Short Oneshot P2

Read part 1 first.๐Ÿ˜

<Total words:338>

Harumi kissed his bruised wrist gently not wanting to hurt Lloyd before getting a cloth and a wrapped it round cooling it.The Cold feeling made Lloyd forget about the pain as Harumi picked up the other one as Lloyd dragged it away from her.
"Lloyd"Harumi spoke softly as Lloyd put his other wrist against a wall.Harumi had her knees either side off Lloyd's waist as she smiled trying to gently grab it.

"Wait."Lloyd said as Harumi tiltered her head, her hair following the movement as she pulled back a little.

"Yes?"Harumi asked.Lloyd bit his Lip before asking his question.

"Why are you being nice to me?Why is Garmadon being nice to me?"The blonde asked.Harumi chuckled softly and started stroking his cheek.

"Why can't Garmadon be nice to his son?Why can't I be nice to my boyfriend?"Harumi asked, her smile trying not to turn into a smirk.

"Garmadon has no son.And we never dated."Lloyd said harshly.Harumi stopped stoking his cheek as he whined.She smirked seeing her theory was correct

"Lloyd face it, you want me"Harumi said as She moved closer to the blonde.
"And Garmadon has a son.The most handsome one aswell"She winked.Her spare hand travelled down Lloyd's arm to his wrist and brought it to her.She grabbed the other cloth and put it on.
"There"She said sweetly.It reminded him off when his arm broke and she put the map around it.He smiled at the memory.Harumi wiped a piece of hair out off his face and kissed his nose.Lloyd blushed slightly, as Harumi cuddled into his chest.

"What are you doing?"Lloyd asked.

"Cuddling you.My parents always told me cuddles make you feel better."She said.

"You know for someone who controls a gang.Your a totall softie"He snicked rubbing her back.

"Thats because Im in a good mood."She whispered.

"And why would that be?"Lloyd said smirking, confidently.

"Because of this"Harumi smirked kissing him on the lips.
