Part 60; Long Nights

"I'll call you later." Luhan leans in to kiss Baekhyun's cheek. Baekhyun gives small smile. After a swift hug, he turns to leave. Baekhyun forces a smile watching Luhan wave before getting into his car and driving off. With his arms crossed he lets out a sigh. His head falling back to rest on the wall.

"Finally!" A voice boomed. Baekhyun jumps surprised with wide eyes. Chanyeol huffs ruffling his hair. "I though he would never leave." Chanyeol says rolling his eyes. Baekhyun looks at him annoyed. He turns to open the front door. Chanyeol's arm immediately extends to block his path. "Ah just this once. Listen to me." He begs.

"Look whose begging." Baekhyun mutters rolling his eyes. Chanyeol couldn't help but chuckle and smirk at him. Baekhyun glares at him and threatens to kick him in the shins. "Ah!" Chanyeol quickly steps back out of Baekhyun's way. He quickly enters Min's house. Like an excited beagle, Chanyeol follows behind him pestering him with endless questions. "Why are you always at Min's house? Why does he have your clothes- your boxers? What brand do you wear? Isn't Minah annoyed that you're always over? Why do you only eat cereal? Should I go buy you groceries? Why are you so smart? Do you li-"

"WHY ARE YOU SO ANNOYING?" Baekhyun snaps at him. "I can't even think to myself. If you can't tell, I'm still very angry at you. I don't want to see, hear, or acknowledge your existence. So if you will, leave me alone!"

Chanyeol's big curious eyes now soft and apologetic. "Sorry.."

"Sorry isn't gonna solve anything- look at you!" Baekhyun gestures at him angrily. "You're acting all cu- like that as if its my fault! Like I should feel bad when it is you who stepped out of line! You're so manipulative and you act like you don't know it. Chanyeol please, lets stop all of this."

Chanyeol stares at him wordless unsure of how to reply. "...I can't..I can't control who I love..I can't cheesy as it sounds.."

"Are you even sincere?! You don't love me. You just love to toy with me. You just hate to see other men around me! You just want my attention! You're so jealous and possessive for absolutely no reason! Because the moment I give you my full attention and lo- I'm trying to understand you and you! You turn away once you've had your fun. I can't keep wasting my time. I can't be your source of entertainment." Baekhyun looks him dead in the eyes.

"I.." Chanyeol stares at the ground. "I'm serious this time.."

"This time? Do you even hear yourself? Do you know how many chances I've given you? I'm tired Chanyeol. I'm so tired mentally, emotionally, and physically. This is all so toxic and draining the energy and life out of me. I don't have time for this. I don't have time to entertain you." Baekhyun crosses his arms standing his ground.

Chanyeol's face was now dark with furrowed eyebrows.

"Look, you have a beautiful girlfriend. This is not right for her. Please just focus on her and love her. We can still be friends but that's it. No more crossing the lines-"

Chanyeol angrily turns away without a word with swift strides toward the door.

Baekhyun sighs exhausted. He does this every single time. His response is to leave and never listen. "Please! If you could just listen-"

Chanyeol storms out the door. Baekhyun face flushes. He shrinks down to hug his knees overwhelmed with tears. "Please just listen..I'm so afraid to hurt you..I'm sorry." He buries his tears into his knees knowing he did nothing wrong. Why are we always fighting?

And like that Chanyeol disappeared from his life. Yoora drove herself home from work. No one bothered him when he left work. No one called and texted him endlessly. Nor did Chanyeol appeared at hang outs with their group of friends. Baekhyun stopped texting and picking up Luhan's calls after their fight as well. It ended with...

'Idk anymore. You know I don't like it when you hang out with Sehun. And to take him to Beijing??.'

'You said it was fine! You weren't upset when I returned. Why are you like this now?'

'Idk. It is what it is I guess.'

'Tell me the truth. Is this because of Chanyeol? Just tell me you want him back'

'Why are you like this? He has nothing to do with this and I have nothing to do with him.'



Baekhyun shuts his eyes as he takes a long drag from his cigarette. The end of it burned a bright red. He leans on to the balcony inhaling the smoke. It was his third consecutive cigarette. The sky were hues of pink and blue and the sun began to rise. It was morning already. Another day already, he thought.

"Hey.." Min joins him on the balcony. Baekhyun opens his eyes exhaling. "Hi...When did you get here?" He says as he takes one last drag. Min looks at the cigarette but decides to not say anything about it. "I just got here...You should go home."

Baekhyun shrugs exhaling. He kills the cigarette stub onto the ash tray beside his first two. "I don't know." He didn't feel like going home. He thinks too much to be able to sleep. He would be to anxious to sleep.

"Get some rest." Min pats his back.

"I should go on vacation.." Baekhyun mutters.

"You should." Min says encouragingly.


A tear slips down his eyes. Baekhyun turns to Min. "What's wrong with me?" He blinks and tears fall. He wasn't crying but tears were falling. What's wrong with me?

Min swallows hard, "There's not a single thing wrong about you." He says softly. Baekhyun nods at his response and wipes his tears. "Well I'm be going then." He smiles a fake smile. Min smiles sadly, "I love you. Get home safely love." Baekhyun nods with a smile trying to be strong.


Baekhyun meets Chen at Jongin's sister's coffee shop. They sat at their favorite spot. On the roof where they could get the best view of the sunrise. Baekhyun cups his coffee with both of his hands. "Do you think..." Chen turns to look at him. Their hair ruffles in the morning breeze. "..people would miss me if I died?" Baekhyun stares into the distance. Chen clenches his jaw holding his cry. After a while he swallows, "I would. Your sister, mother- family would. Min and all of your friends, patients, everyone would." Chen blinks trying to hold back his tears. "Is that enough for you to stay? Stay with me. Stay with us." It pained him knowing Baekhyun was hurting and there was not a single thing he could do about it.

Baekhyun looks at him with apologetic eyes. Chen pulls his head into a hug. He kisses the side of the latter's forehead, "We've won this battle before. We'll win again. They're not worth it." And with that, Baekhyun shatters overflowing with pain and tears.




It wasn't a couple hours later till he calmed down. "I'm going on a v-vacation." Baekhyun hiccups. Chen smiles, "Where?"

"Tao wants us to celebrate our birthday together. So China, the US then Europe? He always wants to go to Europe." Baekhyun yawns with swollen eyes. "When are you going?" Chen asks.

"Tomorrow morning. I have yet to pack."

"Until when?" Chen asks. Baekhyun shrugs, "My workplace wants be to use my vacations days so maybe two to three weeks? You should come too."

Chen laughs, "I will."


Chanyeol sighs. Baekhyun's birthday is coming up...I should makeup to him... He crosses his hands, but I wasn't the one saying hurtful things! After hours of contemplation he decides to call him. It ringed and ringed. He tries a few more times. He gives up hopeless. Social media! He thought.


An hour ago

Baekhyun had posted a photo. Chanyeol examines the photo closely. It was a photo of Baekhyun's group of friends. Baekhyun had dyed his hair a lighter brown and trimmed it. He sat in the center with his styled hair and dress shirt that revealed most of his chest. He held a cigarette in his hand and exhaled the smoke. To the right hand of him was Tao who was in the middle of a cigarette drag. Both of their eyes were bloodshot. To the left of Baekhyun was Kris who had his arm over the shoulder's of Baekhyun. Surrounding them were Chen, Jade, Min, Minah, Xiumin, Yoora, Kai, Jongin, Minho, Taemin, and Key.

40 minutes ago

In this photo Baekhyun's head was tilt back drinking from the bottom of the beer bong tube. Beside him was Tao who laughed as he poured beer into the beer bong funnel. Chanyeol examines closer. Baekhyun was sitting in someone's lap and their hands were sneaking up his shirt.

30 minutes ago

Baekhyun's outstretched hand in attempt to block the camera covered the top part of the photo reflecting the flash. In the lower half was his naked stomach revealing soft traces of his abs. Calvin Klein. Chanyeol thought. He wears Calvin Klein boxers.

20 minutes ago

It was a blurry close up photo of Tao and Baekhyun on the floor sleeping on top of hundred dollar bills.

5 minutes ago

Chanyeol's heart dropped.

Jessie was in the center. Her lipstick smeared looking like she had drank too much. Tao stood to her left with his arm over her shoulder. He grins faded with bloodshot eyes. To her right was Baekhyun marks of affection all over his revealed chest. There were also blotches of red lipstick on his neck. His thumb on his lips where red lipstick stained. He too had bloodshot eyes devilishly smirking at the camera. Baekhyun had his arm over Sehun who nuzzled into Baekhyun's neck with a cold side stare into the camera.

A second ago

Baekhyun sat in the lap of a man Chanyeol had never seen before. His shirt undone and the red lipstick that seemed to had been wiped away left pink stains on his neck. Marks of affection all over his neck, chest, and stomach. The man in the back had one arm around Baekhyun's waist while the other one loosely around Baekhyun's neck tilting his head back. He sharp jawline was no joke as he stares seductively into the camera while kissing Baekhyun's neck. Baekhyun tilts his head back to obeying the latter. He eyes were half closed staring down. He bit the nail of his left thumb innocently with a smile while the other hand caressed the men's neck.

The caption read: Birthday boy.
