Bathroom Scare

Chapter 9

Baekhyun left his house early to clear his mind and organize his thought by taking a walk to school this morning.

The morning air was cool and peaceful although there was sounds of cars and morning traffic.

Baekhyun took a deep breath of the morning air. The warmness from the rays of sun felt nice on his skin.

He started to walk.

I have to talk to Yeol. I miss him. I hope he's not mad at me or anything. I don't know what to do.. Do I tell him that I feel the same way back? But I won't dare ever to but jeopardize our best friend relationship. It means to much to me.

I'm gonna approach him first and hope that today goes well together and spent with him.

Baekhyun sneezed.

"No, I can't get sick! I hate being sick! Dammit I should've wore something warmer than this black sweater, plain white tee, and ripped jeans."

Suddenly, the cool breeze of late March started to pick up.

"Aish, what's up when this suddenly breeze. I need to hurry to school before I get sic- ACHOO!" Baekhyun sneezed again.

"Dammit, wait I have a RUNNY NOSE TOO. OMG DAMN DAMN DAMN. Mom is gonna kill me for dressing like this in this kind of weather."



The sound of sniffing up snot was the only sound in the silent class. After all no one had the energy to be hyper in the morning. Guess who was sniffing up their snot? The one and only Byun Baekhyun.

Damn. Damn. People can hear me sniff up my goddamn snot.

Baekhyun looked around to fine to signs of any tissue.

Why the hell does this class not have any tissue. Stupid teacher. Stupid snot. Stupid clothes. STUPID STUPID STUPID.

Baekhyun made a annoyed face.

Tao snickered and whispered into Baekhyun's ear "The struggle, is. very. REAL."

Tao earned himself a slap on the arm and "shut up ass" from Baekhyun.

Stupid Chinese boy needs to stop hanging around Chen. He's like Chen number 2 or should I say Chen jr. Beside where is Chen?

Baekhyun cleared his throat.

"Can I go to the restroom?" He asks the teacher trying to sound really innocent but shocked himself with his voice.

MY VOICE. It's sound so plugged and ugly. And everyone probably heard it too. UGHH

Tao laughed at Baekhyun.

"Sure." replied the teacher.

Thank goodness.

He arrived at the boys bathroom and blew his nose.

"Ugh. Stupid snot. Making my voice all weird and shit. So embarrassing. What am I gonna do? I don't want to get sick. Mom is gonna kill me. I'm dead. Dead. Dead. Dead you hear me."

Baekhyun was still blowing his nose in a corner. He didn't notice the last stall's door open and there stood someone.

"Really sweaty trash ba-"

Baekhyun jumped at the voice and turn to see Kris.


Kris walked over and tried to cover his mouth.

"Shut up, someone's gonna think that you're get-"

Suddenly the first stall burst open and the stranger yelled


Before he could finish

Baekhyun and Kris started yelling because they were scared to death.


Kris yelled while being constantly smacked in the arm by Baekhyun who was totally scared for his life.


Baekhyun hid behind Kris but then pushed Kris towards the stranger which scared Kris.


And when Baekhyun finally realize it was Chen.


Chen came and slapped them both squared on the cheeks. And covered their mouths.

"Shut the fuck up you little chickens. Now if you guys who stop screaming like little white girls that would be appreciated before all of us gets our ass in detention. Calm the horse shit down." Chen quietly said with a threatening smile.

Kris and Baekhyun finally calmed down.

Baekhyun responded first

"What the fu-"

"Whisper you fucking idiot." Said Chen.

"What the fuck man. What the hell were you and Kris in here for?" Baekhyun whispered.

"Shit I didn't even know Chen's ass was in here. I just came here to sleep until I was awoken from your stupid snot." replied Kris

"Shut the fuck up"

"I came in here to sleep too until you two fucking elephants woke me up. Shit can't a prince get his beauty sleep." Chen said dramatically.

"Wait you guys come in here to sleep? What the fuck."

"Duhh" said Kris

"No shit Sherlock didn't we just fucking say that."

"Don't fucking smart mouth me Chen."

Chen rolled his eyes.

"Yes, mom."

Baekhyun placed a hand over his heart.

"You guys scared the bajeezus out of my and my damn soul you fuckers."

Kris finally felt pain in his arm.

"Fuck Byun fucking Baekhyun. Why the fuck where you smacking me for you idiot. And why'd you push my goddammit what the fuck if that was a fucking killer you asshole."

Baekhyun looked at Kris' arm and winced because they were really red.

"Shit, sorry I was just too scared"

"Sorry, isn't gonna stop the pain."

"If I was a killer I would chopped Kris into lots of chunks and feed it to dogs but I'm not so shut the fuck up." said Chen.

"Well, it'll heal on it's own."

"I know, you little girl, grow up. Aww did you want mommy to kiss that?" Chen asked Kris teasingly.

"Fuck you, you fucking Korean trollin-"

"Well, damn I'm awake. Lets go to class Baekhyun." Chen put an arm over Baekhyun's shoulder and walked out of the bathroom to class.

"I wasn't done you fuc-" was the last thing Chen and Baekhyun heard Kris said before the bathroom door slammed shut.

They both high-fived and laughed.

Until the bathroom door opened again and Kris rushed over to also put an arm over Baekhyun's shoulder and said

"Shit I'm not gonna stay in there after that. I'm fucking scared."

"You know someday, I'm gonna pay someone to go poop in there while you two are sleeping. I can already see your faces when you guys choke on that horrendous life threatening odor." said Baekhyun.

They roared into laughter. And walked to class.

"Five bucks and i'll do it to Kris." Chen 'whispered' to Baekhyun.

"Deal." They shook hands.

"Hey I heard that!" Kris protested.

"Shut up." Chan and Baekhyun said in unison still laughing.

(SORRY for all the'fucks' and cussing 😬)

The three of them returned to class together. The teacher looked at them with suspicion. The three of them avoided the teacher's glare.

They finally sat down.

"That. was fun. Well what are we learning today class?" asked Chen to Tao.

"How to stop being a dick, lesson one-oh-one." replied Tao.

"That's my boy!" Chen laugh proudly. Tao giggled like a preteen girl.

Baekhyun grimaced at Chen and 'Chen jr.'.

"Chen, you're such a bad influence on him." groan Baekhyun.

"What have I done to deserve this oh heavens." murmured Baekhyun.

The bell rung, signaling for next period.

Baekhyun gathered his stuff and walked to the next class. Chen and Tao tailed behind him.

"So, now let me teach you how to cuss in Korean and in return you'll teach me how to cuss in Chinese. Deal?"

"Deal." He giggled.

"UGGHHHH, I'm telling LAY you keep teaching him bad stuff." Baekhyun groaned again loudly.

He entered his class and sat in his assigns seat next to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol haven't arrived yet and he was feeling nervous already.

Chanyeol walked in and rushed over to his seat next to Baekhyun.

"HI BAEKKIE!!" His deep voice boomed.

"HI YEOLLIE!!" He replied just as loudly. Luckily the teacher wasn't there yet.

"How's your day Yeollie?"

"Ehh it's okay. And you?" He flashed his goofy smile.

"Great-ish okay."

"Ahh, I see. I uh.."

"I missed you Yeollie. I'm sorry we haven't been talking lately. I don't know why but I hope you're not mad." Baekhyun pulled on the most innocent puppy look.

Chanyeol chuckled. "Why would I be upset? I missed you too. a lot."

"Me too."

"How come today was great-ish okay Baekkie ?"

"Well because today I walked to school toda-"

"You walked to school? Why?"

"because I wanted to clear my mind and I like to take morning walks."


"Anyways, I was walking and I started to sneezed and I wa-"

"You sneezed?! Are you sick? You walked in the cold dressed in that? Byun Baekhyun!"

Baekhyun pouted.

'Mom' is definitely mad at me now.

"I'm sorry."

"You're sorry and..."

"I'm sorry and I won't do it ever again. I'm dress more appropriately for the weather next time."

"Good." Chanyeol sighed.

Chanyeol whipped out his hand placed on Baekhyun's head.

"Baekhyun! You're burning up!"

Baekhyun touched his forehead.

"My god. It's warm not hot, MOM."

Chanyeol looked at him frustrated.

"Don't call me that."

Baekhyun giggled. "Yes mothe- I mean Ma'am."

Chanyeol pushed Baekhyun's shoulder. "Shut up."

"So I went to the bathroom this morning to blow my nose and I-"

"Jesus, Baekhyun do I have to come over and dress you every morning until summer?"

Baekhyun made a face imagining it.

"Sorry, geez mom."

"Shut u-"

"Anyways I went to the bathroom and Kris jumped out and scared the living shit out of me."

"Kris? The player Chinese boy whose cocky as heck ?"

"Yes, that Kris. Chanyeol I was so terrified for my life."

Chanyeol made a face.

"Why didn't you scream my name? I would flew over to rescue you like superman." Chanyeol smirked.

"um, no I'm a grown man. And after Kris jumped out so did Chen. And me and Kris just legit stood there screaming. It was so scary. Turns out they both were sleeping in the bathroom for some reason and they didn't know that either of them was in there too."

Chanyeol laughed. " I can already imagine terrified Baekkie screaming like a little girl."

"Shut up Yeol. Yeol, guess who came and found me on Facebook."

Chanyeol wrinkled his nose.

"I don't know."

"Kris. Kris that idiot guy. Guess what was his username, GalaxyHyung. What a dumb name."

Chanyeol sighed.

"Huh? What's wrong Yeollie?"

"Uh nothing. What did you guys talk about?"

"Well I was waiting for you to message but when it turned out to be him, I told him I was busy. That I had to do homework and so he stopped bothering me."

"Oh, I see. If you didn't want to talk to him why didn't you just block him?"

"Block him? That's mean. I don't know, I'm not that mean."

"Of course, you're not that mean. Why didn't you just continue to talk to home since I didn't message you?"

"Because I didn't want to and he wasn't you."

Chanyeol smiled. "Nice one."

"I mean it Yeollie. I was waiting for you idiot butt to message me and you didn't." Baekhyun pulled out the puppy eyes and pout.

Chanyeol surrendered.

"I'm sorry Baekkie. I was waiting for you to message me first too."

Baekhyun paused for a bit.

"Again, we want the same thing and didn't do it. We're really idiots man."

They both laughed.


They headed to lunch.

Lay, Tao, and Kris were together again.

Baekhyun and Chen headed over to their table and sat down.

Lay greeted them.

"Lay, Chen has been teaching Tao bad stuff. I heard that they were teaching each other bad words."

"Shut up, you snitch" Chen hissed at Baekhyun.

"Chen did WHAT?! Chen you better stop your shi- bad stuff right now young man. Do not make me report this to Mrs. Kim."

"But..." Chen and Tao protested.

"You will not teach him bad thing only related to academics or help improve his Korean. You will listen to me. I'll pretend Baekhyun never told me this and you never taught Tao anything bad and won't. Do I make myself clear Kim Jong Dae?" Lay asked innocently.


"NO BUTS. DO I, make myself clear?"

Lay can get very scary when he's upset but other than that he's just a fluffy unicorn.

"Yes, sir."

"And Tao, you will not be teaching him anything bad in Chinese either. And you will not learn anything bad from Chen anymore. I promised your mom that I'll watch over you. And again I'll let this slide. Do I make myself clear?"

Tao said nothing for a bit.

"DO I, make myself clea-"

"Yes, sir,"

"Good boys. Thank you Baekhyun." Lay said as if nothing happened with his charming smile and dimple.

Tao looked down sadly while Chen sent daggers to Baekhyun with his eyes.

Baekhyun laughed and said "anytime."

"Baekhyun, you little ass." Chen murmured.

"Did I hear something?" asked Lay.

"I'm not sure, lets ask Chen." Baekhyun laughed.

"Did you say something Chen?"

Chen groaned. "No, sir"

"I thought so." said Lay.

"Ever heard of snitches get stitches?" questioned Kris.

"Shut up Kris." replied Baekhyun.

"There goes my name." He smirked.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"Did you shit your pants from earlier?"
Kris snickered.

"From what I remember you were also screaming like a little white girl. Who are you to ask. Did you two shit your pants from earlier?" Chen asked.

Baekhyun laughed.

"Naw, it wasn't even that scary." Kris tried to sound cool.

"Right." Baekhyun said laughing.

Baekhyun caught Chanyeol staring at them and so he got up and headed towards Chanyeol.

"Hey, did you eat yet? Wanna go grab lunch and join us?"

Chanyeol hesitated for a bit, "Actually, I have something to do, you know that worksheet from Math? Yeah I didn't finish it and I was gonna go do it now. Sorry. Maybe next time."

Baekhyun nodded. " Yeah, maybe next time. Goodluck on that worksheet."

"Yep." Chanyeol turned and walked off.

Math is your best and favorite subject. Who do you think you're fooling. I know you like the back of my hand. What's wrong? Why are you making up excuses?

Baekhyun walked back to the table with a sad face.

"Aww what did that bastard so this time?" asked Kris.

"He's not a bastard, he far from one."

Everyone seems to had gotten tense.

"Awkward~" Tao said breaking the mini silence.

Baekhyun sighed but couldn't help but smile at Tao.

"Chen has taught you well Tao." Said Baekhyun chuckling.

"All thanks to Master Kim."

"Ah, Anytime my student."

"No. He's like a little minion." Said Lay.

Suddenly Chen said,

"I'll do our deal from earlier for free if that cheers you up."

"The one about pooping?"

"Yes, that one."



Baekhyun an Chen laughed evilly.

Kris stared at them in disbelief. "I am too godly for that. Peasant please, know your place."

"Oh i know my place, its so high even weed can't get you there." Everyone burst out laughing even Lay. Chen and Tao high fived each other.

Kris faced plamed himself.

"Chen you're the bestest." Baekhyun said.

"I know sweetheart." Said Chen giving Baekhyun a side hug & squeeze.


Later that day, Baekhyun decided to go talk with Chanyeol.

"Are you okay Yeol?"

Chanyeol starred at the ground.


"Yeah, right. C'mon Yeol. I know something is wrong."


"Are you sure?" Baekhyun asked concerned.

"Yeah, it's just that....we haven't been talking and that's all."

Chanyeol sighed and smiled at him sadly.

Fake smile.

"You sure?"


"Okay I guess."

"Kay, well I have to get going."

"Can I.."

"See ya Baek, I gotta go." Chanyeol smiled and hurried off.

"..get a hug." Baekhyun sighed and walked off. "Whatever."

He turned back and started walking.

"Hey, sweaty trash bag."

"Why do you always appear around me?"

"I don't know, maybe were fated to keep bumping into each other." Kris laughed.

"Yeah, right."

SIGH** I miss Kris. I TOTALLY LOVE HIS OST ;-; it's so beautiful. I so proud of him.
