The Princess's Nightmare

Another short one
Yes it's a fluff

Lloyd rushed in The Princess's room following a scream he heard echo a few seconds ago.

"Princess?Are you alright?"Lloyd asked.She panted, shaking her head

"N-No.I just had a nightmare."She said.

"Okay as long as you're alright.I have to go n-"Lloyd started but was cut off.

"Wait!Don't go...Please!Stay with me.Here sleep with me just stay."Harumi begged.Lloyd knew he shouldn't but harumi seemed so upset.He called his friends to look after the mask as he sat in her bed ,It was a very comfy bed, and rested his head on the pillow.Harumi cuddled him, not inntenting off letting go and rested her head in his neck softly.


Harumi woke up and smiled at the green Ninja.He was adorable when he slept, he was so special.He was the one Harumi wanted.Not some pathetic Prince.The Great, Gorgeous Green Ninja.Lloyd.Harumi cuddled him again falling back asleep as Lloyd woke up.He smiled and started to leave.Harumi pulled him back.

"Where are you going?"Harumi asked

"To find my friends?I've done what you asked."Lloyd said.Harumi kissed him  before Pulling back holding his gi.

"Just 5 more minutes."She begged.Lloyd could easily fall asleep in the bed, and he did like Harumi.He put his head back down and fell asleep.
