Self internal conflicts

Chapter 4

That night Baekhyun went to bed early to lay in the dark and to think.

I can still feel his arms around me.

Baekhyun took a pillow and hugged it as tight as he could imagining that it was Chanyeol.

He smiled at the pillow.

Yeol, I wanted to hug you forever.

He laid in the dark thinking about their hug but then he seriously need to sort out how he really feel for Chanyeol.

I'm not gonna deny it, I love Yeol, a lot and ever since childhood. He's so funny and happy and adorable how can you not adore him?

Baek, you're his bestfriend!

Baekhyun was arguing with himself now..inside his head. Self internal conflicts as they called it.

But I love him..Baek and I can't control it, it kills me that I've waited this long for him.

You can't! Do you even know what best friends mean? Yeah you guys can lean on each other and tell each other everything but there's unwritten rules for being besties!

Damn you unwritten rules!

Damn right! The most important rule: you CAN'T, ABSOLUTELY NOT fall in love with your best friend ! ANDWAE ! Unacceptable! Do you know what's gonna happen?!

Yes I'm gonna lose him...

Yes, he's gonna start acting all weird around you and not open up to you anymore. Then one day he'll just altogether stop talking. And you'll lose your bestfriend! Don't tell him or show and affection toward him. You will lose him.

..but we flirt..

Yes, he's absolutely adorable when he flirts with you but still he said he loves Jongin! JONGIN. He loves someone else not you.

I don't wanna lose him though..I love him..alot

So then AGAIN you will if you don't control yourself and forget about him and your feelings. You want nothing but the best for Yeol right?


Then forget about your feelings. He is you best friend and nothing more.

Baek groan and smacked his head.

"I'm fighting with myself now. Great. .Ugh otteokke?"

Forget about him! His head answered

"Ugh. Okay fine! I'll try. I'm going crazy fighting with myself."

He tried to fall asleep and succeeded after a few turning and tossing.
