
There is mention of something and if you don't get it your not supposed to😂Anyway enjoy

<Total words:613>

Lloyd nocked on Harumi's door as she opened it to be met with his warm smile.She looks him up and down and slams the door in his face.

"Rumi, Let me in!"Lloyd begged as he knocked on the door again.

"I don't want to talk or see you!"Harumi said.

"But you just saw me, and are talking to me right now."Lloyd replied as he heard an annoyed groan from Harumi.She rolled her eyes before Lloyd started nocking again.

"Pleeeeeeaaase"Lloyd said.

"Go away!"Harumi Yelled.Lloyd turns the nob as He forced him self in.

"Didnt even lock it"Lloyd said as Harumi ignored the blonde and sat on the bed.Lloyd sat next to her.

"Come on!Please talk to me"Lloyd begged.Harumi crossed her arms completely ignoring him.

"Is this about akita?"Lloyd asked as Harumi nodded meakly."Look she tried to kiss me but I pushed her away but you were already gone.Here ask Zane he doesn't lie!I pushed her away I swear!" Lloyd said holding Harumi's hand."My heart only belongs to you my love"Lloyd said.Harumi rolled her eyes and walked to the monastary kitchen and poured herself a drink.

"Rumi!Please"Lloyd begged.Harumi took a sip before slamming it on the counter.

"What do you want!?"She said coldly.Lloyd hugged her before whispering,

"I want you, Cmon I just want to spend some time with you"Lloyd begged.Harumi only scoffed.

"Why are you so mad?"Lloyd asked.

"First Akita tries to flirt with you and I'm happy you pushed her but still!And I'm not in a good mood."She said as she left. Lloyd heard her slam a door as he assumed it was her door.Lloyd grabbed all his snacks from His stash and some of Jay's and carried it to her room.She locked the door as He knelt down.

"Rumi!"Lloyd yelled desperately.

"In the Living room, turn Left there's the door!Just leave me alone."She yelled.God she really wasn't in a good mood.Lloyd slid the first piece of Chocolate under the door then a few sweets.He heard footsteps then the shuffling of the sweets.Then the next lot.He bangs on the door hopefully as Harumi went to the bathroom.

"Please my Princess"He said desperately.He waited a few minutes with no answer.He slid some more food under the door and nocked on it again until his phone rang.

My Love💚

You seriously haven't left yet?

I'm not leaving you like this!Tell me, what else is wrong.

I told you I'm not in a good mood!

I've got your favourite food~

Slide it under the door

Let me in

No, slide it under the door


No slide it under the door



Lloyd sighed and put the rest under the door.Harumi left the bathroom and saw some from Lloyd's stash.

You hungry?


Here take yours back

No you have it

Are you sure?


Take it

Please take it


I'm now leaving, enjoy your food

Lloyd started getting up as Harumi opened her door and pulled Lloyd in.She dragged him to the bed and pushed him in and wrapped the covers over him.

"Your not mad anymore?" Lloyd asked.

"Just forget that and cuddle me"Harumi begged.Lloyd smiled and happily obliged and cuddled her.Harumi nuzzled hee head in his neck as he undoes her bun letting her hair flow free as he runs a hand through it.

"I love you rumi"Lloyd said.

"I love you too"She said tiredly as they both fell asleep.
