"What?" Baekhyun stares at Chanyeol.

"Please, you have to go. Go- it'll be fun!" Chanyeol insisted. He cutely nudge Baekhyun. "Please."

Dear god, he's doing aegyo. Baekhyun tried to control himself.

Chanyeol pouts and makes a cute whining sound.

Baekhyun laughs,"Why? Can't you just go alone?"

Chanyeol shakes his head,"I want you to go too. I want you there with me."

Baekhyun scratches his neck. "Why? Just go have fun by yourself."

"WHAT-? No~~ Baek~" Chanyeol takes hold of Baekhyun's arm. "Baekkie~ Go to the dance."

Baekhyun's heart drops and he flushes red. Chanyeol chuckles,"Okay?"

Baekhyun looks at him still unsure. Byun Baekhyun don't dance!!!

"Oh c'mon~" Chanyeol places his arm around his neck. "I want you to go."

Baekhyun sighs defeated. There was no way to say no to this adorably fuzzy giant. "Fine."

"YAY!" Chanyeol jumps up excitedly. "Thank you. I love you." He back hugs the shorter boy.

Baekhyun lets out a nervous breath. He was about to pass out from Chanyeol's overflowing cuteness. "I love you too." He replies. Chanyeol chuckles excitedly,"It's going to be so FUN!"


"Baekhyun, lets go~" Jade whines as she tugs Baekhyun's arm.

"Why~?" Baekhyun replies as he thought back to Chanyeol.

Jade smiles,"I already bought us tickets to the dance and so-"

"You, what?" He looks at her shocked. She laughs,"You're going. I am too and so is Chen."

Baekhyun blows his fringes away from his eyes. He was having a queasy feelig. What am I going to do when I see Chanyeol?

"It'll be fun, Baek! Don't worry. There will be plenty of people to dance and chill with." Jade says optimistically. "So can we hit the mall now because it's taking forever to convince you to go."

Baekhyun groans in defeat. "Fine." Jade squeals happily.


Jade held on to Baekhyun's arm as they browse through the stores at the mall. The decided to start the hunt for Jade's dress first.

"Oppa, this one!" Jade leads him into a store with girl clothing. Baekhyun winces,"I'm going to be the only boy in there."

"I need your opinion on my outfit. Hurry!" Jade drags him inside and they started browsing.

Baekhyun had on a smile because he secretly enjoyed shopping with his sister. And he took pride in having a good taste in girl clothes..for the benefit it of his sister of course.

Jade and Baekhyun had a similar style of shopping. They would walk around the store eyeing for nice pieces of clothing first. After quickly scanning the whole store, if there was a clothing they like, they would go back and find it. And if there was an absolutely have-to-have piece when they were scanning, it would be taken off the rack and into their arms immediately with the other lucky pieces of clothing that's gets to enter the fitting room.

"This blue one is nice." Baekhyun touched the fabric with his index and thumb.

"See! I need you for this." Jade examines it a bit more. "Okay, I'm going to try this on." She takes it off the rack.

They continued to browse. "This one!" Baekhyun says immediately. As soon as his eyes land on this dress, he immediately knew it was the one.

Jade squeals excitedly as she examines the soft pink dress.

"This is the one. Jade, this is the best in this and all the other stores. It's this one." Baekhyun says in submission to the dress.

Jade giggles,"I know what you mean. I'm going to try it on. I'll be back."

Baekhyun sat on a cushion seat as he waited for his sister. A couple of girls were constantly walking back and forth around him. They were staring at him as well with shy smiles.


Finally, a girl from the group of girl approaches him. She had brown hair and big innocent eyes.

"Excuse me.." Her voice small and very shy.

She had taken a seat beside Baekhyun who suddenly became nervous.

"Ah, yes?" Baekhyun replies politely.

She smiles shyly. "Um..wh-what's your name?"

She can't be seriously hitting on me right now. Baekhyun clears his throat,"Baekhyun. It's Byun Baekhyun."

The girl grins,"Nice to meet you Baekhyun. I'm Yura."

Baekhyun awkwardly nods.

"Can I call you oppa?" Yura shyly asks. Baekhyun laughs at how straight forward she was. "Sure." he replies.

"My friends.." She looks toward the group of girls giggling and eyeing them from behind a rack of clothes. "They wanted to know if you had a girlfriend..Are you here with someone?"

Baekhyun's cheek were began to burn. Yura laughs at his shyness,"You're so cute." He gives her a small shy smile.

Baekhyun scratches his nape. "Thank you."

He could hear Yura's friends giggling. All Baekhyun could think of was Chanyeol. JADE. CHANYEOL. JADE. CHANYEOL. CHANYEOL. CHANYEOL.

"Um, I'm here with my sister actually but yes, I'm already seeing someone." Baekhyun tells a white lie at the end.

He could see the slight disappointment in Yura's face and the groans of her friends.

"Oh.." Yura mumbles unsure of how to continue on with the conversation.

"Baekhyun." Jade says walking towards them.

Thank you Jade! He mentally exclaims. "Hey Jade." Baekhyun immediately gets up to his sister's side.

"Whose this?" Jade asks and Yura offers a small smile.

"Uh, a friend I just met." Baekhyun replies awkwardly.

"Well um, I guess I'll get going now." Yura gets up and leaves toward her friends.

Baekhyun puts an arm around Jade's neck. "Thank you for saving me."

Jade laughs,"What happened?"

"She and her friend were..hitting on me. Ew." Baekhyun shivers.

"Seriously?" She looks at him for confirmation. Baekhyun nods,"Ew. Can we leave now? How's the dress?"

"It's gorgeous. I'm buying it. Then we'll head to find your outfit." Jade pats his head despite their age difference.


"So who is Chanyeol going to the dance with again?" Jade asks as she curled her hair.

Baekhyun buttons his shirt. "Um, he was planning to go with Tao but Suho had already asked Tao first. And I'm guessing his second option was Kai who was already going with Kyungsoo."

"Are you his third option?" Jade wrinkled her nose as she looked at him through the mirror.

Baekhyun makes a face,"Er, no. He's deciding to go alone. And even if he asked me, I would've rejected it. I am not anyone's third option. You are crazy." Baekhyun says in a matter of fact-ly voice causing Jade to laugh.

"That's my brother!" Jade exclaims excitedly.

Baekhyun grins,"I guess you can say I'm going with the squad: Chen, Kris, Taemin, Minho, and Me.

Jade smiles at him. "You know, I'm proud of you. After being so indecisive, and all that Chanyeol stuff, I'm glad your going. And we're going to have a great time." Baekhyun laughs,"I know. I hope it goes well."

Baekhyun leaves to do final touches in the bathroom. About thirty minutes later he enters the living room.

"How do I look?" He asks nervously. Jade and his mom's mouth drop. "You look absolutely handsome!" His mother exclaims. Jade nods in agreement.

Mr. Byun chuckles,"I was just as handsome when I was younger." Baekhyun laughs at his father.

"Oh my god. You're going to have such a great time." Mrs. Byun steps closer to add the final touches of a mother to finalizes his outfit.

Mr. Byun and Mrs. Byun dropped them off at dance while they head off to dinner together.

"Be back before 9:30 p.m. please." Mrs. Byun calls out to them. They nod in agreement.

Baekhyun was beginning to feel queasy again whine Jade smiles excitedly. He could hear the music booming through the entrance.

"Baekhyun!" Chen yells excitedly. Seeing his close friend comforted him. Around Chen was the rest of the boys who were waiting for him.

Jade quickly greeted them before heading inside to find her friends.

"Hey guys." Baekhyun greets shyly. Kris grins at him,"Wow." He blushes,"You look very nice yourself as well." Chen was practically prancing around Baekhyun flipping over everything.

"Your outfit! And your hair and eyeliner-PERFECTION." Chen claps excitedly.

"You're really handsome." Minho gives Baekhyun a friendly hug. "Thank you." He replies. Taemin chuckles,"Well damn." Baekhyun slightly nods at him.

"Well lets-" Chen began but was cut off by someone.


Baekhyun turns to see who it was. Luhan walk towards him with a wide smile. Xiumin trailed beside Luhan.

Oh god. Baekhyun thought. His ex that had somehow gotten more handsome than before. Maybe it's how the moonlight was hitting him, giving off a gorgeous glow or maybe it's the suit that fits him perfectly or his nicely brushed hair and his charming smile or his angelic aura.

"Hi," Baekhyun gives an airy reply. Luhan grins,"Wow. You look.."
"That's what I said too." Kris says. Luhan glanced at him then quickly back to Baekhyun.

"You're- You look so handsome." Luhan manages to say. Baekhyun flushes,"Thank you. You looks very..handsome yourself." Luhan laughs. What a beautiful sound. Baekhyun though.

They greeted the rest. "So we all don't have dates?" Chen clarifies. "Yeah." They all replied.

"Well then, lets go in together as a group!" Chen excitedly leads the pack inside.

Chanyeol chatted with Kyuhyun and Ryewook beside the punch table.

"Hey~" He hear some boys greeting others. Chanyeol turns his head toward the entrance.

He found found Chen leading a bunch of boys. Baekhyun. He's is here, Chanyeol thought.

Finally, Chanyeol catches sight of the shorter brown hair boy. Baekhyun was in between two taller guys; Luhan and Kris. Chanyeol lets out a small sigh.

Baekhyun anxiously starring around. Being short in between two taller was really comfortable.

"Wh-Why do I have to be in the middle?" Baekhyun turns to ask both Luhan and Kris. They two laugh.

"You can come over here." Luhan offers to give his outside position to Baekhyun. Kris suddenly places as arm around Baekhyun's neck.

"It's alright. You're height is really cute. It's perfect." Kris grins at him. Baekhyun flushes,"Right.. Still, I'm not entirely sure about this.."

"It's okay. It's going to be alright." Kris says to him laughing.

Chanyeol slightly furrows his eyebrows at Kris' sudden action. Not only that, Baekhyun was right beside his ex. Is Luhan can't possibly be his date, right? Or Kris? Chanyeol fumbled with his thoughts and he felt a tiny uncomfortable feeling on the puts of his stomach.

"Excuse me." Chanyeol said to Kyuhyun and Ryewook before making his way toward Baekhyun.

There was already other friends and girls greeting them.

A disco ball was in the middle reflecting light all around the room. Other colors of lights shot around as the fast paced music boomed through the large speakers.

"ALRIGHT!" Chen exclaims seriously giddy.

"Whoo!" Taemin yells excitedly. Minho chuckles excited as well.

Baekhyun tries scanning the crowd but there was too many people and he didn't felt too comfortable, queasy actually.

"My god.." Baekhyun shrinks himself to fit in the middle of the two giants. He wanted to just hide in a safe corner. Luhan chuckles at him and step a bit forward to give him space.

The group had stopped moving. They were greeting others as well as having girls and boys crowd around. Baekhyun was stuck behind the crowd. He didn't like the attention they caught.

Suddenly a familiar tall figure approaches the crowd.

Oh god. Chanyeol. Baekhyun knew right off the bat.

Hide me! Baekhyun wanted to yell out. He wanted to hide behind Luhan and Kris and name them his guardian angles because the butterflies in his stomach was bout to explode.

The crowd made way for Chanyeol. Luhan stood in front of Baekhyun but slightly to the right while Kris still had his arms around Baekhyun's neck. Luhan gives Chanyeol a smile not effected by his presence. Kris gave Chanyeol an amused look. Baekhyun stared at the ground not wanting to face any of it.

Luhan politely greets Chanyeol while Kros just simply nodded at his direction. Chanyeol greeted te two as well before looking down at Baekhyun.

Feeling his gaze, Baekhyun cursed in every language he knew, even gibberish before looking up.

"Oh, Hey Chanyeol.." Baekhyun gives a nervous small smile. Again, Chanyeol takes his breath away. His hair was neatly brushed. Chanyeol wore a fancy dress shirt along with dress pants.

Chanyeol's heart flutters. Baekhyun was dressed in a nice navy blazer with the sleeves rolled up. His brown hair was gorgeously styled up and his eyeliner gave him a charismatic look and feel.

"You look so charming." Chanyeol breathed out. Baekhyun could only look in his eyes for 2 seconds before looking away. "Thank you. You look very nice too."

Chen was quickly getting the groove on. "OH YEAH~ WHERE'S BAEK? LETS GO BOYS~!"

The crowd moves out of the way and the group proceeded towards a more open space to chill before heading to the dance floor.

Chanyeol had no option but to move to the side. Kris and the boys followed Chen. Baekhyun gives him a small smile before leaving.

Whew. Baekhyun lets out a relieved breath.

Taemin and Chen were dancing to the fast paced song. Chen snaps his head toward Baekhyun. "Baek!"

OH NO. I DON'T DANCE. Baekhyun backs up but Kris holds around his neck.

"Where are you going?" Kris asks him.

"I-I don't dance." Baekhyun tells him. Kris laughs,"Lets go!"

Baekhyun starts to panic. He quickly duck and moves Kris' arm his neck. Luhan laughs when Baekhyun hides behind him.

Kris shrugs and leaves to dance with Chen and Taemin.

Luhan looks back at Baekhyun behind his shoulder. He flushes,"Er.." Baekhyun clears his throat and steps out again.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see Luhan's amuse smile. His chest felt so heavy as if it's about to burst.


Chanyeol takes a sip of his fruit punch. He could see Baekhyun beside Luhan all the way from the other side of the room.

"Tsh." Chanyeol's lips showed the slightest pouts. "So they are something then..?" He asks himself out loud. "But what are they? If they're having a thing again, wouldn't Baekhyun have told me?"

Baekhyun laughs at something Luhan said. They look like they're having a great time. Chanyeol scrunched up inside of his nose.

"Whatever." He mutters. I have other things to concern about.. I'm glad he's enjoying himself.

Chanyeol glances over at Tao. He was currently chatting with Suho. The two were matching as well. Then Tao throws his head back laughing before placing his arm around Suho's neck who suddenly became red with a smile.

Chanyeol suddenly furrows his eyebrows, frowning, and feeling absolutely crush.


His heart was about to burst. Unsure wether it's from butterflies or pure jealously, but he feels like puking from the depths of his stomach. Chanyeol forces himself to looks away before...

Chanyeol quickly finishes his fruit punch before crushing the plastic cup. Not feeling well anymore he searches for Baekhyun for comfort. A bunch of boys crowded from where he had originally spot Baekhyun making it impossible to see past them.

Whatever. He brushes it off again.


"Lets go eat. I'm hungry." Chen pulls Baekhyun's arm.

"ALRIGHT! LET'S GO!" Minho excitedly places his arm around Taemin and Baekhyun's necks.

Taemin laughs at him and wraps his arm around Minho's waist. Baekhyun was dragged along the hungry wolves.

Minho lead Chen and Taemin in practically swallowing sandwich after sandwich while Baekhyun slowly ate his first sandwich, barely halfway done.

Minho had on a grand smile. "OH MY GOD- *swallows* THIS IS SO- *takes a huge bite of the sandwich* FH-UN!"

Taemin laughs,"Fun? All you did was eat." Minho nods insisting,"This is the most fun part."

"We should dance later." Taemin gives Minho a grin. Instead of replying, Minho shoves a sandwich into Taemin's mouth.

"Mmm. This must be love." Chen stares sweetly at his sandwich. Baekhyun laughs and continued eating his sandwich.


Chanyeol was leaning against the wall when suddenly Jongin and Kyungsoo suddenly passes by in front of him. They also were matching. The two were in a good mood, chatting.

He drops his gaze and sighs deeply. This was slowly turning worse. His heart was aching.

From the other side of the room, Baekhyun watches as the taller stares at the ground. He watches as his giant pretended like Jongin and Kyungsoo didn't bother him.

Even from here he knew Chanyeol was sad which made him sad. Baekhyun debated wether to go over and talk to him or not.

Then he sees Chanyeol leaving to talk with Siwon.


After sometime, Baekhyun became more comfortable with the atmosphere. He even started to swing his head, enjoying the music.

He sees a group of boys approaching him from the corner of his eyes. He turns to see. "JIMINNIE! TAEHYUNG! KOOKIE! MARK! J-HOPE!" Baekhyun excitedly greets the younger boys.

Jimin smiles widely and gives him a hug. They greeted each other.

"Wow, you guys are looking handsome!" Baekhyun compliments causing the boys to be some shy.

"Alright! Ladies and gentlemen, grab a partner and hit the dance floor!" The DJ exclaims before putting on as low dance song.

Chen immediately grabs Taehyung and the two left for the dance floor.

Jimin and Jungkook also joined the dance floor.

Taemin corners Minho. "Will you slow dance with m-"
"NO." Minho tries to step to the side but Taemin was too quick and blocks his way.

"Aw, why not? Hurry, the song is already starting~" Taemin add in aegyo hoping to win Minho over.

Minho laughs,"No, because I don't want to."
"It wouldn't hurt to and it's just slow dancing. The most simple dance ever." Taemin pleads.

Minho makes a wincing face,"I don't dance..maybe next time.."

Taemin pouts,"Fine." He didn't want to force Minho to do something he was uncomfortable with.

"Baek, do you want to..?" Kris asks him. Baekhyun laughs shyly,"No, thank."

Kris shrugs coolly,"Alright." He leaves to find someone to dance with.

Luhan appeared at Baekhyun's side with a smile.

OH NO. DON'T ASK ME PLEASE. Baekhyun looks at him nervously terrified. Luhan suddenly laughs because it was written all over Baekhyun's face.

"It's okay. I'm not going to make you dance with me." Luhan says politely.

Baekhyun smiles embarrassed,"Sorry. I don't know.. I'm just.."

"It's okay. I fully understand." Luhan gives him a warm smile before returning his gaze to the couples on the dance floor.

Baekhyun smiles before looking at the couple as well. He could see Tao and Suho slow dancing as well as Kyungsoo and Jongin.

Tao was laughing at Suho's flushed face. He giggled at Suho's height, enjoying it.

Kyungsoo and Jongin were shyly dancing together. Jongin was slightly shy..avoiding eye contact with Kyungsoo while Kyungsoo was squishy-ly smiling at the younger's face.

Chen and Taehyung were fooling around. They held each others hand and excitedly dance/moved in a circle. It wasn't long before Jungkook and Jimin joined them. The funny part was that them four were 'dancing' (actually just moving in a excited circular motion) much faster than the slow song.

Chanyeol didn't ask anyone for a dance rather he decided to just watch as the couples slow dance. He wanted to dance with him too..

The slow song ended and the DJ started to play fast songs again.

A dance circle quickly formed. Taemin was first to step into the middle.

"WHOO!" Chen cheers from beside Baekhyun. Baekhyun laughs when Taemin challenges Minho onto the dance floor.

Minho blushes shyly. Taemin steps forward, right in front of Minho. He leans in to whisper,"Two options: 1) You challenge me and win, which most likely you wouldn't. 2) I let you slide while you have to slow dance with me later."

Minho groans,"Fine whatever, 2. Just get away from me." Taemin chuckles,"Well, You're cute." Taemin backs up looking at the other boys if anyone else wanted to challenge.

Jungkook steps and decides to dance. Baekhyun cheers proudly. After dancing, Jungkook returns next to Taehyung shyly.

Another boys steps into the circle and began dancing to the music.

Suddenly, someone taps Baekhyun's shoulder. He turns around to see.

"Hyung, come here. There's someone I wanted you to meet." Mark said to Baekhyun. He leaves the circle to follow Mark.

There stood a boy in a black snapback. He was dresses in street styled clothing. Though he was in dress clothes, still he was good-looking.

"Hyung, this is my friend Jackson, Jackson Wang. Jackson, this is my team captain, Baekhyun hyung."

Jackson politely bows his head before introducing himself. Baekhyun laughs at his adorable mis-pronunciation of Korean.

They quickly hit if off, already calling each other hyung and dongsaeng.

Baekhyun puts an arm around Jackson leading him to the dance circle.

J-Hope was currently dancing. He finishes and moves to the side of the circle.

Suddenly, Chen pushes Baekhyun into the middle.

"WHOO! GO HYUNG!" Jackson cheers loudly. Baekhyun immediately freaks out and step backs to the side.

"Jackson, help me." Baekhyun asks him. Jackson grins,"I got chu hyung." He moves to the middle of the dance circle and began dancing attractively.

Baekhyun cheers surprised by his skills. After dancing, Jackson returns to beside Jackson. Baekhyun happily places an arm around Jackson's neck.

"Hyung, I told you! I got your back bro! Hyung, don't you know? They call me Wang Kong!" Jackson says pumped. Baekhyun throws his head back laughing genuinely. He was finally really enjoying himself.

"You were magnificent, Jackson." Baekhyun tells him laughing.

It was starting to heat up on the dance floor, both in dancing and temperature-wise.

Baekhyun yells over the music,"I'm going to take a breather!" Chen and the Jackson nods.

Leaving the hot atmosphere, Baekhyun exits the gym and to the bathroom. A slow dance was being played after he left.

Taemin grins at Minho,"Lets go!" He pulls Minho to the dance floor and immediately grabs his waist. Minho looks at him panicking. He tries to pry off Taemin's arms but continuously failed. Taemin watched him amused. Eventually, Minho gave up and began slow dancing with Taemin.

Baekhyun returns to the fruit lunch bowl after feeling cooled and relaxed right when the slow song ended as well. He takes a seat on a table with other students slightly tired.

Baekhyun was resting when Sehun approached him; this was the first time seeing Sehun through out the whole night.

Sehun seemed anxious as he stepped closer to Baekhyun. "Your-"

He couldn't hear Sehun over the loud music. "What?" He asked again.

Baekhyun could see a flash of annoyance in his expression. Sehun leans forward. "I said where were you? Your best friend is crying." Though his voicing was taunting, Sehun was worried as well.

"What?" Baekhyun asks confused. Tonight had been great and Chanyeol can't possibly be crying. "Seriously?" He stood up.

"Yes. Can you go see what's wrong with him? Cheer him up?" Sehun says much more softly to Baekhyun concerned. Baekhyun looks at him surprised trying to process it all.

Sehun, Chanyeol's ex, cares about him. He's worried about Chanyeol despite his coldness. Oh yeah.. Baekhyun remembers that they had become 'friends' again despite being such cold ex to each other.

"R-Right.." Baekhyun's heart dropped and he suddenly feels horribly queasy. He need to find Chanyeol right now and cheer him up. Baekhyun couldn't stand seeing or even hearing that Chanyeol was crying..again.

Baekhyun's soft and worried eyes scanne the crowd. He pushed his way past them and on to the other side.

A group of boys had crowd over someone. Baekhyun frantically made his way there in seconds.

The boys realizes that it was Baekhyun, Chanyeol's best friend and so they stepped back.

There was a slumped figure on the ground with his back against the wall. His knees were propped up. His face was buried under his crossed arm over his knee.


Something clicks in Baekhyun like an instant instinct, he must quickly do anything and everything in his power to dry his giant's tears and cheer him up.

Still, there was people crowding and lingering at the scene.

"Can you guys move or leave? He probably wants some time and space." Baekhyun says in a firm voice, upset. They were just so nosy, sticking their nose in other people's businesses.

The crowd quickly disappeared leaving Baekhyun and Chanyeol alone in a darker part of the room.

Baekhyun slides down to beside Chanyeol. He was terrified, unsure of what to do and so he did the usual questioning.

He extends his hand to Chanyeol's back, rubbing his back.

"What's wrong?" Baekhyun's voice was soft and gently. There was no reply from Chanyeol.

He decided to let Chanyeol take his time. Baekhyun squeezed his shoulder and gave him a supportive hug.

"It's okay." Baekhyun tells him and continued to rub his back comforting-ly.

Baekhyun couldn't understand why Chanyeol was like this, crying. It scared him to see his happy and positive giant breaking down.

He could hear sniffles from Chanyeol but still no response.

After some time, Chanyeol lifts up his head. He wipes away his tears with his hands.

"I'm so stupid.." Chanyeol mutters. Baekhyun continued to rub his back. "What happened Yeol?" His voice soft.

Chanyeol swallows the lump in his throat and takes a deep breath. "I... Tao.." His voice barely a whisper when he said the Chinese boy's name.

"I really like him a lot. I think I'm going crazy for him. H-He's having so much fun with Suho. It kills me to see them slow dancing and laughing together. I want to be the one make him laugh." Chanyeol tries to stop his tears.

It was about another guy again; someone Chanyeol liked. This was his second time crying about someone he proclaims to love. It was Jongin then now Tao. But he was never once afraid of losing Baekhyun. It has always been about him, about his feeling, about who he loves but never about Baekhyun, never about Baekhyun's feeling, never about who Baekhyun loves.

Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol who was hiding his face in his arms. Hearing those words from Chanyeol absolutely crushed in every way.

Then, in a best friend point of view not Baekhyun, he tries to make sense of how his best friend was feeling. To cry about someone, he must've really love Tao, Baekhyun thought, making himself like nothing in comparison.

Tears surfaced at the corners of Baekhyun's eyes, threatening to fall.

Why can't you see that I love you? Why do you keep chasing after people who you think you love? Why won't you let me love you? Why do you keep doing this to me? I love you yet you slowly kill me again with your words. Am I nothing to you? Did you even consider my feelings for once before yours?

Baekhyun looks away to fight the tears. Baekhyun knew Chanyeol wasn't just crying about Tao and Suho but Jongin with Kyungsoo as well. He also knew that the only reason Chanyeol wanted him to attend the dance was for support, knowing that he will have someone to comfort him if his "poor heart" couldn't take the "pain" anymore.

Stop it Baekhyun. Don't cry. Chanyeol is crying, comfort him. He tells himself but he couldn't bare to comfort someone he loved to death but didn't care two shit about him. It disgust him even.

Chanyeol wipes away the falling tears. "I'm s-sorry. I'm s-sorry B-Baek." He manages to say.

Baekhyun forces the tears away before turning to face Chanyeol with a fake smile. He swallows the lump in his throat before speaking. "For what?" His voice soft again.

Chanyeol turned to look at him with his tear-stained eyes. "Don't you like me? I didn't mean to make you feel.."

Baekhyun laughs sadly but Chanyeol couldn't tell. "No. Of course not, I did like you but it was nothing big. It's okay." Baekhyun lies.

Are you even seriously sorry?

Chanyeol puts his head down brushing it off because his problem was but bigger and important.

Baekhyun turns his head in the opposite direction as tears clouded his eyes.

Wow. You're a complete jerk. Yes, I fucking like you. I fucking LOVE you. Do you seriously think I'm fucking okay? Why the fuck does it always has to be about you? What the fuck about me? What about how the fuck I feel about you? You self-center dick. I can't fucking believe I'm actually attracted to an asshole like you. Fuck how you feel. I was and had been and inevitably always will be there for you but those hoes just comes and go. I ALWAYS put up with your shit you ungrateful cunt.

Baekhyun bit down on his bottom lip to stop his muffled cry from escaping. He swallows the lump down again about to break out crying but doesn't.

Turning to Chanyeol, in the straightest voice he could manage,"Hey, I'm going to get something to drink okay?"

Without even waiting for a reply, Baekhyun gets up and quickly heads toward the fruit punch table. If he didn't find something to keep his tears and emotions down, soon he's going to burst out crying and Byun Baekhyun has too much dignity to cry in front of everyone.

Baekhyun immediately reaches out to the plastic Dixie cup filled with water. He quickly downs it and a next one as well. The chilled water burning his lungs.

He lets out a breath still a heart bear away from crying.

Calm down. Take deep breaths.

He takes handfuls of deep breaths and continued to drink the cold water. Baekhyun takes a seat at a table hoping to calm down.

The plastic Dixie cup was crushed in his hands as he close his eyes and took deep breaths.

It's okay. It's going to be alright Baekhyun. All that matters is that I, love you. And I don't want you to cry, you deserve better handsome. Baekhyun told himself.

He opens his eyes sighing. Sehun approaches him. "So.. Is Chanyeol alright? What happened to him? What'd he cried for?"

Baekhyun looks at Sehun not really wanting to deal with his shot anymore. In his best voice he says,"I'm not really sure. He wouldn't tell me either and so I'm just giving him space for now. Maybe he'll tell me later."

Sehun stares at Baekhyun as if to say, are you serious? You aren't lying are you? You are his "best friend".

Baekhyun didn't care wether Sehun believed or not. He gulped down another cup of water.

"Okay.." Sehun leaves skeptical.

It also wasn't long before Jongin approaches Baekhyun as well. Baekhyun could tell he had finally managed to find a way to get Kyungsoo to leave him for the time being so he could as Baekhyun about Chanyeol.

"Is Chanyeol okay? What happened to him?" Jongin's voice was innocent and curious. Baekhyun lies to Jongin that he didn't know what happened to Chanyeol either.

Jongin too, looked at Baekhyun skeptical.

He wasn't sure if it was because he sucked at lying (though, he did feel like he sounded convincing himself) or if it was because he was expected to know every little shit that Chanyeol feels or everything that had to do with the giant.

Baekhyun could care less if Jongin believed him or not, the most important thing here was to not crying.

"Okay.." Jongin mumbles.

"Oh, there you are." Kyungsoo says walking towards Jongin.

Baekhyun could tell Jonging wasn't amused about Kyungsoo's presence but more worried about Chanyeol.

For the rest of the dance, Baekhyun continued to sip his cold water wondering how his bladder could hold this much water. He never returned to check if Chanyeol was alright because HE, himself wasn't alright why would he care anymore about Chanyeol.


Baekhyun undressed himself in the bathroom. It was 11:40 p.m. and he was the only one up. He turns the know to the shower. He clicks it to shower when it was the right warm temperature.

Then, Baekhyun slumped down to the bottom of the tub. He hugged his knee as the the warm water fell down onto him from above.

Before he knew, he began to cry. Baekhyun couldn't tell if it was the warm water from the shower or his tears but when he started bawling, he knew definitely that it was his hot tears. It was only so much that he could bear but this, this was his breaking point.

The shower muffled his cries from the world as he pour his heart out in the middle of the night.
