Part 74

Yoora leaned against the arm of the sofa slightly surprised but amused. "He did that?" She continue talking to Jessi on the phone. "Well, I don't know where he is either. Maybe he just needs sometime alone. You're not the only one. Neither my parents or I know where he is either."

Yoora glances to Xiumin as Jessi replies with, "Ask Baekhyun. He'll know." Yoora exhales annoyed, "What does Baekhyun have to do with any of this? He would be the last person to know. You're not in any position to be demanding anything from me but I'll let you know if I hear anything." She quickly ends the phone call with a sigh.

"Jessi again?" Jongin asks siting across from Xiumin. She nods, "She said Chanyeol sent all of her belongings in their apartment to her parent's house and moved out of the apartment..."

Kyungsoo sighs, "Well... what else did she expect was going to happen..."

"Aren't you the slightest bit worried where he is?" Xiumin asks Yoora who plops down beside him. "He's a grown adult...he'll be okay. Maybe he just needs some time alone. Thats understandable. He ran off not wanting to be bothered but I'm the one being harassed by Jessi and my parents about him."

Jongin leans against Kyungsoo, "Where could have this hyung run off too..."

"Do you think Baekhyun knows?" Xiumin suggests and Yoora pouts sadly. "Whether he knows or not thats his business...but I doubt he does. He's been working overtime lately. i haven't been seeing him either but I don't think this is something to add on to Baekhyun's stress and if he hadn't had enough from that wedding mess."

Its been almost a month since the wedding incident and Chanyeol had stayed off grid since leaving the island. His parents had already past the grieving stage of familial embarrassment and toward apologetic and yearning feelings for their son to come home. Nonetheless, every call went straight to voicemail. Chanyeol had packed everything up in his shared apartment with Jessi and left. Not a single trace of the giant could be found. Despite their worries, the group of friends had decided to give him space. There was no way to tell how a person was going to cope or how long it would take to heal from such an event and situation.

Baekhyun on the other hand, had chosen to busy himself with work. He worked 12 hours shifts everyday often going home just to shower and change before returning to cover his coworker's shifts or working overtime in the ER. At best, he would get five hours of sleep before his next shift. He was always on call even outside of work keeping him on his toes. His unpredictable schedule and lifestyle of living hour by hour has kept his mind busy from wandering too far from what was important. He couldn't even remember the last time he spent time with the boys and his family. If he was lucky, he would occasionally run into Yoora and Jade at the hospital though it was often just seeing them rushing to tend patients.

To be truthful, he hated being alone. He didn't want to be at home either despite hardly living in the house anymore. He would find himself crying to sleep or waking up crying emotionally taking a toll on him. He had not heard much from his friends either. Living like this, he thought, was best for him and his well being.

"Nurse Kim, please check on patient in 334 and bring me the reports of their progress." Baekhyun says making his way down to the ER. "Yes Dr. Byun."

"Keep pressure on the wound, stabilize him before any other proceedings. The rest is up for your judgement." He quickly passing by his first group of new interns and residents. " Yes, Dr. Byun."

"Dr. Byun," A nurse quickly catches him in time, "I need your signature to permit the use medication for patient in room 323." He quickly scribes his signature before another nursing catches up to him. "Dr. Byun, this way please." She leads him to an ER patient whose symptoms had stumped the new interns and residents. Quickly flipping through the patient's medical history he looks up at the group, "So what have you guys gotten so far?"

A resident suddenly speaks, "Well...pale skin, sweating, and nausea. Our initial thoughts were that it may be a just a fever but the patients insists that its something more..." Baekhyun made him way to check on the patient. "His eyes are barely open, hes hardly conscious, his words are beginning to slur. What else?" The group hesitated, "Er, well-"

"Why aren't all of you guys working together as a group? Pitch your ideas, listen and think it through. Why haven't you guys run tests?" Baekhyun sighs. "Doctor- we were split half and half on whether or not to-"

"He's diabetic with a history of high blood pressure and constant medical check ups and prescriptions. Runs tests, his situation may turn worse any moment. Analyze the rests and continue from there. Please work smarter as a team and make no error. And to help, he's limp on the right side." He gives them a tip before checking on the other patients.

He makes his way to the Min and the nurses. Min hands him the reports of his patient's open heart surgery from the early morning. "He's on track and healing smoothly with medications. He's stabilized for now. We have nurses checking every hour interval. His family has yet to see him but he's doing well." Baekhyun flips through the reports before giving a small smile, "That's a relief."

"I've already spoken with the family. They will be able to see him soon but they have been waiting to speak to you." Nurse Lee says ushering him down the hall.

"Ya! Come see me after you're done with them!" Min yells after him and Baekhyun nods back at him with an exhausted smile.

"And I'll leave you to it." Nurse Lee bows at him before leaving.

"Doctor! Doctor! How is our son?!" The family quickly swarms him. He assures that their son was resting and healing well. He does the honor of bringing them in to see their son inside the room and answering any question that they had.


Min later found Baekhyun with his arms crossed and head leaned forward as he dozed off. Checking his watch, it was already 4:45 am. He nudges Baekhyun awake, "Lets go."

"Where?" Baekhyun asks yawning still sleepy.

"To get you checked up. You look worse than our patients." Min says and Baekhyun laughs, "I'm okay hyung." Min reach into his pocket and hands him three bottles of medicine. "One for your back pains, one for your headaches, and one to help you sleep."

Baekhyun laughs taking them. He could not lie, he needed it. "Thank you."

"Go home. I'll take it from here. When is the last time you've had at least seven hours of actual sleep?" Min scolds him. Glancing at his watch, Baekhyun yawn, "I'm shift is already about to start again. Its almost 5 am."

Min nudges him, "You idiot. Its Saturday already. Go home. You aren't schedule to work today and stop picking up Dr. Kim's hours!" He drags him to his feet.

"But I still need to check on my patients-"

"No buts!" Min takes this files from him. "I'll have Nurse Lee on it. Go. Home." He says firmly and Baekhyun pouts with a smile. "Fine." He wraps his arms around Min.

"Take care of your health please." Min says now softly and hugging him warmly. "Rest well."

Although Baekhyun hated being alone but he also dreaded seeing his friends and family. He decided to stay at Kris' apartment for the past week. Kris was visiting Korea for business reasons. However, by the time Baekhyun returned to his apartment, Kris had already left for work. Climbing into bed with the shades closed, Bakehyun too closes his eyes focusing hard on trying to sleep. Deep breathes, he told himself.


Chen threw his jacket onto the sofa and swiftly made his way to the bedroom. Just as expected, Baekhyun was sound asleep on the bed. He grab a handful of the blanket and drew it back. Chen threw himself beside Baekhyun choking him in his sleep with a bear hug.

Baekhyun sleepily stirs awake, "Mm?"

Chen quickly pecks his cheeks. "Do you know how long it took me to find you? Do you know how long its been since I have seen you> Do you know how worried I have been? Do you not even think about me? Do you not even care-"

Baekhyun makes a confused sleepy face, "W-What?"

"Stop bombarding him with so much questions. Gently," Kris says carefully ruffling Bakehyun's hair, "wake him up."

"I missed you! Now get up!" Chen tugs him up and Baekhyun groans.

"Noo..why can't we cuddle in bed? I missed you too.." Baekhyun pouts exhausted in hopes of winning him over.

"Because we're going clubbing!" Chen announces excitedly and he makes a face. "i'm not in the mood..."

"And I don't care. Get up!" Chen says with a smile. "Let's go have fun!" Baekhyun groans loudly before crawling out of the bed.

At the club he was swarmed by everyone telling him how much they missed him and asking how he was doing. others commented on how exhausted he looked. Baekhyun stared at his cup. he had yet to take a sip of the alcohol. He had decided mid way through his work frenzy that he needed to cut out alcohol. Yet, here he was being encouraged to drink to his limits by his group of friends.

"Loosen up a little baby! Drink all you want. I'll take care of you!" Key says laughing and Baekhyun isghs before taking it. And from there on was endless shots and drinks.

Two hours later...

Baekhyun's words were beginning to slur and he had troubled walking straight. "I-I need to pee! I will be back!" He announces and Chen nods his head drunkenly. He giggles before making his way to the men's bathroom. He battled through the crowd only to find a long line. He groans, let me go outside. Again, he struggles his way outside the door. He heads to the alley way. "Oh!" His foot was caught on a brick on the ground and he falls forward.

Luckily, someone had caught him in time. "Oh!" He says again now more relief. "Thank you," He looks up to see who it was. "Thank...woah.." His eyes widens at the stranger. "You look just like...Chaneyol..." Confused, he slowly poke the strangers' cheek. "Is this real..." He laughs, "No way. How can you look exactly like-" Baekhyun blacks out.


"W-Where is B-Baekhyun!" Chen yells intoxicated. "He's with me." Jongin says glancing at Kyungsoo. "C'mon let's go home."

"Okay cool!" Chen says laughing before being helped by Minho to get to their car.
