Part 64; I Know Well

A week has passed by.

Taemin looks at Minho exchanging a look before Minho looks a Key. The three decided relax at a cafe before spending the evening at a party with friends. Key was occupied by his phone not touching his iced coffee. Taemin takes a nervous gulp of his coffee and Minho copies him. Teaming swallows hard making a struggled face at the warmth of the coffee. "So-" He begins, but immediately earns himself a glare from Key. Minho looks away taking another sip deciding to not part take in the conversation.

Teaming swallows looking around the cafe to build up courage. He makes his way back to Key. "So..."

"So what?" Key says bluntly not looking up from his phone.

"So...when are you going to tell...Baekhyun?" Teaming nervously finishes making sure he sounded extra careful.

"Tell him what?" Key says again not looking up. Minho holds in his laughs knowing that Key was pretending not to know.

" two..." Teaming trails off wondering if he should really be playing with fire with someone who haven't had their coffee yet.

"What two? What is there to tell Baekhyun?" Key says putting his phone down.

Taemin decides to remain silent and turns to Minho for help.

" him to us was...weird." Minho mumbles.

"Why? We were meeting Baekhyun's new friend. Who is he to be making you feel weird?" Key finally takes a sip of his iced coffee.

"Are you two not on good terms...?" Teaming says cautiously. Key shrugs.

"Well, didn't you two play it off well." Minho pretends to joke.

"I can say the same to you two too." Key looks at them. "I'm surprised you two greeted him like a stranger too. Great acting."

Minho laughs, "He greet us as strangers too."

"Of course...hyung we'll treat him like stranger if you treat him as a stranger." Taemin says and Key smiles. "At least...treat him nicely as a new friend...he's Baekhyun's person now."

Minho sips his coffee and looks at Key, "You're not going to tell Baekhyun?"

Key sits up, "Ah what is there to tell him? That you're talking to someone I use to talk to?-"

"Your ex to be exact." Taemin corrects him. Key rolls his eyes, "I don't claim him-"

"And he clearly doesn't claim you too." Minho says taking another sip. Key rolls his eyes agin, "I could care less. It doesn't matter. He better treat Baekhyun well or else."

" don't mind...him and Baekhyun talking?" Teeming asks and Key laughs. "I could care less." The two looks at him not believing it. "I'm serious." Key says and Minho laughs. "And that's a lie."

"You don't plan on telling Baekhyun?" Minho asks. "No, I don't want that to bother or distract him from that idiot if he's actually into him."

"Can you believe Jonghyun and Baekhyun almost had a one night stand?" Taemin says and both Key and Minho looks at him shocked. "Oh two don't two were too drunk to remember."

Key turns away but fails to hide the annoyance and anger in his eyes. He wanted to know more but did not want to seem as if he cared.

Taemin laughs at him before continuing, "It's okay. Nothing happened-"

"I don't want to hear about it. It's their business not mine." Key suddenly says before taking a long sip from his iced coffee and ending the conversation.


"Mmmhhmphmmm." Baekhyun hums a tune off to a good start of his day. He made his way outside excited to start the day. He carried his workbag in one hand and his keys in the other. He turns to lock the door to his house and- "Oh..." His humming suddenly stopped. He stood in front of his house confused and surprised.

Chanyeol was parked outside his house. Leaning against his car, Chanyeol looks up at the sound. He immediately stands straight tempted to walk towards Baekhyun but stops himself.

Baekhyun tries to collect his thoughts. Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun's confused face that turned into a shy smile. "What doing here?" He tries to sound friendly because after all, they were suppose to be friends.

"Um...this friend thing is kind of new..." Chanyeol plays with his hair nervously. "What do Am I allowed to give you a ride...?"

Baekhyun gives a small smile, "It shouldn't be that hard. We've been nothing more than friends."

Chanyeol looks at him almost to say he knew better than to say they were just friends but Baekhyun turns away ignoring him. He pretends to look around occupied.

"S-So...where are you going today?" Chanyeol takes a step forward. Baekhyun begins walking, "I was about to meet with Minho, Key, and Taemin at a cafe. I'm going to try to relax, get some work done, or hang out with the boys."

"Oh..." Chanyeol looks him in the eye. Baekhyun survives only two seconds of eye contact before turning away shy. Chanyeol smiles at the latter's shyness. "Can I give you a ride...and possibly join you."

Baekhyun hesitates. I should be a good sport about this, he thought. "Sure, you're welcome to. we're friends after all..." Chanyeol winces at the word friend. Baekhyun laughs, this is going to be easier than I thought. Chanyeol's heart skips a beat and turns to opens his passenger door for Baekhyun with a smile. He closes the door behind Baekhyun and excitedly runs to the driver's seat.

Chanyeol began driving and Baekhyun sat quietly. He glances at Chanyeol who glances back at him. "Ah, keep your eyes on the road..." Baekhyun mumbles and Chanyeol laughs. "Okay...I can't help it..."

A whining sounds escapes from Baekhyun, "No flirting." He says and Chanyeol smiles widely, "No being cute then." Baekhyun pouts and Chanyeol looks grinning absolutely enjoying this. Baekhyun turns away rolling his eyes and Chanyeol laughs.

After a minute or two, Baekhyun turns back to look at him. "Now that we're friends..." Chanyeol glances at him wondering what he was going to ask. "What did you think about Jonghyun?" Chanyeol sighs loudly and Baekhyun laughs. "I want to know if my friends liked him."

Chanyeol rolls his eyes, "I don't like him." Baekhyun laughs, "Seriously...did he seem like a cool guy?" Chanyeol rubs his neck with one had while the other stayed on the steering wheel. "...If I said yes you're going to like him..."

"And?" Baekhyun asks teasing him. Chanyeol pouts as he looked straight ahead. "Well.......he's okay.."Baekhyun laughs, "Okay..."

The car fell silent again. "Ah," Baekhyun turns to Chanyeol, "Are you going to Kai's party later?" Chanyeol smirks, "I'll go if you go." Baekhyun sighs annoyed but smiling, "You can't...please wrap the concept of being friends around your head."

Chanyeol pouts again, "You go every where with Chen and Chen goes every where with you. This is the same isn't it?" Baekhyun laughs shaking his head. "No, this is two completely different thing."

"No its not.." Chanyeol mumbles.s

"So..." Baekhyun smiles mischievously at him. It took Chanyeol one glance to know what he was going to ask. " no no." Chanyeol says laughing. Baekhyun laughs continuing, "So are you and Jessie back together?"

Chanyeol laughs but trails off, "I don't know..."

"Cool." Baekhyun says simply.

"Oh and by the way...You didn't tell me the address of the cafe. I've been driving in circles in case you haven't noticed." Chanyeol says looking at him. Baekhyun turns to playfully hit him in the arms, "You idiot. Why didn't you say anything?" Chanyeol laughs, "Because...we were having a good conversation."

They arrived at the cafe. They send some time there before going out to eat at a restaurant and making their way to Kai's party.

Baekhyun sat on the sofa resting his head onto Taemin's chest. He stares at his phone lost in thought. "Here." Chen hands him a can of beer. "Waiting for him?"

Chanyeol, who sat near by, leans in to listen. Baekhyun laughs nervously, "No...not really..."

Taemin glances at Minho who was busy talking to another friend. The night continues on but Baehyun was not drinking like his usual self.

Baekhyun leaves his phone and beer on counter before leaving for the bathroom. Taemin had left to go find Minho. Sitting from afar, Chanyeol stares at it. I'll keep my eyes on it, he thought.

Chanyeol suddenly hears a loud sound coming from the direction of the phone. He walks over and hesitates to accept the call from Jonghyun^^

"Ash.." Chanyeol make his way back to his seat and let it continue to ring. After a couple of minutes, Baekhyun returns. "Huh?" He looks at the screen. 3 missed call from Jonghyun^^

Baekhyun smiles and makes his way toward the front door. Why is he so happy? Chanyeol gets up to follow him. Baekhyun worms his way around the crowd. Being taller, Chanyeol decides to gesture for the crowd to move aside for Baekhyun while trailing behind. Baekhyun smiles now more easily making his way around.

"Where is he...?" Baekhyun mumbles walking to the stairs that lead to the lower floor where the front door was located. From the railings of the second floor, Baekhyun stops in his track. Below, Jonghyun reaches toward Key's waist who was clearly annoyed. Key pushes it away but Jonghyun firmly pulls his closer using both arms wrapping around him. "Babe." Seeing Key about to look up, Baekhyun quickly turn away back against the wall and pulls Chanyeol to be in front of him blocking him from their view.

Chanyeol places a hand on the side of his face on the wall to keep balance. He looks at Baekhyun surprised. "Are you okay?" Baekhyun's eyebrows furrow in deep thought unwilling to look at Chanyeol's big puppy eyes. "Yeah..." He mumbles. He slides closer to Chanyeol to hide his face, seeing Jonghyun looking up but did not spot him.

Chanyeol towers above him unsure of what to say or do so he stays in place silently. "Thats...interesting."Baekhyun mumbles to himself quietly. Chanyeol could see the disappointment, hurt, and confusion in his eyes being concealed. Chanyeol raises his other hand. He hesitates but gently pats Baekhyun's hair. "It's...going to be..okay..." Chanyeol says to hm. Baekhyun looks up at him with soft eyes.

"Baekhyun." Someone tugs him to the side. Chanyeol was shoves out of the way.

"Taemin..?" Baekhyun says confused. Taemin glances at Key and Jonghyun below before looking at Baekhyun. "We...should talk..." He pulls Baekhyun who looks at Chanyeol surprised. Chanyeol follows after them. They exit out onto the balcony where there was less people.

"Um..I'll talk to Baekhyun alone. You can wait by the door." Taemin says and Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun before following his orders.

"What's...going on?" Baekhyun turns from looking at Chanyeol, who stood in the walkway into the balcony preventing other people from entering, to Taemin.

"Um.." Teeming hesitates. "I'm sorry but Jonghyun is Key's ex, and they have a thing, its on and off and its complicated but-" Taemin blurts rambling on and on.

"What?" Baekhyun says shocked. "They're each other's ex?"

Teeming nods. "But- I introduced-?" Baekhyun looks at Taemin in confusion and demanding an answer.

"I know sweetie. We- Key of course didn't want to interrupt you and announce that Jonghyun and him had-or has a thing. And Minho and I being close friends, played along with Key because we didn't want to burst your bubbles." Baekhyun's mouth fell open and Taemin continues. "Key didn't want to say anything because he didn't particularly like Jonghyun that much but it seemed like you really liked him and Key didn't want to discourage you of the opportunity."

"What?" Baekhyun says in disbelief. "No, no, no. Key had every right to tell me to back off..." Baekhyun says apologetically, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know..I just assumed... oh my god..and they're not over each other either...."

"No, its not your fault." Taemin says. "We-I should've told you earlier but I did;t feel like I was in any position to do so..."

"Oh..." Baekhyun trails off feeling incredibly guilty and apologetic. The two talked some more and Chanyeol continues to stand patiently.

Spotting Jonghyun's Blonde hair and Key beside him Baekhyun quickly rides behind Chanyeol.

"Help me out this once giant. Please take me home." He pokes Chanyeol from behind. Unsure of the situation but getting Baekhyun's bro code, he slowly walks toward the exit making sure to hide Baekhyun behind him. Baekhyun holds on to Chanyeol's left hand from behind.

They successfully make it halfway across the room unnoticed when...

"Baekhyun!" Chen yells for his attention.

"Fuck.." Baekhyun lets go of Chanyeol's hand and steps to the side from his hiding place. He laughs nervously, "Hahaha...yes?"

"Jonghyun is here." Chen says and Baekhyun turns to look at him. He could tell Key made sure to stand far way from Jonghyun. Bakehyun smiles exciting pulling out his acting skills. "Hey.." Jonghyun grins at him but looks at Chanyeol as if to ask Baekhyun who Chanyeol was to him. "Hey, I'm so glad you made it! I'd love to stay but I've had a few drinks and I'm starting to get a headache...i work tomorrow too.." He quickly thank the heavens for his rosy cheeks before reaching up and holding onto Chanyeol's pinky, "Chanyeollie is going to take me home." Baekhyun glances at Chanyeol.

"Ah, yes." Chanyeol began to act. He fans Baekhyun, "You shouldn't be driving in this state. We'll grab some medicine on our way." Baekhyun laughs nervously praying that this looked real. He turns to look at the three. Chen's face was smug and read bullshit. What are you doing Byun Baekhyun? Key was genuinely confused looking from Baekhyun to Chanyeol. Jonghyun gives a small worried smile. "Get home safely and feel better." Jonghyun says to him.

Baekhyun smiles and Chanyeol holds back the urge to roll his eyes. "Well you all have fun. We'll get going."

" well Byun." Chen says teasing him, sure that he'll get the story later. Baekhyun smiles and leads Chanyeol toward the door.


Chanyeol turns off the engine in front of Baekhyun's house. He was lost in thoughts and continued to stare out into the streetlights. Chanyeol swallows unsure but decides that they were going to sit in silence. After a bit, Baekhyun unhooks his seatbelt immediately getting Chanyeol's attention.

"Do you have anything to do tomorrow? Don't leave yet. Talk to me for a bit." Baekhyun says all together without letting Chanyeol answer. Chanyeol smiles knowing that the latter had a lot on his mind and needed someone to talk to about.

After explaining to Chanyeol about Key and Jonghyun, Chanyeol gasps. "The world is so small..." Baekhyun nods, "I know right...I should honestly...stop dating for now..." Chanyeol glances at him.

"It's okay. Its not your fault. It's not like you knew." Chanyeol says now sounding like an actual friend.

"I know.." Baekhyun says quietly.

"But why didn't he tell you.." Chanyeol mumbles and Baekhyun wondered. "Maybe for the sat reason Key didn't want to tell you."

"But its not like I'm some child whose fragile and naive. I can handle the truth." Baekhyun says with a pout while looking at Chanyeol.

"You're a precious angel in all of our hearts." Chanyeol says with a cheeky smile and Baekhyun finally laughs.

They sit in silence for a bit.

"I left...because...not only did I feel guilty and embarrassed...I wanted them to be comfortable together rather than be awkward with each other around me. You know?" Baekhyun suddenly confesses playing with his fingers.

Chanyeol nods, "Of course it's understandable. I never once thought you left because you were cowardly... I was sure you had the right reasons as why you needed to leave. It's okay. You don't have to tell me your reasons." Chanyeol cranks his chair back to sit more comfortably. Baekhyun copies him and turns to look at him. "Thank you."

Chanyeol raises an eyebrow, "For what?" Baekhyun looks away before answering, "For trusting me...for believing in me...listening to me...not judging me."

"Aigoo," Chanyeol says. "Truthfully, any friend and human should be like this toward another friend. You should expect this-this should be the minimal standard for a friend rather than being grateful that someone who you calls a friend is acting like a friend should...It's not like you knew. You're innocent...and why would I judge you? You're Byun Baekhyun. I wouldn't dare."

Baekhyun laughs turning away. "This car smells like you." He changes the topic.

Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun waiting to meet his eyes. Kind like when I'm holding you close? Safe and sound in my arms? He thought but instead says, "Maybe because it's my car" to hear the latter laugh and relax.

Baekhyun laughs, "I know I'm just usually smell car doesn't have a me smell yet." Chanyeol laughs leaning back with his arms comfortably behind his head, "That manly musk, self-smell?" Baekhyun laughs, "Yeah." Chanyeol laughs amused. "Work hard Byun. I heard a men's musk is extremely attractive." Baekhyun laughs shyly, "I'll work hard."

They sit in the dark in silence again. "I really like this..." Baekhyun says quietly finally relaxing into the passenger seat.

"Ditching a party and faking that you're sick we can have a conversation in the car without disturbances? Me too." Baekhyun laughs lightly nudging him in the arm playfully.

"You know what I mean...the conversation and atmosphere and all..." Baekhyun mumbles and Chanyeol laughs. "I know..I know your heart well. You don't need to explain, we're practically one heart." Baekhyun laughs amused.

"This is so comfortable." Chanyeol mutters in his relaxing position in the car. Baekhyun laughs, "Great achievement for a giant." Chanyeol shoots him an annoyed look and Baekhyun's childish laughter rings in the car. Chanyeol couldn't help but laughs, "Whatever, I'm your giant anyways." Baekhyun grins in agreement.

"I'll hire you and Min to be my bodyguards." Baekhyun jokes. "No, you just need me. I'm enough." Chanyeol insists to Baekhyun who laughs. "If anyone messes with you, I'll beat them up." Baekhyun laughs, "You wouldn't even hurt bugs."

"True." Chanyeol admits. "So, I pretty useless." Chanyeol turns to say to Baekhyun. "I don't think so," says Baekhyun. "You'll work great as a scarecrow also."

"Ya!" Chanyeol says and Baekhyun laughs innocently.

Chanyeol closes his eyes peacefully. This is perfect.

"Are you sleeping?" Baekhyun's voice filled with aegyo and worry.

"No, I'm dancing." Chanyeol says without opening this eyes and Baekhyun laughs happily. Chanyeol laughs at his laugh, "Want me to keep my eyes open?"

"Yeah, don't even blink once or you'll never see me again." Chanyeol looks at him taking on the challenge. Baekhyun giggles, "I was just joking." However, Chanyeol continues to stare at him with his fairy eyes. His eyes begins to water but he doesn't stop. Tears began to form. "Chanyeol!" Baekhyun says laughing. "I was just joking." He leans over to hug Chanyeol's face to stop him. "Stop." He says laughing.

Chanyeol pretends to cry, "eomma~ Baekhyun hit me!" Baekhyun shook with laughter. "Oh really? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He plays along. "Uljima (don't cry)". Baekhyun pats his head and Chanyeol turns away embarrassed.

Wiping away his tears, "You've made me cry and laugh in the same minute. What kind of sorcery is this?" Baekhyun forms a gun with his thumb and forefinger and shoots at Chanyeol's chest. "The power of Baekhyun?"

"Ah!" Chanyeol holds his chest playing along. Baekhyun giggles, "This is so much fun. I don't want to leave yet~" he says full of aegyo melting Chanyeol's heart. He laughs, "I think we should just spend the night here in the car~" Chanyeol says back with aegyo. Baekhyun holds his stomach laughing at Chanyeol's terrible aegyo. "Don't tempt me! I'm going to~" Baekhyun replies and they both real into laughing messes.

After calming down, Baekhyun leans back into the passenger seat with his eye close. "This is perfect." He says exhaling relaxed. Chanyeol could relax and admired him from afar.

"I'm kidding. You should go home. You probably have work and all..." Baekhyun turns to look at him He raises an eyebrow, "You're the one thats a doctor." Baekhyun laughs, "Will you walk me to my door?"

Chanyeol sits up, "What kind of question is that? I'll even tuck you in bed if you wanted me too." Baekhyun laughs pleased as Chanyeol helped him unbuckle his seatbelt.
