Lloyd Jumped Down and defeated The vengstone guard.Another saw a run to him before he was knocked out.A black figure stood there locking eyes With The Green Ninja.She took her mask off and Lloyd did the same.Harumi smiled at Lloyd while he Glared at her.

"What are you doing here?"Lloyd said his eyebrow raised in suspicion.Harumi walked close The Ninja.

"The Overlord has My sister!I'm getting her back!"Harumi said, her anger fueling her as She wanted Revenge."Why are You here?"She continued.

"The Overlord has my brothers, and I've seen what happened to them the first time they were Caught by the Overlord."Lloyd said as memories of the final battle washed over him.The power he felt was incredible but His friends were turned to the Dark side.Thankfully he saved them but he couldn't relive the trauma again."And I won't Let that happen.Im going in alone I'll see if I can find Your Sister"Lloyd said as He turned his back and Walked to the door only to be stopped by A hand on his shoulder.

"Lloyd, we Both know you won't be able to survive alone.You May hate me but I love you and I can't bare to see you get Hurt!Let me go with you!"Harumi pleaded.Lloyd turned around a slight blush in his cheeks.

"You love me?"Lloyd asked still shocked. Harumi nodded before gripping his hand.

"You don't have to do this alone. I'll be here"Harumi whispered cupping his cheek.Lloyd melted into her touch & smiled.

"I don't Hate you."Lloyd said as Harumi smiled with glee."But I don't exactly trust you."Lloyd continued as Harumi's smile faded.

"Well I trust you.Now come on our family are in danger."Harumi said as Lloyd gave her a Jade Katana and pulled out his sword.

"Wait!"A voice said from the Shadows, Garmadon emerged with an Oni mask on as Lloyd was frozen.

"Son its alright.Every ounce of evil is gone"Garmadon said removing the mask."However if I want to be as powerful as My evil side I have to wear this."Garmadon said putting the mask back on."I know what the Overlord is capable of.You'll need my help."Garmadon continued as Lloyd nodded putting his mask back up.

The Trio ran in as five Venge stone guards ran at them.Stupid but very strong.Garnadon punched one and Kicked them as Harumi slashed her Katana at One, Lloyd roundhouse kicked him into the wall and blasted one that had snuck up on Harumi.They both smiled at each other as Garmadon rolled his eyes.The Ran a bit further as Lloyd noticed as Golden glow beaming out of some bars that were guarded by two Venge stone brutes.Lloyd ran to them and engulfed them in spinjitzu and knocked them out.Hesitently he opened the door as A Golden Oni mask sat on a stand.Garmadon gasped.

"My father said that in the attempts of The oni trying to find him they used three Oni sorcerers to get them to ninjago and There was a powerful oni mask for each general.Hatred.Vengence And-"Garmadon said

"Deception."Harumi muttered quietly.

"Yes.The dragon used there power to create there own Mask for my father.It will make you the most powerful being in Ninjago.My guess is The Overlord can't get it because he's Dark, Evil.But Lloyd,"Garmadon paused as Lloyd stared at the mask."You can"He continued as Lloyd gripped the Mask and put it on.He glowed a golden colour as he felt the same power he did before when he first fought the Overlord only this time, it was stronger.

The trio ran and saw A throne Room and The Overlord sitting on it looking at The ninja and Harumi's sister.

"Once your Pathetic Friends get here I will destroy Them & Rule this world.The balence will shift and Darkness Will WIN!"The Overlord Cacked maniacly.

"Whats the plan?"Harumi asked.

"I'll create a portal trapping them in a dimensional rift.He will be stuck there for eternity."Lloyd said.

"But that would kill you son!"Garmadon said.

"Better me die and save ninjago than let him win."Lloyd said.

"Lloyd promise me you will survive."Harumi said holding Lloyd's hand tightly.

"Rumi I-"Lloyd said before Being cut off.

"Promise Me"Harumi said practically squeezing Lloyd's hand showing her concern.Lloyd nodded before they all jumped out.

"NO!WHERE DID YOU FIND THAT MASK!" The Overlord yelled clearly scared of its power.Lloyd created a dome around The Overlord trapping him.A golden Power shot out of Lloyd's hand going to the Overlord as It Was draining his power.Garmadon broke the cages as Karai hugged Harumi.

"Harumi you came back!"Karai yelled Joyfully.

"I said I would.Im a sister of my word."Harumi replied as they separated.

"Garmadon?" Wu asked as Garmadon helped wu stand up.

"Brother its okay"Garmadon said

"Whats going on?"Jay asked.Lloyd's golden power blinding him.

"Go On Lloyd!BEAT HIM!"Kai yelled as He could tell Lloyd was winning.


"Not unless my light is bright enough"Lloyd said as The Overlord disappeared.

"Is he gone?"Zane asked.

"Yes."Garmadon said.

"How do you know?"Cole snapped.

"Because I can't feel his energy.I can't feel any Darkness in the balence."Lloyd answered.

Harumi hugged Lloyd tightly not letting go.Karai watched from afar smiling.

"So should we give this another go?"Lloyd asked as Harumi kissed him.

"I think that answers your Question."Harumi said with a smile.

"Come on guys let's go home"Nya said


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