Short Oneshot

<Total words:195>

Garmadon was about to crush the vehicle that protected Lloyd's friends before a voice called out.

"Dad Please"Lloyd pleaded.Garmadon looked back to see his son chained to some massive boulders.Garmadon let his friends go and sat on his throne.His son surrended himself to protect his friends so it was the least he could do.The Quiet one walked out of the elevator and went to Lloyd.
Harumi stroked his cheek and rested her head on his.

"You know this is how rabbits apologise."She whispered softly.

"Leave me alone"The blonde Replied, softly but firmly.Harumi parted from him and smiled as she kissed his Cheek.

"My emperor the plans are in motion"She said.Garmadon nodded as Harumi started to leave.She blew a kiss to Lloyd before pressing the button.Garmadon heard Lloyd's groaning in pain

"Wait.Harumi help him"Garmadon said.She nodded and went to Lloyd who fell asleep.She held his hands, startling him.

"Shh, Relax.I won't hurt you."She untied him and kissed his Bruises softly.Llkyd groaned as Harumi helped him up."Cmon, let me help you"She whispered.She led him too her room where he rested."It's okay.You're safe now"She whispered.
