Part 66; Truthfully

With every cry that escapes Baekhyun's lips, Chanyeol felt a tug at his heart. He panics unsure of how to comfort the latter. "A-Are you..-"

Baekhyun cries harder muffled under his lab coat that he had used as a veil to cover his face. Chanyeol panics wanting to focus entirely on Baekhyun instead of driving. He reaches a hand over to rub the back of Baekhyun's back. Baekhyun leans closer to his touch continuing to crying. "Oh, oh.." Chanyeol says trying to comfort as he rubbed Baekhyun's back. He quickly pulls to the shoulder of the road and shifted into park.

Chanyeol unlocks his seatbelt. "Ah..It's okay..It's okay..Everything is going to be okay." He leans over and pulls Baekhyun into a hug. He willingly snuggles into Chanyeol's embrace. "It's okay...cry it all out. It's going to be okay." He holds Baekhyun close into an embrace continuing to rub his back. "Shhhh.." Baekhyun cries harder unleashing all the emotions inside. "Shhh.."Chanyeol holds him tightly wanting him to be okay.

Baekhyun's muffled continued for some time before becoming short shudders and hiccups. Chanyeol rests him cheek onto the latter's head holing him. I love you. Please be okay. If you're hurting then I'm hurting. He feels Baekhyun snuggling closer.

The hiccups continued until Baekhyun fell silent. Carefully, Chanyeol lifts the lab coat to a fast asleep Baekhyun on his shoulder. Chanyeol's eyes become teary seeing the latter's wet puff eyes under the drenched lab coat. He focuses on Baekhyun's calm, steady breaths watching his chest rise and fall.

Chanyeol carefully lays Baekhyun back onto the passenger seat and resumed driving. When he reached outside of Baekhyun's house, he parks the car hesitant. Should I wake him up? He's sound asleep...but he'll be more comfortable inside... Softly, he says, "Sweetie-..." Chanyeol stops himself short. As much as he wanted to use all the endearments in the book to wake up Baekhyun, he couldn't...he shouldn't. Chanyeol opens his door and carefully closes it as quietly as possible before opening the passenger door. Chanyeol squats down to Baekhyun's level. "Baekhyun..." he says softly. The latter doesn't budge. "Honey-..." Chanyeol stops himself again. He couldn't help it They were coming out naturally. "Baekhyun~" He reaches to Baekhyun's waist and wraps his arms around him. He carefully pulls him out of the car and onto his feet.

Baekhyun begins to stir awake. "Sorry," Chanyeol says apologetically. "We're at your house..." Baekhyun shudders from crying so much and leans onto Chanyeol. Chanyeol supports his weight as they walked to his door. Baekhyun sleepily enters his pin. The door unlocks and Chanyeol brings him inside.

He carried Baekhyun to his bedroom. Hold him, cuddle with him, Min's words echoing through his head as he helps Baekhyun get into bed. Chanyeol clears his throat hoping it'll clear away his thoughts. Baekhyun begins to unbutton his dress shirt and unzip his dress pants. Chanyeol's eyes widens and he panics immediately turns away with his back facing Baekhyun. He misses Baekhyun's quick amused smile. He stands quietly for a few minutes before glancing back to check on Baekhyun. Baekhyun was snuggling on his be now in a white t-shirt and sweats. Chanyeol exhales nervously and scratches his head unsure what to do next. Should I leave..?

Baekhyun's hands suddenly moves and pulls back the blanket. He pats the on the bed and sleepily looks at Chanyeol."M-Me...?" Chanyeol stutters. Who else you idiot! He mentally yells himself. Chanyeol quickly takes off his jacket and throws it on the chair beside the bed before climbing onto the bed. He leans his back onto the headboard with his arm stretched out toward Baekhyun. Baekhyun snuggles closer to him curled into a ball. Chanyeol carefully raises his hand and gently run his fingers through the latter's hair.

"You know-"

Chanyeol freeze from the sound of Baekhyun's exhausted voice, caught in the act. Baekhyun's hand reaches up from under the covers and taps his hand to tell him to continue. "Ah-" Chanyeol quickly continues to gently brush his hair.

"You know..." Baekhyun hiccups. Chanyeol smiles. "...nothing happened between us." Chanyeol raises an eyebrow. "Us?" as you and me? "No, not us...Jonghyun and I..." Chanyeol rests his head against the headboard unsure of what to say. "That night of my birthday..." Baekhyun hiccups again. "When I was in China...we partied...we met each other and left the a hotel room...I had too much to drink..." Baekhyun says sleepily. Chanyeol swallows hard not wanting to hear what happened next.

"We got to the room...things were going great-" Chanyeol sighs and stops brushing his hair deeply uncomfortable. He crosses his hands on his chest. "But then..." Baekhyun hiccups again. "All I could think about You...?...I remember just crying and balling my eyes out on the sofa..." Baekhyun laughs lightly recalling that night. Chanyeol sits up surprised. "I probably scared him...probably not what he had planned in mind for a one night stand." Baekhyun laughs again and even though Chanyeol wanted to be upset at his attempt of a one night stand, he couldn't help but smile. "He was panicking...I think...I can't really remember...He was trying to calm and comfort me." Baekhyun laughs and swallows before continuing. "I remember just venting to him talking about how heart-broken I was, how you broke my heart, how things were a mess..." Chanyeol looks down at him guilty as Baekhyun speaks with his eyes closed.

"I don't really remember what he said but I eventually calm down and we returned to the party. All I remember after that was waking up next to Chen the next day." Baekhyun yawns. "I'm sorry..." Chanyeol says quietly. "...but why are you telling me this?"

"Because...I don't want you to worry about it anymore...I don't want you to be bother by it anymore...nothing happened. We're just friends now..." Baekhyun opens his eyes to look up at Chanyeol. Chanyeol smiles softly at him and cups his cheek. "You didn't have to tell me...but thank you..." Baekhyun turns away from his touch and closes his eyes again resting his head onto his pillow. "I wanted to..."

"I'm sorry for...breaking your heart...and being such a jerk that you couldn't even enjoy your own birthday party..." Chanyeol stares down at his lap apologetically. "Can I make it up to you?" Baekhyun yawns and snuggles into the pillow feeling sleepy.

Chanyeol stares at him waiting for an answer. "A-Are you going to sleep?"

"Mm" Baekhyun replies and Chanyeol pokes him. "Answer me first! Don't fall asleep!" Baekhyun turns away sleepily. "Come back here..."Chanyeol says with a pout. "You've worked so hard. Sleep well!" He lifts his chin trying to say it over Baekhyun's shoulder. Chanyeol smiles quietly to himself. His hands laced together on his lap. He quietly sat as Baekhyun fell asleep.


Baekhyun sleepily turns over with his arm extended. Nothing. He snuggles closer. Still nothing. He squints opening one of his eyes. Chanyeol was no longer sitting there anymore. His's eyes sleepily opens as he sits up looking around the room. "Chanyeol?" He asks. No replies. The house was dead silent. He reaches for his phone on the night stand and crafts a text message to Chanyeol.

It's quite unfortunate. I thought you would be here when I woke up but you're not. Well, I guess it's not like you haven't left me before without any warnings or explanationπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Don't know why I thought it'd be different this time. Silly meπŸ˜…

Baekhyun laughs amused before pressing send. He slides back under the cover and falls asleep again.


Baekhyun shifts awake again after a long nice nap. He yawns stretching under the covers. He stares at the ceiling hesitating. He was well rested but did he really want to get up and leave his bed? Baekhyun yawns and snuggles into the blanket. The sun was beginning to rise shedding beams of red-orange yellow into his bedroom. He suddenly remembers something. He checks his phone-40 text messages and 12 phone calls. Baekhyun's eyes widens surprised and confused. He quickly unlocks his phone-they were all from Chanyeol. Baekhyun gasps quick skimming his text messages.

THATS NOT IT!!!! I thought I would come off clingy if I stayed until you woke up! I thought you'd be uncomfortable if I was still there when you woke up. I thought you would think that I was a creep if I watched you sleep. I was planning to return!!!





Please forgive me. I didn't mean too..TT


Baekhyun!! Sorry!!

Baekhyun continued to read his messages both confused and amused. He didn't mean for this to happen.

He was suddenly interrupt by a knock on the door.

Baekhyun wraps himself in his blanket and quickly heads to open the door. "Who is it-"

Baekhyun was met with a pair of big watery eyes of guilt and apologies with a complimenting pout. Chanyeol looks at him apologetically. He pushes his way in past Baekhyun with bags in his hands. "Oh." Baekhyun says looking at him. "What-"

"I'm sorry."Β  Chanyeol suddenly says. "I honestly, truly, whole heartedly did not leave you on purpose-"

"I was just kidding!" Baekhyun blurts in an effort to comfort him. Chanyeol places his bag onto the counter and turn to look at Baekhyun not believing him.

"But...ouhh.." Baekhyun says pleased. "You really felt bad.." Chanyeol gives him a look near tears. "You reallyΒ  felt bad!" Baekhyun says amused. "Do you or do you not admit that you were wrong for ever leaving from since I've met you?" Baekhyun points at him inquisitively.

"I was wrong 100% every time." Chanyeol immediately admits and Baekhyun laughs. "Wow.."

"Sorry, I tool so long. I was still getting us food." He gestures to his bags. He kept his hands together in front of him as if accepting his punishment. Baekhyun laughs, "Cute...thank you but I still can't eat. I'll puke. My body isn't ready yet."

Chanyeol sighs, "Are you sure? Aren't you exhausted? You need something- thats filled with nutrition like a vitamin or something to give you strength."

Baekhyun forms a gun with his forefinger and thumbs and shot at Chanyeol. "You." A wide smile flashes across Chanyeol's face revealing his perfect teeth. He lets out a cute laugh.

Baekhyun laughs, "I'm kidding. I'm taking my medicine... You can eat for the both of us. You eating is like me eating." Chanyeol smiles sadly.

They sat together on the sofa with a movie playing on the t.v. Baekhyun snuggles next to Chanyeol who was happily eating. "Does the smell still bother you?" Chanyeol asks suddenly remembering the other night. Baekhyun shakes his head no. "You're up early..." He glances at the window. The sun was still only rising. Chanyeol shrugs, "I have to report when Baekhyun calls." Baekhyun laughs.

"But.." Chanyeol turns to Baekhyun. "Why didn't you let me go?" Baekhyun looks at him confused. Was he holding on to Chanyeol in his sleep? "That didn't let go of my shirt."

"Ah.." Baekhyun says remembering. "...I was afraid of head was spinning...I couldn't support myself...everything seemed to be moving in slow motion...And you're bigger than me so I knew that you'd be capable of carrying me if anything happened." Chanyeol laughs pleased, "You were right."

"I was kind of scared... I thought to myself if I had pushed myself too farΒ  this time...You were like my leverage...grip of reality...I felt like I was going to be okay if I held on to you..." Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol honestly. Chanyeol smiles sadly, "I will always make sure you're okay. And please stop overworking yourself. It hurts my heart."

"Seriously...I'm so glad it was you who opened the door. I don't know what would've happened if no one opened the door or if someone else did...I would've fretted outside." Chanyeol hugs him with one arm. "I'll come to you next time. Let me know when you're not feeling well."

Baekhyun laughs, "This happened once when I just returned from the US and I went to my parents house and everyone was panicking. My mom called Min who was absolutely calm because he's seen it before when we were in residency in the US...anyways my mom was freaking out on why I was like that and why Min was so calm."

Chanyeol looks at him, "Does this happen often?" Bakehyun hesitates, "Not really...once in a while...enough for Min to know how to handle me."

"Does he make you feel safe to?" Chanyeol asks and Baekhyun nods. "I can go to him like I came to you and he'll know exactly what to do. I can go to with without a word and he would know how to comfort me and maybe even know what exactly I'm thinking or why I'm upset even though Im not showing it."

"Oh.." Chanyeol says mentally taking notes to be a better caretaker of Baekhyun.

"Are you sure you don't want any?" Chanyeol asks offering food again. Baekhyun smiles shaking his head no.

They continued watching the movie. Baekhyun eventually falls asleep on Chanyeol's shoulder. Chanyeol holds his breath. It is now your duty to not move so he does not wake up. He sits stiffly not daring to move.

Chanyeol became drowsy as he tried to focus on the movie. He snaps awake at the vibration of Baekhyun's phone. He carefully reaches over for it.

"Hello?" Chanyeol whispers.

"Hello? Who..?" Min asks confused.

"Ah..Min! It's Chanyeol...Baekhyun is asleep." Chanyeol whispers.

Min hesitates, "Oh...Can you wake him up for me? It's important." Chanyeol sighs, "Okay."

He gently nudges Baekhyun awake and hands him the phone. "Min." He says and Baekhyun immediately sits up wide awake.

"Yeah?" Baekhyun says in a raspy voice.

"I'm sorry for waking you up but your surgery was questioned as to why it took so long by both the doctors and the family. Your team had to report to the family without you. Now the family is demanding to speak to you and are threatening to take legal actions against what happened in the operating room. The Medical Director, Chief of the Medical team as well as the chiefs are about to have a meeting on what to do. There are rumors of suspension and even resignation so they can save face. Please come here as soon as possible."

"Holy fuck." Baekhyun bolts to his room to find clothes. "Tell them to wait. I'm on my way." Baekhyun ends the phone call and quickly grabs a dress shirt and pants.

"Hey!" Chanyeol yells. "Is something going on?"

"Yeah..can you send me to the hospital right now?" Baekhyun yells. Chanyeol puts down his food, "Let's go."


Baekhyun and his team immediately met with the family of the patient. He apologizes and explains the reason for his absence. He then goes step by step of the surgery and as to why he made those decisions. It was all the necessary steps need to save the patient.

"I sincerely apologize but there was no time to inform you or ask your consent. If we had, your family member may have not made it. I strictly prohibited the addition of an intern due to the high risk of the procedure but the Medical Director and Chief of the Medical team insisted by all means. And with them being my superiors I had no choice. I apologize that your family was not informed of the intern and I am, by no means, trying to push the blame onto my superiors-I will take all the responsibility as the the operating doctor with my team but I want you to understand the full picture and why I did what I did because I had to. We'll give you time to brief with your lawyers and communicate with my superiors as the way best to solve this problem. I will be back." Baekhyun and his team bows deeply in shame before leaving the room.Β 

Baekhyun was immediately called to meet with the Chief of Surgery. Min follows him.

Heated, Baekhyun tries to stay calm, "You know I did what I had to do."

"If I was in your situation, I would have done everything you did." Dr. Kim says firmly. "But now that things are a mess, I am not sure if I alone can convince the members to not fire you."

The Medical Director and Chief of the Medical Team enters the office. Min holds Baekhyun back from acting rashly. "Suspension? Resignation? Are you kidding me? I told you! I told you all that this procedure wasn't just any surgery! You as senior doctors should have fucking known."

"Byun Baekhyun!" Dr. Kim yells but Baekhyun ignores him.

"I presented to you all facts and statistics and you still refused to respect me as a doctor. Your stupid and rash decision has lead to this. It lasted 18 goddamned hours because of you two! I fucking told you bastards! I fought for his life for 18 hours straight and even after that, every hour as he was recovering because his heart was failing. We did what he had to. Now you want my team and I to take the fall? For what? So you can save face? Are you fucking kidding me?!"

Min holds Baekhyun back and he angrily yells at them.

"Shut up." Dr. Kim snaps.

"Listen to your mentor if you want to keep you job." The Medical Director warns dangerously.

"Do you think I'm afraid of getting fired? By you? From this phony hospital where politics are more important that the patients? Are you kidding me? Lets not forget you're the one who begged for me to transfer here. I don't care what happens to me, mess with my team or switch up the story to ruin my name and my team's credibility and I'll give you a taste of your own medicine you bastard!" Baekhyun lunges at him but Min pins him back.

"Stop. Calm down." Min says in a dead serious tone.

"Are you threatening me?" The Medical Director challenges and Min give Baekhyun the look to be silent.

"The Board members will settle this." The Chief of the Medical Team says sternly.

"Don't think that I'll easily take the fall just because you're my superiors. You two are in the wrong. If anything, the family should be expecting an apology from you two at the least." Baekhyun says through gritted teeth.

The meeting of all the board member and chief began. They allowed Baekhyun to attend the meeting to defend him and his team. They told him to leave to could further investigate for a resolution.

Min dragged Baekhyun out and into his car. He decided to make Baekhyun leave the premises to calm him down. A string of cuss words escaping his mouth. Baekhyun was now furious now that the board members were considering firing him. The entire drive to Chen's house was Baekhyun yelling angrily.

"What are we doing here?" He snaps at Min who calmly replies. "You're hotheaded now. You won't calm down so I'll have Chen come."

Baekhyun cusses again, "We don't need to get them involved. Let me handle it-"

"Yeah you almost got yourself fired on spot." Min mutters dialing Chen's phone number.

Chen picks up the phone. "What the-" All he could hear was Baekhyun's angry yelling and cursing. Chen gasps, "What happened? Why is he so angry that his satoori is coming out?" He ask laughing but also worried. Min laughs hopeless, "Please just come outside and get him. I've never seen him so angry before."

"Holy shit." Chen mutters ending the phone call. "What?" Kyungsoo asks. Chanyeol turns to listen. Chen laughs lost for words, "Baekhyun's outside and he's so pissed right now." All the boys rush outside.

"Oh my fcking-they're all here." Baekhyun says turning away from the direction Chen's door still in Min's passenger seat. "Are you gonna come out or do you want Chen to come get you?" Min asks standing beside the passenger door. Baekhyun curses under this breath.

"Why? Why? Why are you so angry Huh? I've never seen you this mad before. Come, come inside. Let's talk." Chen says to Baekhyun who glares away. He doesn't say a thing. He didn't want to show the boys his anger. "Nothing..." He mutters holding everything inside now. Kyungsoo laughs, "Wow...he's so mad.." Chanyeol swallows nervously.

"Come on." Chen opens the door and Baekhyun exits the car listening to him. The boys follow behind from a safe distance as Chen leads him inside. Baekhyun sat slumped in the sofa now glaring at the ground holding his tongue. After failing to get Baekhyun to talk, Min explains to the boys briefly what happened.

Chen gasps, "What if you get fired...?"

Baekhyun curses again, "Fire? They should. I'm tired of putting up with those assholes."

"Baek..." Kyungsoo laughs laughing amused.

Baekhyun's phone rings and he sighs reaching into his pocket. He reads the name, Dr. Dong-il.

"Oh-" Baekhyun says surprised and bolts to his feet. He bows as if Dr. Dong-il was in front of him as he greet. "Hello sunbaenim," The boys bursts out laughing confused who he was bowing to.

"Ah Baekhyun-ah! How have you been?" He says.

"I've been well. How are you sunbaenim?" Baekhyun says politely. He hears Dr. Dong-il chuckle, "I'm doing well but are you really doing well?"

Baekhyun looks at Min. "Y-Yeah..What do you mean?"

"Ayy...lets keep it simple." Dr. Dong-il says. "I know what happened."

"W-Wha..." Baekhyun gives Min a blank look. Min mouths who? Before Baekhyun could reply, Dr. Dong-il says, "I know you and your team got into a little a trouble-"

"What? How do you know?" Baekhyun says dumfounded.

Dr. Dong-il laughs his hearty uncle laugh, "Word travels fast Byun. Like fire! I have friends and hoboes at over there too. Let me tell you, I know Seoul National University Hospital is giving you crap again. I'll keep this short and sweet as to why I'm calling. How bout leave them and come join us at Samsung Medical Center?"

Baekhyun's jaw and heart drops. He looks at Min shocked. "W-What? What did you say? S-Samsung? Samsung Medical Center?"

Min gasps loudly shock as well. The other boys looks around confused.

Dr. Dong-il laughs, "Yeah! I've already spoken to our chiefs and director. They're interesting in having you come here."

Baekhyun looks at Min unsure of what to say, "How? I- We- They haven't even determine what will happen to me yet.."

"Ay..It was a mistake on their half and they want to suspend and what? Fire you? Just come join us over here. We'll treat you right. You know not everyone receives this great opportunity. We kept watch over you specifically because we know that you should have transfer here. You and Min. Everyone loves Seoul National University Hospital and they're always the underdog but every year? Which hospital is the number one in all of the Republic of Korea? Its Samsung Medical Center.' Dr. Dong-il says proudly.

"Y-Yeah...thank you for this opportunity...but-"

Min's phone rings and he picks it up trying to collect himself. "H-Hello?"

"Is Baekhyun still with you?" Dr. Kim asks.

"Y-yeah why? Have they decided?" Min asks.

"They're still in discussion...let me talk to him."

Min looks at Baekhyun who looks at him just as blank.

"He's..busy. He's on the phone with Samsung Medical Center...they want him!" Min says excitedly. The rest of the boys gasps finally understanding.

"W-What?! Samsung Medical Center?" Dr. Kim yells in shock and all the chief and board members turn to look at him. "Those bastards are already preying one him? We haven't even made a decision yet!" Now he has all of the members and chiefs attention. Their rival has already contacted one of their top doctor without their knowledge. They demand Dr. Kim put Min on speaker.

"What is he doing speaking with Samsung Medical Center!" Their Medical Director snaps angrily. He couldn't let this happen. He was not going to lie that Baekhyun and Min were great contributions in their hospital.

Min laughs, "I don't think it matters at this point. Hurry up and make your decision. I'm going where Baekhyun goes."

Baekhyun laughs, "They're so angry you contacted me." He says speechless to Dr. Dong-il who laughs amused. "Tell them I said hi. Take some time to think about our offer. I'll call you again."

"Yeah Sunbaenim. Thank you. Good bye."

Min ends the call on the board members and hugs Baekhyun. "This is crazy."

"H-Hello?!" The Chief of the Medical team yells into the phone. The board members scramble to re-evaluation their decisions.

Baekhyun sits lightheaded, "Samsung Medical Center...I've always want to work there at least once." Min laughs, "This is crazy." He repeats.

10 minutes later they receive another call from Dr. Kim. He announces that they have decided that the Medical Director and Chief of the Medical Team was in the wrong, Baekhyun did what he had to, The Director and Chief of the Medical Team will be hold responsible and will personally apologize and work with the family for a resolution. "As for you, Dr. Byun, take a week off."

"So suspension? Do you think I'm stupid? I'm calling Dr. Dong-il back! He said hi by the way." Baekhyun teases.

"Fine no suspension. But take at least take a day or two at minimum to rest you bastard." Dr. Kim snaps and Baekhyun laughs. "I'll take a break when I feel like it. I still need to check upon my patients."

"Shut up." Dr. Kim mutters annoyed. Min and Baekhyun laughs ending the call.

"Wow." Min says. "You're really the best, Byun!" Baekhyun laughs shaking his head. Is this even real?

"Are you really considering?" Kyungsoo asks wide eyes with excitement.

Baekhyun shrugs still at a loss for words.

"I'm going where you're going. We're a package deal." Min says and Baekhyun smiles at him. Baekhyun sits quietly now.

"Why? What's up?" Min suddenly asks.

"Can I be honest with you?" Baekhyun says and everyone else listens.

"Of course."Min replies.

"Dr. Sullivan...has been contacting me too..." Baekhyun looks Min in the eye. They were having a whole conversation. Min breaks away shaking his head no. Baekhyun laughs, "Min..." Min shakes his head no. You're not going back to the US.

Chen picks up on t too and gives Baekhyun a look. The rest of the boys looks around without not understanding the look.


The street-lamps lit up the dark road. The boys were outside of Chne'shouse parting their ways.

"Want me to take you home?" Chanyeol offers to Baekhyun. "Hm?" Baekhyun looks up deep in thought. "I asked if you wanted me to take you home."

"Ah.." Baekhyun mumbles. "No, its okay...I've bothered you enough today...the past three days...I can take myself home." Baekhyun looks up at him past his fringes.

"With what car?" Chanyeol asks simply and Baekhyun looks at him shocked. He really didn't bring a car. Defeated, Baekhyun huffs blowing his hair away from his face. "Unlock you car." Chanyeol laughs pulling open the passenger door for him.

Author's note:
How have you all been?????Β  How's life??? Good news you want to share??

I wish we could like comments or posts pics/gifs in the comments lol. Anyways I love reading your comments. I forgot to mention in the previous chapters but @CatabolismEyes left a really funny comment that made me laugh really loud.

"Shitttttt!! Yo dude this is amazing I can't wait for them to fuck..." HAHAHA

I love and miss you all!!!!!!!!!πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ’˜
