
This amazing request was requested by Mapelthewriter I hope you enjoy😊

"And You Love me."Harumi whispered in Lloyd's ear as His face shifted to an upset, confused one."Ahh Your Emotions,"Harumi placed a hand on Lloyd's shoulder getting closer to The Blonde."You can't get rid of them"Harumi said stroking Lloyd's cheek not ignoring the fact That he melted into it."Its Hard to think isn't it?"Harumi said her voice soothing and comforting To The Green Ninja.Harumi lifted a dagger from her pocket."I felt those feeling too!We truly are a Kinderet Spirits~"Harumi whispered before screaming and striking Lloyd but he doged and got away from her.

Harumi kept attacking Lloyd but he kept blocking her attacks.She was a pretty Skilled fighter but not a match for The Green Ninja.Lloyd Swept her feet making her lose ballence as he caught her and seized the Knife.Lloyd Locked eyes With Harumi.He still couldn't get his head around everything.How could someone so sweet and Caring as Harumi be The Evil Quiet One?Harumi smirked seeing Lloyd lost in his thought And broke out of his grip.Harumi jumped at Lloyd and with no other options to stop Harumi without hurting her He spun around his leg high as he Round House kicked Harumi and sent her off the edge.Lloyd Caught her hand As She looked up at him.

"I got you"The Green ninja muttered pulling her up.Harumi ran to the mask as Lloyd engulfed her in spinjitzu and threw her away from the mask.Harumi layed on the floor unable to repress her Feelings for Lloyd and longer.Lloyd seized the opportunity and Blasted the Mask to nothing but Ash and Dust.He could Hear Harumi sniffiling before tears fell onto The Floor.

"Im S-Sorry.I know I was wrong, I'm an idiot.L-Lloyd I am truly sorry"Harumi cried in her hands.Lloyd was having mixed feelings.He should feel angry, furious!But This time he could tell Harumi ment this apology.His responsibility's were all he could think about.

"Harumi you're coming with me to Kryptariam Prison."Lloyd said as Harumi looked up at Lloyd.She sighed knowing this was the Only way.She Stood up and held her head low in shame.Her PLAN had failed, She would be put in a maximum security cell meaning not seeing her friends or anyone, She Lost Hutchins and Now most Importantly, Lloyd.As They walked Harumi just kept thinking about the Possibilities if she opened up to Lloyd?He could of helped her cared For her!Loved her...

Lloyd stared at the Ground.He should of seen her trick coming Ages ago.Of course the first girl he actually had a crush on turned out to be an enemy.Just his luck.It felt like the world revolved around him for the wrong reason.Have your Family abandon you and leave you in a bording school.Lose Your Child hood and Become the Green Ninja.Fight a dark Lord who is your Father.Get betrayed and Back stabbed by almost everyone.Finally have your father be good and be a real dad and mentor who looked out for him.Only to be sacrificed to stop an evil army.Watch your friends die.Fight his Crush who was trying to bring his Father back into a Monsterious Demon.Or well rather His Oni form.Harumi broke their silence by asking.

"Lloyd I know you hate me but let me do one thing with you"Harumi babbled.

"Fine what is it?"Lloyd asked his voice Low and depressed.Harumi pushed Him against a buldging rock and pulled his gi making his lips fall onto hers.She cupped his cheek as Her other hand reached Lloyd's hair as her fingers clinged to his hair Fiddiling with it.Lloyd Still shocked but Wanting this Kiss he pushed his lips against hers and wrapped his arms around her waist.After Minutes they parted due to lack of air.Both mesmerised by each others Taste.Harumi leaned In again and pecked his jaw line showing she wanted more.Lloyd pushed her away as she wined due to the Lack of contact.

"As much as I loved That I still need to take you to Jail."Lloyd said.

"I understand, It's not your fault"

                       ~Le Time skip~

The Ninja defeated The S.O.G as Harumi stayed on Lloyd's bed as Lloyd supervised.Harumi could tell something was still bothering him as He had that cute look on his face.

"Something Wrong?" Harumi asked braking Lloyd out of his thoughts.

"Harumi every elemental Master has A power right?"Lloyd asked as She nodded."Well as the Master of Energy I can feel some of the Power, I can sense the Elemental energy"Harumi was soo confused at what Lloyd was getting at."But I can feel that Power again an unfamiliar one.Everytime I'm next to you I can feel it.Harumi can you try something for me?"Lloyd asked as Harumi got up.

"Remember how your Adoptive parents were annoying and how you hate them?"Lloyd said as Harumi nodded shyly."Consentrate your anger on that feeling"Lloyd said as Harumi closed her eyes and focased.After a few seconds a Jade Crystal came out know where as Harumi's hand glowed a jade colour.They both gasped as Harumi looked at her hands.

"So what does this mean for me then?"Harumi asked as She sat down.

"Look if you will promise to be good then I will say we never found out who the Quiet one is and I will train you to become the Jade Ninja and Use your power for good understood?"Lloyd said as Harumi nodded cutely.Suddenly all Of Lloyd's Sadness disappeared and smiled.His first genuine smile in ages.

"But what about the Others?"Harumi asked rubbing her arm.

"They will listen to me.But you Must Promise to be good."Lloyd said

"I will, So does this mean we're going to be partners?"Harumi smirked.Lloyd smiled and nodded.Harumi squealed in glee.

"And Lloyd?Do you wanna maybe try that Kiss again?"Harumi asked.Lloyd smiled.

"Of course Darling"Lloyd said as The both Leaned in again.

AND CUT.Wow this one is long.If you have any requests PLEASE let me know.Dont be afraid😉Any way Have a good day or Night.REEEEEECK Out

Total Words 1029
