The Choice Is Yours...

"Mom!" Chanyeol screamed tears spilling out of his eyes. Her lifeless body rushed away on a stretcher. His mind pounded. Everything felt as if it was all happening in slow motion. The doctor furiously performing CPR.

"Sir, you're not allowed beyond this point." The nurse's voice was barely audible to Chanyeol.

"Mom!" He hears himself yell again. Tears spilled down his eyes. He felt someone holding him back as the door closes.


"Nice to meet you, my name is Yoora, Park Yoora." She introduces herself quickly.

Baekhyun smiles, "Welcome to the team Yoora."


"Come here." He holds Baekhyun securely around the waist. Baekhyun leans on to him tired. Chanyeol forces himself to look away.


"Nice to meet you, I'm Jessie, Kim Jessie and this is my boyfriend Chanyeol." She gestures to Chanyeol who stood beside her with his arm around her slim waist.

Baekhyun smiles, "Nice to meet you two, I'm Byun Baekhyun and this is Park Bo Gum."


Baekhyun curls to his side. Min lies down spooning him. He gently pulls Baekhyun closer. Baekhyun scooters closer to his warm embrace tired. He smiles and tucks the blanket in for Baekhyun.


He shoves Baekhyun up against the brick wall, pinning his arms above his head."What are you doing-?" Baekhyun could smell the whiff of alcohol from his breath before crushing it against his lips. Baekhyun breaks the kiss turning a way. The taste of alcohol in both of their mouths. "No, s-stop-." He makes his way down to the sensitive parts of Baekhyun's neck. Weak to his kisses, Baekhyun tried to turn away in resistance but it only allowed him to continue as he please. Then he kisses Baekhyun again deepening the kiss. He pulls away and presses his lips to Baekhyun's ears. "I miss you to death." Then he swallows then presses a soft kiss onto Baekhyun's neck before continuing. "I need you." he whispers into the night.


"Welcome back Baekhyun! I missed you so damn much!" Chen wraps himself around Baekhyun like a little baby. Baekhyun hugs him back laughing. Tears of joy and sadness spilled from his eyes.


"FUCK!" Chanyeol throws the alcohol bottle against the wall, shattering it in to pieces just like himself. His back against the wall as he slumped down onto the floor, grabbing handfuls of his hair frustrated. A tear slips down his eye. Then another and another. It was long before a loud heart-aching sound filled the air and tears spilled.


Baekhyun slips on Min's oversized shirt before climbing into bed. Even though he wasn't here, the shirt took his place for now until returned home.

And as promised, Min as gently as possible climbed onto bed with Baekhyun. He latter was light sleeper that he didn't was to disturb. But as soon as he laid down, Baekhyun turns over snuggling into his embrace. Min couldn't help but laugh. He pulls Baekhyun in and kisses his forehead.


"You l-lied to me. You keep saying- And I keep believing-" Tears spilled down Baekhyun eyes as he struggled to speak. He tries to reach out to Baekhyun. "Baek-" Baekhyun smacks it away hurt and angry. His hand burned painfully but nothing felt worse then Baekhyun's words, burning holes into his godforsaken soul.


He helps Baekhyun take off his shirt before laying him down onto the bed. His hand traveled up Baekhyun's arms and **** places them above his head. He leans down to kiss Baekhyun's neck. "I'll take care of you." He whispers staring into Baekhyun's soft eyes with honesty. He leans down to kiss Baekhyun. Baekhyun closes his eyes deepening the kiss wanting to be lost in his kisses. His arm wrapped around ****'s neck pulling him down. ****'s hand roamed down Baekhyun's soft milky torso and slowly undo his belt. He pulls off Baekhyun's pants and throws it to the ground. Baekhyun leaves kisses on his torso as he takes off his shirt. He quickly gets rid of his pants as well before climbing into the middle of Bakehyun's legs. All that was separating them were the fabrics of their boxers. His hands could resist roaming all over Baekhyun. It was as if the two of them had been waiting for this very moment for their whole lives. His hand wanders south being to palm and rub the latter. A soft moan escapes Baekhyun's pink lips.


(A/N: Hello guysss, this is your authornim~ THIS^ is quick little sneak peaks of the future chapters. Yes, I must warn you of some smut though I'm not claiming that I'm good, its actually my first time but all is well. And for those who don't know what smut is, its basically sexual scenes, 18+ stuff like sex. Relating back the title above^ of 'The choice is yours', the choice is really yours. You can accept that the previous chapter was the end of this book. And move on or stick with me for future chapters. And I am asking those who decide to continue with me to be patient. People, not even in stories can fall in love with the snap of a finger. I'm investing my time to try to write a descent story for you, not just write what you want to calm your feels lmao. Note that option two is actually somewhat like another part, part 2 of part 1.

Yeah, so option 1: Consider this story has been concluded and ended with them graduating or options 2: Decide to not accept that terrible ending for Baekyeol, and stick with me for the future chapters pls. Where the chance of them having intimacy is likely...? And you meet new characters. And they're done with college, pursuing their choice of careers. /whispers/ and sex (I know all you pervs out there! jk lmao sorry if you're innocent asf)

I know that I didn't include a lot of Baekyeol scenes and moments because it was all meant for the future. So I'd like to make it up to you all (hopefully) in the future my giving you all mad Baekyeol sex. (jk sorry)

***Those who decide to bid farewell here, know that I am sorry and I love you a lot. Thank you for investing your time to read the works of this trash lmao I hope you find really good Baekyeol stories to fulfill your needs like I didn't /Cries/ Bye, I love you.***)

Hi, my name is Shea or you can call me authornim because it makes me feel special (:
