
Chapter 6

Its been a couple weeks since Baekhyun's 'Self-internal-conflict' and it seems to be working. At least Baekhyun thought so.

I'm really trying. its best for me, Baekhyun thought.

"I'm so tired!" Chen breathed out after going up the stairs to his class.

"Me too" Baekhyun replied.

"Baek, we're so out of shape."

They laughed.

"Hajima, don't lean on me. I'm tired too." Baekhyun said out of breath.

"Finally!" Chen yelled when he reached the classroom.

"Haha, you're so fat Chen." Chanyeol replied perfectly not out of breath.

Baekhyun sat in his seat starting to take out his assignment from yesterday.

Chanyeol walked over.

Creepy why do I feel some eyes on me...whose looking at me.

Baekhyun looked up to meet the one and only with brown puppy eyes. They stayed like that for a bit until Baekhyun broke away.

He keep looking like me like that again. Why is he acting so weird.

Something reflected off Chanyeol chest and shined into Baekhyun''s eyes. Baekhyun looked and smiled at it.

"Thank you again Baekkie for this amazing bestfriend necklace for our 3rd Anniversary."

It was already a couple days since their 3rd best friend anniversary.

"You wore it. I'm happy."

"Of course you bought it for us."

Something about Chanyeol's emphasize on us made Baekhyun's heart twitch.

"So..I have the key to you heart? And without the key you aren't complete either. That means I'm your other half. Aren't I smart," Chanyeol smirked.

Baekhyun blushed not knowing how to answer.

"Well.. Yes I guess. Since the key do fit perfectly with the heart that's I'm wearing. Yeah."

"Wait give me yours, I want to make sure they fit."

Baekhyun laughed.

Of course they do pabo.

"Oh hey! They do, looks Baekhyun. Best friends."

"Duh." Baekhyun chuckled.

Baekhyun's heart necklace had Best carved on it while Chanyeol's key necklace had friends on it.

"Okay turn around." Chanyeol suddenly said.


Chanyeol turned Baekhyun around. He put on Baekhyun's necklace for him.

Baekhyun was blushing so much.

I think I'm going to drop dead now.

"Okay. Now put it on me Baekkie."

Baekhyun took Chanyeol's necklace. He fingers shook nervously.

Chanyeol laughed.

"Baek are you okay. Let me help you."

He grabbed Baekhyun's hands which seemed to calm down at his touch.

"Now put it on me."

Baekhyun did so and Chanyeol turned to stare into Baekhyun's eyes.

Why is it that I can read you easily all the time except when you stare into my eyes. I get all choked up and lost in its beauty. Your eyes seems to twinkle in the light you know. i love you brown eyes. Maybe just maybe you feel the same way I do. is this your signals?

They continue to stare into each others eyes, no one really wanted to break the stare. Maybe they both needed it.

"Sit down lovebirds class is starting." Chen interrupted.

Baekhyun broked away and blood rushed to his face making him look red as a tomato.

Chanyeol exhale sharply, "Damn you Kim Jongdae, you fu-"

"Settled down everyone" said the teacher.

Baekhyun could hear Chen giggle.

Otteokke my cheeks are all red now. It just got so hot.

Baekhyun fanned himself with his hands which had beautiful long finger.

Chanyeol looked at him and laughed proudly at how red he made Baekhyun.

Baekhyun, did I ever tell you that you're really cute when you turn red as a tomato. You often try to hide them but you look so beautiful. I wonder if you blush that way when you think about me, Chanyeol thought.

"Yeol, turned away and pay attention. Stop staring at me." Baekhyun whispered.

Chanyeol laughed and turned away.

Authors note:
Thank you for your feed backs !! I love you guys a lot a lot a lot :3 Thanks
This is the first time Chanyeol's thoughts are revealed finally showing how he feels. Do you guys like it? I felt like you guys were really left in the dark not really knowing how Chanyeol feels and his thoughts.
