell as Harumi caught him.She placed him against the wall sitting down and cupped his cheek, caressing it.

"Im sorry Lloyd.At least you finally let me kiss you"Harumi teased with a cute little giggle following quickly after.Harumi eyed up the door and ran.

Once she reached past the Monostary and into Ninjago city she climbed a building and started jumping across which inevitably lead to Garmadon's fortress.Harumi jumped on the Building and watched Garmadon Look out into the distance with all four off his hands behind his back.

"Come to retake your position, Quiet one?"Garmadon said turning his head to Look at Her.

"That name no longer has any meaning to me.Ive Come to Kill you."Harumi replied, her hand clutching her Katana.

"Hows my son?Your Pathetic friends told me you and him grew... Close when you were the Princess Off this annoying little city."Garmadon said air quoting the word 'Princess'."A royal member has no power, they have to hide behind an army."Garmadon said.

"And what have you been doing?"Harumi snapped.Garmadon Laughed.

"Finding My Power.My True power."Garmadon said as Purple Swords appeared in his hand.Harumi ran at him and swung her sword.Garmadon blocked it with almost no effort and slashed her wrist making Harumi drop her Katana.Garmadon slashed her leg
,which added more cuts and Bruises he gave her, and kicked her away which sent her flying.

"This Is where You Die!Quiet One!"Garmadon yelled and clashed his sword which  luckily clashed against another.Lloyd's.

He spun his sword making nocking Garmadon's arms away.Lloyd kicked him as Harumi got up.Lloyd quickly used his powers to Float Harumi onto his dragon which Flew away.He could hear Harumi scream.Garmadon hit Lloyd on the Head nocking him out.

Time skip
"LISTEN DRAGON GARMADON IS GOING TO KILL LLOYD IF YOU DON'T BRING ME BACK THERE!"Harumi yelled.Lloyd was an idiot to help her yet harumi was a bigger one.She Should of listened to him.The Dragon Shook his head.

"Look your Master, My Lover will die!Please we can save him, That's all I want.I won't try to fight garmadon."
Harumi said.The dragon nodded as she jumped on his back and flew off.It his behind a tall building.Harumi ran into the S.O.G base and went straight to the dungeon.She saw Lloyd with Bruises all over his body.She ran to him and immediately cut him free as he fell into her arms.

"Why did you save me?Who done this" Harumi asked lifting his chin.Lloyd smiled at her concern.

"I saved you because like I said.I can't lose you.And I know my father wouldn't kill me, so it was better me getting captured than you.And your Friends did this."Lloyd said as Harumi lifted Lloyd up helping him walk.Quickly, the couple left and jumped on Lloyd's dragon and flew away.The trio were above the monostary as Harumi & Lloyd slid down the Wing.Lloyd's dragon went back to rest as Harumi and Lloyd helped each other walk.He layed The girl onto his bed and started healing her leg.

"You can't walk properly you'll have to sleep with me."Lloyd said blushing slightly.Harumi smirked.

"I don't mind~"She giggled.Lloyd got under the duvet with Harumi as She Clung to him tight not letting go.

"If we're sleeping together you're Cuddling me."Harumi said softly.

"I don't do cuddles."Lloyd said trying to resist the feeling.Harumi parted away as Lloyd already missed the Feeling.

"Then I guess I'll just go to my room"Harumi said in a sad fake tone.Lloyd groaned pulling her back down.

"Fine, Sometimes you are very annoying."Lloyd smirked.Harumi giggled.

"Thank you for putting up with me."Harumi giggled."Lloyd I love you"Harumi whispered.

"Love you too"Lloyd sighed.Harumi was just a big baby sometimes.Yet Lloyd was aswell when it was just them tll.Just like Kinderet Spirits.

"Night Greenie"

"Night Snowflake"
